2018-12-06 UTC
[grantcodes], [kevinmarks] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
# 01:47 GWG [Khurt]: Can you add rel-feed to your main URL?
[jgmac1106], chrisaldrich, tbbrown, [tantek], AkyRhO, [grantcodes], [kevinmarks], jgmac1106 and [Khurt] joined the channel
# 12:41 [Khurt] @GWG how do I do that?
# 12:44 GWG Maybe I should add it as a feature to the Indieweb plugin. It's about 4 lines of code
# 12:45 GWG But anyone who doesn't have their main feed on their homepage/h-card should be saying where the feed is.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 13:00 jgmac1106 …[gwg]…or they expect people to infer the “post” button in their nav menu is the feed
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[jgmac1106], [tantek], tantek__, tbbrown and jackjamieson joined the channel
# 18:03 GWG jackjamieson: I did another iteration for you
# 18:07 GWG jgmac1106: You don't need a plugin to add rel-feed to a menu item in WordPress
# 18:08 GWG This would apply to islandinthenet as well. But if you put feed into the Link Relationship box in the WordPress Menu customizer, that does it
# 18:10 GWG jackjamieson: Would you be setting the follow option to true in the parse function?
# 18:17 jackjamieson GWG: I think so, seems like that would be useful. If it slows down the response I might leave it disabled when previewing feeds (since the use is actually waiting for the response) but add it when actually aggregating. Will need to think on that a bit
# 18:23 GWG That's why I didn't enable it by default
# 18:29 jackjamieson Just tried setting follow to true, and got a php notice trying to parse your website
# 18:31 GWG I'm on lunch, but was looking at why chrisaldrich said the Washington Post wasn't working
# 18:31 GWG It times out occasionally, but it works.
# 18:34 GWG I'm not sure why. It notes if ! empty. I think I need a function that is isset & ! empty, which seems redundant
# 18:43 GWG I think I need to fix my markup regardless.
# 18:43 GWG But I'm moving my feed off my main page
# 18:46 GWG I made a bunch of changes to accommodate it.
# 18:46 GWG That's why the next Post Kinds will have a Kind Menu widget
# 18:49 jackjamieson Oh, my mistake on that error - I was looking at the parse-this commit on Github, but forgot to actually update it on my server :/
# 18:51 jackjamieson Yep, it's working now. I just got mixed up doing multiple things at once
# 18:54 GWG Been jumping from theme to plugin to get integrations
# 18:55 GWG The new h-card widget in the Indieweb plugin allows the rel me inside the h-card or separately now
# 19:07 jackjamieson Actually I've been neglecting my actual website lately because I've just been working on Yarns instead
tbbrown joined the channel
# 19:35 jackjamieson GWG: I just tested parsing your site with follow = true vs. false. Took 9 seconds when true, 2 seconds when false. So I will leave it false for previews
# 19:42 jackjamieson It might be possible to speed up, since I think it's fetching and parsing an author h-card for every post. In the case of a single-author site, this is redundant
jackjamieson joined the channel
# 20:19 GWG jackjamieson, I intend to optimize more over time
# 20:19 GWG Right now I know it fetches a lot more than needed
# 20:42 GWG I thought getting it working well was first before optimization
# 20:43 GWG And next is comment presentation output for Semantic Linkbacks
# 20:44 GWG I might need to change the argument from feed true to fetch single, feed, comment...
# 20:46 jackjamieson I'm completely delighted how easily parse-this works with Yarns, while still being so general purpose
jackjamieson and jgmac1106 joined the channel