2018-07-31 UTC
tantek__ joined the channel
# 00:53 GWG dougbeal, I am reworking the entire suite of tests.
# 00:54 GWG No, as unit tests aren't theme related
# 01:00 GWG I am working on the file upload code right now.
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 02:37 dougbeal GWG: I have a test failing in semantic linkback because it wants it called Article, but the actualy string is Post
donblanco joined the channel
# 02:43 donblanco so using the WP micropub plugin, what is my resulting media endpoint?
# 02:50 dougbeal donblanco: looks like its in master, but a release hasn't been created
# 02:51 donblanco hmmm - so I have a script asking for it. Guess I can't run it? Or maybe just use the one supposedly coming from micro.blog?
# 03:11 donblanco script is having other errors, I'll wait till those are resolved I guess
[cleverdevil], GWG-, wagle, [manton], gRegorLove, [matpacker] and [xavierroy] joined the channel
# 06:18 Loqi [kraftbj] beer-slurper: Slurp data from Untappd into your site!
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 11:26 jgmac1106 [xavierroy] do you still have the gist of the code you used to display tags under posts?
[xavierroy] joined the channel
# 11:32 [xavierroy] going to pick up my kid.. Will be back soon... [jgmac1106] Let me know if that worked for you.
# 11:49 GWG I am wading through media uploads.
# 11:49 GWG Trying to hook the old code to the new code
donblanco and Toffee joined the channel
# 12:26 jgmac1106 [xavierroy] I had css grid media query issues to sort, those are done. Hope to get to tag displaying tonight
[grantcodes], jeremycherfas, [tantek], [snarfed], [jgmac1106], tantek__, [kevinmarks], [cleverdevil], tantek, [miklb], jgmac1106_, jgmac1106, jackjamieson and [metbril] joined the channel
# 16:43 [metbril] [aaronpk] Is this the proper place to ask a specific user question about Quill?
# 16:43 [metbril] I tried to create a home screen icon, but when I launch it, it continues trying to authenticate. Every attempt redirects to Safari, and never back to the Quill 'container'. So that never gets authenticated.
# 16:44 [metbril] All is working just fine when used within Safari itself. But the separate 'app' is more convenient.
# 16:46 aaronpk did you use the little "add to home screen" thing that quill gives you?
# 16:50 [metbril] That's working. But then I don't have the Dashboard available 😞
# 16:50 aaronpk the "quill" text at the top links to the dashboard, does that not work?
# 16:50 [metbril] Which has more options than just the note and the few at the bottom.
# 16:52 aaronpk hmm, I don't have an answer then. I do know that I need to look into the new PWA support in iOS and maybe I can fix it up to make it work with that
Evo joined the channel
# 16:53 [metbril] OK. I can subscribe to some GitHub issue to be pinged about progress
# 16:54 aaronpk sure. if there isn't one already, feel free to file one
tantek__, [chrisaldrich], jgmac1106, chrisaldrich, ibnesayeed, dbryant, [snarfed], 17SAAJIW3 and Evo joined the channel
# 18:32 17SAAJIW3 [chrisaldrich] If you are going to be around for awhile happy to strategize on updating getting-started page
dbryant joined the channel
# 18:36 chrisaldrich I've got some time if you're around. Need to get back to some of that myself.
# 18:39 dougbeal I think I want to add invite and event kinds to wordpress
# 19:14 17SAAJIW3 So its about a 50/50 split as to why almost everyone in my class chose Independent Publisher (which is the least compliant in terms of proper mf2) half said it was the nicest looking, other half said bc that is what my first tutorial used
# 19:15 17SAAJIW3 [dougbeal] full opacity only way to make my facepile look good
# 19:15 17SAAJIW3 I am telling folks SemPress and 2016-IndieWeb the most functional, if syndicating to and fro Twitter is essential (so far nobody cares) then use 2016-IndieWeb for now
# 19:20 17SAAJIW3 recording my #indieb2016 videos now
[kevinmarks], ibnesayeed, jackjamieson, [jgmac1106] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[Vanessa], tantek and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 21:27 tantek__ dbryant just switched to using the Sempress theme per the WordPress instructions
# 21:28 tantek__ and is now installing the first 7 plugins recommended by the indieweb plugin
chrisaldrich and dbryant joined the channel
# 21:32 dbryant Thanks tantek__. Those 7 plug-ins are Webmention, Semantic-Linkbacks, Micropub, Post Kinds, Syndication Links, Bridgy for Wordpress and Indie Auth
# 21:35 tantek__ now the question is, what is the minimum required configuration for each plugin?
# 21:38 dougbeal Right, it is in the offical wp plugin directory (I think thats the right term)
# 21:39 dougbeal We need to re-write wiki and IndieWeb plugin getting started
# 21:40 tantek__ dougbeal - that's in the readme for the plugin itself
# 21:43 dougbeal tantek__: I will file a bug, don't know where the text is genreated from
myravery joined the channel
# 21:50 dougbeal tantek__: doesn't appear to live in github, must be a wordpress thing
jackjamieson joined the channel
# 22:09 GWG I think we should fix that. In Physical Therapy, will be with you shortly
# 22:10 GWG But install and activate all plugins visit their settings pages and save
# 22:31 GWG jackjamieson, how is Microsub coming?
# 22:33 tantek__ GWG, for the RSVP post kind, once you pick the radio button for "RSVP", where do you check "Post Properties"?
# 22:33 GWG tantek, do you see a box above the content box?
# 22:34 GWG It should appear there. If not, then it's hiding
# 22:36 GWG It should autoparse the URL to do a presentation
# 22:37 GWG tantek, someday I should get your intense feedback on the plugins
# 22:37 tantek__ GWG, how do we know if an RSVP post sent webmentions or not?
# 22:38 tantek__ GWG, working with getting dbryant setup with it now, he just tried an RSVP post
# 22:42 Loqi [David Bryant] Attending DWeb Hacker Day (July 31)
# 22:44 GWG Did he enable the settings under discussion to notify other sites?
# 22:46 dougbeal [?] Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article
# 22:46 tantek__ [ ] Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article ?
# 22:48 tantek__ yeah that is odd - the webmentions plugin won't work without it and that's kind of an obscure setting to go dig for
# 22:48 Loqi [dshanske] #156 Not clear WordPress settings affect webmentions
# 22:49 tantek__ do you have to actually change the post in some way, or can you just click Update?
# 22:54 tantek__ apparently checking the "[x] Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article" is insufficient
# 22:54 tantek__ you have to scroll all the way down to the bottom and hit Save!
# 22:55 tantek__ GWG, the Webmention plugin setup instructions need to include those steps
# 22:56 tantek__ plus it really needs to give the explicit step of: In wp-admin, go to Settings->Discussion Settings, check "[x] Attempt to notify any blogs linked to from the article", scroll to bottom of page and click Save
# 22:56 tantek__ otherwise your website won't send webmentions to other sites, and someone who installed the plugin will wonder why it is not working
# 22:56 dougbeal GWG: the wp plugin page copy is managed with wordpress somehow?
# 22:59 tantek__ dougbeal, that's worth documenting somewhere on the wiki since it's unobvious
# 23:07 GWG I think if you write the section it will replace the default
# 23:08 GWG I think the better move is to remove the setting
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
# 23:08 GWG We shouldn't check as installing the plugin means you want the functionality
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 23:32 Loqi gwg has 80 karma in this channel (395 overall)
# 23:32 Loqi pfefferle has 30 karma in this channel (63 overall)
# 23:32 tantek__ today's WordPress indieweb setup experience was light years better than three years ago!
Evo joined the channel
tantek joined the channel