2014-03-27 UTC
# 00:00 tantek KartikPrabhu - no I don't but if you want to note any specific issues / topics that we should capture on the wiki, feel free to bring them up. I'd prefer to focus on discussing/debating issues rather than the sources thereof (citations are good of course, but labeling something as someone's personal issue is not)
# 00:00 aaronpk but, the url of the bridgy "like" is actually the URL of my tweet, which seems incorrect
# 00:02 tantek KevinMarks gRegor` pdurbin please let's avoid criticisms of Dave Winer as a person, regardless of what he may or may not have done to any of you personally.
# 00:02 aaronpk so it's not *just* a theoretical problem, because it's a problem with my feed right now
# 00:02 tantek It doesn't help discussion of indieweb *topics*, technologies, features, etc.
# 00:03 gRegor` Sorry, I didn't mean that as a criticism actually. Just a comment.
# 00:03 gRegor` If I was in his shoes, I might have blocked me too. Not like we have any relationship.
# 00:03 aaronpk and I assume that if I managed to generate an h-entry with no uid/url then probably someone else will soon too
# 00:04 tantek gRegor`: I'm not debating whether any such actions were right or wrong.
# 00:04 tantek I just want to avoid any of us falling into the trap of debating or criticizing an argument based on criticizing or other behavior of the person making the argument.
# 00:05 tantek we're (trying to be) better than that - let's discuss ideas on their intrinsic (de)merits, not by who is making what argument or taking what position
# 00:05 tantek also - doesn't matter if others *do* criticize arguments by criticizing the people making them. we can set a better example.
# 00:06 gRegor` Understood. I wasn't even concerned with a topic of argument. It was just an offhand comment about being blocked. No grudge here
# 00:06 gRegor` I still think well of him. :)
# 00:06 gRegor` But I could have made that more explicit in my remark
# 00:06 tantek and to be clear, I've made this mistake myself in the past. it's never been to my (or any of my arguments) benefit.
# 00:07 tantek aaronpk, the Bridgy example is interesting, but I guess I'm still confused by how you got the h-entry in the first place if you can't point to it
# 00:07 tantek surely you got a "source" URL in the webmention of it?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:08 aaronpk yes, there is something wrong with the way i'm handling it. my point is that I still was somehow able to generate html for an h-entry that does not have a URL or UID
# 00:08 pdurbin tantek: I'm critical of Dave Winer's words, which smack of homophobia
# 00:08 aaronpk so my question is what should a consumer of a feed do if there is no url or uid
# 00:09 aaronpk a) find/make some other unique identifier, or b) treat the h-entry as invalid
# 00:09 tantek aaronpk - how about start with a) the consumer should ignore it, and b) debug why you're generating it
ttepasse joined the channel
# 00:09 tantek because I guess what I'm saying is, I don't see a valid use case for such h-entry's yet
# 00:10 aaronpk if the consumer ignores it, then I am going to make the consumer report the error back to the producer like how google webmaster tools has a lot of debugging tools
# 00:10 aaronpk i don't care whether it's a valid use case of h-entry or not
# 00:10 tantek my point is, if it's not a valid use case, then default ignore
# 00:10 aaronpk so if it's essentially required for an h-entry to have a uid or url, then I should report missing uid/url as an error
# 00:10 tantek what's required is for someone to produce a real world use-case
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# 00:11 gRegor` Perhaps of indieweb interest: thinkup.com I forgot I had an install of it. They've now made a public, hosted version of it too.
# 00:11 tantek gRegor`: last I checked ThinkUP was a) PESOS-centric (not POSSE), and b) monoculture centric (their one project was going to save everything)
# 00:11 gRegor` I installed it years ago for the "local copy of my tweets", plus analytics
# 00:12 gRegor` But I haven't kept up with it.
# 00:12 tantek definitely seems like something that can easily ignore things that don't look "real"
# 00:13 tantek but yeah, what you said, about ignore / report errors in debug mode seems fine
# 00:13 aaronpk if there is a "problem" with an h-entry, it needs to make a decision on how to handle it. I want it to be useful for people to know what is wrong with the feed rather than silently ignoring failures
# 00:13 aaronpk so it sounds like the correct behavior is that a consumer should treat either uid or url as a required field, and report it as an error if not present
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# 00:17 tantek aaronpk - perhaps consider filing "problem with an h-entry" thoughts as feature requests for indiewebifyme? not every consumers of h-entry need to be error reporting / debugging validators
pfenwick joined the channel
# 00:19 aaronpk ignoring h-entries with no url/uid is getting dangerously close to one of those being a required field
# 00:22 tantek well, rather, the whole notion of "required field" doesn't work
# 00:22 tantek because saying something like that in prose doesn't stop people from ignoring it
# 00:22 tantek and you end up having to figure out what to do in that case *anyway*
# 00:23 tantek it is never worth thinking of any field as "required"
# 00:23 aaronpk so instructing consumers on how to handle the case is very important
# 00:23 aaronpk otherwise you get different implementations making different decisions and everything becomes a mess
# 00:23 tantek "very important" ? you can't make that statement absent an important use case that demonstrates its importance
# 00:24 tantek it doesn't because yours is a (self)generation bug
# 00:25 aaronpk as a consumer of a list of h-entrys, I had to make a decision on how to handle missing uid/url
# 00:25 aaronpk the options I saw were a) generate a unique id, or b) ignore the entry
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# 00:26 aaronpk or I guess c) pretend this isn't a problem and probably have my code crash
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# 00:47 onewheelskyward possibly is how I'd phrase that
# 00:48 onewheelskyward But I'm an optimist.
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# 00:53 Loqi snarfed: cweiske left you a message 1 hour, 55 minutes ago: it worked since bridgy tried after 1 hour again
heath, KevinMarks and caseorganic joined the channel
# 01:25 caseorganic waiting in Mozilla lobby with lots of people for Homebrew website club to be let upstairs
snarfed, demis, fmarier, tantek, tilgovi, pfenwick, lukebrooker, sparverius, pauloppenheim, iangreenleaf, bpayton, nihiser, paulcp, kylewm, bnvk, josephboyle, realzies, pasevin, CheckDavid, BjornW, mydjey, melvster, nloadholtes, KevinMarks_, hadleybeeman, nfn, ben_thatmustbeme, tahnok, jjuran, Garbee, ddysart, brianloveswords, tommorris, netweb, michel_v_, gavinc, ireheart, acegiak, pavelz, pdurbin, inimino, jden, dietrich, bear, arcatan, bret, igalic, JasonO, tomstuart, hidgw, muhh, onewheelskyward, JonathanNeal, Phae, ryana, rknLA, b0bg0d__, bigbluehat, hugoroyd, rektide, sdboyer, icco, edrex, lmjabreu, zaal, catsup, jacus, mko, otterdam, jtzl_, aaronpk, XgF, wagle, hober, saurik, walkah, reidab, the_merlin and etymancer joined the channel
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# 01:50 tantek got SSL working on his blog at IndieWebCampSF
# 01:50 aaronpk dietrich: is IRC blocked on the mozilla guest network?
# 01:50 tantek rest of that day got full POSSE / Bridgy working on his blog
caseorganic joined the channel
# 01:50 tantek got JetPack setup to syndicate out to a bunch of silos
heath joined the channel
# 01:50 tantek when he posts on his blog, he has a UI to optionally POSSE copies
# 01:51 tantek Bridgy sees those interactions and copies them back to his blog
# 01:51 tantek he showed this to his wife who runs SquarePeg foundation non-profit
# 01:51 tantek because she's constantly managing their FB page etc.
# 01:52 tantek snarfed: this is where Amber's talk of "Generations" comes in
# 01:52 tantek snarfed: we're slowly making stuff work with less technical work
# 01:52 tantek darius: one of the things he did with the HTTPS stuff on the wiki was to edit those pages to make them more clear - to him as he was working on SSL support
# 01:52 caseorganic Blocking: can't access #indiewebcamp on freenode from mozilla guest network
# 01:53 tantek Brian Alvey: worked on a platform crowdfusion
emmak joined the channel
# 01:54 tilgovi I should turn of that highlight. No one calls me Randall on IRC.
# 01:54 tantek builds software that eliminates hardware in broadcast
# 01:55 caseorganic I feel like I'm missing half of Homebrew club without the back hammer
indiewebcamp joined the channel
# 01:55 tantek we figured out way to use CSS transformations to auto-scroll when content is bigger than a certain area
caseorga_ joined the channel
# 01:56 aaronpk guess irc isn't blocked? just was being weird... or werdio
# 01:56 tantek … tantek notes not to complain about twitter mentions noise ;)
# 01:57 tantek [thanks caseorganic for adding links in realtime :) ]
# 01:58 tantek … it's PHP based with Mongodb (but he's fixing that)
# 01:58 tantek … has been wanting to come for a very long time
# 01:58 tantek … has been aware of the indieweb for a couple of years
# 01:58 tantek … didn't know what it was about til last fall
# 01:58 tantek … went to website, realized it was what she wanted to do for a while now
# 01:59 tantek … but hoping to get it more and more connected to stuff
mattmartin joined the channel
# 01:59 mattmartin hello world
# 01:59 tantek … the next thing is - setting up social media APIs to automatically tweet and all that instead of having to manually do it
# 02:00 Loqi tantek meant to say: … used to have it setup with Wordpress
# 02:02 bret !tell barnabywalters do you have your h-feed to atom feed code availble anywhere?
# 02:02 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 02:02 tantek … put together IndieAuth as a provider for OpenID when MyOpenID announced shutdown
# 02:03 tantek … and then posts it to his site in realtime within a couple of seconds
# 02:03 tantek … so that you can use other apps to post to your site
# 02:03 tantek … he wants to be able to use an app that Barnaby makes
# 02:04 tantek … to get push notifications from your own site
AmyMac joined the channel
# 02:05 tantek … microformats is a way to make HTML machine consumable
# 02:05 tantek … micropub is the reverse of that, a way to create microformats entries
# 02:05 tantek … he can create a micropub endpoint on his site
# 02:05 tantek … for other apps to create content on his own site.
# 02:05 tantek … microformats + IndieAuth turns your site into an OAuth server
# 02:05 tantek … that's the idea is that you should be able to with your own site, create content in all these different servers from the own app
# 02:06 tantek Ryan: I added "find a micropub wordpress plugin" to my list
# 02:06 Loqi tantek meant to say: Ryan: I added "find a micropub wordpress plugin" to my to-do list
# 02:06 caseorga_ pauloppenheim++
# 02:06 AmyMac Whoah, who's talking about the USS Loma Prieta?
# 02:06 caseorga_ tantek: minute?
# 02:06 caseorga_ AmyMac: I am
# 02:06 AmyMac Are you a member?
# 02:07 caseorga_ Alex Linkster is here in portland working on something related to the moon is a harsh mistress and implementing it on his site as a trinary node structure with certain cells connected to other cells
# 02:08 caseorga_ "is there a use case you have in mind?" snarfed
# 02:08 aaronpk ... organizing groups, leaders of groups assigning tasks
# 02:08 caseorga_ AmyMac: no! i didn't know it existed
# 02:08 aaronpk ... currently not easy to see what other groups are doing
# 02:08 caseorga_ AmyMac: and i don't live in SF, but this looks fantastic!
# 02:08 aaronpk ... hard to have groups feel connections to other groups
# 02:08 AmyMac I'm just curious because I'm one of the senior staff on the ship and I was surprised to see it mentioned here
# 02:09 caseorga_ "do you know of any existing groups that would use this?" - alex
# 02:09 caseorga_ sorry, not alex - snarfed for the quote above
# 02:09 caseorga_ alex: neighborhood associations, leaders of these groups. not formally structured
# 02:10 caseorga_ bittorrent synch - bret
# 02:10 aaronpk bret.io is a jekyll site, done some experiments with setting it up with indieweb stuff
# 02:10 aaronpk ... recently built an atom feed for yesterday's IRC feed
# 02:10 aaronpk ... currently updating at random times during the day (need to fix that)
# 02:11 aaronpk ... next project is a more general h-feed/h-entry to atom gateway, probably written in node
# 02:12 AmyMac @caseorga I just caught up on the logs, so now I understand why it was mentioned. It's a great club. We have a lot of fun and do a lot of stuff. Site needs a lot of work though ;-)
# 02:12 aaronpk ... hooking up IFTTT to every single place they support that he uses
# 02:12 aaronpk ... gathering everythign into google spreadhseets, trying to figure out data ownership for non-technical people
# 02:13 aaronpk ... hoping to use existing infrastrcuture and plumbing to let non-technical people do stuff wit htheir data right now
# 02:13 aaronpk ... also working on firefox os, thinking a lot about the user-centric indieweb principles
# 02:13 aaronpk ... hoping to do something like saving a person to your home screen of the phone so you can "launch" that person
# 02:14 aaronpk tantek: wants help with a really simple thing... a short snippet of PHP code that detects whether the device accessing the site is iOS based
# 02:15 aaronpk ... use case is to use that to determine whether that person has facetime suppport
# 02:15 aaronpk ... hoping to not reinvent that wheel, assuming someone has done it already
benwerd joined the channel
# 02:16 Loqi Camlistore Install Fest on Monday, Mar 31, 6:00pm at Mozilla
# 02:16 dietrich tantek: people -> urls -> launchers was something that's only talked about in the last couple of days and then i saw your tweet last night. #cosmic
hanni joined the channel
# 02:16 benwerd but of course you could do a one-liner to grep the ua string.
# 02:17 tantek … Octopress but ripped apart and more hacker friendly.
# 02:17 tantek … working on a startup for the personal cloud space
# 02:17 tantek … by end of the year people will understand they have a server the same way they understand they have dropbox
# 02:17 aaronpk ... by the end of the year expects people to understand they have a server, like they understand they have a dropbox acct
# 02:18 tantek … has also done a startup in the broadcast space
# 02:19 tantek … I'm working on allowing citizens to have access to public sector data
# 02:19 tantek … working for a company that manages city data
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 02:19 caseorga_ aaronpk: ^^ interesting, we should talk with katiejohnson about civic data
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# 02:21 tantek … did indieweb back in 1995 - look at archive.org!
# 02:21 AndySylvester bret: I am on IRC, will try to monitor the discussion when you get to the brainstorm session for h-entry gateway
# 02:21 tantek … here is fortunate enough to do what he wants to do
# 02:21 tantek … inspired and wanted to see what is going on
# 02:21 tantek … has been inspired by all of you to take all of his G+ posts and move them to github
# 02:22 tantek … just moved his site off of WordPress to static site this morning
# 02:22 tantek … got tired of being bound of different platforms owning relationships with people
# 02:22 tantek … say Tumblr did something I disagred with politically
# 02:23 AndySylvester bret: thanks, will stand by...
# 02:23 tantek … no way to move off their platform and keep relationships
# 02:23 tantek … maybe something as simple and lo-fi as a mailing list
# 02:23 tantek … I think it's goofy that RSS exists as a protocol
# 02:24 tantek … another disclaimer - been involved with WordPress fairly closely … forever
# 02:24 tantek … got involved with wordpress 10-11 years ago
# 02:24 tantek … now that actually becoming a lawyer instead
# 02:24 tantek … now intrested in this stuff in a totally different perspective
# 02:24 gRegor` Dang, I forget that WordPress is that old, heh
# 02:24 tantek … the problems we tried to solve a long time ago
# 02:25 tantek ... (we're trying to solve the same problems again)
# 02:25 tantek … very interested in having control of my data on my own domain
# 02:25 aaronpk ... first time, wanted to see what you guys were doing
# 02:26 aaronpk ... but like the idea of having control over your content, posting from one place
# 02:26 AndySylvester bret: I will take a look at them now
# 02:26 hanni not hanny, although very hilarious that someone has that on a WordPress.com site :)
# 02:26 aaronpk ... currently trying to add micropub and oauth endpoints to try out ownyourgram.com
# 02:27 hanni aaronpk: i'd love to help with the wp plugin, I'm no dev (see above disclaimer), but ... most things can be done with good intentions and a deisre to learn
# 02:30 aaronpk knows very little about wordpress unfortunately! But happy to help on the micropub side!
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# 02:36 hanni aaronpk: sounds like we might have the right mix!
# 02:47 AndySylvester bret: tried both with my site (andysylvester.com), Barnaby's service works with my site (was able to subscribe to the feed URL), Sandeep's did not return any entries.
# 02:54 onewheelskyward Is that a post-it on dietrich's head?
# 03:03 AndySylvester bret: I took a look at Barnaby's Github account, I did not see any projects there that looked like his MF to Atom service
# 03:04 bret ill chat him up next time we are on together
# 03:06 bret you trigger on some kind of new content event (like a new post or an edit) to send a webhook or webmention to the atom gateway. this parses your h-feed and generates the updated atom feed. when that is ready, ping the pubsubhubbub hub
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# 03:07 bret i was thinking about having people just deploy their own gateway to some free paass
# 03:07 mattmartin anyone here willing to give some direction to a newb
# 03:08 mattmartin thanks, bret. So first question I have is… are there any downsides to a .io domain?
# 03:09 bret they are actually cool because you can target any region in the world
# 03:10 AndySylvester bret: that sounds good, I assume this could be built to feed Barnaby's service or another service
# 03:10 mattmartin yeah, i noticed the price
# 03:10 mattmartin definitely not a bargain
# 03:17 AndySylvester bret: I need to go, I will put some notes together from the IRC log and my thoughts into a weblog post
snarfed and pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 03:29 mattmartin bret, is this mostly a west coast/portland thing?
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# 03:30 bret there is a cool tech scene in portland way beyond indiewebcamp
# 03:31 bret and, SF, well you know, its totally tech central rigth now, so there are lots of people in both places
# 03:31 bret but there is indieweb uk ever year for the past few years
# 03:31 mattmartin yeah, that makes sense… i live in a tech deadzone
# 03:31 bret and there has been some HWC in london I htink
# 03:32 bret check indiewebcamp.com/events for some history
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# 03:32 bret mattmartin: i wasnt involved in any tech scene before portland, it has been pretty eye opening
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# 03:33 mattmartin yeah, theres not a tech scene here in middle america
# 03:33 mattmartin not much of one anyway
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# 04:41 KartikPrabhu weird! yeah I have the same version and works in mine... oh browsers!
# 04:45 kylewm can I ask how you handle the situation where you edit the tweet and then go back and edit the original?
# 04:46 KartikPrabhu I should really fix my webmention parsing! you nice little share looks horrendous on my site :P
# 04:46 aaronpk kylewm: if I edit the tweet, it locks it and doesn't update if I change the original text
# 04:47 kylewm ah, that's smart. any way to unlock it from there?
# 04:47 aaronpk I think if I delete the whole tweet text it'll re-create it
# 04:47 aaronpk also by "lock" i just mean changing the original doesn't change the tweet
# 04:48 kylewm KartikPrabhu: lol, every time I write or receive a comment, I find there's something new to debug :)
# 04:48 KartikPrabhu yeah. somehow my webmention sender threw a hissy fit while sending metions from this last post
# 04:49 kylewm aaronpk: thank you! trying not to write a poor clone of p3k, but sometimes failing ;)
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# 04:51 kylewm KartikPrabhu: Another interesting thing will be if if I get comments or likes on my share, bridgy will send them to your post too
# 04:51 kylewm oh... that word count sucks, it might be waaayyy off
# 04:56 snarfed ooh, KartikPrabhu, if you're prioritizing a todo list, i want to weigh in with a vote :P
# 04:56 snarfed someone at HWC tonight tried to use bridgy publish, but her web site only had mf1, not mf2
# 04:57 snarfed so i wonder how hard it would be to add legacy mf1 (backward compatibility) to mf2py
ngoldman joined the channel
# 04:58 snarfed i know aaronpk and barnabywalters ran into at least one or two catches trying to make php-mf2 support both mf1 and mf2
# 04:59 KartikPrabhu actually since we havr mf2py mostly working fixing my webmentions should not be hard
# 05:03 snarfed KartikPrabhu: wow! reading your post now. so great!!!
# 05:03 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: i'm gonna send your post to people who ask me what the indieweb is!
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# 05:36 kylewm need a little advice from real web developers...i want to add a background queue for processing webmentions, sending stuff to syndication, etc. outside of the regular request/reply flow (Python/Flask). google is pointing me to Celery + Redis but seems like that's overkill?
# 05:38 snarfed kylewm: yeah, celery + redis is both the right idea and also overkill
# 05:39 aaronpk it's a minimal queuing protocol based on the design of memcache
# 05:40 aaronpk that's what I use in p3k (and also that is what has been in production with the geoloqi API for a couple years)
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# 05:44 kylewm snarfed: cron is an interesting minimal idea, where would you save information about the jobs being queued?
# 05:45 snarfed wherever you're storing your posts and other data
# 05:45 kylewm aaronpk: thank you, I will read up on that too
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# 05:52 aaronpk it's simple enough to understand that it's not hard to use in any language, and you don't really need a whole frameworky thing on top of it (like sidekiq and I assume celery)
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# 06:03 kylewm aaronpk: nice! so that seems right up my alley
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# 06:46 cweiske tantek, do you have a feed that contains articles/blog posts and not small notes?
# 06:58 cweiske KartikPrabhu, a proper atom feed contains the full article content
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# 06:58 KartikPrabhu eh maybe. I have seen many that only have summary and link back to full post
# 07:00 KartikPrabhu hmm well not claiming that it is right/wrong just that people use RSS/Atom is that way
# 07:01 KartikPrabhu IMO if people want to use it that way then the tech should allow it instead of dictating the "correct way"
# 07:01 cweiske so I can't aggregate the articles from one of the main indieweb proponents in my feed reader. nice.
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# 07:44 jsilvestre I really like the reading of the website so far
# 07:44 jsilvestre I'm looking at the "store" part more precisely
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# 07:44 jsilvestre is there other place to watch for this specific project? like a chat room or something
# 07:45 KartikPrabhu this would be the chat room. i don't think there are project specific chats rooms
# 07:49 jsilvestre ok thank you, i'll just sit here to see if something happens then :D
carlo_au, LauraJ and julien51 joined the channel
tobiastom, ttepasse, Sebastien-L, friedcell, jancborchardt, LauraJ and barnabywalters joined the channel
# 10:03 Loqi barnabywalters: bret left you a message 8 hours, 1 minute ago: do you have your h-feed to atom feed code availble anywhere?
# 10:18 barnabywalters “You should NOT include a post perÂmashortÂlink at the end of POSSE copies of notes that include the entire note.”
# 10:21 barnabywalters oh actually that quote is given out of context — although it’s still not really reflective of actual usage
# 10:49 jsilvestre pdurbin, for personal cloud platforms that basically need a store, that's even more interesting
# 10:52 barnabywalters pdurbin: jsilvestre: yep, /store has a bunch of research and brainstorming about store formats and experience for browsing and installing server side software on servers
# 10:52 jsilvestre i'm looking at it for Cozy (http://cozy.io ) even if it's not the focus at the moment, we might take part of the thinking and implementation effort at some point
# 10:56 jsilvestre yes, bnvk mentioned us the /store in the first place
# 10:57 jsilvestre no i'm a team member, benjamin forwarded us your email about it this morning
# 10:57 bnvk awesome, glad to hear you all are into the idea :)
# 10:58 jsilvestre i am personally and suggested the team we all should be, to be fair ;-)
# 10:58 jsilvestre you will probably speak about that with Benjamin, I believe you guys should meet in a few weeks
# 10:58 bnvk Ben seemed quite interested, I need to write him back
# 10:59 bnvk that would be great to meetup, are you all based in Paris?
# 11:00 jsilvestre we are working remotely, half of the team is based in Oaris, the other half is elsewhere in France
# 11:17 jsilvestre it's not the same technical paradigms
# 11:17 jsilvestre we are closer to sandstorm than to owncloud I guess
# 11:17 jsilvestre but in a functional pov, yes, "personal cloud" platform
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# 11:29 bnvk jsilvestre: yes, which is why owncloud isn't on there
# 11:29 jsilvestre they are not a paas, they don't have store
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# 11:42 cweiske barnabywalters, did you open source your h-feed-to-atom proxy?
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# 12:05 pdurbin jsilvestre: hadn't seen sandstorm either. interesting
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ttepasse, Sebastien-L, CheckDavid, Kopfstein, pasevin, chloeweil, connextrum, eschnou, KevinMarks and gRegor` joined the channel
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# 14:32 gRegor` Morning, ben_thatmustbeme
# 14:36 gRegor` Me? Chicago didn't have one last night. April 9 will be the first.
# 14:37 ben_thatmustbeme i just read through the logs of it all. There are certainly plenty of projects out there that detect browser from within PHP. browscap.ini being a huge one, but thats a large file for just detecting browser
# 14:38 ben_thatmustbeme well I live like an hour out side Boston, but I don't really want to start a meetup until I actually find people that want to meet up. especially when I could be at home with my wife
# 14:53 gRegor` Makes sense, ben_thatmustbeme :)
# 14:53 gRegor` Chicago will likely just be me and KartikPrabhu for the first meeting.
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# 15:01 kylewm heh, trying to send webmentions to this dude, getting blocked because i'm a robot :(
# 15:01 gRegor` ben_thatmustbeme: So you decided to build from scratch instead of WordPress or something else? Or using a framework?
# 15:02 gRegor` kylewm: Like robots.txt is blocking it?
# 15:02 gRegor` Ahh, interesting
# 15:03 kylewm Yes I think so "The owner of this website (www.mrmorgan.me) has banned your access based on your browser\'s signature"
# 15:03 kylewm got through that and then got "Pings are disabled for this post"
# 15:03 ben_thatmustbeme once I get it to a reasonably working point (at least permalinks for posts working) I'll start a github for it
# 15:04 gRegor` That's strange, kylewm. Going to the trouble of setting up webmentions, but not testing receiving them? Or really strict rules on the UA. Hm.
# 15:04 gRegor` I've used CakePHP framework for a few projects and rather like it. It's fairly bulky, though.
# 15:05 ben_thatmustbeme yeah I've not played with that many, at this point opencart is what i know best. I decided to use it since thats really not the piece i'm looking to learn right now
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# 15:06 ben_thatmustbeme Plus I don't want to get half way through a site and realized I don't like the framework.
# 15:11 kylewm now trying to leave a regular comment: Forbidden
# 15:12 gRegor` Something seems rather messed up.
LauraJ and tantek joined the channel
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# 15:33 tantek and this is why we have "Beyond Blogging and Decentralization" right there on the home page
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# 15:37 tantek also - @closetgeekshow's profile links to a *.flavors.me site, not to an "old-style web" personal site. Doesn't seem like they're into IndieWeb in any way, moniker or with their own stuff.
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# 15:42 tantek "You think that's RSS you're breathing when you tweet? Huh." ;)
# 15:49 tantek there's something amazingly nerdy about doing a group photo via video connection
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# 16:06 tantek voxpelli - silo hopping is not really a good approach ;)
# 16:07 voxpelli tantek: not sure I would like to try and host that myself ;)
# 16:08 voxpelli but perhaps it could be fairly easy soon with the WebRTC tech stack?
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# 16:35 aaronpk i'm not hosting the coordination server thing, but it's still pretty cool
# 16:36 voxpelli aaronpk: nice, is it working well? seems like a very viable solution very soon
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# 16:42 tantek aaronpk - really? does it work on any mobile device or just desktop?
# 16:43 aaronpk works on mobile devices that support webrtc (i.e. not ios)
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# 16:48 tantek aaronpk - is there a way to test for that? and only show a link to such devices?
# 16:48 aaronpk test for webrtc support specifically? I suppsoe you could check in javascript
# 16:50 barnabywalters for my webRTC calling I check for (window.RTCPeerConnection || window.mozRTCPeerConnection || window.webkitRTCPeerConnection)
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# 16:51 bret i have some keybase.io invites.... anyone interested in playing around with that?
# 16:55 tantek aaronpk - I was wondering if there was anything you could do server-side and just not send the link if the client didn't support webrtc
# 16:55 aaronpk ah, you could make an educated guess based on the current support of major browsers, but that's back to maintaining a list of features and versions of browsers
# 16:56 tantek I'm wondering if there's a quick short whitelist
# 16:57 tantek I'm specifically thinking about the mobile use case
# 16:57 aaronpk ah yeah. I still need to make my /talk page send me a push notificaiton when someone joins, like a phone ringing
# 16:57 voxpelli tantek: downside of that is if someone extends eg. Safari on iOS to support WebRTC
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# 16:57 aaronpk otherwise it's more similar to video chat than a phone call
# 16:57 tantek voxpelli - nah, then you just update your code
# 16:57 voxpelli which was something that Ericsson did early on to prototype WebRTC on mobile
# 16:58 tantek much better to just ship something simple that works today
# 17:00 jonnybarnes woah, tantek's page was scary then, for a second all I could see was a big picture of his face, then it shrunk into the top corner like it should do
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# 17:25 bret and then going back to humans.txt style on account of github pages
# 17:25 aaronpk wonder why they don't just let you specify your own filename for it
# 17:26 bret aaronpk i think they want people to be able to look for the file in a common location
# 17:27 aaronpk think about how it work on twitter and github, those sites determine the URL
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# 17:29 kbs hi tantek - great to meet you in person
# 17:36 kbs aaronpk: Ah, should have clarified - I don't have one
# 17:36 kbs am looking for a good registrar+provider who can also cname it to my content currently hosted at kbsriram.github.io - hope that makes sense ;-)
# 17:37 KevinMarks_ hover.com is a good registrar+DNS, but I ended up using amazon route53 to get apex domain working on heroku
# 17:37 kbs ben_thatmustbeme: :-) it was a pretty neat meeting at the sf-moz location yesterday
# 17:37 kbs KevinMarks_: ah, okay - thanks for that tip.
# 17:38 ben_thatmustbeme kbs: you are the other person who got pulled in to this crowd because of KevinMarks_ comments on last weeks TWiG right?
# 17:38 kbs aaronpk: great, thanks for the pointer
# 17:38 kbs ben_thatmustbeme: oh yes [and thank you KevinMarks_ :)]
# 17:39 tantek aaronpk could you POSSE that photo to IG and people-tag hashtag it?
# 17:40 tantek was that photo taken with a "soft focus" filter? everyone looks so dreamy ;)
# 17:41 kylewm Isn't there a list of domain name registrars somewhere on the wiki? Can't find it...
# 17:44 tantek I think that was our biggest collective meeting yet
# 17:47 tantek though I think like kylewm, the next person would first look for a "domains" page
# 17:51 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme: I was thinking start from the other direction ... registrars I've heard people around here recommend :)
# 17:52 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, it can be helpful if you want a specific TLD to start with that list though, should probably at least link it in the wiki page
# 17:59 kbs [thanks for the dns suggestions folks - hover.com seems adequate for my needs
# 18:03 tantek kylewm - feel free to list an opinion about GoDaddy :)
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# 18:12 aaronpk dietrich: is that homebrew photo actually that fuzzy or do you have a non-fuzzed version?
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# 18:27 dietrich aaronpk: it's actually that fuzzy. i have no idea why :(
# 18:29 caseorganic comfirmed: harvard berkman center will host indiewebcamp in oct 2014
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# 18:34 dietrich aaronpk: sure, the license is stegonagraphically encoded in the image, by viewing the image you have already agreed to all terms.
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# 19:04 kbs Is it correct to assume that in indieauth, there's provider-specific 'magic' urls to find suitable reverse rel="me" links on the provider's page?
# 19:06 kbs The related question is - do such (any?) providers also have ways to embed key urls - it strikes me that it might be a way to gain 'confidence' in a key obtained from any one site. (some sort of public-key analog for indieauth)
# 19:12 kbs is there already some work around automated validation/proof that a given fingerprint is really from person X? [eg: a special rel=foo link that points to (say) a post on twitter that contains key material, etc.]
basal and tantek joined the channel
# 19:19 KartikPrabhu I just got the following nugget in an indieweb discussion "even for indiweb you will still end up hosting your content on a webserver which is a thirdparty. so again you technically don't own your data. so for a true indiweb you need to host data on your own servers"
# 19:20 aaronpk since it's the indie*web*, not indie everything, the important part is to own your web identity
# 19:21 aaronpk as long as you control the URLs, you can move between backend providers as you wish
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# 19:21 aaronpk you are in control of your online identity if you own the URLs
# 19:21 tantek dietrich++ for "license is stegonagraphically encoded in the image" LOL!
# 19:22 tantek so THAT'S why it's "fuzzy" - all that license encoding ;)
# 19:23 kbs is a also fan of the SELFIE approach - 'Syndicate Everything from Local Files' :-)
# 19:27 tantek kbs you're missing a few letters: Syndicate Everything from Local Files I Edit
# 19:35 tantek hey now bear, attribute kbs for that please - it was his idea ;)
# 19:35 kbs actually, I think tantek added the cherry on that retronym :-)
# 19:36 tantek speaking of - kbs, feel free to expand on your user page ;)
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# 19:38 kbs I guess I need to actually pay attention to the wiki edits :-)
# 19:39 tantek so there you go, another reason why you can't trust databases / MySQL ;)
# 19:41 kbs (thanks bear :) but still think tantek added that extra zing - so it's all good.
# 19:41 bear kbs - it's important to get the sequence correct even for things that are improved and iterated on
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# 19:46 bear you can only know about the "inserting bogus rows" issue if you add metrics for database specific things and monitor logs - something that even seasoned ops folk don't do
# 19:47 bear using a database works if you need what a database offers - searching and grouping
# 19:47 aaronpk database barely offer searching, you really need a search app for that
# 19:48 bear well, for a lot of folks, searching via a database is easier - especially now with key/value stores
# 19:48 bear actually I was waving-hands at the type of search - most use databases for tag or key searches
# 19:49 bear yea, database as a tool to make your life easier
# 19:49 tantek as a caching layer, DBs are fine. thus hard reset = dump the DBs and rebuild from actual reliable storage
# 19:49 cweiske aaronpk, is there a way to follow your articles from a normal feed reader?
# 19:50 KartikPrabhu aah so use dbs as meta storage for searchign etc... an use files for actual content?
# 19:51 kylewm KartikPrabhu: you mean, articles == flat files, notes are in the DB?
# 19:51 aaronpk (thank you weechat for preventing me from spamming IRC with 30 lines of code from my clipboard just now)
# 19:51 kylewm !me checks to see if aaronpk's feed still works in feedly... looks cold in PDX
# 19:51 bear for me they are all flat files with redis holding the relations built up from processing tags in the flat files
# 19:52 aaronpk i haven't actually looked at it in a reader in a while
# 19:52 tantek cweiske - I think I saw you asked about articles vs. notes? I include the ActivityStreams Atom object-type element / markup extension for any consumers that want to distinguish between those post types based on an existing spec.
# 19:53 tantek i.e. any Atom feed reader could (should?) support consuming AS Atom extensions and give the user the option for "only articles" etc.
# 19:55 tantek cweiske - seems reasonable to file an issue for them to support it - since it's in a published open spec
# 19:58 cweiske "I opened a bug reportâžš and got the not so encouraging response that I should fix that myself since the author was not willing to support "terminally lazy people""
# 20:09 tantek "Taşınıyorum" means literally "I'm moving!"
# 20:10 tantek and the "N'oluyor burada?" means literally "What's going on here?"
# 20:10 gRegor` Terminally lazy? Dang, that's kinda rude.
# 20:11 tantek gRegor`: well it is possible for laziness to be a terminal illness. though I think that's presuming a lot.
# 20:23 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 20:30 tantek ben_thatmustbeme: around here we just call them "slugs" :)
# 20:32 caseorganic tantek: it's pretty incredible to see twitter make it into political cartoons
# 20:32 tantek KartikPrabhu: yes, human-optimized is a better way to design than SEO
# 20:41 onewheelskyward Good for seo, bad for humans, sometimes.
# 20:41 onewheelskyward Like the slugs that give away the entire article.
# 20:42 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme: one thing i learned from these folks -- consider making the URL uniquely identifiable without the slug, and have the slug just be for humans. so if you went to example.com/20140227/1/blog-post-title or example.com/20140227/1/edited-blog-post-title, it would redirect to the same place
# 20:43 kylewm but not everyone does that -- waterpigs.co.uk for articles, the slug is the identifier
# 20:44 ben_thatmustbeme yeah, thats why i was doing, the only issue is, originally i was going to go by post_id
# 20:45 tantek we discussed slugs and mutability in the channel a few days ago (last week?)
# 20:45 tantek there's definitely enough there to deserve a writeup
# 20:45 onewheelskyward KartikPrabhu Indeed.
# 20:45 tantek KartikPrabhu: do you remember when? dig up the IRC permalink?
# 20:46 onewheelskyward I love it when I can see misspellings in the slug, though.
# 20:46 tantek we should start a /slug stub article with the various points discussed and opinions
# 20:46 kylewm was that when KartikPrabhu was deciding between ID vs. algorithmic urls?
# 20:46 tantek this won't be the last time this subject comes up
# 20:46 tantek and it's worth capturing the collective wisdom of this community
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# 20:47 kylewm KartikPrabhu: I didn't hear what happened with that. the generated SQL worked if you ran it manually, but no results in Django?
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# 20:55 demis sorry folks, bit rusty with Idno on my phone...fixed
# 20:55 demis yeah sharing that one from earlier - very nice KartikPrabhu
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# 21:02 gRegor` There's a start on some permalinks updates. Maybe it would be better to split them out by domain instead of platform? Since most of us are using different platforms anyway.
# 21:02 gRegor` I thought WordPress would be a good one since so many sites use it, and a few IWCers do.
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# 21:06 tantek wow. that's a great summary of how we can out do the UX of silos.
# 21:08 KartikPrabhu UI/UX wise i thought it was great that users needed only one page to do everything. It means that the FB UI/UX now is stupider
# 21:08 kylewm whoa, "This is truly a nightmare scenario for any CEO: do you take the risk and proceed with the better user experience/product at the expense of short term numbers" ... that should have a VERY easy answer
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# 21:24 kylewm that /databases article + the fact that my site just converted curly quotes to â€Å“ and â€ï¿½ really freaking me out about MySQL
# 21:26 KartikPrabhu worries that mf2py is not deconding/encoding currently at the moment...
# 21:26 gRegor` Converting latin1 to utf8 can be tricky
# 21:26 kylewm <firstmistake>I'd hoped py3k & having all the tables in UTF8 would mean I wouldnt have to think about encodings </firstmistake>
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# 21:28 KartikPrabhu kylewm: doesn't python3 do this correctly. converting form unicode to byte strings?
# 21:30 kylewm Yes, I thint it makes everything unicode unless you explicitly want a byte string for some reason
# 21:30 KartikPrabhu but then you should be converting to byte string with utf8 encodings to store in your db
# 21:33 kylewm maybe that was the wrong emoticon -- I'm not sure, I need to (re)learn about encodings apparently
# 21:33 KartikPrabhu i might have it all wrong... don't listen to me. I am even afraid to see if i am doing it right
# 21:34 gRegor` I am pretty familiar with encodings and converting them. Let me know if I can help.
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# 21:35 gRegor` One of the simplest routes I've seen is perform a mysqldump, search and replace the charset in the create table statements to be utf8, use iconv to convert to utf8, then use the dump to recreate the tables.
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# 21:36 gRegor` Also alter the database to set its charset to utf8, so all future tables should default to that.
# 21:37 KartikPrabhu yeah i have mysql in utf8 but I am not sure I am encoding everywhere when my python talks to the db and so on. have most large holes plugged but there might be smaller leaks :)
# 21:38 kylewm I'd probably unwisely converted them from latin to UTF8 without the dump/reload step
# 21:39 kylewm but not sure why new unicode going in would get screwed up
# 21:40 designdream i hate char sets!
# 21:44 julien51 [also, thanks to voxpelli, webmentions should work :)]
# 21:45 cweiske the indiewebcamp wiki does not add link headers exhibiting its webmention endpoint :/
# 21:46 aaronpk you could always fetch 1k html at a time until you find the <link> tag if you really wanted to
# 21:47 aaronpk is that *really* something you need to be concerned about though?
# 21:47 aaronpk bandwidth doesn't really seem like a scarce resource these days
# 21:47 cweiske I linked to the wiki in one of my blogposts, and loqi did not notify
# 21:48 cweiske aaronpk, apparently it is scarce enough for tantek to doom atom feeds
# 21:52 julien51 and with that, good night!
# 21:53 kylewm unicode disaster averted, for now. I was calling response.content (bytes) rather than response.text (string). cc KartikPrabhu, gRegor`
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# 21:55 tantek I have a feeling as more indieweb folks implement integrated readers, we're going to figure out solutions to the problems that julien51 brings up
# 21:56 tantek solutions which provide actual real world incentives to indie web site owners / creators / maintainers
# 21:56 tantek right now, I've deprioritized a lot of stuff (e.g. subtome, h-entry PuSH etc.) because there is no apparent benefit to me
# 21:57 tantek or rather, I've prioritized working on things which show direct benefits
# 21:57 tantek maybe those of you with integrated readers working can provide an analysis of julien51's post and see how maps to your needs?
# 21:57 tantek is anyone here actually consuming PuSH (of any variety) on their own indie web site?
# 21:58 tantek btw speaking of hosting, just saw these two blog posts by Brent Simmons with real world scenarios / analysis of different hosting options/levels:
# 22:06 KartikPrabhu tantek: re: indiereaders. I do think having our own readers on our own site is the way to go. probably connected via mentions and micopub for noting/replying. we'll surely get to those if someone feels motivated enough... babysteps :)
# 22:14 tantek apples and oranges cweiske - you're comparing different content
# 22:14 tantek point still stands, same content with h-feed markup < same content with Atom markup
# 22:14 tantek the HTTP requests thing is orthogonal to format
# 22:17 KartikPrabhu tantek: there does seem to be a number of people who want to publish only links or links+summary to articles on their homepage (including me). The RSS/Atom way would be to just have those and a separate RSS file with full articles for syndication. But with h-feed one seems to be forced to use more requests or have all articles as full text.
# 22:18 tantek feed.html with h-feed will be more efficient (smaller) than feed.xml in Atom
# 22:18 tantek when you hold all other variables constant, h-feed is more efficient than Atom
# 22:18 tantek that's the problem with cweiske's example, he's not holding all other variables constant
# 22:19 tantek still I'm surprised that 11x HTTP requests is ONLY 2.26x ;)
# 22:19 tantek that too me really demonstrates the efficiency
# 22:19 Loqi tantek meant to say: that to me really demonstrates the efficiency
# 22:21 KartikPrabhu if you have a h-feed (with only titles) with a u-uid link to the full feed page would that be a good solution?
# 22:21 tantek oh that would be a very good use of u-uid inside an h-feed
# 22:22 tantek we should document that use-case on the h-feed page
# 22:24 aaronpk has a one-sentence summary of the most recent 3 articles on his home page
# 22:25 KevinMarks Reading scrollback, encoding is a pain because the whole tool chain needs to get it right
# 22:25 KevinMarks It's not just databases that have assumptions, it's languages, libraries and even browsers
# 22:26 KevinMarks PHP had had different default encodings in different versions
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# 22:29 caseorganic KevinMarks: yeah! really happy to have Berkman. Room for 20, so it will be small and productive like the SF one
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# 22:31 caseorganic pdurbin: fantastic! let me make the guest list page. would love to have you rsvp before event fills
# 22:32 caseorganic pdurbin: i'm going to do a shorter intro to indieweb with willowbl00 (she's our berkman center contact and also works at mit media lab right now) anything missing from that podcast you'd like included in it?
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# 22:33 KevinMarks Oh, so a smaller room at Berkman? I've been to events the run at the law school that have lots more space
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# 22:44 caseorganic Does anyone know Jonathan Zittrain personally? Would be an interesting invite to IndieWebCamp Cambridge
# 22:44 caseorganic And we do need to remember to invite Warren Ellis to IndieWebCamp UK
# 22:45 caseorganic KevinMarks: think he'd be interested? He's part of the Berkman center. We might be able to get the event added to the Berkman page
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# 22:57 KevinMarks Wait, so twitter multiple images per tweet only work on updated mobile apps?
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# 23:18 kbs newbie question - are the discussion pages on the wiki reasonable places to ask for feedback on ideas (or work that's already been done) or is there a better approach you'd recommend?
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# 23:24 tantek kbs - discussion pages don't work very well on wikis - they typically get ignored and neglected
# 23:25 kbs tantek: cool - thanks for the tip
# 23:27 kbs So, before I blather on - the general area to do with an indieweb proof-of-ownership of pgp keys, without needing things like keybase. Someone stop me before I go on a long discourse, with pointers to work already done?
# 23:28 tantek kbs - I suppose start with the use case you're trying to solve
# 23:29 kbs The use-case is - I get a fingerprint from someone through email, web-site, etc. - how do I increase confidence that it's really their key
# 23:30 kbs So the thought is: step 1. Someone provides a key [say] on their canonical page using the standard "key", etc microformat.
# 23:30 kbs step 2. They also provide something like (say) <a href="..." rel="key-fingerprint"> pointing to pages from one or more "major" silo'ed providers.
# 23:31 kbs The idea here is this link indicates a "proof", approximately like how one might add a rel="me" link as used by indieauth.
# 23:31 kbs step 3. A validator just pulls out the raw content from the target page, and searches for a fingerprint claimed by the canonical page.
# 23:32 kbs The validator might [similar to indieauth] only choose to examine specific providers, that lets it identify the silo author from a page, with a degree of confidence
# 23:33 kbs finally, It then presents the list of authors (from each silo'ed site it understands) as a measure of confidence that that key. [eg: this fingerprint was found in @t's stream, tantek's g+ page, etc.]
# 23:33 tantek fingerprints and confidence aren't really a use-case. secure authenticated communication would be a use-case.
# 23:34 kbs That's true - this is mostly about the plumbing
# 23:34 tantek "mostly about the plumbing" is usually a bad way of designing or solving problems
# 23:34 tantek this is why it's important to start with a user-centered use-case, absent any mention of plumbing
# 23:34 tantek otherwise you get solutions looking for problems
# 23:35 kbs gotcha. It starts from - how do I securely communicate with a person, given their canonical weburl
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# 23:35 tantek kbs - to be clear, is this about security/privacy/confidentiality or authentication?
# 23:36 tantek i.e how do you know the person you're communicating with is the person you think it is
# 23:36 kbs yep - it's specifically about authentication
# 23:36 tantek and authentication can potentially be easier to solve than a full end to end encryption/privacy
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# 23:44 kbs tantek: great - going through your edits and the pages - appreciate the crisp summaries :-)
# 23:44 KartikPrabhu tantek: should I start a Brainstorming section on hfeed to document the u-uid idea?
# 23:44 tantek kbs, sometimes it helps for someone more clueless (me in this case) to try to summarize at a high level to see if the concept is being communicated ;)
# 23:44 tantek KartikPrabhu: yes please do, starting with the use-case you described
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# 23:51 pdurbin caseorganic: I might put "tentative" next to my name on the guest list. I have two little kids and often these things end up being game day decisions.
# 23:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
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