jgmac1106[gwg] it should be, I tried to add my domain to my whitelist but I think askimet conflicts with the whitelist and webmentions from [chrisaldrich] were showing up as from myself when I added him to whitelist
sknebelsince it's all happening on one site, there's a bunch of ways to do it. e.g. there's no strict reason it has to be webmention-based, you could use micropub to update the todo-list post too
jgmac1106yeah but have the grant application to finish so will be ahile before I play. [gwg] spent last night learning a ton about WP and how RSS feeds are generated to fix how quotes and bookmarks get shared
jgmac1106it was hard to figure out in terms of the archive views. I think I need to play in both archive.php and then each taxonomy template, not sure. Documentation on rss for archives not too robust