#wordpress 2018-12-16
2018-12-16 UTC
[eddie] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] [sknebel] in my case I did not add a u-photo int he indieweb.org h-card, so it pulled the default place holder from semantic linkbacks I think
[tantek], [eddie], [jgmac1106], [relapse], [kevinmarks], doubleloop and metbril joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] @gwg why do I see no h-cite or u-like-of in this like post: https://jgregorymcverry.com/8345-2/ here are the parsed results: https://pin13.net/mf2/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fjgregorymcverry.com%2F8345-2%2F
[eddie] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] yeah..its just a post
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] aahhhh forgot I turned on JetPack to test the share buttons, let me delete
# [jgmac1106] no JetPack installed actually, already deleted it
# [jgmac1106] will play plugin whack-a-mole- till I figure out what broke it....this is what annoys me about WordPress...turn off all your plugins....is the worst customer service step in all of history
# [jgmac1106] I am on 5.0.1
# [jgmac1106] till metaboxes are gone in phase two of roll out. Then whatr?
# [jgmac1106] is that all that is happenign with my like? post kinds is borked now?
# [jgmac1106] don't use to much time @gwg, walking away, I have like no markup now, just a plain note, I don;t have this kind of stamina
# [jgmac1106] @gwg it's done did you look at the four phases of Gutenberg...no way IndieWeb plugins survive that
# [jgmac1106] but I don't understand....everyone but the biggest WP theme marketers must be screwed..nobody will have the resources to refactor their themes and plugins....I will continue to support....but everyone should look for the WordPress exit door if they want to IndieWeb I fear....I just can't see how semantic linkbacks and webmentions will work...
# [jgmac1106] hanging in ClassicPress trolling for up votes for microformats support
# [jgmac1106] need upvotes....
[tantek] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] no...I am treading lightly, worry about their monoculture approach as well...trying to build the one ClassicPress instead of everyone building the one that works for them..sounds like a recipe for a lot of committee work
# [jgmac1106] but if they did add mf2 in core...people could theme away
# [jgmac1106] they have an influx of new members..I just show them all the cool stuff I can do using WordPress (just hope they don't hit source code and look for themselves..)
# [jgmac1106] ...no....they did not
# [jgmac1106] I am advocating for it...everytime I share something I get "oooh that is so cool, how can we do that...and I say mf2"
# [jgmac1106] encourage everyone to upvote this as if you are a Republican operative in North Carolina...let your dead grandma vote: https://petitions.classicpress.net/posts/58/core-support-for-modern-microformats-v2
jgmac1106 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
spieper joined the channel
[jgmac1106] and [asuh] joined the channel
# [jgmac1106] what we are discussing over in ClassicPress: You host the badges on Discourse. You issue them by sending a webmention as a comment to anyone's WordPress site. Community has a record of each issuance as a permalink in Discourse, and the contributor can decide what to do with the badge.
# [jgmac1106] badges as a Trojan Horse?? bout the only time I can get anyone to talk webmentions with me
# Loqi Discourse is an open source web forum and discussion platform that integrates with a wide variety of CMSs and other publishing platforms https://indieweb.org/Discourse
# cjwillcock re: webmentions plugin - does this support conversation or just top-level comments on original content? maybe I need to explain that better
# Zegnat Are those permalinks parsable? See /Discourse on the wiki. I actually run a browser extension just to make Discourse not be js;dr. Maybe they’ve gotten better though.
# cjwillcock showing how the webmentions are not connecting the replies to each other as expected https://cjwillcock.ca/2018/12/16/663/
[kim_landwehr] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
# cjwillcock re: webmention plugin, I have found that reponding to the link provided by the 'reply to link' works to thread conversations. These links have a ?replytocom= in the url, instead of the #fragment. (huzzah!)
# cjwillcock hi GWG - I'm attempting: use the get_comment_link filter to add ?replytocom to each comment permalink
# cjwillcock I need the webmention endpoint to appear in the least surprising permalink location -- and then it's okay I guess --- still feels wrong / rough
# cjwillcock GWG: you have another idea?
# cjwillcock the 'comments as their own page' is not sitting right with me
# cjwillcock if someone is able to follow a link to a comment, it's completely out of context
# cjwillcock this just needs more management (in code) to display things with the proper context -- more theme dev. Hm.
# cjwillcock yes, that's what I meant, more management in (code) like Medium has done, putting comments in context, on their individual pages.
# cjwillcock it works for me
# cjwillcock GWG: how can I help?
# cjwillcock will we lose the other commits from webmentions done after the branch?
[kim_landwehr] joined the channel
# cjwillcock new plugin?
# cjwillcock alright
# cjwillcock super
# cjwillcock thanks GWG!
# cjwillcock this is very good, I like that
# cjwillcock still trying to make it happy with gutenberg?
# cjwillcock thank goodness for that
# cjwillcock i put wp5 on my wp-theme-dev subdomain. I agree with the new editor ui. Less scrolling is nice.