#wordpress 2019-05-14

2019-05-14 UTC
[tantek] and [Rose] joined the channel
Does anyone have a recommended plugin for adding Twitter Cards (their flavor of OGP) to WordPress?
gRegorLove: only plugs I've seen are for adding twitter card data to WP, not rendering twitter card like design from links
That's what I mean, adding the Twitter Card metadata to wp
you use Yoast?
This is for a friend, so not sure
you can do summary and summary large twitter cards with yoast
Ah, good to know. That's a popular plugin so he might have it
yeah thats what I figured, if not try ths https://wordpress.org/plugins/jm-twitter-cards/
[Julien Maury] Description Once activated the plugin adds appropriate meta on your WordPress website allowing you to get Twitter cards for your posts according to your settings. Enjoy ! Features Gutenberg compatible with a custom sidebar meta box : customize Twit...
Ruxton++ thanks!
Ruxton has 1 karma over the last year
edited /WordPress_SEO_by_Yoast (+116) "/* Features */ Twitter Cards, link to howto"
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[cleverdevil], [xavierroy], [fluffy], [Rose], [tantek], gRegorLove and [Serena] joined the channel
So here's the update re. mod_security issue with Bluehost:
"We are unable to disable Mod_security as this is a security tool that is in place for the entire shared server. That being said, we do have ways that we can work around this. We have since found the specific Mod_security rule that your website was encountering. We have since white-listed this rule (turned off) so that your website no longer is affected by the rule. This has since resolved the errors that were previously occurring."
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[gRegorLove] i can recommend this one https://wordpress.org/plugins/opengraph/ ;)
I've tested it, and it works. So it seems Bluehost is open to whitelisting mod_security rules that interferes with indieauth.
[Serena]: that's good, best to whitelist than turn it off entirely :)
[aaronpk], [jgmac1106], [tantek] and jeremych_ joined the channel
almost all the themes come with OGP now
jgmac1106 and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Morning all
[frank] joined the channel
[gRegorLove] I recommend Yoast. It gives the option to have alternative titles, description and image then most automated open graph options in themes give you. Plus it has a good reputation in the SEO community.
Shouldn't have merged the inline-block thing without checking the CSS again. I'm getting some overlap.
[Rose] joined the channel
And I don't have time to redo the CSS now. Darn
remote WordPress edtech jpb: https://g.co/kgs/jdkzEw
[aaronpk] joined the channel
Clearly I need help with my CSS
Maybe someone will volunteer
When I escape work I shall volunteer.
Can you link me to an example of the problem, and the code causing it?
What is the best way to learn styling?
It looks like we don't have a page for "best way to learn styling" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "best way to learn styling is ____", a sentence describing the term)
If you feel you need to improve your skill?
As in, how CSS works? Or what makes things look good?
The latter
I feel though maybe I need a refresher in the former to improve the latter
Lunch, magic, and probably lots of work.
But the text next to the svg icon is now under it
I hate using inline styling because precedence gets confusing
And I forgot Autonomie styles the icons as well, so the changes may have caused some problems there
I think I will stick to APIs and data
I want to get these fixes in so I can figure out the webmention enhancements
I feel like I keep stopping that project
Can you show me where something looks broken (visually)?
I added in a margin. Remove it
Margin is not necessarily the best idea
Can we go back to 1995 HTML standards? That's when I started
[frank], [kevinmarks786], [eddie] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
and do layouts with tables only, no way, feel like Grid is freedom from floats and margins, but now my mind just gets stuck in the gutter
[aaronpk], [kim_landwehr], [Rose], jackjamieson, [cleverdevil], [schmarty] and gRegorLove joined the channel
jgmac1106, cute
What's going on with the mf2 on [Rose]'s home page? It's quite a mess of content
Not sure
I am sure she'll fix it if showed
gRegorLove_ and [Rose] joined the channel
I am here!
And I have no idea, I think it's Gutenberg playing badly with Autonomie
My feeds are also a mess, I want to figure out how to set the "primary" RSS feed for WordPress
Ok, I think my homepage is better now
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Urgh, Autonomie is not working as I expect it to, I remove a function and it still displays the author on every post
Can’t you remove it from the templates?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
are you using post kinds? that could be injecting the author
I am using post kinds, and I removed it from the templates
I also have a weird theming issue where my sidebar is stuck under my content, and I have no idea why.
[frank], [calumryan] and [kim_landwehr] joined the channel
I think I had that sidebar thing and it was a max width thing, IIRC. sorry about the duff template suggestion. I think I went display: none; for the byline stuff.
I had it working briefly, but then it stopped again. I'll get back to that in a moment.
It couldn’t be something obvious like an I closed div tag? I’m on my phone so can’t really look.
Should the sidebar show on single posts? Because I don’t think I am seeing it at all on the phone.
I moved the widgets into a sidebar I made, which is only on archive pages right now.
I want it to be on single posts too, but I need to fix it first 😆
I’ll stop making “helpful” suggestions and go to sleep.
Display none is helpful though 😛
edited /WordPress/Themes (+4634) "overview of why/what microformats in WordPress themes; changed order of ease-of-use/implementation; moved security up; fixed some links; shortened verbiage"
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[eddie] joined the channel
I will have to look as well, but Gutenberg is a challenge for mf2 right now
[dshanske] #138 Add Bulk Actions and Improve List/Token Generation
I need a reviewer
So I can push
[calumryan] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel