2016-09-27 UTC
jasnell and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# 07:16 cwebber2 aaronpk: that's still leaving github at the center of things, and anyway, that's apready possible
# 07:18 cwebber2 aaronpk: the difficulty in people moving to something like gitlab and collaborating on not just *another* big gitlab instance I think shows the need for federation if you want to break away from centralization. Otherwise you're still dependent on github or mega-gitlab-instance for all the social components...
Arnaud joined the channel
# 12:23 cwebber2 the reason being, it's buildable from source, and twitter wants application keys
# 12:23 cwebber2 which doesn't work if your application is open source, since it needs to expose that key
timbl, jasnell and timbl_ joined the channel
# 13:32 csarven I auto-mentally did a s/f-droid/fsociety. I blame Mr. Robot.
timbl, shepazu and jasnell joined the channel
# 14:55 rhiaro And, i'm not sure if we have a chair.. anyone have evan access?
# 14:59 cwebber2 I feel like something came up towards the end of last call......
timbl and jasnell joined the channel
# 15:10 aaronpk cwebber2: i never said github would be in the "center". just that any git web interface would allow pull requests from other git web interfaces. i happened to use github as an example since everyone is familiar with it. there's definitely a lot of things github and gitlab and gogs support beyond just the git part, and those things need federating.
# 15:10 aaronpk well evan just sent an email saying today's call is cancelled
# 15:11 aaronpk and tantek listed his regrets on the meeting page already, so that means we don't have a chair
# 15:11 aaronpk so it looks like we can have an informal call if we want
# 15:11 cwebber2 aaronpk: right, as it is we don't have a way to do pull requests in a web-ish way between instances
timbl and timbl_ joined the channel
# 15:14 rhiaro cwebber2: how's publishing your updated WD going?
# 15:16 cwebber2 aaronpk: alex jordan is on there (the current pump.io maintainer) advocating for looking at the socialwg's work on the gitlab issue
timbl joined the channel
# 15:17 cwebber2 we aren't doing a new WD of activitypub till next meeting I'll note
# 15:18 cwebber2 we postponed it for me to get a few things in at the last meeting
# 15:18 cwebber2 simultaneously working on that and getting all the review types
# 15:18 rhiaro We answered the security & privacy review, if you're interested
# 15:19 cwebber2 while being a little bit distracted by discovering that someone made an experimental JIT compiler for Guile.... published an answer out of nowhere!
# 15:19 cwebber2 I'm doing my "get all the review stuff out there" stuff today, before I explore the city tomorrow
# 15:20 cwebber2 it was like floating through a house in another era as a ghost
# 15:20 cwebber2 all the sights, smells, noises reproduced as a living still life type theater
# 15:21 ben_thatmustbeme aaronpk: i won't be on audio on the call (big boss will be in the office today) but i'll be around
# 15:21 cwebber2 ben_thatmustbeme: I think it sounds like we're not doing a meeting, or not a formal one
dan joined the channel
# 16:10 cwebber2 csarven: rhiaro: do you mind me borrowing text in reply to security questions when the same answers apply to AP as to LDN?
jasnell and bengo joined the channel
# 16:50 bengo meeting or no meeting?
tantek joined the channel
# 17:12 tantek ah ok I see that Evan sent a meeting cancellation
tantek and jasnell joined the channel
tantek, jasnell, jasnell_, cwebber2 and shepazu joined the channel