#microformats 2018-08-06

2018-08-06 UTC
tantek, [kevinmarks], RoBz24, d9b4bef96, Guest42469, [eddie], tantek__, gRegorLove, vamiry, ksx4system24, Ugrastil, jpX, thk127, rud0lf10, beaky13, [pfefferle], connection, eeeeeta, Maven_, bathtub_shark16, xynashi, sujeet26, Caraway3, yano24 and floogulinc10 joined the channel
Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake
floogulinc10 said: Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake
This blog is essentially an ad for the Handshake ICO scam with a one-line "denial" of involvement mixed in there. It's obviously very unethical of Christel to not mention her own involvement in the scam which the blog post promotes.
Consider Andrew Lee's involvement, Andrew Lee is Christel's boss at London Trust Media and he also controls the majority of freenode voting rights. Andrew Lee also heads the handshake ICO scam. Coincidence?
Oh, and about those donations she speaks of: https://twitter.com/ISCdotORG/status/1025461692132519936
[@ISCdotORG] We have not received any money from @hns. We have asked them to take us off their web site, we didn't give them permission to list ISC on their web site and we do not endorse their initiative.
ninsei joined the channel
Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake
barpthewire, metax, barpthewire1, d10n16, OvidiuS14, [jgmac1106], nosbig, [pfefferle], x49F, LambdaComplex19, Auctus10, Guest43996, ckeltz5, [dgold], danmackay23, Madbrad20022, Frosty, Guest95115, blacksyke17, webpigeon22, dave492527, hober2, bigbluehat_, reidab, aaronpk, gRegorLove, ibiza11, bigbluehat, tantek__, PKBot24, ecx86, Deusdeorum15, KartikPrabhu, jackjamieson, Geeky_Bear, WhitePhosphorus2, [cleverdevil], [shaners], foddo4, [iambismark], huhlig17, Garbee, soahccc, Cajs10, Gwen, ski_, drot3, [tantek], NyanCat5 and exezin6 joined the channel
[Zegnat] https://github.com/microformats/php-mf2/blob/master/Mf2/Parser.php#L1169 - It doesn’t check that the * is an only child *facepalm*
I'm thinking when we catch bugs like this we should double-check there's a test in microformats/tests covering it. If not, add one.
dislikes microformats/tests
It's improving
I do wonder if we are passing more tests now. Should rebase my tests PR and run it
I've been working on some additions to it, need to send another PR
[sknebel] #190 wrongly implied photo
last I recall, php-mf2 is pretty good on mf2, still issues on mf1
sknebel, you need some backticks in there, now * are turning selectors italic ;)
Though some of that is stuff like... php-mf2 not having any backcompat for hreview-aggregate https://github.com/microformats/php-mf2/issues/185
[gRegorLove] #185 Add backcompat for hreview-aggregate
10 hours until Zegnat rebase and rerun https://github.com/microformats/php-mf2/pull/163 . see how we’re doing
I added a countdown scheduled for 2018-08-07 7:29am UTC (#6348)
[Zegnat] #163 Run mf2/tests test suite with PHPUnit during default testing
Off for bed now. Have a good one all!
tantek__ joined the channel
[gregorlove] what about also moving the php-mf2-shim?
LookingGlassSec, rodolfojcj, [matpacker] and [tantek] joined the channel
↩️ ブログの #Microformats のhentryが #SearchConsole の #構造化データ でUpdated:更新日がなくて #エラー だった。仕様では大丈夫なのに #Google は認めない。なので #html5 のtimeタグと #Blogger の独自タグの#lastUpdatedなどで追加した。表示するかどうかは #デザイン が変わるからちょっと迷う。
↩️ ブログの #Microformats のhentryが #SearchConsole の #構造化データ でUpdated:更新日がなくて #エラー だった。仕様では大丈夫なのに #Google は認めない。なので #html5 のtimeタグと #Blogger の独自タグのlastUpdatedなどで追加した。表示するかどうかは #デザイン が変わるからちょっと迷う。
↩️ WordPressで良く使われる #Microformats の #hentry だけど、実際上、#Google が納得するパラメーターが揃ってない場合も多い。#構造化データテストツール で問題がなくても #SearchConsole の #構造化データ でエラーが出てしまう。的確に使わないとhentryに #SEO効果 があるかどうかは知り兼ねる。
j12t joined the channel