#wordpress 2024-11-14
2024-11-14 UTC
gRegor and [Askan]1 joined the channel
[snarfed] had a pretty great experience with https://blogvault.net/features/wordpress-migrations/ over the last couple days, migrating http://snarfed.org to a new web host
[tw2113] joined the channel
[morganm]2, [snarfed]2, jeremych-, [juliaro], [manton], [schmarty], sebbu, [qubyte], gRegor, [Sophia_wood], kerem, Julia and [aciccarello] joined the channel
[snarfed]2 GWG++
[snarfed]2 unrelated, the other day I migrated my site from http://pair.com, where it had been for 18 yrs, to http://wordpress.com
[snarfed]2 not entirely happy about it, not sure how long I'll stay, but it was a minor emergency and they were the safe choice
[snarfed]2 AMA 🤷
[snarfed]2 yup
[Joe_Crawford] [snarfed] can you share what the minor emergency was? I host with pair myself.
[snarfed]2 my MySQL db had occasionally been unhappy for hours or sometimes days at a time, going back months. queries got stuck and it ran out of connections (user limit was 40 I think)
[snarfed]2 my site mostly serves from a filesystem cache, so it only really stopped me from posting, but it finally got bad enough that I debugged a bit and pinged them about it, and they basically said, we dunno, must be your code
[snarfed]2 sad, I really liked them, they were good and usually pretty clueful
[Joe_Crawford] 😐 thanks for sharing that. I've hosted with them since I
[Joe_Crawford] ve had the domain. at least 24 years.
[snarfed]2 wow!
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] can I help you [snarfed]?

[pfefferle] do you have a tariff that allows installing plugins?

[snarfed]2 aww thank you [pfefferle]! I don't have a problem any more now that I've migrated hosts
[snarfed]2 yup, I'm on the business plan, it's working fine
[snarfed]2 migration was shockingly smooth
[pfefferle] ok, I see

[pfefferle] so the problems were before the migration?

[snarfed]2 right, the problems were on pair, not http://wp.com
[pfefferle] I see 😮💨

[pfefferle] 😉

[pfefferle] [dshanske] pushed me a bit today

[pfefferle] I am blocking a bit

[pfefferle] 🙂

[pfefferle] now that you switched to ClassicPress, I thought I start working on the Block-Editor a bit 😉

[pfefferle] just kidding

[pfefferle] [dshanske] I think the threaded comments support in Webmentions is also broken, could that be?

[pfefferle] should we add some tests to get sure that everything works properly after all these changes?

[pfefferle] I added a screenshot above and on the PR

[pfefferle] a simple setting to deactivate incoming webmentions shown in the sidebar

[pfefferle] to set `webmentions_closed`

[pfefferle] A LOT!

[pfefferle] I have a lot of very smart people to learn from now

[pfefferle] 😉

[pfefferle] Maybe, in my old age, I'll finally become a good developer ^^

gRegor Bringing this over from dev: https://chat.indieweb.org/dev/2024-11-14#t1731618884405300 indiebookclub includes `code_challenge` and `code_challenge_method` so I'm not sure why it says PKCE isn't supported.

gRegor client_id is https://indiebookclub.biz/id