#microformats 2020-06-07

2020-06-07 UTC
KartikPrabhu, [snarfed], [KevinMarks], [schmarty], [jeremycherfas], [tantek], [fluffy], jeremy, Loqi_, milkii, [jgmac1106] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
who's ready for day 2!
[schmarty] joined the channel
I am (almost)
[prtksxna] and [tantek] joined the channel
waking up slowly
[fluffy] joined the channel
is in a last minute meeting that'll run until about 10:30 AM
but I'm 85% confident that you can just plop the nginx configuration from the gist (with `php7.3-fpm` installed and you'll be good to go with at least the blog and wiki)
munin requires a bit more system configuration
kewl no worries!
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
alright gonna make another cup of coffe then will be ready to start
good morning and hello!
i recall we were working with php7.4 yesterday because it seemed to be the default for ubuntu 20.04 - did we end up rolling that back?
i was going forward with 7.4
(you can put 7.4 there, it'll work as well)
I'm guessing y'all figured out a way around the 16.04 max for linode issue
16.04 is the latest version that media temple runs, so today we're staging it on linode in 20.04
i also got a DM back from linode that they're willing to talk about sponsoring it so i'm gonna write up a pitch to email to their marketing team
aww heck yeah
here we gooooo
aaronpk, the current hosting is sponsored but then we got very little support after (post acquisitions etc.) and they never bothered to make https freely available via LetsEncrypt
and it's part of why we felt stuck
so if we're talking to another host about them sponsoring, it's worth asking what does that support over time look like for a "sponsored" site like that, and what the linking requirements are if any
sounds good
to be clear, it's very likely microformats.org still gets A LOT more traffic than indieweb sites and is worth having a solid sponsoring host like that. it's one of the reasons Rohit and I switched from a VPS to a dedicated sponsoring hosting provider that was committed to scaling as needed for site demand (knowing that we were not planning on expanding the set of "apps" running on the server as it were)
as far as i can tell there's nothing in the media temple setup that will do any sort of auto scaling
it's just a beefy VPS
i also wonder if we could mitigate some of the need-for-beefiness with some caching, etc.
for example the current wordpress setup has no cache layer at all
scaling != auto-scaling
yeah and tailing the apache logs yesterday it doesn't look like a significant amount of traffic compared to indieweb.org or oauth.net
and given how rare writes are we could get pretty aggressive with it
it means there's a human (on their side) monitoring whatever they need to monitor and adjusting the hosting as necessary
which is probably why it ended up being a "beefy VPS"
[snarfed] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
aside: when did "beefy" become a metaphor for strong? was that a deliberate carnivore capitalism marketing campaign? (not missing the irony of seeing it used here from a vegetarian lol aaronpk 🙂 )
huh, should those be in the etherpad?
guess so, they're ephemeral
rodolfojcj and [email096] joined the channel
How goes it?
going well
Just finished some offline time... wanted to check in
[tantek]: opinions? we need to change <entry-title>h-entry</entry-title> to {{DISPLAYTITLE:h-entry}} on every page, there are somewhere around 200 occurrences. would you prefer that the database is imported with the values swapped (all previous edit history and all old revisions will show the new DISPLAYTITLE syntax), OR after importing the existing database, make new edits to all the pages to make this
the latter IMO
I am leaning that way as well, even if it's more work
make new edits to all the pages to make this change
the principle here is: data integrity, historical integrity, even if it is "just" the wiki source, even if it is "just" markup
funny how we're now abandoning an XMLism (so mid-2000s) to just go back to using the native MediaWiki template syntax (which I'm totally ok with)
also ironic how <entry-title> could literally be a web component custom element as well these days in HTML(5)
other technologies ate the syntax space, haha
GWG found a tiny CSS bug. happy to fix on my end but starting to feel the github coordination steps become overwhelming: https://github.com/microformats/microformats-wordpress-theme/pull/1#pullrequestreview-425841668
↩ī¸ I'm aware of WebMentions. But as with other Microformats, I don't think they stand a chance without active pushing by big players. I mean it's already late in the game. For example, why are those things not the standard for every wordpress com account?
[schmarty]: You said the class was menu-primary in your example... honestly didn't check to see ..
that's my bad!
I will be happy to
Have to get my computer here back together
i'm a transposer!
haha there is no hurry.
Relocated outside NYC for a few days
oh nice email is already completely disabled on the wiki
proposal: deprecate this page: http://microformats.org/discuss in favor of the wiki page http://microformats.org/wiki/irc
this could use some cleanup :)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Seems like a redirect to the wiki page makes sense
Did Google Search suddenly remove support for Microformats and hreview-aggregate? 2,000+ errors started today "Itemâ€Ļ https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1269703867027120129
gRegorLove joined the channel
I'll help with the displaytitle wiki edits
want to try scripting it?
should be doable with the MW search and edit API
The live site has sent emails to me for pw resets
WordPress, that is
I'll take a look. not familiar with that api
other option is it's 200 pages and could be done by hand
( in which case we'd wait until it's actually on the real new server )
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I was thinking the latter. don't think I'll be able to script anything before launch today
well we can't actually launch today since we need info on DNS hosting and also need to find a new web host
so for now we're getting everything ready on a staging server and writing down exact steps to recreate that in the real production environment
[jeremycherfas], milkii and Loqi__ joined the channel
I have been slowly over time trying to redirect / replace (manually) some of the static pages at the root with wiki pages
ah cool
so in general yes I'd like to move in that direction, helps make those pages easier to update by more people
schmarty left for the day, i'm still working on scripting the entry-title edits
basically wiki as default CMS = much more resilient and scalable in terms of content and accuracy and community updating
more so than one-off pages that require editing on the server, or even WordPress "pages"
in general for community resources there's a value/principle of make it something the community can more easily update as more important than make it pretty etc.
[schmarty] and [schmarty]1 joined the channel
lol aaronpk i was just talking w/ amy about all the migration stuff
and with the value of hindsight realized that we could probably have launched an ubuntu 16.04 on mediatemple
then dist-upgraded it to 20.04 while it had nothing on it
then proceeded as normal
and kept the existing hosting / sponsorhip
Can't count how many "prettier" wikipedia-like attempts there were that got a bunch of $, hired designers, launched with a splash and maybe intitial interest, then died of neglect
pretty != resilient
oh that's a thought
(often the opposite, because it's too hard to maintain the "pretty")
[schmarty]: well i can try spinning up a new server and doing the dist-upgrade right now anyway
yes I know there have been people complaining that the IndieWeb wiki is too boring looking or all the struggle with the home page etc. or people whining why doesn't just use github markdown like the geek workflow they're used to. but they're the minority. the growing number of casual users and contributors (c.f. Wikipedia) is the quiet majority. geeks tend to be the ones that are far more loudly outspoken about their personal preferences for
their personal productivity. mediawiki markup is obv imperfect too, however per Wikipedia it still seems to be the current most decent compromise among a lot of different options.
anyway just ranting a bit, not sure that has any implications for the migration because we're not changing those things now anyway
aaronpk, there are some static pages that I was not able to move to the wiki though, I think with forms and and script and such?
did you want me to try again with those?
those should be all ported over already, they were just html pages with some static files
oh great. then that can continue as a post-migration task
yeah we're real close
milkii joined the channel
uh coincidentally I got notice from MT that emergency maintenance was necessary on the host
started at 13:50
that's suspicious
"Your hosting settings, including IP address(es), will remain the same -- only the physical hardware will change. The anticipated service interruption will be minimal"
well the good news is if the entire thing blows up we have a complete backup ready to restore now
sounds like a coincidental hardware failure
"In order for this to impact you with as little service interruption as possible, we are currently moving your service to a new host machine."
nah they've been very good about anything like this in the past
it's been 100% transparent with zero loss of any functionality
just minor downtime
started at 13:59
the bot finished all the edits!
anyway please sign out of the microformats.org server until further notice
aaronpk++ nice work and great automation++
automation has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
aaronpk has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (226 in all channels)
hmm it didn't find them all
An Introduction to Microformats
Awww karma's too soon
i guess i could go through *every page*
search just didn't work i guess
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
there's only 3500 pages so it fits in a single request for allpages
this is working fine
mediawiki has a nice "bot passwords" feature too
wow search missed a lot of pages
The libxml changes appear to make php-mf2 work on Dreamhost. Built-in tests are passing; the new grouping doesn't seem to work for me: https://github.com/microformats/php-mf2/pull/163#issuecomment-640282185
aaronpk: is there a link to the staging site just to see?
looks nice! Let me know if you need CSS help at some point
aaronpk has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (227 in all channels)
jacky has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (90 in all channels)
[schmarty]++ (also?)
[schmarty] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (61 in all channels)
still a half hour in my scheduled time today, i'm going to spin up a 16.04 linode and see if i can upgrade it to 20.04
if that works, then i'll see if i can actually create a new VPS on media temple in the current account
GWG++ as well
GWG has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (135 in all channels)
16.04 to 20.04! be careful
i know right
might be easier for server software which is more stable (?)
it'll also be a blank machine, nothing on it
aah then possibly yes
successful update to 18.04
Haha very exciting!!!
I seriously don't know why that didn't occur to me yesterday
me either haha
normally i don't do system upgrades like this because they're too fragile, but on a brand new machine it seems more likely to work
milkii, marinin[m], peterrother, reidab, MylesBraithwaite, indy, ben_thatmustbeme, bear and [fluffy] joined the channel
upgrade to 20.04 is successful!
peterrother joined the channel
Hahaaaaaa nice
justache joined the channel
justache joined the channel
just ran through all the apt installs and looks like everything works?
so uh, i guess i have to see if this actually works on media temple
i'm just scared to press "checkout" on this $100/month shopping cart where i have no idea how the billing works
aha...i can't
no credit card on file, and it's asking me for a new card
Aahhhh okay
So we will need to engage with them anyway
[tantek]: can you either get me access to the google analytics account or ask whoever has access for some stats on number of monthly pageviews and visitors?
heh i could just swap out the GA code with one on my account for a week and check too
yeah it's benward. I could try sending an email
(not benwerd to be clear)
marinin[m], [KevinMarks] and jamietanna[m] joined the channel