#microformats 2020-06-08

2020-06-08 UTC
[LewisCowles]1 joined the channel
17:00 the microformats.org server should be fully functional again
looks up and supersnappy to me
[fluffy] joined the channel
Do we need analytics?
for what use-case?
AFAIK we haven't checked them in years
the reason for having at least a count of monthly pageviews is to be able to approach sponsors
ah interesting
can't we get that much more accurately from server logs? instead of any JS embed?
probably less accurate from server logs
since there's a *ton* of crawlers
but yes, we *can* get it from server logs, we just need to set it up. there are some notes about alternatives to google analytics on the etherpad
speaking of sponsors, are there any high-profile websites that link to microformats.org that i can name drop?
[KevinMarks], beko, KartikPrabhu, [fluffy], [LewisCowles], [jeremycherfas], [snarfed], b0000p112, ben_thatmustbeme and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
TIL there is a `rel="payment"` draft spec for podcasters. Not sure if any podcast player even supports this http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-payment
[tantek] joined the channel
is that not documented on that page??
edited /rel-payment (+235) "/* Implementations */"
(view diff)
edited /rel-payment (+199) "/* Implementations */ split out podcast players specifically"
(view diff)
now i have to re-import the database again
↩️ Been around for a while now! Check out the list at the bottom of that page http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-payment#Podcast_Players
[schmarty] joined the channel
lol aaronpk++
aaronpk has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (228 in all channels)
please excuse the maybe unnecessary recap here but i want to verify where we're at for next steps in the server move
I am waiting on getting traffic data about how many visitors the site gets in order to send an email to Linode about sponsoring
in my mind it's: 1. make sure rohit (?) has access to the DNS config at mydomain.com 2. contact mediatemple (via rohit?) to see if they'll let us spin up a new sponsored instance to do our migration
and yes that
2-alternate. ^^ what aaronpk said about alternate sponsorship and needing data.
[tantek]: can you get in touch with Rohit about the media temple account?
Media Temple got acquired and the contact I had has long since left. The current sponsorship is operating on autopilot
I tried a while ago asking for an upgrade to https and got given the cost rather than a sponsorship upgrade
In terms of raw MT account access yes I and Rohit have that however that’s not really what you’re asking about
gotcha. yeah unless there's a fake credit card on file that we can use to create a new server, it'll require actually contacting MT
i tried through my MT account and it asked me for a payment method, but yours or rohit's might be different
and what I’m saying is I already did that years ago just to try to get https added and it didn’t go anywhere
the way the server is set up, adding https is not something they can do easily
it's a VPS, not shared hosting like dreamhost where they do everything for you
Hmm so it may still be worth trying to cold call contact them?
so if you want to try, the steps would be to click "add new service" at the top, then add a "DV Developer w/SSDs" server and see if you can get through the checkout process
it sounds like this is a different type of ask, so it is worth asking (with the understanding that the MT sponsorship has reached the end"
lol i started a parenthetical and closed a quote. not getting enough sleep. 😛
if it asks you for a card, then you could call them up and ask for a credit for that server somehow, letting them know that we'd be spinning down the other server within a month
There’s no credit card on the account no. So every change requires adding a form of payment so it’s not something that’ll work via any kind of UI
This isn’t a fix it lowlevel kind of thing
This is a have a high level conversation with someone who has authority to change the sponsorship kind of thing
And then let them handle the low level details once they understand our needs
Rather than us directing low level details up front
well that's all above my pay grade
Question is whether that conversation would go any better with MT vs another sponsor which I believe is what you were talking about in the other thread
i can explore the Linode possibility, i just want to be able to quote them some rough traffic stats, so i need that number from GA somehow
Can you email that request (for what GA stats / access you need) and I can forward to emails of those who I think may have it?
I don’t want to translate between Slack and email for such a specific request
[fluffy], gRegorLove, [grantcodes], [jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu, [schmarty] and RohitKhare1 joined the channel
good afternoon — I have the google analytics numbers
/nick rohitkhare
Currently trying to find the mailman passwords to approve sending the >40Kb report to the list
thank you!
(the web interface isn't a proper IRC client, /nick doesn't work)
/doh :)
did you receive the email directly (rather than try to diagnose mailman just yet)
[snarfed] joined the channel
RohitKhare I believe I still have the mailman pws if you want to let me know what needs to be approved. Is it just list moderation?
[matthiasott] joined the channel
just list moderation - surprised i didn't have it in my usual vault -prob on an older mac keychain
anyway, not urgent, just held in the moderation queue.
@aaronpk - added to GA
got it. I'll dig it up and approve
Hey, I updated the DNS sections of the etherpad. No immediate actions needed?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
next thing we need to do is figure out whether we can renew the MT sponsorship or get another sponsor for the site, not much to do until then
RohitKhare, moderation managed.
sknebel and [manton] joined the channel