#wordpress 2018-12-08

2018-12-08 UTC
Ruxton_ and jgmac1106 joined the channel
GWG: I noticed the post kinds widget in my sidebar isn't wrapped in a <section> like the other widgets there (indieweb-2016).
I suppose that I could wrap it in one
i didn't do code review, was thinking you may have left out the before_widget and after_widget stuff?
because that section wrap should come from the sidebar
I better just go look now :)
I might have forgot, I thought I added it, but happy to release a fix
found some more funny business there in my sidebar. the #hcard_widget is wrapping the whole sidebar? that doesn't seem intentional. I'm going to run this down to the source
Keep me posted
I will have it fixed
I'm always happy someone is using things.
GWG: issue at GH or here in chat?
cjwillcock: I'm here, if you mention it, I'll do it right now.
I'm super happy someone is making me stuff ;)
If not, the issue is fine
I just sat down at my desk
i only did 1/2 --- this one is in indieweb plugin
in includes/class-hcard-user.php
line 555
should be another </div> in there
the one we see is closing the hcard-body
this was the second thing I mentioned, my whole sidebar is wrapped up in my #hcard_widget -- simple little fix, if this is the culprit
I'm surprised no one ever noticed. I've been there for ages. I see it
Maybe I should clean up the code while I'm there
good call, that section has opportunity written all over it ;)
Well, it was meant to be a simple h-card, but I think people kept wanting little things added and it morphed a bit.
I think I may use a template file
template is a great way to go
hcard comes up a lot in the early 'intro to indieweb' materials
so nice to isolate the whole thing in a single template, for review and consideration
I think I know how to make this better.
I got away from the continual concatentation pattern, in favour of in/out PHP - for inline blocks of HTML, e.g. ?><?php // ... ?> stuff <?php // stuff ?>
cjwillcock: That is what I'm switching to. But I'm going a step further.
recently, started using this $template = 'block of html with printf refs, e.g. %1$s', fed through a printf -- I saw that in WP core
if you are going to a template, I think you are going well.
cjwillcock: Have you read the kind_view code?
in there now
Same idea
ob_start to capture the output of a standard HTML template
oh yea! my old friend. I use that outside of WP all the time
so nice and easy
when I code in WP, I switch styles (syntax conventions)
among much more
mental block maybe? lol no idea
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
cjwillcock: I find that people like being able to write an HTML template better than anything else.
template <- html with some php in it
cf. php with some html in it
i agree that use of templates puts confidence in the hands of the person comfy with HTML, but not well-versed and comfortable in writing functions &c.
(who am I agreeing with --- I suppose it's more accurate to s/agree/hypothesize/)
The h-card widget still has a bunch of conditionals
If there is an avatar
If you want to share your email.
basic if / else -- if you are in a template and don't know those, now is a good time to learn. right? :D
back on the kind menu widget, in includes/class-kind-menu-widget.php, you've got the before_widget bit there on line 44 -- not sure why the esc_html though. If you check the theme (indieweb-2016) /functions.php line 152, we are passing HTML
the esc_html is discarding the <section>
another nice easy one for you GWG!
cjwillcock: The codesniffer keeps telling me it wants it. But I probably should ignore that
jgmac1106 joined the channel
sometimes you just need to use wp_kses or turn on the ignore
Which is what I am increasingly doing.
wp_kses is awkward with all those nested arrays, but a very powerful thing to have in the toolbox
cjwillcock: You were wrong. The esc_html was not discarding. I wasn't echoing
i think it doesn't matter how many years you are at this, if you forget to type the echo, you just can't see it until you look for a very, long, time.
GWG has 79 karma in this channel over the last year (161 in all channels)
but ... we don't want to esc_html there do we?
Yes, I just meant the source of the problem
I think I created a new one though
I think I must have missed a tag again
Okay, done.
But that repo requires approval
[dshanske] #129 Add template and bump version
cjwillcock: Apparently I did miss the before and after widget in several areas
Checking all my widgets
cjwillcock: Fixes pushed to dev for Post Kinds
Declaring Post Kinds to be 5.0 compatible, but not Gutenberg compatible.
[jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], jgmac1106, jeremych_, [tantek], indiewindy and gRegorLove joined the channel
obver from /indieweb I can't get my social shares into p-content...I can add the shortcode to my subscribe plugin which would then add it
gonna see what turing on jetpack and those social menus do
[eddie] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: I'm on...checking WordPress 5.0 compatibility in my plugins. So I'll be making the rounds.
I think Syndication Links might be the easiest to make Gutenberg compatible, since I'm already getting questions about when I'll do that.
Trying to decide if I will try doing it
wait more than one day after release….let’s see patterns that emerge and triage based on functionality
I agree.
But I like to update to say I'm compatible
so I will update to 5.0 today and start publishing all the things and see where we break
just made yout his as nobody knew how to add rel="feed" into their menu: https://archive.org/details/AddCustomPropertiesToMenuLinksInWordPressIndieWeb
I added it to the wiki after the other day
I really need to go through and re record all of my SemPress and IndieWeb-2016 YoutTube videos with all the updates
yeah but I did them bite sized...so syndication links needs to be redone, h-card widget needs to be redone
bridgy publish needs a note saying no longer supported as plugin but I am keeping it up
I have more things I am thinking of doing as always
.....and we just want you to think.....mmmmm long steady release cycles are so relaxing........
[pfefferle] joined the channel
but you kickes ass on the recent updates
loving the h-card widget changes, the menus
I am prepping for moving my main feed off my homepage
pfefferle, the next version of Parse This would be able to handle the parsing for Semantic Linkbacks. Just because.
no matter what I do I can't get the social share buttons into content. I have not tried the sharing is caring plugin that is popular to people
and getting the post page correct with an h-feed will benefit everyone...most folks use static homepage setting
I just find talking about myself difficult
The picture of me on the website and such
people use avatars to represent themselves. nor do you need much content....I can help you write copy if you want...it is hard to find words about ourselves
I haven't updated my portfolio in a decade. I need to.
David Shanske, a cornerstone of the WordPress IndieWeb Community. builds sites and tools so others can take control of the web through the power of WordPress. An avid developer, David maintains the following plugins....x, y, z.... In his free time David travels . He is also an avid fan of the history of technology and transportation. ...etc etc
use first person....best advice grab a piece paper...just sketch it out...landing page diesn't have ti be abotu you...if you are uncomfortable make it a few images a couple words..
I may study other bios
And steal from them
!tell chisaldrich I though you redid the Getting Started On WordPress page and combined what I started where is that? I want to add note about JetPack
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Homepage and bio not necessarily the same either ..happy to help you think...but trust...think on paper first
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
You can add it there or on the current page. I'll do a page diff to pick up all the subsequent changes between the original and the new draft, so it shouldn't matter much.
...let's pull trigger and make yoru page the current page for getting started with WordPress
we are making crucial wiki error doing soo much development in too many places
I was hoping to finish off bulk portions of that page and push it soon.
i would reduce the welcome copy by like 90% but I hate words in wikis'
I think there were a few reasons I didn't do it when I worked on it last. I'll try to circle back on it this weekend.
i see you copied a lot of my page in there as well, so we are getting there
I can't even find the page I started
you had it under your user name too I think... try typing it into your browser and let auto finish find it maybe?
(that's how I found mine... 😉 )
I wasn't done cleaning up the bottom section of my page and putting things in their proper place....
we can also just make finishing it a topic of the next vHWC-Americas...make next one about work
yeah...want to describe the two main themes on that page
I was still taking pieces of your page and fleshing out/putting them in proper places, and there was a section with pieces that needed to be moved to other pages.
We can drop Indpendent Publisher until we fix it but that is after Yarns
While Independent Publisher has a few issues, I think that so many like it/use it enough that the small problems aren't showstoppers for anyone... unless there's something I'm unaware of.
it seems like themes can override where the jetpack buttons go? https://jetpack.com/support/sharing/#move-buttons
!tell pfefferle, gwg look what sknebel noted may want to do for themes and jetpack share buttons it seems like themes can override where the jetpack buttons go? https://jetpack.com/support/sharing/#move-buttons
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
haven't checked SemPress that is next but they go in e-content in 2016-IndieWeb
This was also related to that ages ago and may have some useful notes: https://github.com/Automattic/jetpack/issues/4399
[chrisaldrich] #4399 Syndicating WP content to Tumblr includes sharedaddy div
yepp same exact div class
[tonz] joined the channel
(I’ve disabled JetPack a while ago. As my hoster blocks xmlrpc most of Jetpack was useless to me, and it kept interfering with other stuff.) For sharing buttons I have used Sharriff plugin, which are GDPR compliant. No longer using sharing buttons anymore though (Sharriff puts them inside an entry, and they kept popping up in how webmmentions were shown on other sites.
jgmac1106: I moved over to the new layout. Will have to fiddle more till I like it
GWG: [jgmac1106] left you a message 11 minutes ago: look what sknebel noted may want to do for themes and jetpack share buttons it seems like themes can override where the jetpack buttons go? https://jetpack.com/support/sharing/#move-buttons
I don;t see the share buttons on sempress even when enables
scratch that SemPress does add it. I forgot a setting
doubleloop joined the channel
I had a possibly related problem with replies and SemPress recently, with too much being wrapped in e-content property and then showing up in my webmentions to people.. https://github.com/ngm/doubleloop.net/issues/4
[ngm] #4 Replies sent via webmention are a mess on the receiving site
GWG: I posted a 'read' post kind today, and was thorough about completing my respone properties. Multiple authors with urls & photos, etc.
GWG has 80 karma in this channel over the last year (161 in all channels)
so, I found that after entering all the data, some of those things I entered aren't displayed in my theme (2016-indieweb) -- was wondering if they are included somewhere else by post-kinds, or if they are available, but unused in display at present
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
cjwillcox, you are correct
I don't yet have some of them in the default templates
I want to address featured image
[asuh] joined the channel
GWG: what are responsive embeds that you added support for to the theme?
[asuh]: I backported the enhancements in Core for Gutenberg support to the theme. So, not my code.
[asuh]: Weren't you about to say something the other day, but didn't finish?
When I was giving you feedback? No, I completed my thought. I might have had text that I changed my mind about sending
I’m seeing an error in my log file regarding Syndication Links: `mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Warning: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given in /[...]/wp-content/plugins/syndication-links/includes/class-syndication-provider.php on line 21`
I'll add a check. I have this issue with defaults.
Added for next time I push a release.
ok, i’ll keep an eye out for it
[asuh]: If I were to add additional syndication options, what would you suggest?
That’s a good question. For internal links to posts, you’ve covered the main ones. Have you heard of Tiktok? https://www.tiktok.com/ That seems to be a new app getting traction but I don’t know if there are web links
[asuh]: I am talking about the ability to POSSE to external sites.
Oh, I’d probably get inspiration from SNAPS in that case
The impossible ones like Facebook and Instagram would be convenient but understandably are practically not possible right now
Oh, maybe Mastodon would be good. Micro.blog for those using it
Micro.blog is a possibility. But it would in reality be generating a feed for you to plug into it, as there is no other way
I have a Mastodon account but don’t use it because I don’t know enough people to follow or interact with. However, I could see a case made to be able to syndicate to both Twitter and Mastodon at the same time
I also considered writing a native Twitter provider instead of using Bridgy, but Bridgy works well enough at the moment.
Oh, and maybe Slack could be added. Can slack threads be made public?
I’m also seeing more sites using Discourse, including Slack.
I think they can be
Maybe these are also good Bridgy requests to make
Well, adding it to Bridgy is a Python thing, so not me
Fixing some bugs in Simple Location
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
well somebpdy could build a WP to micro.blog micropub client
Bridgy works best, hard to replace best
[pfefferle] asuh adding new networks to Bridgy looks pretty straight foraward given documentation [snarfed] wrote
oops autocorrect metion
Yeah, I did just see that on the repo. If I can find time, I might take a stab at it
there are existing Discourse wordpress plugins...but webmentions back would be nice....though some privacy concerns there