#microformats 2018-08-05

2018-08-05 UTC
Guest43764, shenglong25, woodface, [kevinmarks], KartikPrabhu, caf27 and jgmac1106_ joined the channel
if anyone gets a chance I am juts practicing my microforamts and tried to remix [jimpick]’s dat webite project: https://github.com/jgmac1106/datindieweb check templateeWithName.js to see if I did my mf2 correctly
Platonides1 and sekizo joined the channel
#ブログのアクセス が一日二百人を下回り始めた。先日の #Google の #コアアルゴリズムのアップデート のせいだろう。一週間くらい仕様がない。#Microformats などの新しい #SEO対策 が十分に読み込まれるのも時間がかかる。今月は一日二百五十人の目標を達成できれば嬉しい。https://www.nagahitoyuki.com/
Fridtjof0, diz4, dougbeal|mb1, themill24, exio429, gRegorLove, sins-, mentifis19, cebor, KobrAs6, alkyl26, mww113, Laif, jrslepak9, tantek__, Skunky12, barpthewire and nesthib joined the channel
After acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
nesthib said: After acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
"All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
nesthib said: "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208
[@christel] It’s live! What an incredible whirlwind journey it has been to be involved with ⁦@HNS⁩ thus far - I now look forward to seeing what the world makes of it and where the community takes this decentralised DNS and CA project! https://handshake.org/
Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/
JoeK6 joined the channel
After acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
JoeK6 said: After acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
"All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
arooni3 joined the channel
After acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
arooni3 said: After acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
"All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208
[@christel] It’s live! What an incredible whirlwind journey it has been to be involved with ⁦@HNS⁩ thus far - I now look forward to seeing what the world makes of it and where the community takes this decentralised DNS and CA project! https://handshake.org/
After acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
kepler_mach12 joined the channel
kepler_mach12 said: After acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
"All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208
[@christel] It’s live! What an incredible whirlwind journey it has been to be involved with ⁦@HNS⁩ thus far - I now look forward to seeing what the world makes of it and where the community takes this decentralised DNS and CA project! https://handshake.org/
Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/
sm0rux_ joined the channel
"All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
After acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
sm0rux_ said: "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
sm0rux_ said: After acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208
[@christel] It’s live! What an incredible whirlwind journey it has been to be involved with ⁦@HNS⁩ thus far - I now look forward to seeing what the world makes of it and where the community takes this decentralised DNS and CA project! https://handshake.org/
Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/
[Vanessa] and sneakyness joined the channel
After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
sneakyness said: After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
darkengine8 joined the channel
"All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
darkengine8 said: After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
darkengine8 said: "All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
Handshake cryptocurrency scam is operated by Andrew Lee (276-88-0536), the fraudster in chief at Private Internet Access which now owns Freenode
Even christel, the freenode head of staff is actively peddling this scam https://twitter.com/christel/status/1025089889090654208
[@christel] It’s live! What an incredible whirlwind journey it has been to be involved with ⁦@HNS⁩ thus far - I now look forward to seeing what the world makes of it and where the community takes this decentralised DNS and CA project! https://handshake.org/
Don't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/
Tourist22 joined the channel
After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
Tourist22 said: After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
"All told, Handshake aims to give $250 worth of its tokens to *each* user of the websites the company has partnerships with – GitHub, the P2P Foundation and *FREENODE*, a chat channel for peer-to-peer projects. As such, developers who have existing accounts on each could receive up to $750 worth of Handshake tokens."
!kick darkengine8
darkengine8 joined 25557706 minutes ago and can no longer be kicked this way
Ugh, that is going to need to be fixed
Vercas6 joined the channel
After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
Vercas6 said: After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
BrianBlaze24 joined the channel
After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
BrianBlaze24 said: After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
Pidgeotto16 joined the channel
After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
Pidgeotto16 said: After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
theWhisper_ joined the channel
After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
theWhisper_ said: After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
BuildTheRobots9 joined the channel
After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
BuildTheRobots9 said: After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
digitalcold5 joined the channel
After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
digitalcold5 said: After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
jgmac1106 and f22 joined the channel
After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
f22 said: After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
MrElendig9 joined the channel
After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
MrElendig9 said: After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
betawaffle10 joined the channel
After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
betawaffle10 said: After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
@toolness I just published my first dat webpage using Beaker Browser. You are right this is so cool. dat://b11c64ab2066a9a0f6cf21df21f20a2dd7be8d7646883456cc60be70a056be23/ I am hoping I correctly marked up an h-card with microformats. #IndieWeb (http://jgregorymcverry.com/5598-2/)
bruce549 joined the channel
After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
bruce549 said: After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
Dan_Bennett joined the channel
After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
Dan_Bennett said: After the acquisition by Private Internet Access, Freenode is now being used to push ICO scams https://www.coindesk.com/handshake-revealed-vcs-back-plan-to-give-away-100-million-in-crypto/
get, if`m, Tourist24, SkIzZaTo, israfel, xunplini23, daemon27, some_weirdo9 and meffe12 joined the channel
Jason McIntosh (@JmacDotOrg) has updated Web::Microformats2 to add 'a more-or-less complete MF2 implementation.' #perl https://buff.ly/2v5mHt0
Tojil, jgmac1106, barpthewire, webbyz, VoidWhisperer, barpthewire1, [jgmac1106], dougbeal|mb1, hipp, Kingsy26, Guest19890, pokk13 and Oats87 joined the channel
Bing’s new ❝Markup Validator now supports six markup languages, including http://Schema.org, HTML Microdata, Microformats, Open Graph and RDFa.❞ #seo
veganstraightedg, [tantek], Pidgeotto16, jgmac1106, raspimate_, nurupo11, p3pp3rb0x, Torgeir, [jgmac1106], Tycale2, brackets18, barpthewire1, ozy6, chimo, barpthewire and walle303 joined the channel
fwiw, I solved the <template> tag issue now by making copies when needed for e-* properties
michagogo15, [jgmac1106], [shaners], kambiz5, [jgarber], mon10, KartikPrabhu and strugee joined the channel
... and I found 20% performance in mf2py's non-HTML parsing bits: https://github.com/microformats/mf2py/pull/123
[sknebel] #123 Performance improvements: reduce and optimize calls to class regular expressions
crayon20 and nedbat27 joined the channel
sknebel has 17 karma in this channel over the last year (73 in all channels)
[jgmac1106], [pfefferle], jmac, tantek, KartikPrabhu, kepler_mach29, Guest95115, Swant22 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
j12t, and and tantek__ joined the channel