#wordpress 2018-07-30
2018-07-30 UTC
[miklb] this is why I think it won’t be difficult to translate mf2 to Gutenberg https://twitter.com/joe_hoyle/status/1023553627875696640

@joe_hoyle It strikes me that it may not be widely understood that building on Gutenberg also means understanding the REST API; what data is available, how to create objects etc. Without this it’s difficult to do much custom block development. (twitter.com/_/status/1023553627875696640)
jgmac1106_ at [miklb] just saying this scares me: “Blocks are higher-level than HTML #Blocks are higher-level than HTML” not sure I need anything that is a higher level than html

Loqi The Language of Gutenberg https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/wp-content/themes/pub/gutenberg/assets/images/github-mark.svg?20171212 Edit

jgmac1106_ also had no idea that the future of WordPress parsers was going to be dependant on html comments because html attributes are too messy

jgmac1106_ I know…just seemed like a pretty bold <h2> to make…saw some irony there

jgmac1106_ “Of these options a novel approach was suggested that by storing data in HTML comments we would know that we wouldn’t break the rest of the HTML in the document"

jgmac1106_ Whereas HTML attributes are complicated to parse properly, comments are quite easily described by a leading <!-- followed by anything except -- until the first -->

jgmac1106_ https://wordpress.org/gutenberg/handbook/block-api/#attributes-optional here are attributions in the block

jgmac1106_ I just found it interesting given how quickly html comments go off the rail in terms of data structure

jgmac1106_ yeah that is what I am realizing, the html comments are just for laying out the blocks

jgmac1106_ [gwg] the customClassName and with className: false…maybe

jgmac1106_ its just funny to see folks saying html comments as “novel” and attributes as “messy”

[matpacker] joined the channel
[matpacker] All this Gutenberg talk is making me think more about Jekyll, or another similar, static, text based, website
[matpacker] I'd love to get access to [aaronpk] site, just re-jig the css for my own styling, otherwise, it's pretty much perfect...from the outside, at least.
[matpacker] [miklb] interesting, do you have a link?
[matpacker] Yeh
[matpacker] [miklb] awesome, thank you, will check it out.
[matpacker] So, you could run this on a local install of WP on your laptop, which would then sync to GH.
[miklb] I was looking at it mostly for a rapid response disaster/emergency site where I didn’t want to waste a bunch of time with performance stuff. But learned the folks that would be updating it wanted/needed a visual editor. So I threw it on a subdomain and put a plugin in front to require logged in to view, then dumped the content into a jekyll site.

chrisaldrich, donblanco, [kevinmarks], [snarfed], [miklb] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] !tell donblanco have you installed the webfinger plugin? If so, try to regenerate the permalinks (just hit save on the permalinks settings page)

[pfefferle] !tell donblanco you can check it here https://client.webfinger.net/lookup?resource=donblanco%40glenn.thedixons.net

[matpacker] joined the channel
[matpacker] Any idea how you can edit the images in a post that's come across from OwnYourSwarm, I can't see them anywhere in the post settings in the WP editor?
[matpacker] dougbeal:++
[matpacker] Thanks! Looks like I can replace it with mf_photo, and hopefully it overrides the existing one.
ben_thatmustbeme, [kevinmarks], jeremycherfas, [matpacker], [jgmac1106] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
jgmac1106 so what is the best way to handle this, I want to reply to somebody elses post but syndicate my reply, sometime it works wih bridgy other times bridgy says “Bridgy Error: Could not find a tweet to reply to.” so then sometimes I make it a bookmark…but its not a bookmark, just a reply I am trying to syndicate

Loqi SemPress is a highly semantic WordPress Theme with HTML5 templates, responsive and seo optimized https://indieweb.org/SemPress

sknebel (for reference, here's bridgy bug report about this with arguments for why it's not supported: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/362)
donblanco, [jgmac1106], [snarfed], [tantek] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
jgmac1106 look what [bradelsen] shared: https://rantinggit.com/2018/07/30/i-just-got.html Facebook drops the bomb on syndicating from all WordPress sites

[grantcodes] joined the channel
[miklb] joined the channel
jeremych- I wonder whether that notice about WP.com to FB applies also to manual from WP self-hosted. I guess I'll find out on Wednesday.
petermolnar I'd say it's for jetpack syndication

jeremych- Manual till it hurts
petermolnar I really wonder if there's stopping IFTTT as well

Loqi donblanco: [pfefferle] left you a message 10 hours, 47 minutes ago: you can check it here https://client.webfinger.net/lookup?resource=donblanco%40glenn.thedixons.net

[ryan339] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] [matpacker] In RE: ownyourswarm photo question, I think GWG set things up so that the photo is hiding in the mf2_photo meta (which [dougbeal] mentioned), but if you manually add a photo(s) to the Featured Image or into the_body of the post, it will automatically override the one saved in meta to display the one(s) you specified instead (so there isn't duplication).

jackjamieson, [cleverdevil] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
jeremych- jgmac1106 I had a little play with Elementor and just couldn't get my head around it. The various widgets do not seem to offer nearly enough control to me. For example, I can show recent posts, but not recent posts from a single category. Maybe I need to go Pro, but right now I don't have the free time to make good use of the 30 day free trial. Maybe later.
[snarfed] and tantek__ joined the channel
[schmarty] and [miklb] joined the channel
Toffee and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [jgmac1106] load a post kind overview page and add /feed to the end of the URL

jgmac1106 well this came out weird: https://rssfeed.glitch.me/

[miklb] joined the channel
jgmac1106 could it make sense the https://jgregorymcverry.com/category/edu22/feed would only pick up articles? doesn’t seem to link my note post-kind

[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [miklb] regarding the themes: sure, it does make sense to make it as easy as possible to implement mf2 into themes, but I have no idea how...

sknebel jgmac1106: I guess you mean edu*5*22? when I go to https://jgregorymcverry.com/category/edu522/ there's also only one entry?
sknebel you have two categories named "edu522", the other is https://jgregorymcverry.com/category/classes/edu522-classes/
[pfefferle] [miklb] having a “fight” with every theme developer to implement mf2 or to have only a limited number of themes is not really practicable... at the moment I would prefer to also support OGP, Schema.org or any kind of content negotiation... at least until mf2 is widely supported...

tantek joined the channel
[pfefferle] Thanks, but it is very limiting and not everyone loves the style of the theme

[pfefferle] [aaronpk] no, do you have a link for me?

[pfefferle] [miklb] is there really a problem?

[pfefferle] There is no real issue I had with SemPress or ZenPress, the issues are only with my implementation of the uf2 plugin

[pfefferle] But this can be fixed easily

tantek__ joined the channel
aaronpk [pfefferle]: just documented here https://indieweb.org/rel-alternate

[pfefferle] [aaronpk]++

jgmac1106 I am getting closer: https://rssfeed.glitch.me/

[pfefferle] [miklb] I think the core mf1 implementation can’t be changed because a lot of theme developers are using the classes to style their themes... and, on top of that, many mf1 implementations are also broken... So it is hard to get that fixed...

[snarfed] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [aaronpk] for as1 and as2 I already made a plugin... have to recheck if it sets the correct headers https://github.com/pfefferle/wordpress-activitystream-extension

[pfefferle] Yes

[pfefferle] Use my blog and add /feed/as2 behind every permalinks

aaronpk hm https://notiz.blog/2018/06/19/15-jahre-wordpress/feed/as2 just shows the comment feed

[pfefferle] Ok, I can add the post too

[pfefferle] This is how the core feeds worked

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[pfefferle] 2 days for the fix and a basic plugin for mf2

[pfefferle] Will have a look

[pfefferle] I am at vacation, so I think I might find some time, the next week to fix the activity streams plugin and to refactor the mf2-feeds plugin to write native json

[cleverdevil] and [ryan339] joined the channel
[pfefferle] [miklb] nothing has changed after the ticket of GWG has been closed

[pfefferle] That is what frustrates me

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
tantek__ [miklb] is the ticket cited perhaps on the /WordPress page so we can learn from the interaction and hopefully do better in another attempt?

[pfefferle] [miklb] but there is no real change... Gutenberg renders plain html inside the content container... there are no changes for themes except some styling options...

[matpacker] joined the channel
[matpacker] Good morning, good afternoon, all
tantek__ [miklb] would appreciate your feedback based on your experience here: https://github.com/microformats/h-entry/issues/7

[pfefferle] [miklb] I am hesitated, because I am using Wordpress since it was called b2 and it is so hard to get open standards into core!

[pfefferle] And I am using Gutenberg since the first stable version and working on the compatibility of ZenPress and there is nothing planned to improve theming...

tantek__ heads-up WordPress folks: https://www.theregister.co.uk/2018/07/30/malvertising_wordpress/ (also does anyone have a non-The-Register source for this to cite?)

[pfefferle] But, as Tantek said, in the end it is up to the theme developers and we can’t control this part

[pfefferle] “Can”

[pfefferle] It is nothing I can really control, so in the end it is not really user friendly and we have to still explain why some themes might break

[pfefferle] Even if we get a significant number of themes that support mf2, there will be still a huge number that don’t

[pfefferle] That is the current problem we have

[pfefferle] We have to explain why themes do not work with our current set of plugins

[pfefferle] Again and again

[pfefferle] And if we can not guarantee that every Wordpress theme will be compatible, it is nothing, a > gen 2 will understand

[pfefferle] No, I try to say, that a significant number of themes do not use the core mf1 functionality or break mf1 in there theme implementation, for example the updated/published dates...

[pfefferle] I do not refer to the hfeed issue at all, because the semantic linkbacks plugin can easily handle that one

[pfefferle] Don’t get me wrong, I would love to see progress in this direction, but I would love to think about alternatives that I can control with a plugin...

[pfefferle] We have to explain to the gen > 2 users why some themes do not work and what mf2 is and which themes they can use... I think this is the main usability issue at the moment

[miklb] so starting this now https://indiewp.com/2018/07/30/10/

tantek joined the channel
[pfefferle] Ok, but working on themes and the semantic linkbacks plugin for some time now, there is no real issue with the core implementation and the twenty... themes

[pfefferle] At least nothing we can easily handle with code

[pfefferle] “can not”

[pfefferle] Now enough of my hesitation ;)

[pfefferle] ;)

[pfefferle] ???

[pfefferle] Oh ok, will have a Look!

[pfefferle] Never saw that before

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "mf1" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "mf1 is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[pfefferle] donblanco only parts are implemented in core... the main part is up to the theme developers

[pfefferle] Dougbeal not really... there is no problem to use the core mf1 functionality and add mf2 too

[pfefferle] donblanco not really, because theme developers do not have to use the core functionality

[pfefferle] Or they can still break stuff if they use it wrong

[pfefferle] [dougbeal] we had issues with the uf2 plugin, but this is because the complete mechanism of adding mf2 via a plugin is hacky and does not really work

[pfefferle] The provide functions to auto generate html classes

[pfefferle] But a developer does not have to use it

[pfefferle] [dougbeal] if we want to add mf2 with a child theme, we have to overwrite every post template with a new one

[pfefferle] donblanco we tried that, but it made things worse

[pfefferle] GWG I like [aaronpk] s idea of content negotiation... at least to give it a try

[pfefferle] Ok, sorry... but the result is very similar ;)

aaronpk donblanco: https://indieweb.org/rel-alternate

[pfefferle] And Wordpress should be following soon!

[pfefferle] Yes, the plugins ;)

[pfefferle] Can you start the plugin work in the IndieWeb repo?

[pfefferle] Would love to contribute

[pfefferle] I can move my mf2-feed plugin, so we can use it as a base

[pfefferle] donblanco in an alternate file... so it should work with every kind of plugin

[pfefferle] I mean theme

[pfefferle] If it supports mf1/2 or not

[pfefferle] donblanco no, there is still only one dB entry but several views on that data... one html view, a feed, a json feed, ...

[pfefferle] GWG yes, give others the chance to do some work ;)

[kim_landwehr] joined the channel
[pfefferle] Will have a look at your code and try to make a merge request, if you are not faster than me ;)

[pfefferle] Plugin is moved

[pfefferle] Which one?

[pfefferle] Not really, I am on vacation right now... I am back at a computer on Saturday

[pfefferle] Oh, thanks for the reminder, have to talk to my company about that!

[pfefferle] So, time to go to bed... it is late here in Germany

[pfefferle] Bye

aaronpk if you support this query quill will load it into the note interface https://indieweb.org/micropub_media_endpoint#Query_the_last_thing_uploaded

[manton] and [cleverdevil] joined the channel