#[matpacker]Have been using micro.blog as the endpoint and token provider and it's working, still getting location errors, but the post from Quill goes through.
#GWGInteresting, I never built the interface for that, but micro.blog's endpoint should work
#[matpacker]Ideally, I'd prefer to be using the full stack of the IndieWeb plugins...and therefore my own endpoints, but I can't seem to get them working
[miklb] joined the channel
#[miklb]anyone use post kinds and post photos from the WP admin?
#jgmac1106but similar token issues the header authorization used to throw with micropub "body": "{\"error\":\"forbidden\",\"error_description\":\"The token endpoint could not verify this access token\",\"token_endpoint\":{\"url\":\"https:\\/\\/jgregorymcverry.com\\/wp-json\\/indieauth\\/1.0\\/token\",\"code\":400,\"response\":\"{\\\"error\\\":\\\"parameter_absent\\\",\\\"error_description\\\":\\\"Bearer Token Not Supplied\\\"}\"}
#jgmac1106!tell Pfefferle I am not recommending SemPress to my class because I want them to build a static homepage. Only reason leaving it out of my tutorial
#jgmac1106hmm when I read this on thw wiki about Independent Publisher: “There is a separate and related, but forked, version of Independent Publisher in the WordPress.com repository that does not have these indieweb friendly elements.” I wonder if it references the theme available from WordPress.org to best of my knowledge the h-card is missing in the theme
#sknebeldoes it tell you anything else than the "header": "HTTP/1.1 403 For.... stuff?
#sknebelcause from that it isn#t even clear what it is trying to do at that point
#jgmac1106okay neither version of indpendent publisher comes with an hcard, I will go back and revise wiki at another date, tried the one available from WordPress and direct from GitHub
[pfefferle] joined the channel
#[pfefferle][jgmac1106] this is fixable I think... Do we have already an issue for that?
#Loqi[pfefferle]: jgmac1106 left you a message 48 minutes ago: I am not recommending SemPress to my class because I want them to build a static homepage. Only reason leaving it out of my tutorial
#jgmac1106No but I can make one, just wanted to let you know why I wasn’t showing SemPress any love in my class and just recommending 2016 and Indpendent
#jgmac1106[pfefferle] my work around was to recommend either 2016 or Independent and then I bought a site license to Elementor to give everyone a page builder
#GWGpfefferle, I started labelling the issues in various repos
#jgmac1106I will check it out, limiting kids to two themes sounds so un indieweb but makes my support job easier…then I can focus on teaching
#[pfefferle]Microformats are a nice solution, but very hard for CMSs...
#[pfefferle][jgmac1106] sure, I would love to find a solution for this problem
#jgmac1106yes, I no loner recommend to people try adding mf2 plugin and see if your existing theme works..well you can try once but your WP choice is either A: abandon your theme and use IndieWeb or B: use a subdomain
#jgmac1106well I need to go hop in the shower and head to work, I will be around in a few hours and back at tutorial making
#GWG[pfefferle]: I wasn't offended, by the way. I have a lot of questions I put in the issues that I wasn't expecting to be answered immediately.
#GWGBecause people keep commenting we have so many plugins, I always ask if there is a consolidation opportunity to make fewer ones. But considering the issues some people still have with IndieAuth and Micropub, not sure if we're there yet.
jhsheridan and donblanco joined the channel
#jgmac1106[gwg] it ain’t that bad since the indieweb plugin wraps up all the plugins into one
#donblancoTrying to narrow down my site issues, feel like I just go around in circles :(
#jgmac1106but you do have two of the hcard widgets in your sidebar it looks lie
#jgmac1106I see one here: <aside id="secondary" class="sidebar widget-area" role="complementary"> and one here <div class="hcard-display h-card vcard p-author"><div class="hcard-header"><a class="u-url url fn" href="https://glenn.thedixons.net/"
#jgmac1106double h-cards has been known to trip things up
#donblancoin WordPress Appearance > Widgets I have the H-card Widget and the rel=me widget in the sidebar. (plus search and recent comments) - that's it - both of those widgets come from the IndieWeb plugin
#jgmac1106my aplogies it is in the sidebar widget: <aside id="secondary" class="sidebar widget-area" role="complementary">
#jgmac1106but whatever it is that is causing the problem, delete the widget temporarily and let’s see if both h-cards dissapear,,
#donblancostrange - not sure what is creating the aside - seems to be in/around the search function, not displaying on the site. I'll have to futz with the widgets and/or plugins, like you said. Thanks!
#sknebelI don't think any duplicate h-card is an issue here
#sknebelindiewebify me seems to find the main one just fine
#[jgmac1106]Okay. I know the hcard in the recent comment widget sidebar messed up others on the past
#sknebelthere's a hidden second h-card that's not really necessary and probably should be removed, but it's got nothing to do with there being no representative one
#sknebel(in the sidebar, class "byline". it ends up as just another h-feed entry, which doesn't really make sense)
#donblancothe byline is being inserted by the indieweb-twentysixteen theme, then set to display:none
#sknebelah, I guess that brings its own h-card feature too?
#donblancoif I turn remove the h-card widget (from the IndieWeb plugin) then the indiewebify.me validator just finds the first h-card on the page. Unfortunately it is finding Chris Aldrich' h-card, from some interaction between us
#donblancoand it still complains that it isn't the 'representative' h-card because no u-url and rel=me match
#donblancoI'm guessing this is the source of some of the problems I've run into when trying to use various indieweb services
#sknebelwhat kind of problems? I think few things check for that
#donblancothe Indigenous app gives me a Micropub 403 error
#donblancook, switched back to 2017 theme, added h-card widget back to sidebar - indiewebify.me finds *my* h-card, but still wants u-url. Not sure why the plugin doesn't add that
#[jgmac1106]@donblanco try removing recent comment widget. Not sure why it works but it fixed [mrkrndvs]
#sknebelthere is a u-url in the h-card, you're just missing a rel=me pointing to your site
#[jgmac1106]@sknebel I saw those right after <a= in his social media links was a rel=me back to his site
#[jgmac1106]I am stuck at the swing bridge in my town
[schmarty], jgmac1106, [jgmac1106], [snarfed], taragon-pdx, [eddie], [cleverdevil], [generativist], jhsheridan, tantek__ and [ryan339] joined the channel
#dougbealI wonder if we could do all the uf2 mods as a child theme
#dougbealAnd how much shared code there would be between different children
#MarcoZDejgmac1106: oh, you mean my tweets on the subject?
#MarcoZDeAnd thank you! I got the most important WP plugins installed and running and am now starting to experiment, gain experience etc.
#jgmac1106yeag Marco we followed your story the whole time. I am actually interviewing new users about their onboarding experience, if you feel like sharing your story some time let me know
[ryan339], [eddie], [kevinmarks], [generativist], tantek__, [jgmac1106], [cleverdevil], [chrisaldrich] and dmcweeney joined the channel