2018-09-02 UTC
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 00:31 miklb_ might find it's easier to start over for Gutenberg and just use that part of it
Ohelig joined the channel
# 00:40 GWG It will include MF2_Post, which returns post objects as mf2 or jf2, the Parse This parser, and a debugger tool to test parsing
# 00:51 GWG Well, I go increasingly modular over time
# 00:52 GWG A lot of the current update I'm working on is to have the pieces work independently
# 01:01 GWG Is Micropub only publishing a viable path?
# 01:02 miklb_ I don't know exactly about "only" but I'm getting close to not having to use the admin now that everything is working together
# 01:03 GWG Indigenous turned a corner for me
# 01:04 GWG I still want to convince swentel to add location, which is my biggest missing feature
# 01:51 miklb_ GWG do we support alt txt for images in the mf2 object?
# 01:52 miklb_ Quill allows for adding it, didn't notice if we can use it in the image somehow
[eddie] joined the channel
# 02:23 [eddie] miklb: Indigenous for Android isn’t a clone per-say. But swentel decided to make a Microsub/Micropub client for Android that had similar goals as Indigenous for iOS so we agreed to co-brand the apps. The feature set isn’t being developed in parallel but the end goal of both is probably a pretty similar feature set
[jon], ForexTrader, jeremych_, [kevinmarks], bray90820_18, guardian18, Madcotto14 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 12:41 [jgmac1106] I can not for the life of me figure out where the "also on" on my website is coming from how how to get rid of it....I added the social links menu during a demo....the also on got added and won't go away
davidmead joined the channel
# 13:02 [jgmac1106] if I don't syndicate itjust says "also on" and it isn't anywhere....also gets picked up my most feeds and looks weird
# 13:03 Loqi [Greg McVerry] I took a long break from @inoreader as all my feeds get duplicated and I see every post twice..Still seems to be an issue not resolved. RSS is messy…
# 13:04 [jgmac1106] is also on Twitter and Mastodon but the "Also On" is blank....I liked when I just had the two icons in the footer entry
snarfed and jeremych_ joined the channel
# 14:01 aaronpk I see that "also on" in a lot of people's Wordpress sites. Shouldn't that be added *outside* the e-content?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
# 14:50 jgmac1106 looks like removing plugin doesn’t remove: <div class="syndication">Also on:</div>
# 14:52 jgmac1106 and on a post <div class="syndication">Also on:</div> </div> is in content rather than the footer
# 15:01 GWG I can't add it outside of e content on most sites as it needs custom placement. On my site I call it directly
# 15:01 GWG It's a hook issue. Namely which to hook it to
# 15:14 jgmac1106 it also doesn’t work for me. It used to show the logo for Twitter
# 15:22 Zegnat “color:white;” for hiding? Do “display:none;” instead if you want to get rid of it.
[jon] and [tantek] joined the channel
# 15:44 miklb_ [jgmac1106] I'm using 2016 theme with the fork of the mf2 plugin I have in my GitHub.
# 15:44 aaronpk the post on your wordpress is great, but it didn't include my tweet URL when syndicating to twitter
# 15:45 miklb_ that might be an issue with moderation of webmetnions. I've been struggling to get those auto-approved
# 15:46 miklb_ yes. I posted via Quill and syndicated via bridgy, then was trying to use Indigenous to reply
# 15:46 aaronpk ooh does bridgy support in-reply-to being an h-cite?
# 15:47 miklb_ good question. I'm using the default post-kinds templates, so if there is an area we can improve there that would be great.
# 15:47 miklb_ meaning, this doesn't have to do with my theme or mf2 plugin
# 15:48 aaronpk the mf2 on your site looks great now, but I suspect bridgy doesn't recognize the in-reply-to because it's not just a URL
# 15:48 miklb_ [jgmac1106] also, we fixed an issue with micropub/post-kinds that currently is only a PR I believe that fixes the change in the name of the filter used in micropub
# 15:49 aaronpk it's actualy better than just a URL because it has the whole h-cite
# 15:49 miklb_ but it still is 2 shims for the mf2 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
# 15:51 miklb_ and only tested against 2016 not a multitude of themes. I was going to move to 2017 and see what changed, but then the decision to not develop that plugin stalled my plans.
# 15:52 miklb_ aaronpk any suggestions on how to mark that up so bridgy would pick it up, or should I file an issue ?
# 15:52 aaronpk this would be better fixed by bridgy supporting h-cite
# 15:54 Loqi [miklb] wordpress-uf2: add microformats2 classes to your WordPress theme
# 15:59 miklb_ aaronpk any chance you could file that for bridgy? I'm not sure how to word it other than "support for h-cite" and I'm not sure that's exactly what's needed.
# 15:59 Loqi [snarfed] #101 publish: handle the "u-in-reply-to h-cite" pattern
# 16:00 aaronpk I can't tell if that means it was completed or not
# 16:01 aaronpk I think the wordpress plugin is using "p-in-reply-to h-cite" but it should be "u-in-reply-to h-cite"
# 16:02 miklb_ ok, let me look at the template for replies. I can override that in my theme to play around with instead of altering the plugin right now.
# 16:02 aaronpk so that is something to change in wordpress and see if that fixes it
# 16:09 miklb_ hmm. I don't see where `p-in-reply-to` is coming from
# 16:10 miklb_ oh, maybe it's dynamically being generated there in the kind.php template
# 16:11 miklb_ wonder if need a specific kind-reply template
# 16:13 aaronpk since that is always going on an h-cite, seems like changing that to a "u" would be fine
# 16:18 aaronpk yep. reason being is that an h-cite will always have a url since it's citing something elsewhere, so always using a u- prefix is correct
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 16:34 miklb_ so now I need to try another Indigenous reply I suppose
# 16:36 Loqi [Michael Bishop] Really excited about debugging this. Thanks for your help.
# 16:37 GWG I am going to debug some markup issues shortly
# 16:37 miklb_ but I think I fixed this in my custom template by adding the u-url directly to the tweet embed. Let me look at my code
# 16:38 GWG But I may put parsing to bed for a bit and do templates
# 16:40 GWG Parsing is nearly at a good pause point
# 16:41 miklb_ what I discovered is due to how WP stores the tweet context in the db, I needed to add that u-url to work with bridgy. If you don't use rich embeds, i think the markup works fine
# 16:43 miklb_ but I can't speak to if that's a bridgy specific hack and bridgy should parse the h-cite u-in-reply-to
# 16:46 miklb_ so if I just added my custom kind-reply template I'll be good to go. I don't know how best to translate that fix to the core plugin however
# 16:48 miklb_ lol Firefox Nightly blocks rich Twitter embeds by default it seems, so it's nice there's the fall back.
# 16:54 miklb_ iirc you weren't using rich embeds at the time I was working on this, but the no-js fallback is awesome.
# 16:56 GWG I keep trying to stay ahead, but I never quite get there
# 16:57 GWG I need someone to look at a feature and give me an opinion, then revert to stable
# 16:57 GWG Are you up for a quick try of something?
# 16:58 GWG Try installing the parse branch of Post Kinds and load the Parse This settings page under Tools or Indieweb if that is installed and tell me how it parses your usual sites.
# 17:08 GWG I am trying to get ideas for improvements
# 17:08 miklb_ oh, I need add your remote again, i'm running my fork with the fixes
# 17:09 GWG I might leave it in an intermediate state that works and move to more fixes
# 17:09 miklb_ I'll test after I add this temp fix for replies view
# 17:13 GWG I may end up breaking mf2_post in the next revision to break it from its kind dependency
# 17:13 GWG I have to look at how I am figuring out where the URL data is
# 17:14 GWG That is the only system that uses that info, and I can fix that
# 17:17 GWG Breaking things apart is so much harder than integrating them
[keithjgrant] and bumbar24 joined the channel
# 18:22 [keithjgrant] Question about the micropub plugin: does the plugin automatically add the '<meta rel="micropub">' to the page head, or does it require a compatible theme?
[jon] joined the channel
# 18:47 [keithjgrant] If anyone's motivated to take a look at that and see if the Wordpress section looks accurate
# 18:48 [keithjgrant] (i mostly just refer to the plugin docs, but if there's anything else essential I should mention, let me know)
# 18:49 miklb_ technically the IW plugin is an installer for the other recommended plugins. Micropub should work without any of the other plugins, but to get webmentions, rich context for both the webmentions, then they will want to install the full suite. also WordPress
# 18:51 [keithjgrant] I'm trying to simplify as much as possible to reduce decision paralysis. The IW plugin seemed the most "bang for the buck" but I haven't used either myself do I'm kind of flying blind
# 18:51 miklb_ maybe @chrisaldrich or jgmac1106 can offer better language since they've documented more
# 18:52 miklb_ but a "Install the IW Plugin and the recommended plugins in its installer" and a link to indieweb.org/WordPress would be sufficient I think
# 18:58 [keithjgrant] At the very least I can rephrase it to make it more clear that's an installer for other plugins, though. Thanks
miklb__ joined the channel
# 19:10 GWG Minimum viable is just the Micropub plugin and it just works
# 19:15 GWG That's optional. Without it, it uses Indieauth.com
# 19:16 [keithjgrant] Yeah, that makes it nice and simple. User just needs a rel=me link to GitHub?
# 19:16 GWG Yes. But the Indieauth plugin, they just need their WordPress credentials, even easier
# 19:19 GWG When it works, which I think we've gotten the bugs out
# 19:20 miklb__ bummer, adding the new reply template didn't work
# 19:20 Loqi GWG has 77 karma in this channel over the last year (157 in all channels)
# 19:20 Loqi miklb__ has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (41 in all channels)
# 19:21 miklb__ I meant to and believe I inadvertently closed that tab
Miron16 joined the channel
# 19:27 miklb__ getting `"error":"forbidden","error_description":"Unauthorized"}(403) - null(User ID: 0)` when trying to authenticate
# 19:33 miklb__ I even cleared all cookies for my domain before testing
Chew4 and n-st18 joined the channel
# 19:45 miklb__ but I've never been able to authenticate and post with any version of Omnibear and any combo of the WP plugins
badpixel20 and [tantek] joined the channel
# 20:28 miklb__ !!tell aaronpk if you could look at the markup of my latest attempt at a reply and let me know if I missed anything cobbling that template together I'd appreciate it
# 20:29 miklb__ ! !tell aaronpk if you could look at the markup of my latest attempt at a reply and let me know if I missed anything cobbling that template together I'd appreciate it
[jgmac1106], doaks, [grantcodes], [kevinmarks] and ovrstorm27 joined the channel
# 23:32 miklb__ nothing in the parsing jumps out at me being off. `in-reply-to` `h-cite` with a url in the properties