#[Matt_Hobbs]Hi [KevinMarks], thanks for letting me know about the slack channel (and the tips given on Twitter) 🙂
#[KevinMarks]Loqi checks twitter for microformats and indieweb references so we can go help out
gRegorLove and [KevinMarks]1 joined the channel
#[Matt_Hobbs]I'm just looking at this from a a11y screenreader POV. Is repeating the same author for each entry going to become repetitive / annoying?
#[Matt_Hobbs]I believe I already know the answer to this, but can you add a link to a `h-card` in microformats? For example you have a feed on a page that are all the same author. Do you need to repeat the author information for each `h-entry`? Or can you link you a single `h-card`?
#[Matt_Hobbs]Ah I can't edit the message. I should have said "Can you link to a single `h-card` that exists somewhere on the page.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106][Matt_Hobbs] do you mean as the author of a post or being able to chare a link to yoru h-card?
#[Matt_Hobbs]Thanks for the link, I'll take a read through that and work out how best to do it :thumbsup:
#[jgmac1106]yeah sorry to drop link and run...got to get kids ready for school...and I haven't ironed out the kinks on my own site 100% yet but I use the blank author pointing to the h-card
#[tantek]Also, the IndieWeb # dev channel is probably better for specific questions about how to markup entries and authors, and multiple entries with the same author
#[tantek]Since that's a specific use of microformats 🙂
[schmarty], [Matt_Hobbs] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]thx what article would we point people towards them when they say, "I don't want my name and photo in every h-entry can we pull the h-card in from somewhere else?
#[tantek]it's ok to ask about the examples, just tangential and better asked somewhere for HTML discussions in general rather than a specific microformats parsing issue
#[tantek]in this case I was only correcting the lang attr in the one example given, without changing the content, because it should be presumed that the author did mean what they said in the content (title attr is part of content from a user perspective)
#[tantek]debates about whether the content itself is right or wrong is even more tangential