xmpp-social[Takyoji] for clarification: does each activity have to have a distinct URL, even if it's the same action on the same object (such as if something was updated a 2nd time, with different content)?
xmpp-social[Takyoji] That is what I'm asking, yes, and I figured that's probably the best way to semantically implement it correctly, since AS is about the activities rather than just the resulting content
xmpp-social, Chocobozzz, timbl and rowan joined the channel
cwebber2First (partial) implementation report up, for Pubstrate. It has incomplete coverage, as the note on the bottom says, since I've been focused on the test suite and spec. Full coverage coming over the next few weeks. https://activitypub.rocks/implementation-report/
csarvenprobably just need to check for as:outbox in WebID profile description and let the interface do the same. I presume that profiles/actors with as:outbox probably don't have pim:storage as well, or vice-versa, so the UI and the communication probably only needs to happen at one of those places, as opposed to both - doesn't change much either way.
cwebber2you'll see there are a couple marked "missing"... I actually didn't get those from you in the implementation report you sent because they weren't part of the implementation report questions at the time you filled it in... oops! if you could respond yes/no on them I'll add it.
rhiaroI wrote an extension to my lib for AS2 that looks through an @graph if it comes out of the jsonld serializer, and loops through nesting all the things that don't have the same @id as the @graph
csarvenIf there is no connection from an object's "object" to another object's "subject", I suppose the @graph is needed. Otherwise, I'm guessing nesting could take care of that
csarvenSo, in dokieli the payload is originally in RDFa and depending on whatever the server wants, it'll reserialize for it. That means that I can't just reserialize and get away?