#microformats 2023-10-08

2023-10-08 UTC
yup we have the stupid broken plugin or whatever it is that is replacing links with the *h1* in the destination page 🤦‍♂️
it was a regression with the wiki upgrade / server transfer
I've pointed it out several times
so I started working around the problem by creating templates to fix it, which would unfortunately be *obviously* broken like that until they all got hand-edited
I think it had to do with screwing up the <entry-title> tags we were using
looks like last time I complained about this was 2023-07-18
according to the main template edit history
[preview] [[tantek]] ok so I decided I really dislike the MediaWiki feature of "replace the linktext with the h1 title of the destination page" feature of this MediaWiki setup. How do we turn that off, i.e. leave the linktext alone in wikilinks, like the IndieWeb wiki? a...
edited /Template:main (-8) "revert to previous version to see if MediaWiki linktext bug is still there"
(view diff)
ok it looks like it's fixed. something you did last time I complained aaronpk eventually seems to fixed it, or fixed it immediately and it took a while for the pages I'd loaded to leave the cache and show the fix
it looks like the weird linktext bug is fixed
I reverted the {main} template to what it was before so it stop showing up as broken on pages that lack a second parameter
gRegorLove_ and sivoais joined the channel
how should i be doing the author in my h-feed and h-entrys? feels kinda weird to just, say everything is written by me. like, it's my website, ofc its all written by me.
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
If you say it at the h-feed level that covers all of the entries. You may still want it on the standalone page for the entry too.
mccd, gRegorLove__, gRegorLove_ and [snarfed] joined the channel
also it doesn't have to be visible or comprehensive, it can point to an h-card on another page. https://indieweb.org/authorship#Dedicated_author_page , https://indieweb.org/representative_h-card#How_To_Discover , etc
[catgirlinspace] the key is marking up the author name that you're already displaying on your stream page and permalinks.
plantroon joined the channel
[snarfed] I don't think it's useful to reason about such questions from the plumbing possibilities upward. In fact I'd say it's counterproductive. Better to start with asking questions about "how is the information currently being displayed?" and then use that to link to the specific plumbing/code technique that works for the existing display
see for example this example what happens when web developers (incorrectly) reason from the plumbing algorithms upward: https://twitter.com/SaraSoueidan/status/1710960167116808448 (and how Sara had to correct someone misusing the information to give bad advice)
plantroon joined the channel
[tantek] does it have to be inside my h-entry? or just somewhere on the page?
Inside the h-entry is easier for parsers, but there is the model described for finding it elsewhere in https://indieweb.org/representative_h-card
[catgirlinspace] ideally inside the h-entry, which should be no problem on permalink pages since you can put the h-entry on the <body> tag
[KevinMarks] ^ exact same advice I gave to [snarfed] above about NOT suggesting the plumbing possibilities upward
for publishing a representative h-card, right there on that page is a more direct focused link: http://microformats.org/wiki/representative-h-card-authoring
Yes, that's better.
"model for finding it elsewhere" is the wrong perspective / framing / advice to give *publishers*
The DisplayTitle issue is separate from Template:main https://chat.indieweb.org/microformats/2022-09-16#t1663294089388900
[preview] [gRegor] Just found some unexpected MediaWiki behavior. If a page uses the DisplayTitle extension, any links to that page will use that title by default. Makes for some weird results on pages like https://microformats.org/wiki/why-examples "The microformats [...
[preview] Tantek Çelik
But I think only when it was redundant (same as the page name). Haven't followed up on the ones like /process vs "the microformats process"
epoch joined the channel
as long as the default behavior is that links to [[page-name]] show up as linktext of "page-name" and not "really-long-capitalized-top-heading-of-page-name", then I'm good. that was such useless annoying behavior
name of page != top heading on that page
also, changing the display of a title *on a page* != changing the linktext on pages that link to that page
gRegor, it seems like the DisplayTitle bug is fixed?
the why-examples page looks good to me
I checked the pages that link to it
the only page that directly links to [[why-examples]] without changing the linktext is https://microformats.org/wiki/hresume-faq and that is displaying "why-examples" for me (which is correct, intended behavior, like every other MediaWiki wiki like Wikipedia or IndieWeb), and is NOT showing the DisplayTitle of "Why examples first", which is good