#wordpress 2018-06-20
2018-06-20 UTC
tantek__ jgmac1106: with the points you've made about getting mf2 right in the theme etc., and what miklb said about the Bridgy Publish plugin also being sensitive to (requiring) proper mf2 markup before it works well, I'm wondering if it's better to encourage existing WordPress installs to first get their mf2 working, then second install plugins

tantek__ what I'm trying to avoid is this: an existing WordPress user installs all the current IndieWeb Plugins, and configures them. Then *new* things start breaking, e.g. weird POSSE to their Twitter account, their comments from their posts when sent via webmention to other blogs show up with incorrect info (author, icon, summary, permalink etc.)

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [tantek] direction I am taking is first saying recommend one of four themes, this is how each theme operates and required plugins for said theme

[jgmac1106] If you want to test one of your for themes use these plugins and try indiewebify.me if comfortable or just ask in chat to have us look at your source code

[jgmac1106] But you have to. I would like to be on Hueman but we can't control the mf2, a theme update, or WordPress update. Each of those breaks things all the time. That isn't IndieWeb that is life of WordPress users

[jgmac1106] Every theme is a Sophie's choice of compatible plugins

[jgmac1106] Let me get kids to bed just back from running cub Scout field day will read up

tantek__ GWG, any luck with adding a plugins table to the top of https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Plugins ?

[jgmac1106] [wiobyrne] why not one domain and give everyone their own subdomain with the instance you want installed. I think there are issues with multiauthor instances but not sure.

[miklb] joined the channel
[miklb] I will be in full WordPress mode this week. I am challenging myself to finish a version of the mf2 starter theme I’ve been talking about for over a year for IWS. Feel free to bug me this week asking about it. The goal would be a totally stripped down mf2 compliant theme that can be easily used as a parent theme or a starting point to build a more robust theme.

jgmac1106 [wiobyrne] building this for a Board I sit on: https://lcgnh.jgregorymcverry.com/ trying to get them to ditch the slider for for icons and four facts, will get there

tantek__ jgmac1106: check out this revision of the WP Getting Start page before it got re-organized by IndieMark: https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=Getting_Started_on_WordPress&oldid=29827

tantek__ !tell chrisaldrich do you remember what motivated rewriting/re-organizing the /Getting_Started_on_WordPress page by IndieMark headings at the top level? Upon reflection, it looks like that may have hurt the usability of the page. Trying to remember why we went down the path.

jgmac1106 [tantek] hope to finish rewrite tomorrow. It is here for now: https://indieweb.org/User:Jgregorymcverry.com/getting-started-with-WordPress-for-beginners [chrisaldrich] and I decided that the page was so rough it was better to start on subpage and then we would find time to work together at summit

tantek__ Thanks jgmac1106, miklb, GWG. Based on what I understand and heard here, I am currently only recommending five plugins to an existing WordPress blog: * IndieWeb Plugin for WordPress * Webmention Plugin * Semantic Linkbacks * Post Kinds Plugin * Micropub for WordPress, and then also updating their theme with microformats2 support, testable with indiewebify.me

jgmac1106 [tantek] I started this: https://indieweb.org/User:Jgregorymcverry.com/theme-developer-guide

jgmac1106 https://indieweb.org/User:Cjwillcock.ca/starting-with-wordpress also been doing some exploring of what this actually takes. More Kerouac Spontaneous Prose than documentation yet but he is going to help mantain theme developer page.

jgmac1106 [tantek] is this the table you wanted [gwg] to build: https://indieweb.org/User:Cjwillcock.ca/starting-with-wordpress#plugins maybe done

tantek__ jgmac1106: no, was thinking one row per plugin, with the plugin logo, author, description etc. just like (preferably better than) https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/indieweb/

www.boffosocko.com edited /WordPress/Plugins (+4251) "A start for a UX friendly table for common WordPress plugins for IndieWeb" (view diff)
voxpelli and tantek__ joined the channel
tantek.com edited /WordPress/Plugins () "(-581) /* Common Plugins */ make "short" descriptions short!" (view diff)

voxpelli joined the channel
tantek.com edited /WordPress/Plugins (-86) "/* Common Plugins */ put install & feedback in the same column, no need for three columns for that, reduce another short description to be shorter" (view diff)

jgmac1106 joined the channel
jgmac1106 Then off to campus for a geography information systems grant I am doing, then I am going to try and write the “How to Launch Known” and WordPress IndiewWeb tutorials for Reclaim Hosting, cap it off with a Board of Directors meeting where I show off our site (need to see if IndieWeb will work on theme) and cap it off with my vHWC: Blogging 101. Fun day

jgmac1106 this is the events plugin we use: https://wordpress.org/plugins/event-calendar-wd/ Gonna see if I can work with it to add h-event

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Barebone always better. Though I like the date, location, and time form fields

[jgmac1106] challenge*

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I can try the PR, they reached out to me on Twitter

[miklb] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Zip me an email to mcverryj1@southernct.edu If I get this federal grant (usually dinged first submission) there will be money for WP development if I go that way instead of Known. Need to be a legal entity (if you do not have one yet) by August 16th. For now would just require letter of support.

tantek__, tantek_, [grantcodes], [cleverdevil], tantek, jgmac1106_, dougbeal|iOS and jackjamieson joined the channel
jackjamieson gRegorLove and GWG: Thanks for looking into the post kind template for read posts so quickly yesterday!
tantek, [jgmac1106], dougbeal|mb1, [schmarty], jackjamieson, [eddie], tantek__, [kim_landwehr] and tantek_ joined the channel
tantek_ thanks jgmac1106! (re: table) could someone help with embedding the logos from https://wordpress.org/plugins/search/indieweb/ into the table at the top of https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Plugins ? Thanks!

[kevinmarks] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
[eddie] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] tantek, thanks for cleaning that table up a bit; mostly I wanted to get it started by cutting and pasting what we had.

Loqi [chrisaldrich]: tantek__ left you a message 22 hours, 51 minutes ago: do you remember what motivated rewriting/re-organizing the /Getting_Started_on_WordPress page by IndieMark headings at the top level? Upon reflection, it looks like that may have hurt the usability of the page. Trying to remember why we went down the path.

[chrisaldrich] The original WP getting started page probably should never have had Indiemark at all since Indiemark is a better structural framework for those building sites from the metal up... I left it in because it was already there for structure, but future revisions could leave it out for jargon reasons.

[chrisaldrich] Though it does highlight just how much you get from a default WP install.