#wordpress 2018-10-10
2018-10-10 UTC
[tmiller], [jgmac1106], Loqi_, jeremycherfas_, [kevinmarks], [chrisburnell] and [chegalabonga] joined the channel
[chegalabonga] Hi there
[Rose] joined the channel
[chegalabonga] Just set my indiewebifying site back up in WordPress
[chegalabonga] thank you
[chegalabonga] was just chatting with [pfefferle] about his excellent oStatus plugin
[chegalabonga] It is such an awesome plugin
AkyRhO_ I'm trying the Simple Location plugin. Works well on post pages but not on listing pages. Any idea of what i'm doing wrong?
[chegalabonga] I've not used it yet, but I will add it soon
[eddie] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I get a link to broken map when I use it but my coordinates are correct

[schmarty] joined the channel
[chegalabonga] hmm. strange. I'll try it on mine in sec
[grantcodes], [chegalabonga], [tantek], [jgmac1106], tantek__ and [Rose] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] @gwg I was just saying the map loads a broken img link for me, but I don't assume anything that applies to my website applies to everyone

[jgmac1106] nope didn't know I had to. will retry and report

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
sknebel GWG https://carto.com/location-data-services/basemaps/ allows use without a key under some conditions, but not sure if they approve of shipping it as a choice in an plugin
[jgmac1106] we rtalk about many things, doesn't mean I listen, sorry

[adamprocter], [Kayaelle], [eddie] and mattl joined the channel
[jgmac1106] @mattl can you try going back to classic editor?

[jgmac1106] then make sure you have the following plugins installed, bridgy, webmentions, indieweb, semantic linkbacks NOT microformats2

[jgmac1106] I also do not see the h-card in your sidebar, you get a widget with the indieweb plugin

[jgmac1106] yes because you are using a native mf2 theme

chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich [jgmac1106] don't get the cart too far ahead of the horse if he just wants to POSSE from WordPress to Twitter....

chrisaldrich let's just help solve that problem first if we can....

chrisaldrich [Rose]'s first question is probably the best: " So, how are you trying to post to Twitter from Wordpress right now?"

[jgmac1106] [chrisaldrich] correct plugins, h-card are minimal set up for POSSE with bridgy yes?

chrisaldrich That presumes he's going to use Brid.gy to POSSE to Twitter. If mattl is planning on changing themes, then Brid.gy may not be the best solution in the long run.

chrisaldrich Often using something like JetPack may be the quickest and simplest thing to use for syndication to Twitter, but there are a multitude of different methods for doing it.

[jgmac1106] okay, and as background we started convo on Twitter so I had a little background knowledge of the set up......you want to use Brid.gy to Twitter if keeping comments threasded works

[jgmac1106] @mattl I don't see new post on website

[jgmac1106] you are in the right place for the (no Mastodon crowd...even though many play there)we will cover micro.blog at later date

chrisaldrich The ideal comment threading for WordPress to Twitter doesn't really work (yet). You can sort of thread from one post to the next, but ideally, one would like to start one post and thread everything through the comments instead of across multiple posts which is much harder to read.

[jgmac1106] yes, I can explain my workflow for this later, but I am close by just always replying to last tweet in thread

[jgmac1106] okay and you added h-card, turned off the microformats2 plugin? If so we can move on to checking your brid.gy account

[jgmac1106] perfect do another post after [chrisaldrich] webmention plugin would not affect bridgy correct? As it doesn't look like @mattl went through tht set up.

[jgmac1106] but this blog is not on that domain...

chrisaldrich For twitter, there's the main URL field for one's blog/site, but you can add an additional one in your bio section and brid.gy will pick up that one too.

chrisaldrich I use brid.gy with two different websites, so you'll notice I have both of them listed in my Twitter account and bio: https://twitter.com/chrisaldrich

[jgmac1106] perfect so just add both urls, you don't have to worry about rel=me for bridgy, but if you are in twitter anyways might as well

[jgmac1106] can you drop the shortened bit.ly links? not sure Bridgy can use those

[jgmac1106] oh okay I thought they were the links to your website and blogs

[jgmac1106] will let [chrisaldrich] chime in but I think we are at a Sophie's choice of bio characters..Brid.gy needs the link in bio

chrisaldrich You really need a 1-1 mapping of a rel-me from Twitter (either the in the URL or bio) and one from your site to Twitter.

[jgmac1106] would still be a subdomain if you do that mat.tl/blog/ would need to be in Twiiter profile

chrisaldrich mattl, that sounds a bit like how my site works as I've got a "landing" page on my home/root and my blog/stream is on a different page, so that is doable, but I'm not sure how it would work if your landing page is one CMS and your stream is done via WordPress.

[jgmac1106] well I have to go coach soccer, not sure what is harder, WordPress or getting 6-7 year olds to touch-touch-pass...good to know thanks @mattl as I am about to do same approach of using static homepages and blog on /blog

[jgmac1106] but if you can lose enough characters in your bio...even for ten minutes, for proof of concept, just stick https://blog.mat.tl/1931-2/ in there to see if brid.gy works

chrisaldrich mattl, you might be able to get around things a bit by doing your standard rel-me's using mat.tl, but follow the instructions at https://brid.gy/about#link

chrisaldrich and using <link rel="feed" href="..."> pointing to another page with top-level h-feed or h-entrys

[jgmac1106] damn

[jgmac1106] you can go to brid.gy and log in and check

[jgmac1106] [chrisaldrich] he does not need to configure the webmentions plugin for this to work correct?

chrisaldrich yes, clicking on the date/timestamp in the bridgy page view will give you some log info

chrisaldrich Webmentions doesn't have a lot of configuration options. But it will need to be installed and activated as that's how Brid.gy will receive the data.

[jgmac1106] yes @mattl and when you configure your webmentions there is a manual box you can add to your comments. it let's people send webmentions if they dont have all the plumbing

chrisaldrich mattl, yes it looks like you've set up your site and brid.gy properly now...

chrisaldrich or at least Brid.gy is seeing your site and able to parse it.

chrisaldrich The issue you may run up against is the #1931 or other numbers that the Sempress theme is dumping into your title area. If you put https://blog.mat.tl/1931-2/ into the preview box at https://brid.gy/twitter/mattl, brid.gy will show you what the Tweet will look like.

chrisaldrich I thought that @pfefferle had fixed this issue, but there are ways around it.

chrisaldrich Looks like it may have just been fixed: https://github.com/pfefferle/SemPress/issues/62

chrisaldrich And for the tape, here's some of what I've written about Twitter/WP threaded conversations for those that want to keep everything within one specific post: https://boffosocko.com/2018/07/02/threaded-conversations-between-wordpress-and-twitter/

[asuh] joined the channel
chrisaldrich @asuh, which error was that, I didn't see it in the channel...

[jgmac1106] Yes issue fixed but not pushed to WP.ortlg

[asuh] the text “the web site URL is in your silo profile” links to “https://asuh.com/about#profile-link” which isn’t valid

chrisaldrich did you get it sorted out @asuh?

chrisaldrich but you know where to start to get it fixed at least?

chrisaldrich @asuh, what is your twitter handle?

chrisaldrich mattl++

chrisaldrich @asuh, I've got to run out to a meeting, but I'll be around later to help you troubleshoot as it looks like it should work from what I'm seeing...

chrisaldrich I have some youtube videos linked for some/many of the WordPress pieces at https://boffosocko.com/research/indieweb/ if you might find them useful.

[jgmac1106] @mattl I can try again between dinner and soccer. As recap you, put in the link to your blog on Twitter, added the IndieWeb plugin, went to your user pafeand put your Twitter handle in the profile, checked brid.gy and logged in, and still could not get it to work?

[tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Cool. Is presentation today?

[Rose] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[manton] and [tmiller] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [tantek] I had planned to be online helping WP folks anyways so feel free to ping.. Shower train actually going smoother than normal

[tmiller] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel