2018-09-01 UTC
# 01:12 miklb_ suggestions on where I should look for the issue with micropub master?
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# 01:46 GWG miklb_: There is only one instance of gallery
# 01:47 miklb_ true, I can work back from there to see why it's inserting any HTML at all
# 02:13 miklb_ it's also inserting html for replies for instance
# 02:15 miklb_ last I checked, when did you think you fixed it?
# 02:15 GWG It is supposed to turn it off if Post Kinds is on
# 02:16 miklb_ yeah, it started doing it when I switched to micropub master
# 02:17 miklb_ I assumed the 2 issues were connected (photo gallery insert)
# 02:17 GWG My guess is that I forgot to update the remove filter.
# 02:22 miklb_ is that filter change documented in the 2.0 update?
# 02:26 GWG It isn't because it just occurred to me that I split the file but didn't explain which file has which filter.
# 02:45 GWG I was focused on the unit tests passing
# 02:51 miklb_ OK, I've applied the fix to my live site so going to confirm in a minute
# 03:00 miklb_ confirmed that fixes prevents micropub from inserting HTML.
# 03:01 miklb_ but a photo still isn't attaching to the photo post kind that came through
# 03:02 miklb_ BUT, holy cow, I think with the media endpoint now, when you add a photo to Quill, it returns a preview and the URL that will be used. My WP site ran the upload through image-optim and copied to my cdn and returned all of that before publishing.
# 03:08 miklb_ yeah, just need to get the image to show up in the note
# 03:09 miklb_ it's not inserting the gallery short tag, but it's not displaying in the html
# 03:21 GWG I will be revamping them if you find anything
# 03:23 miklb_ well, I'm going to look for a hotfix first, then see what can be improved
# 03:41 GWG I am going to be on Post Kinds improvements for a bit
# 03:54 miklb_ weird. If I manually attach an image to a photo post, it displays, so something with the way micropub is assigning itself to the post isn't getting picked up by the shortcode in the photo kind template
# 03:55 miklb_ I'm going to keep digging, but that's what I've figured out so far
# 04:00 miklb_ it's not setting the `post_parent` to the ID of the note
# 04:01 miklb_ so the gallery shortcode can't find any images. I think.
# 04:02 GWG If the media endpoint uploads it, it doesn't know what post yet
# 04:02 GWG But I should have the plugin check
# 04:04 miklb_ just noting why the shortcode isn't working. There is still an mf2_photo array to get the image url
# 04:05 miklb_ should be able to check if the gallery is empty, and the fallback to grabbing that URL and manually inserting the img tag.
# 04:06 miklb_ unless you have an idea on how to attach the micropub image to note after the fact
# 04:10 GWG It's doable when the post is created
# 04:20 miklb_ hmm. I looked at that function and I'm not sure how it would be used
# 04:23 GWG Get which URLs are attachments, and update them to attach to the post.
# 04:28 GWG All I have to do is add inside that xondition to update the attachment with the post ID
# 04:34 miklb_ so just change post_id to $id in the insert_attachment?
# 04:36 GWG wp_update_post( array( 'post_iD' => $id, 'post_parent' => $post_id );
# 04:36 GWG wp_update_post( array( 'post_iD' => $id, 'post_parent' => $post_id ) ) ;
# 04:40 miklb_ so to test I'd just add that before the insert_attachment?
# 04:43 Loqi GWG has 76 karma in this channel over the last year (155 in all channels)
# 04:48 GWG Add an issue. I'll take care of it shortly.
# 04:51 miklb_ yay. Photo posting from micropub resolved. That's productive Friday evening. Thank you very much.
# 04:55 Loqi sequelpro has 1 karma over the last year
# 05:36 miklb_ GWG does Parse This currently get called with a micropub post?
# 05:38 GWG I'm working on enhancing that though right now with the new Parse This
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# 16:37 miklb_ yeah, that's a long time to be working away from home. My sympathy
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# 17:40 miklb_ and a plugin to auto-syndicate likes & reposts to twitter/github if the url matches
# 17:50 miklb_ If I had a dollar for everytime I've typed that I could have paid someone to write it by now 😂
# 17:54 GWG I had to put the syndication project on the back burner.
# 17:56 miklb_ I think we figured out that wouldn't affect what I want to do, but good to know.
# 17:58 miklb_ I was more waiting until micropub was stable and working with indieauth. Which it is flawlessly now for me.
# 18:00 miklb_ aaronpk++ for Quill photo upload when using media enpoint
# 18:00 Loqi aaronpk has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (313 in all channels)
# 18:01 GWG I still need to decide when to release it.
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# 23:48 GWG So, I have separated Parse This into a library that I am thinking of giving its own repository