#microformats 2019-01-29

2019-01-29 UTC
[eddie], eduardm, [asuh], [davidmead], [chrisaldrich], [jgmac1106], [tantek], Val2, [metbril], KartikPrabhu, ichoquo0Aigh9ie, rubenverborgh, [svandragt] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
↩️ The missed point is that if you are generating lots of pages from templates, using templates that include better semantic html and microformats can have a broader impact than writing pages by hand. Yes we have been here before, but I don't think GWT was a great example.
KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], [davidmead], barpthewire, [kevinmarks], bradenslen, [schmarty], TallTed and [tantek] joined the channel
kevinmarks has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (30 in all channels)
[schmarty], KartikPrabhu and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
↩️ Remember when rdfa was the only real alternative to microformats? Honestly I've always been gutted microformats didn't make it, had so much potential. Understand that the scope was always limited mind you.
nitot joined the channel
↩️ Thats a misunderstanding - microformats2 has full flexibility, and is in wide use. Any format's try scope is limited by the intersection of publishers and consumers of it.
[tantek] joined the channel
nevermind the narrow framing, there is some good user feedback in this thread: https://twitter.com/aaranged/status/1090237302217924608
much of the feedback about "microdata" could apply to microformats as well
except microdata isn't being updated, so can't really use the feedback. we can take the feedback for microdata and use it in some cases to improve microformats
[asuh] and [Rose] joined the channel
↩️ @henshaw @aaranged @JohnMu Think most if not all of the old Microformats content on http://builtvisible.com is gone now
[kevinmarks], KartikPrabhu, [frank] and [eddie] joined the channel
[@henshaw] @richardbaxter @aaranged @JohnMu I was always a fan of microformats. I was actually planning to create a microformats search engine called 'mifosoup' back in the day. This is the logo I made for it 😀 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DyGUgIpXcAEwi4s.jpg
ben_thatmustbeme, rubenverborgh, [metbril], KartikPrabhu, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], [tantek] and eduardm joined the channel
I found a small omission from hCard in the microformats wiki, the sound property should be parsed as a u-*. Relevant test (see href attribute on sound property): https://github.com/microformats/tests/blob/master/tests/microformats-v1/hcard/multiple.json
cjwillcock are there any current examples of hCards published in the wild with the sound property?
as in not just test cases
none that I have encountered
we're restricting backcompat support in the spec for what you actually need to implement for backcompat in practice
[schmarty] joined the channel
so if there's no real world example of the sound property, there's no backcompat reason to parse it as u-*
if a tree falls in an hCard, and tantek says there's no backcompat reason to parse it as a u-*, does it make a sound?
couldn't resist! :) your reasoning makes sense
cjwillcock hah!
we could informally provide a list of backcompat properties which have no current examples as a heads-up / "reserved names" sort of thing
as in, no parser support required, and beware of attempting to use these in practice
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
That makes sense, as we defined hCard as a direct mapping of vcard without winnowing.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel