#wordpress 2019-05-15

2019-05-15 UTC
[Rose] joined the channel
I wish I could
I'm trying to find out why my rel="me" widget only displays micro.blog right now
Ahh, TunnelBear blocker, that's why
chrisaldrich joined the channel
Rose, I recall you mentioning an RSS related itch earlier. I had sketched out some pieces a while back that may help you a bit: https://boffosocko.com/2016/12/18/rss-feeds-a-follow-up-on-my-indieweb-commitment-2017/
Oooh, excellent!
This is perfect, thanks for reading my mind!
gRegorLove, ichoquo0Aigh9ie, Murph1, [frank], jeremych_, jgmac1106, [jgmac1106] and [tantek] joined the channel
[dshanske] #139 Add Auth Check to Site Health check
Think it may help to support it
The same functionality could do an MF2 check
[Rose] joined the channel
That sounds like a great place for checks like this
I have to brainstorm other Ideas for it
[eddie], [frank], [jgmac1106], [aaronpk], jackjamieson, [Rose] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] How do you handle syndicating replies in WordPress?
It just works?
That's cheating.
Specifically, I don't want replies showing up in feeds 😛
I just fixed that, didn't I?
You did
I was poking fun, sorry 😉
Not for chrisaldrich though
Well, I want to know what he's up to now. I know he's not using the most recent version of everything
Specific scenario from today: Someone started a conversation with me on micro.blog, I would have liked to capture my reply, but I didn't
Where did you reply?
On micro.blog
Oh...so create a post and set it as the Syndication Link?
I will
Long term, reply on your site?
Yes, I just need to figure out how to send the replies to people on micro.blog to micro.blog, is it as simple as a webmention?
It should work
Post Kinds would send it as a webmention
And, how do I not send it as a webmention this time?
didn't think of that
If I post it as a note and then change it to a reply would that work?>
Anyway, I got my sidebar back
And I can live without capturing these replies 🙂
It would send the webmention
Remember, webmentions update
By the way, pfefferle is asking for the inline style to be removed
Need another solution
[aaronpk] and jackjamieson joined the channel
I need to find a way to not send a webmention on things (not to be used regularly).
gRegorLove, [frank], dougbeal|iOS, jackjami_ and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
What is submention?
It looks like we don't have a page for "submention" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "submention is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Urgh... [Rose] you might take a look at https://boffosocko.com/2018/01/24/definition-of-submention/ which describes the problem and has a reply from Colin Walker who built a small tool to allow you to not send a webmention.
It's been a while since I know he worked on it, and it's unsupported. Perhaps you could extend it into a more useful plugin?
chrisaldrich joined the channel
In case it's not directly linked in the above, here's the nomention repository he made: https://github.com/colin-walker/nomention
(doesn't sound like a use case where it is critical, but general reminder that just because you don't send a webmention doesn't mean somebody else can't send one)
hopes he got the negations right in that sentence)
You got it right sknebel...
What is snitch tagging?
snitch tagging is a special case of explicitly person-mentioning someone in a reply to or quotation of a post which mentions (usually critically) that same someone more obliquely (like plain text or a nickname) as a way of notifying that person of the critique, either as a heads-up, or perhaps in agreement with the critique https://indieweb.org/snitch_tagging
If snitch tagging is a thing on Twitter, it could likely be a thing with webmentions...
sometimes wonders if my read posts can be or are annoying to some...
What is notification overload?
notifications in the context of the IndieWeb refer to all forms and ways that an independent web site can receive a message indicating something of interest (server notifications), and potentially relay that information (preferably in realtime) to one or more devices used by the owner of that site (client notifications) https://indieweb.org/notification_overload
I see all
[pfefferle] Have you seen the fetch webmention branch and the IndieAuth PR m
chrisaldrich: not even that: if *your* post links to something, *I* can send a webmention from your post to it
Indeed, in this case it's not at all a problem - I just want to avoid duplicate replies showing up on micro.blog.
Thanks for the repo link [chrisaldrich] - it was indeed missing from the comments. I've installed it and I'm trying it right now
And it went to micro.blog anyway
I think it was from before GWG's rewrite of the Webmention plugin last year, so it may not work...
(I removed it from micro.blog)
And Colin has stepped away from social, online, and all the rest of it, so it's not being maintained.... but the structure is probably pretty solid, so it could probably be easily duplicated/re-written
Anything I can do?
[aaronpk], gRegorLove_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Gwg chrisaldrich wouldn't a plugin that simply strips the webmention endpoint from a post be enough?
On WordPress aren't webmentions held in moderation reducing attack vector (though dealing with the maintenance tax of moderation is its own attack vector(
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] If you're speaking of the nomention conversation above, it's not enough If I want to link to three posts and send webmentions to two but not the third.
Also from a terminology standpoint the webmention endpoint on a page/site is the thing that receives the notification from another site, not the thing that sends them and it isn't done on a per page basis to my knowledge.
It's a proposed enhancement to the webmention plugin. But is adding a class the best decision
Ohh okay to not send... Now I understand nomention.. Thought you meant recieving
It is an idea someone had to add a class. Based on nofollow
I also don't think that wm's are held for moderation automatically, just the ones that may be caught by antispam services.
Ha I go rel=nomention and of course an old [chrisaldrich] post is first
Google not go
After having considered it for a while, I would also recommend doing it as a class as well rather than a rel value.
But to link to a post and say that the source can never know is strange. IMO best option there is not link to the post
[tantek] joined the channel
There's always the possibility that the owner of the original may see the thing in the wild in any case, even if there is no link, so you really can't win except to make the entire thing private.
But that's an entirely different thing altogether....
Think of it like a class I saw once in which the teacher was using a Z. Tufekci text and they were all tweeting about it. She specifically told students not to @mention @zaynep so as not to overwhelm her notifications, but instead to just use her name and/or initials.
But how does that work in the publishing flow?
Adding classes is not something most people do
In cases where the author/post may be incredibly popular and/or famous, it may make sense to not webmention things because they likely won't care. So there is a framing in which doing this is a way of showing kindness or neighborliness rather than the more negativing framing of the subtweet/submention case.
If you go back to Colin's post above, he also chose classes as a method because it worked well/quickly with his markdown workflow.
I feel like people aren't talking about webmention
We'll obviously need to create some better UI for making adding such classes an easier thing for other methods.
Microsub and Micropub are the new hotness
I got booted from Twitter during mlb all star game for @ mentioning famous people too much
GWG, they are the new hotness, but they're not as powerful without webmention hiding underneath. 😛
And the teacher example [chrisaldrich] kinds how I handle it now. I simply use a name and no link
My current project that I keep getting pulled away from is a new webmentions plugin with a Semantic Linkbacks merge
Using everything we've learned since we started