2018-04-17 UTC
tantek joined the channel
# 00:50 aaronpk tiny.xyz.dev is wordpress, scratch.io.dev is just static html
# 00:50 aaronpk ah this won't work without more changes to the wordpress plugin
# 00:50 aaronpk wordpress is always returning its own URL as the "me" param
# 00:51 aaronpk the plugin will need to return the profile URL of the user that authenticated in order for this to work like he wants
# 00:52 GWG aaronpk: It returns the URL of the user. If they didn't set one, it returns the user's author post URL
# 00:53 aaronpk so that was a static HTML file on scratch.io.dev with the authorization endpoint set to wordpress
# 00:54 GWG So, other than the cookie issue, what is the problem then?
# 01:44 aaronpk as far as I can tell there is no problem. It works great
# 01:44 GWG If you set the timezone in WordPress, it creates a problem.
# 01:44 aaronpk The key is to make a user account with the other external site you want to log in as
# 01:45 aaronpk then make sure you are logged in as that user when doing the IndieAuth flow
# 01:46 GWG Wonder if I should put that in the README
# 01:47 GWG aaronpk: To the point from earlier, should a profile support multiple URL so you don't have to create multiple users?
# 01:48 aaronpk which will have some implications we would need to think through
# 01:52 Loqi [Chris Aldrich] Today I updated the IndieAuth plugin for WordPress, and I can now use my own website as an IndieAuth authorization endpoint (including provisioning and revoking tokens) for a multitude of things including a huge number of micropub clients.
Special th...
# 02:00 GWG I also added error checking for a null endpoint
# 02:02 GWG aaronpk: Didn't you work on something to allow someone to post to multiple sites with a a micropub endpoint?
[miklb], [eddie], [jeremycherfas] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
doubleloop[m], [unoabraham], [jeremycherfas], [kevinmarks], [snarfed], jeremycherfas, jeremych_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 10:28 [jgmac1106] yeah because is so much prettier
[jgmac1106], [kevinmarks] and [miklb] joined the channel
# 13:00 [miklb] [pfefferle] [chrisaldrich] I don’t think I’m going to get around to using indiewp.com so you’re welcome to it if you’re still looking for a domain/twitter account for IW plugin updates
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 13:35 [jgmac1106] [chrisaldrich] [pfefferle] Do either of you have a feed for plug-in update posts you publish?
[pfefferle] joined the channel
# 14:06 aaronpk that'd be great to have that site be posts about plugin releases!
# 14:06 [jgmac1106] I bet [chrisaldrich] has one or @gwg tags all his posts indieweb I might add feed to my website just to help folks I know stay informed of updates
# 14:08 [pfefferle] [aaronpk] have you read about 1password for teams is free for open source groups
# 14:08 aaronpk yeah I saw, I was trying to figure out if we could use it for something
# 14:09 aaronpk we don't have a ton, but we do seem to be adding more and more
# 14:10 [pfefferle] even if there are only two, it’s easier than sharing passwords by mail ;)
# 14:11 aaronpk indeed. want me to add you as the other owner on the 1password account? I can go set that up
# 14:14 aaronpk (you have to have two owners on the account to apply for the free thing)
[miklb] joined the channel
# 14:18 [miklb] hmm. Twitter website seems broken at the moment. Trying to figure out if I had the twitter handle setup or not.
# 14:19 [miklb] I have the domain setup, I’d be happy to keep hosting to use for such and add anyone who wants to use it, just don’t see having time to do too much content creation in foreseeable future
# 14:30 sknebel [xavierroy]: did you find what you needed to fix the problem?
# 14:30 aaronpk [pfefferle]: just confirmed you, you should see the shared vault now
# 14:36 aaronpk yeah i sent the PR and if they approve it then we get the free account
[kevinmarks], tantek, [jgmac1106], kaushalmodi and [xavierroy] joined the channel
# 18:03 [xavierroy] I just switched to a different WP theme and will test if the location icon still appears.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[miklb] joined the channel
# 18:34 [pfefferle] I really think it is a nice idea to have a change-log for Wordpress Plugins
# 18:35 [miklb] agreed. That was certainly part of the idea for it, then expand to other posts if it warranted. Tutorials, etc.
# 18:36 [miklb] I need to update all of the plugins on the server. Everything is mostly installed from GitHub repos.
# 18:36 [miklb] yep. It’s a multisite install, SSL cert already set up. I can install anything else we need as well.
# 18:37 [miklb] I’m offering either. Host and help where I can, or just hand over.
# 18:39 [pfefferle] If you also share the twitter account login, we can also set it up to tweet the changes of the wordpress plugin
# 18:39 [miklb] Let’s go that route then. I’ll send an admin invite, get the plugins updated and we can go from there. I’m sure GWG & [chrisaldrich] will jump in when they have time as well.
# 18:40 [miklb] I haven’t created a twitter account for it yet. Can that be setup with the indieweb.org email or is that a bad idea? The one used for the WP.org repos
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
tantek and [miklb] joined the channel
# 21:21 [miklb] we’re going to try and get the IndieWP site going to announce updates, etc
# 21:27 [miklb] I have the site set up already, added pfefferle to it today. We’re going to check with [chrisaldrich] about the Twitter account he already has. From there, not sure the plan.
# 21:27 [miklb] manual posts syndicated to the Twitter feed I assume.
# 21:31 [miklb] I can add you if you’d like to post updates about your plugins.
# 21:31 [miklb] even if they are reposts of something you blogged about
# 21:32 [miklb] my idea was for it to be a community site anyway, not a solo project.
# 21:34 GWG A good test, like podcasting with chrisaldrich
# 21:34 GWG I realize every time I post a new episode of this podcast what I want to tweak.
# 21:36 [miklb] email sent. Let me know if gets through, I had an issue with another site in the network and someone not getting one. But could have been PBCAK
Tom joined the channel
# 21:45 [miklb] OK, I removed the signup from the db and manually added your user and resent the welcome email.
# 21:50 [miklb] I emailed that address from my @miklb.com email. I’ll need to investigate why emails aren’t getting through. Wondering if server name and different site URL are causing to get caught in trap somewhere.
# 21:51 [miklb] doh! I didn’t have mailgun configured on that site. Problem solved
# 21:53 [miklb] I just resent the WP email, curious if that one gets picked up by mailgun.
[cleverdevil], tantek and Kaja__ joined the channel