#wordpress 2018-07-23
2018-07-23 UTC
[matpacker] joined the channel
[matpacker] [dshanske] still getting endpoint errors, Monocle provides one with a bit more info - https://gist.github.com/matpacker/a66efa3798893bb97b39cb2deee4046b
[jgmac1106] and [eddie] joined the channel
dougbeal Hurm, in a wide layout, the site-content ends up on top of the entry-footer, and none of the links works. https://dougbeal.com/2018/07/13/homebrew-website-club-seattle-area-july-25th/

[schmarty], gRegorLove, [chrisaldrich] and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
[dan] joined the channel
[dan] Hi. Is this where I go to get help on setting up IndieWeb for my self-hosted Wordpress site? I feel like I'm very close to getting it to work but I'm tearing my hair out with some final errors and hours of browsing through seemingly every web page that Google returns hasn't helped me isolate what I'm doing wrong.
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [dan] Yes, you've found the place. Sorry you're having some trouble. What seems to be the problem you're having.

[dan] Great. Thanks. At this stage all I want is to get webmentions from Twitter for my website. I've linked my Twitter account to Bridgy and it finds various tweets that mention posts on my site. But they come back as 'Failed'.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [chrisaldrich] thanks for the IndieWebRing code snippet for WordPress!

[pfefferle] [chrisaldrich]++

[chrisaldrich] [pfefferle] You're welcome

[chrisaldrich] [dan] what is your twitter handle?

[chrisaldrich] And were are you seeing the "failed" notice?

[dan] [chrisaldrich] Sorry. Should probably have @-ed you in the previous message. Slack is new too. "Great. Thanks. At this stage all I want is to get webmentions from Twitter for my website. I've linked my Twitter account to Bridgy and it finds various tweets that mention posts on my site. But they come back as 'Failed'."
[chrisaldrich] I'm so tempted to say "Look mom! [pfefferle] is running some of my code!" 😉 Which is a bit hilarious considering how much of my site infrastructure is running on your code.

[pfefferle] 😄

[dan] My twitter handle is Liebcricket. The website is Liebcricket.com I'm seeing a response on Bridgy that links to my site and then it says Failed: (link to site) with a yellow exclamation mark
[chrisaldrich] No problem Dan, there's only a few of us here this late...

[pfefferle] that early

[chrisaldrich] Dan, if you look at your brid.gy user page https://brid.gy/twitter/LiebCricket

[chrisaldrich] You can usually click on the Response link for XX seconds/minutes/days ago to get a mini log of what Brid.gy's response was. As an example: https://brid.gy/log?start_time=1532330596&key=aglzfmJyaWQtZ3lyNgsSCFJlc3BvbnNlIih0YWc6dHdpdHRlci5jb20sMjAxMzoxMDE5Njk2MzgxNzUyMDMzMjgwDA

[matpacker] joined the channel
[matpacker] [dshanske] been doing some troubleshooting, it seems the issue might be related to the storage and retrieval of the tokens. If I use micro.blog's endpoints, then I can post via Quill, login to Monocle, etc. as soon as I switch it back to IndieAuth and use my own endpoints, then it breaks.
[dan] [chrisaldrich] Ahhh. Okay. This is useful information. Thanks.
[chrisaldrich] [dan] do you have the syndication links plugin enabled and are you providing links to it for your posts that point to the permalinks to Twitter?

[chrisaldrich] [matpacker] I suspect that David's asleep at the moment. And for expediency I suspect he'll see your message quicker if you address him in chat as GWG instead of as [dshanske].

[matpacker] thanks [chrisaldrich]
[chrisaldrich] Some of use IRC, others Slack, etc. Sometimes helps to know which platform someone is on most often and which means they get notifications. 😉

[chrisaldrich] s/use/us

[chrisaldrich] or rather some of us use... ha!

[chrisaldrich] [dan] have you received any webmentions at all? I just sent you one from http://stream.boffosocko.com/2018/congratulations-on-the-new-book

[dan] [chrisaldrich] Yes, the syndication links plugin is enabled. I'm not sure I understand the second half of your question. But prior to today when I started playing with this, I had pingbacks and trackbacks disabled. So maybe I need to re-enable them for stuff previously posted. I'm just exploring this now.
[chrisaldrich] I don't recall offhand if disabling pingbacks/trackbacks also disables webmentions too ([pfefferle] may), though reenabling them may be useful.

[chrisaldrich] And I know at least one recent case in which someone had all comments on their site turned off and couldn't figure out why they weren't getting responses either....

[chrisaldrich] So if you have a post and syndicate it to Twitter, it usually helps Brid.gy to find and match the two if you include the permalink of the Tweet in the syndication links plugin for that post.

[dan] [chrisaldrich] Thank you. Yes, as soon as I re-enabled pingbacks it worked. Great. I should definitely have tried clicked on the logfile link earlier.
[chrisaldrich] There's also some good documentation at https://brid.gy/about/#link

[dan] [chrisaldrich] And yes, I understand what you're saying re syndication links now. Thanks again for your help. I think knowing where the log file is will help me get through any future problems.
[chrisaldrich] A lot of the WordPress documentation is directly on the wiki at https://indieweb.org/WordPress if you should need it. Others will have individual posts on their sites which may be helpful as well.

[chrisaldrich] [dan] Let us know if you need anything else as you continue along. I'm about to turn in for the night, but parts of Europe are starting to wake up, so someone is sure to be around.

[chrisaldrich] If it's too quiet here someone in the #indieweb channel can likely help with some of the generic pieces and troubleshooting as well.

[chrisaldrich] [dan] Out of curiosity, how did you hear about Webmention for WordPress?

[dan] [chrisaldrich] I was wondering if there was any way to get Twitter comments into my Wordpress site (it seemed technically feasible) and was googling for solutions earlier today when I stumbled onto Bridgy and worked my way out from there.
[chrisaldrich] [dan] good to know, I'm always curious how folks manage to find our community.

[chrisaldrich] There's lots of other technology the community supports, so feel free to poke around and ask questions if you need to.

[chrisaldrich] We've also got a local chat bot named Loqi who will answer questions in chat as you ask them.

[chrisaldrich] What is micropub?

Loqi Micropub is an open API standard (W3C Recommendation) that is used to create, update, and delete posts on one's own domain using third-party clients, and supersedes both MetaWeblog and AtomPub https://indieweb.org/Micropub

[chrisaldrich] for example....

[dan] [chrisaldrich] Cool. I'm definitely going to explore further now that I've cracked my basic goal.
[kevinmarks], jeremycherfas and jeremych_ joined the channel
jeremycherfas, jeremych_, [jgmac1106], [eddie], [manton], [chrisaldrich], jackjamieson, [kevinmarks], [cleverdevil], [Chris_Lott], [dougbeal], tantek, mayo, tantek__ and [matpacker] joined the channel
[matpacker] Morning all
[matpacker] East Coast of Australia
[matpacker] A small city called Newcastle, about 2 hours drive north form Sydney.