2018-03-12 UTC
tantek, zb111, [miklb], [kevinmarks], [snarfed] and [eddie] joined the channel
# 04:08 GWG [miklb]: I've been working on the Mapbox display in Simple Location. Do you have any thoughts? I know you previously wanted map styles.
# 04:32 [miklb] I do indeed eventually want map styles and I’ve found more & more I want my own checkins and not use Foursquare, even if that means manually creating the locations. But when I can get to that, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
# 04:32 [miklb] that said, I would be happy to pull the latest to my local site and take a look
# 04:35 GWG [miklb]: You delivered map styles
# 04:35 GWG You sent a PR and I updated it and merged it
# 04:36 [miklb] oh, I thought you were referring to per-post map styles.
# 04:41 [miklb] I’ll pull in all the latest changes soon and let you know if I see anything
# 04:42 GWG [miklb]: I just started a new branch to add markers to the Mapbox, per someone's request, and some other minor fixes
# 04:42 GWG It is concurrent with me redoing the provider switching codes.
[mrkrndvs], [eddie], GWG, doubleloop[m], jeremycherfas, zb111_, [kevinmarks], globbot, [snarfed], tantek, [cleverdevil], ben_thatmustbeme, tbbrown, wagle and [miklb] joined the channel