#aaronpkposting a note to the outbox, you submit a Post activity with an object of a Note, sent to "followers"
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#aaronpkthe server returns the entire activity with the note back, and it's added the author and publish date, and the ID of the activity and the object
#aaronpkTsyesika: kind of, it's audience targeting but if the account is private then it acts as access control
#aaronpkArnaud: can you tell us about the backend of distributing to the followers?
#aaronpkTsyesika: it iterates through all the followers asynchronously and sends the full activity object to the inbox of everyone
#aaronpkArnaud: so there are two resources that got created, one for the note itself, and one for the acitvity
#aaronpkTsyesika: for updating a note, you specify the same note object but there's a new activity ID
#cwebber2it's like email and collections are like email lists
#aaronpksandro: if the following collection changes tomorrow, who has access to the previous notes?
#aaronpkTsyesika: if I were to write the spec now, it would be available to the people who were in the collection at the time it was posted
#aaronpksandro: so I could update the note and send the update to a different set of people?
#aaronpkTsyesika: i don't think this is specified either
#aaronpkelf-pavlik: i'll make an issue for clarifying the ACL
#aaronpkTsyesika: deletion, creating a deletion activity specifying the ID of the note
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#aaronpk... a shell of the note remains at the original URL, which includes the deleted date. i'm going to open an issue to remove the publish/update dates from the deleted note
shepazu_ joined the channel
#aaronpk... the delete activity becomes activity 3
#sandro(To be more specific, the ACL issue is: how do the acls of a Note related to the recipient lists of the various activities which create/update that note)
#cwebber2fyi it's totally cutting in and out so if someone addresss me I won't hear it
#aaronpkcwebber2: btw some of this has changed from the pump API to activitypump at the request of the group, including the jsonld embedded in the HTML
#aaronpk... one of the options we discussde was whether we should embed jsonld into the html, but there are other options, we could embed microformats or rdfa into the document
#aaronpk... so we have not actually made decisions on this
#aaronpk... were previously using webfinger but the group decided not tu ose webfinger
#aaronpkTsyesika: so this is still an open issue for doing the URL discovery
#aaronpk... so now you can make a post to their inbox
AnnB joined the channel
#aaronpkaaronpk: can you clarify the "public" id in the "to"
#aaronpkTsyesika: this is a special URL that means the public collection
#hhalpinand clarify at some point what you think is crucial to keep and what dependencies you could live without. For example, didn't Google stop producing webfinger?
#aaronpkTsyesika: you can if you wish to a GET on the user's outbox to see the activities they've done which is what's in this example
#Zakimsees hhalpin_, eprodrom on the speaker queue
#aaronpk...i'm not thrilled about having several requests, I like how indieweb did it where you submit just one request with all the metadata you want
#aaronpk... we don't have any provisions right now for specifying a title when uploading the photo right now, so you have to do it in multiple requests
#Zakimsees elf-pavlik, bblfish, aaronpk on the speaker queue
#aaronpkeprodrom: there is a mechanism in pump.io that didn't make it into activitypump, to encode a binary object in JSON, so if it's needed we can pull it over
#aaronpk... the other option is the double post mechanism
#aaronpkTsyesika: when you submit a folow activity, twot hings happne. the activity is federated to the audience, and the user is added to the followers collection
#aaronpk... so in the future, when you post to the followers collection as the audience, it will also federate to the new person
#hhalpin_What is difficult about testing the side-effects (i.e. input->outputs)?
#aaronpkeprodrom: i think elf's point is that we don't have all those side effects listed out under the follow activity
#aaronpk... we should probably do that for each of these activities
#hhalpin_+1 be clearer about the input/outputs but bugs will be worked out in test-suite
#eprodrom"The Follow activity is used to subscribe to the activities of another user. Once the user has followed a user, activities shared with the Follows of that user SHOULD be added to the actors's inbox."
#bblfishyes @sandro but there is also the list of 6 items that are being proposed for LDP next charter. that is more important
#rhiaro_... In activitypump you're always creating an activity that references an object, but in micropub you only create an object and no explicity activity
#rhiaro_... it would take something like making micropub create activities vs objects, or having the activitypump api create the activities as a side effect of the object, rather than explicitly creating activities
#sandrobblfish, sure, it's all up to there ACTUALLY being a sufficient community to do this.
#rhiaro_harry: do developers find it easier to work with activities or objects directly?
#rhiaro_aaronpk: from what I've seen creating objects directly has been extremely straightfoward
#rhiaro_... but i haven't talked to a lot of people who are creating activitystreams posts
#bblfishyes, indeed but there should be a list of approved stories, so that those who are do not see their story in the wishlist, can at least drum up support :-) Ie. we need a diff
#elf-pavlikq+ re: shortly lon side effects in MicroPub, ActivityPump and LDP
#Zakimsees eprodrom, elf-pavlik on the speaker queue
#rhiaro_... activities very much how yo'd construct a sentence
timbl joined the channel
#rhiaro_... It's not too difficult for developers to work with activities. Just personal preference, one isn't easier or harder
#eprodromAm I the only one who can't hear anything, cwebber2 ?
#bblfish yes, indeed but there should be a list of approved LDP next desires, so that those who are do not see their desire in the LDP next, can at least drum up support :-) Ie. we need a diff
#cwebber2eprodrom: it's been the hard the whole time, believe it or not it's better than it was ;\
#rhiaro_Arnaud: aaron's point is that the significat difference between the two approaches is activities are implied and maybe reconstructed if you need to, whereas here they're explicitly stated and created as independant resources
#aaronpkeprodrom: yeah we did a big log scan based on a question from tantek. we had about 10x more people using activities endpoints posting update and delete activities ranther than PUT and DELETE on objects
#aaronpkeprodrom: i'd like to talk about differences between activitypump and pump.io api
#aaronpk... there's a notify method, pump.io uses a regular webhooks mechanism, the other is activitypump requires https IDs for objects and pump.io allows any ID for objects
#aaronpk... the requiement for https IDs came in from activitypump
#Zakimsees elf-pavlik, hhalpin_ on the speaker queue
#rhiaro_people using activities endpoint over PUT on objects could be a preference for endpoints over restful, not necessarily activities over objects (cc Tsyesika, eprodrom, cwebber2)
#aaronpk... for the most part we're open to change
#oshepherdI commented a couple of weeks back on verb vs object orientation... My conclusion was that the only difference here between indieweb and ActivityStreams *in practice* was the "post"/"share" verbs which IMO are very contentless (and I'd actually prefer ActivityStreams without them, because in practice they're - specifically the post verb - a huge source of problems in pump.io
#oshepherdSpecifically the problem is that you really want the audience attached to the object, but it ends up attached to the post
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#oshepherdAnyway, on the subject of mandatory TLS: I'll note that the both Google, Mozilla and I believe the W3C itself have announced an intent to deprecate HTTP (non-S)
#eprodromBut I understand that the requirement for dereferenceable URIs makes that more complex
#oshepherdI haven't had a chance to catch up with Tsyesika's changes, but I did keep Webfinger *just* for the use case of translating user@domain identities
#eprodromelf-pavlik: I find it funny that you talk about the update to the social graph as a "side effect"
#eprodromIt seems like the primary intent of posting a "follow" activity
#oshepherdTheres a whole lot of social platforms out there today using such identities - StatusNet, PumpIO, Diaspora, more traditional things like XMPP, even email. I don't think we can say "Sorry, you have to throw away all your user IDs" to them
#oshepherdBut I very much kept WebFinger use minimal - its' just "take an acct URI and translate it into the URI of an ActivityStreams profile document" - and if your IDs aren't in acct: form, you don't need to implement a server
#rhiaro_... This makes it really easy for people who are used to a restful way of doing things
#rhiaro_... compared to previous examples, we're not using an endpoint to post new data, but creating data inside a container that is used to store similar types of resources
#oshepherdTsyesika: Using the NOTIFY element is supremely elegant. It's also quite likely to be a supreme pain in the ass, so I'd say go ahead and replace it with POST.
#rhiaro_... So we can see here our examples use curl
#rhiaro_... just to give you an impression of how simple they are
#oshepherdTsyesika, as for HTTPS, maybe table this one for later. By the time any spec becomes a REC, I expect Lets Encrypt should make TLS certs trivially available
#rhiaro_... can do a PUT to replace whole resource
#rhiaro_... uses URI of new resource, that you get back in the Location header
#Tsyesikaoshepherd: might be good to write that on the issue just so evan can respond, i am not against lowering the requirements but i'm also not really bothered by it either but it seems evan is
#rhiaro_... Second way of doing is to send an HTTP PATCH with a SPARQL UPDATE
#elf-pavlikq+ re: request for Social WG oriented view on SoLid
#Zakimsees aaronpk, elf-pavlik on the speaker queue
#rhiaro_eprodrom: social software often when you're posting a note, you would send it somewhere, like the inbox of followers or mentions inbox of person mentioned
#rhiaro_... I understand this wouldn't be possible?
#rhiaro_... So side effect wouldn't happen server side, has to happen client side
#rhiaro_deiu: yes, everything happens in the client. Client is charged to send notification to someone's inbox
#rhiaro_... or you could have additional app-specific service which listens to changes on containers
#rhiaro_... then based on changes on containers like new resource created, could trigger app-specific processes
#rhiaro_... has a websocket interface for all it's resources
#rhiaro_... you could have a service which listens on a websocket which has subscribed to that container, which can process all the data that gets into the container
#rhiaro_timbl: which works for hundreds of thousands of people
#rhiaro_eprodrom: if you come check yoru inbox in the morning and want to see all the stuff that happened since yesterday, has to be some kind of application process, or you can leave a websocket open all night
#rhiaro_... so websocket interesting for online updates, but not distirbution
#rhiaro_deiu: distribution happens by a service, like a pubsub service
#rhiaro_... that listens to data and upates all its subscribers
#rhiaro_... Other peopel use LDP with very application specific servers
#rhiaro_... for example, IBM uses LDP in the context of application lifecycle management
#rhiaro_... LDP is a thin layer put on the top of legacy software
#rhiaro_... in this case when you create a resource using LDP you create something with very specific semantics, and has application specific side effects
#rhiaro_... possible to imagine in this case youc ould hasl have an application specifi cserver, with side effects like distribution and notifications and things like that
#rhiaro_elf-pavlik: make it clear we don't HAVE to use these
#elf-pavlik11:36 eprodrom My eyes just skip over those options
#AnnBwhat do you mean, eprodrom, that your "eyes skip over those options"?
#rhiaro_bblfish: it woudl be extremely useful for LDP or this group, to have some way for any resource to be able to say I want to subscribe to this resource so you can say you want to see any changes on a document. Could be really generic
#rhiaro_... we are forseeing technologies for adapting streaming content to people's mood etc. So critical to happen realtime. I wonder if these technical solutions would cover it
#eprodromThere's one clear and simple way to get a task done, then a few other options that are less clear and less simple
#aaronpkyeah we really need external mics for the phone because the people on the ends of the table are super hard to hear
#ben_thatmustbemecwebber2, eprodrom, again, don't use ':' or you are speaking for me. I thought you had to be scribe for that to happen, but sandro indicated otherwise
#rhiaro_bblfish: a company taht did a bookmarking service, you could bookmark things and when you typed a word they would do a text analysis, then find dpbedia concepts and URIs that were related to concepts in the page
#rhiaro_... it looks to the user like a hashtag, but behind is the semantics of dpbedia and URIs
#ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk, rhiaro_, well i suppose it does make things easier for the scribe
#rhiaro_^^ bbc does that to help journalists tag news articles
#rhiaro_eprodrom: can we go back to talking about SoLiD
#rhiaro_... concerned that notifications like webmention might be useful, but in other ones there's a more complex effect in executing a social action
#rhiaro_... eg a follow action would update the actor's following list
#rhiaro_... and distribute follow action to serveral inboxes
#rhiaro_... so I'm not sure this is just about notification
#rhiaro_... there's a lot of updates that could happen
#rhiaro_... again, it's all entirely possible to do these using polling
#rhiaro_... you could poll every list of every social graph then add reverse pointers
#rhiaro_... but much easier to get collection of people
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#rhiaro_... if we use SoLiD we're goign to have to put a lot of burden on the client which is unfair to the client and likely to generate a lot of errors
#rhiaro_... or we're going to have to limit ourselves to very simple social interactions
#timblOne could use (coincidentally) a distributed hash table for coordonating people interested in hashtags. The problem is a bit like the NNTP newsgroup distribution problem, as newsgroup names and hashtags are bothe basicallt arbitrary short strings.
#elf-pavlikeprodrom_ let's work on documenting it together?
#rhiaro_cwebber2: I'm curious what happens in terms of how much link rot impacts this system, especially if you end up having commuincation with someone else and their whole site goes down? How does that affect yoru local record of your interaction with them? And also resolving information about that?
#rhiaro_... curious about what ends up happening when somebody else's server goes down
#eprodrom_timbl, you could also have one or more aggregation servers
#rhiaro_deiu: how is this specific to solid? will affect any decentralised service?
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#KevinMarkshashtags converge because language converges
#rhiaro_cwebber2: if my mail server goes down you can't send me email. You still have access to all the email you have from me
#sandroAs Evan said: -1. I think search is probably difficult to do for this API. Maybe a separate API? --Evan Prodromou (talk) 16:02, 18 February 2015 (UTC)
#rhiaro_sandro: we don't address that yet, the answer is to use caching proxies or archiving services where I access your site through something that keeps a copie
#rhiaro_... we need that for performance reasons too
#KevinMarksto put it another way, hashtags works precisely because they don't have namespaces; thus forcing convergence
#rhiaro_deiu: in a decentralised system, there are two ways to shuffle information around
#Zakimsees elf-pavlik, deiu, eprodrom_ on the speaker queue
#hhalpinAn invited observer, Francesca Musiani, who is studying decentralized networking and internet governance as a sociologist at CNRS, has just joined us.
#rhiaro_... anyway, not tryign to challenge this, just to see if this is something that SoLiD has
#rhiaro_eprodrom: I think the reason chris brought it up is that SoLiD is putting a lot of the burden onto the client to make sure that the state of the world is maintained
#rhiaro_... would generate a follow activity in my outbox, generate multiple follow activities in multiple inboxes, update my follows list and woudl update someone else's folllowers list
#rhiaro_... if any one of those fails, then the state of the world is out of sync
#rhiaro_... in pump.io each server is responsible for processing those actions Only one message is transmitted between servers
#rhiaro_... if evan on one server follows arnaud on another server the only notification that goes from one to the other is the activity noteification
#rhiaro_... the server doesn't try to write to arnaud's collection from even's server
#rhiaro_... If I follow someone we change the link to say I follow them, then there's data propagation that doesn't care about the semantics of what happened. All changes are all just data changes
#rhiaro_... haven't standardised that yet, but lots of ways to do it
#rhiaro_timbl: could be something like thermometer has just taken new temperature reading
#rhiaro_sandro: we want this to work for long tail of multi user appications, social is just 1%
#rhiaro_... doesn't necessarily mean anything to anyone in this group, but this is the background about why we're designing like this
#rhiaro_elf-pavlik: to give our collaboration more structure. We can't say easier/harder/worse/better - it's subjective. We should document possibilities and constraints so everyone knows the options
#tantekArnaud: it's a request, and typical in many WGs. Allows for more time for post-f2f async follow-ups (which there tend to be more of) before the next telcon.
#sandrodeiu: I'm showing my profile, using an app, which gathers the data from multiple sources, some of which are public and some are restricted-access.
#eprodromtantek, but that's what people who run late always say
#sandrotimbl: Code can following multiple links, like the older version of the vocab and the newer version. So one could convert to AS2.0 gradually, with supporting the old vocabs, too.
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#sandrodeiu: To build on that example, using tabulator
#elf-pavliktantek we had discussion with timbl over lunch also about that and hopefully W3C can engage in resolving that issue, also in a way which provides full URI for registered link relations
#sandrobblfish: do a PATCH to add the new bit of access control
#sandro.. so the client software just allowed jane access
#ben_thatmustbemecwebber, is your video/audio muted. it seems like its trying to load a black screen from here
#sandrobblfish: I haven't yet looked at how webmention works
#elf-pavliktantek so *maybe* we just need URIs for link relations in microformats.org namespace
#sandrobblfish: the resource you POST to with ping should have ACLs such that you can post (append) but not read, except maybe you can edit the things you created.
#elf-pavlik+1 w3.org namespace what timbl proposed
#tantekelf-pavlik we have URLs for many link relations in microformats.org "space" already at things like http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-me etc. and many more linked from the existing-rel-values page
#tantekand that's where they're maintained with a community maintaining them
#tantekI'm against putting things in a space that's not actively community maintained (in my experience, W3C namespace URIs are not community maintained at all, and often end up out of date)
#tantekelf-pavlik interesting. I had never considered that.
#elf-pavlikcan *community* setup content negotiation or at least embed <scrip> tags for text/turtle and application/ld+json if we find need for it?
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#ben_thatmustbemetantek, elf-pavlik that is a pretty interesting idea. I could certainly see that making sense
#elf-pavliktantek i hope you, timbl, mnot and others can disucss it!
#sandroeprodrom: I like this flow, it's a lot like activity pump, except the client is responsible for making that ping (where in AP it'd be the server). With fanout issues, it's probably better handled by server.
#elf-pavlikq+ re: running bots on server which do client logic ...
#ben_thatmustbemedeiu, true, I don't mean for the WG to deal with that, the socialwg is specifically avoiding choosing auth mechanism. but if we can get working those developing in the group i think will find it quite useful
#rhiaro_aaronpk: micropub is only for writing. Complete picture includes webmention, PuSH and microformats
#rhiaro_... We have lots working reasonably well, where there are holes are getting into propagating information about state changes of objects deep in the tree of comment threads or eg. likes on comments
#rhiaro_... the way I figured this out was going through the story and seeing the edge cases. Seeing at a point in the story there isn't a solid answer
#rhiaro_... whereas just glancing at the story when we were voting it looked like we could do all of it
#ben_thatmustbemeeprodrom, thats a matter of publishing that information as a xfn page really. I plan to start doing that soon... following is easy, followers not so easy unless following notifies
#rhiaro_... The whole formencoding and namespacing of command params with mp- in micropub works for all use cases I've encountered, but I can see where ther eare limitations, we just haven't hit them in practice yet
#rhiaro_... maybe it's better to find a solution where we don't have those limitations in the first place
#deiuthinks rhiaro_ needs more karma for her minutes
#Zakimsees on the phone: INRIA, ??P2, cwebber2, ben_thatmustbeme (muted)
#rhiaro_... One of the biggest problems I have as a developer for activitypump is that audience targeting is always on the activity rather than the object
#rhiaro_... but in reality when you're checking someone's ability to access an object when they dereference it, you really need the audience targeting on the object
#rhiaro_... it's more useful on the object than the activity. Youc an get around it with some caching, but it's not great
#rhiaro_... has been pointed out that there is duplication regarding post and share activities with objects, but not sure how to get around that without fundamentally changing activitystreams - which I'm not against, but might bring other problems
#rhiaro_... Plus discoverability hasn't been cemented yet
#cwebber2I think having a "source" field on notes and etc would be really nice
#rhiaro_various people: helping ann with whiteboard
#cwebber2would make editing my posts a lot easier when using pump clients that use markdown
#rhiaro_eprodrom: as part of ActivityPump spec (Jessica did a great job), I would point out that in the federation aspect it calls for using the NOTIFY verb
#rhiaro_... I'd really rather see that as a webhook style description mechanism
#rhiaro_... we have a good variety of implementations of clients, but for servers there are only pump.io and mediagoblin, mediagoblin only implements half the pump spec
#rhiaro_... with activitypump I'd like to see a spec that people *can* implement on the server side
#rhiaro_Tsyesika: to follow on, at lunch we [rhiaro, aaronpk, arnaud] talked about how the indieweb community have split their specs up, and it feels easier to implement
#rhiaro_aaronpk: it lets you make incremental progress
#rhiaro_Tsyesika: it's one big spec and it can takek time to implement it all, and it's changing a lot. It's a big investment to do it all at once, then change it
#aaronpkeprodrom, you're saying my personal website can't participate in a social network?
#rhiaro_arnaud: something fundamental that makes it impossible to do it this way in activitypump?
#rhiaro_... SoLiD have to learn to create communities too
#Tsyesikaeprodrom: i agree it's more oreiented to social network software and being a platform and such but also i think it's useful to be able to implement parts of the spec
#eprodromTsyesika, sure, but I'd have a hard time dividing it into pieces
#rhiaro_... Also AS and pump work is interesting, seems like there can be a mapping to solid
#cwebber2activitypump is not quite SSL in difficulty to implement, but similarly, having some good libraries like that can make things much nicer
#eprodromAlso, I think the kind of person who'd be implementing would be doing it for e.g. Diaspora
#aaronpkcwebber2, but you also have to make it really easy for other people to create libraries because you're not gonna want ot write libraries in every language
#Tsyesikaeprodrom: i agree, it'd be tricky, i'm not sure how i'd do it to be honest but it's something i like from the indieweb and it's maybe a good idea to look into if here is anything we could do
#Tsyesikabut yes we want this to work for the diasporas, facebooks, etc. of the world
#cwebber2aaronpk, I think that the activitypump spec is quite implementable as a library, but it also requires that we put more code into it
#rhiaro_... Once the server is done, it's done for everybody
#cwebber2aaronpk, another thing is until MediaGoblin implemented the pump api, nobody else had done that work. I think we should see if we can share our experieences to make it clearer to implement
#rhiaro_... on the client side there's lots of JS and rdf libraries needed
#aaronpkcwebber2, eprodrom, Tsyesika, I would be interested to see what activitypump would look like broken out into small implementable steps, like what if someone could just create their inbox but wait to implement an outbox
#sandrois dying to hear Tim take a turn at this. :-)
#cwebber2I'm interested in seeing what that would look like!
#Tsyesikai'm not sure how it'd look but i think it'd be good to look into
#rhiaro_... I think it's a perceived learning curve, it's not that big a deal
#cwebber2eprodrom, anyway, I think some documents showing how to plan your database from day 1 (the easiest route!) or how to upgrade an existing system will help other developers with adoption
#eprodromTsyesika maybe we could work on it together
#cwebber2would actually like that but knows that probably not many others will be as into it?
#rhiaro_deiu: on the plus side, if tomorrow there's going to be a completely different working group with different use cases, we might be able to help them as well
#rhiaro_arnaud: it's more flexible in that respect
#Tsyesikaeprodrom: sure i don't have any Go experiance
#rhiaro_akuckartz: you have to get in and understand what linked data is about. I'm pretty sure ibm, boeing, would be abel to do that. People who don't have those resources - is it possible to modify or restrict the proposal for SoLiD so that the implementation curve is reduced?
#rhiaro_... with the purpose of making it easy for others
#rhiaro_... most of the world using json based apis
#rhiaro_... this could change next year, I find it unlikely
#rhiaro_... the microformat html based approach has advantages, but we didnt' write this in the charter because most people want to ship around json not html
#rhiaro_... and we want to be open to enterprise use cases
#rhiaro_... we thought we'd have more enterprise membership to the group
#rhiaro_... but that's changed, we have a much more open sourced, hacker based community
#rhiaro_... on that basis, I could see revisiting json as charter requirement
#tantekand the microformats based approach has a canonical JSON representation - which is why I was ok with charter mentioning "JSON"
#rhiaro_... in terms of rdf communities, the amount of people using json and html vs json-ld is smaller
#rhiaro_... using RDF is powerful for people who want it
#rhiaro_... I'd be concerned if we did an rdf *only* spec
#rhiaro_... ideally we don't want three different standards, we want one standard that allows the different networks and different communities to do what they want with rich communication
#rhiaro_... I'm hoping URI extensibility will help with this
#sandroq+ to suggest the contexts can bridge to microformats and form-encoding
#Zakimsees hhalpin_, melvster_ on the speaker queue
#rhiaro_arnaud: more powerful, but harder to get there
#deiueprodrom, I'll take a stab at AS for our apps
#ben_thatmustbemeeprodrom, you mean all pump.io group? indieweb has not yet really found AS2.0 to be useful, as the different philosophy of everything is a post. but I'm thinking it makes a lot more sense in the notifications sense
#rhiaro_eprodrom: addressing harry's point. If you look at these three systems, if you take something like solid and remove webid requirement, add specific containers that are related to each user (folllowing, followers, favourites, ..) and you require some server side behaviour, you've got activitypump
#rhiaro_... if you favour activitystreams as main vocab and favour json-ld serialization
#rhiaro_... I'm not sure a competitive framework it he one we should be working
#TsyesikaI'm not so sure micropub is all that fundermentally different, after talking to aaronpk more these two days and looking at amy's work it looks like there could be some resolve a lot of our "differences"
#rhiaro_doesn't think anyone is really thinking competitively lany more
#sandroRight -- we all have pretty much the SAME GOAL
#rhiaro_... whatever group decides, I'll hold my nose and get it done, but won't necessarily like it
#rhiaro_... hoping json-ld can be converted into mf or turtle
#ben_thatmustbemetheoretically if we did switch micropub to json instead of form encoded, likely as some other version of MP, how much would that change usability by the other communities?
#rhiaro_... the devil is in the detail of vocabulary alignments, link headers etc
#rhiaro_... could be some interesting ways of approach resulting dataset
#hhalpinIt can work, we have seen this with WebCrypto where we got every browser implementing the same crypto API despite underlying differences (NextGen Crypto API, NSS, ec.)
#ben_thatmustbemeeprodrom, indieweb philosophy is to work out an implementation that works, then spec around it. I'm not suggesting that. I'm saying implment it too
#hhalpin_I think we will have a problem if in a year from now there aren't AS2.0 implementations
#eprodromben_thatmustbeme, right, I understand that.
#ben_thatmustbemebefore the spec is done, because you will never have a spec finished unless you start implementing
#eprodromBut there are test versions in the test repo
#eprodromWhich might be good for you to start with
#ben_thatmustbemeokay, so If i start playing with implementations, I'm not looking at anything else. So I may end up with a lot of suggestions for changes on the MF2 version of it
#ben_thatmustbemegeneral question that i asked and i didn't see any response... if I wrote a MP client that posted with json data instead of form encoded, would that be more interesting to compatibility building? what would still be lacking? argue points better or worse, etc
#Zakimsees bblfish, elf-pavlik, eprodrom on the speaker queue
#bblfishaaronpk: differences between our API and jessica, we could arrive at a compromise and explore that possibility. WE need to look at this more. We now can see how things are similar and different
#bblfishaaronpk: also we could make a point about authentication: it appears that all three APIs use verifiers with tokens, we could leave the way to get the token out of the API, and leave that for the next API.
#bblfishelf-pavlik: we should write implementations of the top uses cases and get feedback by doing that.
#aaronpkevanpro: i feel like we're stretching the amount of time we're getting out of this community to begin with, the idea that we'd write multiple implmenenations for hte contiually iterating different standards, and spend time evallutaing them and figuring it out...
#aaronpkevanpro: i'd rather put that time towards a single standard
#aaronpk... i feel like we've already put off this decision once, we need to start coming down to what the social apis are going to be if expect to ship it by the end of the year
#aaronpk... i'm sure that our friends here on w3c staff are optimistic about having our charter renewed
#Zakimelf-pavlik, you wanted to mention that current drafts already start or even address federation
#bblfish@hhalpin wants to operationalise what evan said. Next step: from the three communities we should choose an author from each community one or two draft editors, to push a draft document out to see if we can get consensus
#aaronpkhhalpin: you need at least one neutral person who doesn't really care to help balance out arguments that arise
#aaronpkAnnB: the reason i'm asking is after dec 11 i'm free, and i'm a good editor
#aaronpkArnaud: to get back to the point, the proponents seem to be in agreement to give people a bit more time to choose a starting point, to experiment a bit further
#Zakimsees sandro, aaronpk, eprodrom on the speaker queue
#bblfish@Arnaud prefer to work towards a more constructive approach, so there is value to holding off a little bit more. Agree that it is unrealistic to have everybody make three implementations.
#aaronpkakuckartz: would it be possible to start with writing what is accepted as common ground?
#bblfish@akuckartz would it help to work out what the common ground is ?
#elf-pavlikq+ to mention we already agreed for 'follow your nose' during last F2F
#Zakimsees sandro, aaronpk, eprodrom, elf-pavlik on the speaker queue
#bblfish@sandro: don't think that the editors need to be neurtal, but they need to be enthusiastic about what happens. They have to do what the working group decides
#Zakimsees elf-pavlik, hhalpin on the speaker queue
#aaronpkevanpro: what i'd like to get an idea of is what we think would be some changes in the state of the WG now that would show us that we're movign forward
#Zakimsees elf-pavlik, hhalpin, cwebber, bblfish on the speaker queue
#aaronpk.. i'm not sure there's a clear positive way forward, is it that we create a SoLiD/actvitypump/micropub spec?
#aaronpk.. is it we find something that's the olowest common demoninator (which right now HTTP)
#aaronpk.. what will the change be next time we sit down in japan
#bblfish.. I don't know that there is a clear way forward? Is that we create a spec with the lowest common denominator which I think is HTTP at present. How do we see the way forward?
#aaronpk.. it seems like a lot of progress happened in this f2f whereas the last one the message was implementations win but we were going to end up rubber stamping somehing we already had
#aaronpkbblfish: i think these 3 groups are woring in different layers, so it's quite easy to get them to agree if we understand the different layers
#aaronpk.. as i was saying earlier, the container stuff is a container, what i'm seeing from activitystreams is a certain vocab which has certain side effects
#aaronpk.. it's kind of a specialized convtainer which does special things
#aaronpk.. turns out most of it has been already written
#Zakimelf-pavlik, you wanted to very shortly mention extensibility e.g (currently ActivityPump only supports Follow and Like action + relevant collections)
#hhalpinWe have URI-based extensibility which should work with ActivityPump as is
#eprodrom"8.2 Activities The core of any [ActivityStreams] based protocol is activities within. Users post activities to their outbox, from which they are distributed to recipients' inboxes. ActivityPump places no restrictions on the activities which may be distributed; however, it defines certain activities with special behaviors"
#aaronpkbblfish: if we can reuse as much existing technology, ontologies, then we can get out a whole bunch of problems
#hhalpinwe have URI based extensibility and the ActivityVocabulary
#aaronpk.. so maybe we can get to the core, specify the key integration points and reduce our workload
#hhalpinjust see what points there are schema.org+microformat overlap with ActivityVocabulary
#sandroeprodrom, it'd be good if you could give us a walkthrough of that. How does an enterprise do travel-authroization (the example that came up yesterday) over activitypump?