#shanersbut yeah. i'm stoked about our community progress
#KartikPrabhushaners: I see that you have a different app for each type of post. is that the sort of modularisation you were recommending a while back?
#shanerswe've always believed that these ideas and technologies need to be exercised by multiple implementations. and we're geting closer to realizing that.
#KartikPrabhualso really like the Homesteading logo :)
#bretmaybe its just my filter bubble, but lots of people really seem eager to judge ello against everything they hate about facebook. a really good sign for alt projects
#shanersKartikPrabhu: Yes-ish. I'm not necessarily reccomending it, but we're certainly trying it out. I belive in it, at least.
#KartikPrabhuboop ^ no has been around for quite a while
#shanersKartikPrabhu: that's exactly the idea of the constellation model. you could install our events app alongside of known or whatever. or run just the hs-article app on your own site. or only the photo app if they're photographers, without all of the other post types. or whatever.
#KartikPrabhuooo homestead-events with Known! that seems like magic :P
#shanersKartikPrabhu: I can't stand clever names. I *love* literal names.
#KartikPrabhuliteral and metaphors (like homesteading) are very neat IMO. no interpretation needed
#LoqiHomesteading is a personal publishing platform project (created with Ruby on Rails) where the creator owns the content and can syndicate copies to third parties http://indiewebcamp.com/Homesteading
#KartikPrabhufeels it might be good for beginners to browse through and get a general feel instead of looking at seemingly abstract principles and so on
#tantekinteresting, prompt them to learn by presenting the (obvious) questions they might be thinking but not expressing
#tantek.comedited /FAQ (+962) "expand audience FAQ to *wants to* *creators and creatives*, add Why can no one make something consumer friendly, expand who for, re-order qs a bit by applicability" (view diff)
#tantekKartikPrabhu, kylewm do you think FAQ is important enough to put first under "Resources" in the sidebar? Or do you have another suggested spot in the sidebar?
#tantek.comedited /FAQ (+62) "/* Why can no one make something consumer friendly */ see also Who are we making software for" (view diff)
#KartikPrabhutantek: depends on who the homepage is catering to. if beginners then I would put all the beginner-centric ones on top like "FAQ", "Principles" "get started" and then the rest
#KartikPrabhutantek: same in that case. FAQ makes deciding whether to have indieweb, Principles introduces the core philosophy, Get Started well gets them started
#tantekkylewm: near projects / CC0? before which of those?
#kylewmtantek: I was thinking right below projects
#tantek.comedited /MediaWiki:Sidebar (+11) "make FAQ more discoverable, for those who might want to learn by viewing answers to common questions" (view diff)
#KartikPrabhutantek: kylewm: again my suggestions are intuitive so whoever is editing should make a judgement call :)
#kylewmI was going to use full names for everyone but then it felt really weird to call bear anything else
#tantekkylewm: I believe you can do that automatically by what data you have in the h-card for each person
#shanersin some cirlces SGB and SGS are also used to mean "seems good, bro" and "seems good, sis", respectively. though, i don't think that's worth adding to the iwc wiki.
#tantekshaners - indeed, not worth adding, because "in some circles" is a third party detached reference.
#KartikPrabhuindieweb should really engage artists who want to go indie... Warren Ellis is a great example.
#tantekkylewm: that may be just due to insufficient advice about h-card publishing
#shanerstantek: i'll try again. some of my (ruby) friends use sgb/sgs. i sometimes catch myself saying it outside of those friends. sgb/sgs mean roughly the same thing as SGTM/LGTM.
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#tantekbased on my experience, bear would prefer to be called "bear", yet that's not indicated anywhere visible (nevermind marked up) on https://bear.im/
#tantekshaners, interesting. I'll listen/look for those uses.
#KartikPrabhutantek: kylewm: true. use homepage h-card p-nickname if there is one, else the address book author could add one themselves for personal reference... ?
#tantekif such phrases start to get used here in #indiewebcamp, we can add them as well
#kylewmactually, the irc log is a really good reference for what i want
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 3 minutes ago: why doesn't http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2014/09/11/1/ use users.txt? what happened to displaying icon+name on indie posts vs. tweet posse copies?
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#aaronpkIt uses users.txt to link @t to Tantek.con
#KartikPrabhuhmm... usually feed reading is anonymous... i feel it would be better that way
#KartikPrabhuguessing. don't know enough details of PuSH
#tantekKartikPrabhu: it's a trade-off. It's more work (coding, admin) to run your own hub, and yet, as you observed, you have much more data about your subscribers, which otherwise is bottled up in the hub.
#KartikPrabhutantek: i am wondering if subscribers would want that. In anycase, they have the choice to just poll my h-feed as they please so might not be an issue.
#tantekKartikPrabhu: that's right - a PuSH *client* has to make that explicit policy decision / trade-off.
#tantekkylewm - and this is a key reason why I don't take pump.io that seriously (yet). evan hasn't been able to get it to the point where it *replaces* his own use of Twitter.
#tantekwhereas the number of us here who *have* replaced Twitter with our own sites & implementations continue to grow.
#tantekat a minimum for posting notes, and most of us that do that also post *replies* on our own site first, and POSSE thread/copy to twitter
#kylewmI read this quote from him the other day (documented on /pump.io) "I really want pump.io to become one of those essential pieces of infrastructure for development"
#kylewmit's just a whole different goal/mindset I think
#kylewmit's interesting right? because the cited examples memcached and rabbitmq were created to solve a specific problem that someone had and happened to be generally useful
#kylewmnot "this will only be useful once everyone adopts it"
#tantekkylewm: I believe all such "essential pieces of infrastructure" are "created to solve a specific problem that someone had and happened to be generally useful."
#kylewmlike in the New post UI, where you added the in-reply-to field, why can't you read querystring params and pre-populate fields?
#GWGkylewm: The closest to that is the Press This option, which is not extensible, as far as I know
#GWGThat is why the REST API is the better long term solution. I could use your post interface and send the data directly into Wordpress without touching Admin.
#KartikPrabhukylewm: I am thinking of modularising my code ala homesteading too, if you do that too I can just use red-wind-address-book or something ;)
#kylewmok just do the Matrix thing... "I know Ruby"
#Loqiacegiak: GWG left you a message 38 seconds ago: Look at the latest commit to the taxonomy plugin
#acegiakjust catching up from the hilight on whisperfollow earlier
#shanersbuild a little interface for setting: author name, author url, flickr username, etc. then pull those values in your markups to at render time. boom bam boom.
#GWGacegiak: It gives me a conflict with Semantic Linkbacks, by the way
#acegiakwhisperfollow? yeah. that's an issue I'm trying to work out
#acegiakthe problem is they're both loading the mf2 library from their own locations
#GWGacegiak: I see that. I was going to ask you if you had a solution before I fiddled with it
#KartikPrabhuacegiak: GWG: use something like if !mf2-library then load mf2-library no?
#KartikPrabhuif you put that in both it should work ?
#acegiakKartikPrabhu: I'll have to do it in both but I haven't got that to work yet
#GWGacegiak: You used the JSON API for Whisperfollow. I'm just starting to play with it. Other than adding the response data to the return, what other functions does it make sense to implement?
#GWGacegiak: I still have this idea of creating a reply endpoint to automatically set up posts, but judging by the discussions, the API is still fine-tuning the creation of posts with taxonomies.
#acegiakGWG: I'd like a plugin that creates a new post endpoint that can handle taxonomies and metadata dynamically
#acegiakrather than one that has hardpoints for certain taxonomy elements hardcoded
#KartikPrabhu@joeld 's heat is in the right place, but the suggestion to include "abuse prevention" into a notification spec is misguided
#LoqiKartikPrabhu meant to say: @joeld 's heart is in the right place, but the suggestion to include "abuse prevention" into a notification spec is misguided
#GWGacegiak: And for the other thing, I will likely have more over time. Right now, I'm just programming additional data to be returned in an unauthenticated response.
#KartikPrabhukylewm: hmm thanks. I'll still tweet that out ;)
#acegiakKartikPrabhu: I know imdb is a private enterprise but somehow it seems more official than last.fm? maybe I should just rock with last.fm though
#KartikPrabhuacegiak: link to anyone that you trust/use I think :)
#acegiakKartikPrabhu: I use asides for the majority of my posts these days. they're pretty m
#KartikPrabhuacegiak: yes. that is what I learnt from my small foray into wordpess
#acegiakI've just picked one post format for notelikes tfor consistency and then I display it however I like
#acegiakOne of hte things I have to fix with whisperfollow is the fact that the whispers category is baked in because I didn't know hwo to create options pages when I created theplugin
#KartikPrabhuacegiak: my brief foray into Wordpress dev made me dislike it :P I'll stick to python :P
#GWGacegiak: I've been trying to simplify my approach. Still haven't solved like vs favorite. But I did add favorite as a default kind to the plugin for people who see them differently.
#KartikPrabhufwiw Wordpress is great for quickly building a site, but trying to get a good customisation is hard
#acegiakKartikPrabhu: the right plugins go a long way
#KartikPrabhu!tell snarfed is it possible for Bridgy publish to include more at: original-link if the content was truncated instead of a (original-link). more reader friendly IMO
#Loqisnarfed: KartikPrabhu left you a message 7 hours, 44 minutes ago: is it possible for Bridgy publish to include more at: original-link if the content was truncated instead of a (original-link). more reader friendly IMO
#snarfedKartikPrabhu: hmm. maybe! FB already has an expanded form like that. i kept the twitter one minimal to save chars.
#ShaneHudsonTook me ages but finally managed to get DNS working on dedicated :) (probably not the best way, haven't set up multiple ips) http://diemlabs.com/ yay
#petermolnarsnarfed it's all fine now, it was the level of visibility, sorry for not being able to spot it :)
#petermolnarit's not really ready for a user-friendly use
#davidmeadoh i c. i didn’t see that mentioned when it asked to install the update
#petermolnarit's pulled from github, not wp, that is usually an indicator :)
#davidmeadlol - i should have been paying closer attention. i just saw the update in my WP console and clicked
#davidmeadmaybe thats why the content of replies from twitter isn’t showing too
#davidmeadi used to see if it was a like,retweet, or an actually reply
Pea1 joined the channel
#davidmeadnow its just a generic “there was a reply from twitter"
#davidmeadhard to know which one to reply back too
#petermolnarI had that issue, but that was with bridgy imho
#petermolnarcheck the comment by the id and see what the actual content it
#davidmeadyea. i’m going to have to trim some of these plugins. i have the bridgy post url inserted into my page code, so if one of these new plugins also has it it could be a conflict
#davidmeadi thought we were trying to make it easier ;-)
#tantekand on a third topic, back to webmention and spam - the more I think about it the more I keep coming back to trying a 3rd parameter, a URL, that "vouches" for the source.
#tanteki.e. if A is sending a webmention to B (who don't know each other, i.e. B has never linked to A), A sends along a third parameter, let's say "voucher=" (new name please) that includes a URL to C, which has a link to A (thus "vouching"), and B *has* linked to C in the past.
#tantekthis way you push the work of 2nd degree trust discovery onto the *sender* of the webmention, rather than the receiver
#tantekkylewm, re:how can the sender find such a vouch link? How do people in general explain how they know each other?
#tanteki.e. we can push this question off to arbitrary social sidebands of choice
#tantekthe way people share links informally in all sorts of ways
#tantekin addition, since such social questions are of interest beyond commenting (as evidence by FB and other silo's showing how many friends in common you have and who they are), there's likely to be one or more aggregators that surface this information in some queryable way
#tantekkylewm, e.g. someone might setup a service like say socialsearchme.com where you can put in your personal site, and see *who* has linked to you (most recently, most frequently), who you've linked to, the overlap
#tantekas well as how many and who you have in common
#tantekin which case, as a user, after commenting (and presumably having their "normal" webmention rejected), they could check a hypothetical service like socialsearchme.com for themselves, see that they'd linked to B, and then see how many (if any) people they have in common, especially, if there are any people that B has linked to that link to A, and if so, presto, that's a "vouch" URL.
#tantekthis manual human step of checking, hey how do we know each other adds to the strength of the social tie between the commenter and the post author
#KevinMarksTantek is your vouch a "you may know me from…"?
#GWGYou may know me from such Indiewebcamps as...?
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#KartikPrabhutantek_ how do I know if the voucher I received is legit. i.e. don't I have to verify that there is a link between sender and voucher ?
#kylewmKartikPrabhu: if I understand your question, that is the purpose of the vouch link, it's a URL of a permalink where a mutual friend links to the sender
#KartikPrabhukylewm: but anyone can send me a webmention with voucher = kylewm , should I just trust that they know you? or do I go fishing in your friendslist to verify it?
#bearsince they are one direction and if the domain uses https, authenticated
#KartikPrabhuno it will be very hard for me to send a webmention to someone. If I want to send a mention to bear for the first time, I have to somehow get a list of people who have mentioned bear before (don't know how to do that spider all of bear's post comments?), and have previously mentioned me (spider my list of received mentions) and then create a voucher URL on match
#tantek1. KevinMarks: is your vouch a "you may know me from…"? Not quite. No assertion of "may" nor "know". Just a "here's someone's {C} (perma)link, you {B} have linked to {some URL at C's personal domain}, where {C} links to me {some URL at A's personal domain}
#tantek2. KartikPrabhu "how do I know if the voucher I received is legit." you have to do 2 (relatively) simple checks. continued: "don't I have to verify that there is a link between sender and voucher" - in one direction only, that voucher URL links to sender's personal domain. that's the easy check. the harder check is you have verify that YOU link somewhere to voucher's personal domain (e.g. from your blogroll, whitelist, Twitter
#tantekfollowings, nicknames cache, outbound link cache)
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#tantek3. KartikPrabhu " but anyone can send me a webmention with voucher = kylewm, should I just trust that they know you?". No, no notion of "trust" needed. Just links. You MUST verify that "kylewm" (presumably a permalink at his site) links to the sender. continued: "or do I go fishing in your friendslist to verify it?" No. There is no need to crawl anywhere from the voucher URL.
#tantek4. KartikPrabhu "this is voucher thing will be hard" Why? Please rephrase that in the form of a question that you think has a hard answer and I'll try to give you an easy answer :)
#tantek6. bear: "they are one direction and if the domain uses https, authenticated" correct!
#tantek7. KartikPrabhu: " If I want to send a mention to bear for the first time, I have to somehow get…" No let me stop you right there. The vouch protocol is a backwards compatible extension to webmmention. Step 1, you send a webmention as if you would today. Step 2. Perhaps the receiver is already a fan of yours (secretly, in their private whitelist, nicknames cache, etc.) and thus your webmention is accepted without any additional wor
#tantekbarnabywalters: right, I decided to bounce it off people in the channel first
#barnabywalterstantek: sounds like the vouch protocol is a useful extension for webmention
#barnabywaltersmakes perfect sense as part of a layered anti-spam, anti-abuse system
#barnabywaltersit’s another data point for webmention endpoints/proxies to take into account
#barnabywalterse.g. a social graph crawling webmention proxy could, on an incoming webmention, go:
#barnabywalters1) is the sender in my social graph? if so accept, otherwise:
#tantek7.. continued: Step 3, if for any reason the receiver of your webmention does not want to accept it, e.g. they've never linked to you before (or you're not in their private whitelist, nicknames cache, Twitter followings - per rel-me consolidation identity equivalency etc.), the receiver rejects your webmention with a 400.
#barnabywalters2) have they sent a vouch parameter? if so, check it, accept. otherwise:
#barnabywalters3) have they sent a hashcash parameter? if so, accept, otherwise:
#barnabywalters5) last resort: add to a manual moderation list
#tantek7.. continued: Step 4, at this point you may decide to send a webmention+vouch, in which case it is up to you, the sender of the webmention to find such a vouch URL and include it as the 3rd parameter in your resend of the webmention.
#KartikPrabhutantek: yeah Step4 is not so easy now is it?
#tantekbarnabywalters: I'm not convinced about hashcash - spammers have shown they're willing to spend non-trivial resources sending spam.
#KartikPrabhuin fact at that point I would just think, "ok rejected moiving on"
#tantekI would actually dump a webmention after vouch failing and leave it to the person to attempt a sideband communication (e.g. saying hi here in IRC)
#barnabywalterstantek: given that no-one’s actually implemented any of this yet, I’d be willing to actually try it out and see what happens in real life
#tantekor perhaps have them attempt a mention through Bridgy, POSSE copy to POSSE copy
#tantekwhich raises the bar again, as they have to put their POSSE profile at risk, which a real person is willing to do, but not many spammers are (and it raises the cost for them)
#barnabywaltersbut of course everyone could choose what works for them — another advantage to the many-layered approach
#tantekbarnabywalters: yes, everyone can try what works for them - I'm merely indicating a minimum viable vouch approach.
#KevinMarksvouch can apply to a shared membership too? Eg irc-people or hwc, or xoxo?
#KevinMarksSaying "we're both members of this publicly defined group"
#KartikPrabhubut I am still confused as to how to find a vouch URL to send?
#tantekthat was 8… responding to barnabywalters re: 1…5 steps, summary: only 1..2 are necessary for minimum viable vouch implementation.
#tantek9. KartikPrabhu re: "Step4 [up to sender of the webmention to find a vouch URL] is not so easy now is it?" Unknown. For most conversations, e.g. people here in #indiewebcamp, I expect it will be trivial for you to find a URL just by checking the home page of the person you're trying to send a webmention to.
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#KartikPrabhuyes but people I already know is not the problem
#KevinMarksSo the vouch is a sponsor? It's like being an apprentice in iwc?
#tantek10. KartikPrabhu: "in fact at that point I would just think, ok rejected moiving on" - for that reason it may be worth introducing a new explicit error value: "needs vouch". The closest HTTP status/error code for this is 412 Precondition Failed - the precondition being - the request lacked a "vouch" parameter.
#tantek10.. continued: Thus upon receiving a 412, as the sender of the webmention *without* the vouch, you might say, oops the requester specifically wants a vouch, I'll go try again with a vouch.
#KevinMarksI'm mentally rummaging through meanings here: vouch, sponsor, aegis, introducer,
#tantek11. KevinMarks "vouch can apply to a shared membership too? Eg irc-people or hwc, or xoxo?" A vouch URL could be for example http://indiewebcamp.com/User:Kevinmarks.com, which obviously links to the domain(s) (known.)kevinmarks.com, and thus vouches for any permalinks at those domains. Then the receiver of the webmention has to decide, have I linked to indiewebcamp.com before (likely yes), ok I'll accept that site as a voucher, and
#tantekthe specific vouch URL, and thus the webmention.
#tantek12. KartikPrabhu "I am still confused as to how to find a vouch URL to send?" If you're already a reader of B's content (which you should be, since you're sending them a comment on one of their permalinks), then you should already be somewhat familiar with who they link to (or can quickly check their home page or recent posts for people). You should also be relatively familiar with who links to you (hint: your recent incoming webment
#KartikPrabhuyeah so that makes the whole thing manual. no auto-sending mentions
#tantek12. … thus with a quick look at B's home page (or recent posts) you should be able to trivially recognize oh hey there's someone that sent me a webmention recently, and go pull that out of *your* queue/history of recent webmentions, thus giving you vouch URL to use.
#KartikPrabhuthis is making it too much work for sending...
#tantek13. KevinMarks "So the vouch is a sponsor?" No, the vouch is not a "sponsor" or any other new term. The vouch is *just* a (perma)link, which B has linked to the domain of previously, and which directly links to A's domain.
#barnabywalterskartikprabhu: I don’t know if that’s true. You’re asking a) for human attention and b) for the reciever to put your content on their site. Both non-trivial requests
#KartikPrabhubarnabywalters: same with twitter replies. they show up below my tweet
#tantek14. KartikPrabhu "so that makes the whole thing manual. no auto-sending mentions". Not true. For example see 11 - it is likely your code can programmatically itself test indiewebcamp.com/irc-people and use it as a default vouch.
#KartikPrabhutantek: again people I already know is not the issue
#KevinMarksTwitter replies have a show all/show those from people I follow toggle
#tantek14.. continued: from there, you can decide how much intermediate UI you want to show, "The comment you sent is awaiting some form of vouching that they link to that links to you" with a URL field to enter. Plenty of opportunity to crawl, cache, innovate there. PLENTY.
#KartikPrabhuKevinMarks: those are only show/hide. when I send a reply, i don't get "oops go find someone you both know"
#tantek15. KartikPrabhu "this is making it too much work for sending…" maybe. won't know until I (or others) attempt to implement and see what roadblocks we run into.
#barnabywalterskartikprabhu: twitter has a huge shared spam list (and it’s worth noting that even that is often not successful)
#KevinMarksHow you respond to webmentions is already up to you
#tantek16. KartikPrabhu "compare to replying on Twitter" - compare to replying on Twitter to someone who has blocked you. Compare the noise of @-replies on Twitter to *any* permalink from *any* celebrity. All filled with crap. Often worse than YouTube comments.
#KevinMarksThis is a way to change default processing
#tantek16… continued - Twitter is a lost cause in terms of reply quality. Nevermind the nonsensical twitter arguments/fights that otherwise intelligent people get into.
#tantek17. KevinMarks "Twitter replies have a show all/show those from people I follow toggle" I see no such toggle, neither on my tweet permalinks, nor on others. For an example of poor conversation, e.g. see replies here: https://twitter.com/WhiteHouse/status/516248523096866816
#tantekKartikPrabhu: in general my goal with "vouch" (seriously, feel free to suggest a better name) was something *easy* for the *receiver* to process. Putting more burden on the sender IMO is the right principle/approach given how *less* burden on the sender turned out for email/trackback/pingback.
#barnabywalterskartikprabhu: so you could choose to put that webmention in a human moderation queue (as per my flow above)
#barnabywaltersI see things like this as ways of automating moderation, with actual moderation as a last-resort fallback
#KartikPrabhubarnabywalters: one could do human moderation without this vouch thingy too
#tantekI'm determined to build a system (at least for myself) with zero moderation tax.
#tantekI don't have time nor inclination to read through all the crap that gets stuck in moderation - from experience moderating comments on microformats.org.
#barnabywalterskartikprabhu: of course, things like vouch, hashcash, social graph crawling etc. remove the need for vast amounts of moderation
#tantekyou may choose to do so yourself, but it should be a choice. I shouldn't *have to* moderate.
#tanteksee that you mentioned *his twitter* and linked to *vimeo* - neither of which accept webmentions.
#KartikPrabhutantek: if Erik had said "i don't know you, go find someone to vouch for you before I read your tweet" what would I do?
#ben_thatmustbarnabywalters, kartikprabhu, I implemented a status of acceptance in the webmention receivers on openblog i just never turned on moderation (or had a UI) in theory its the exact same its just automatically setting to accept now
#KartikPrabhutantek: this is not webmention specific. just some interaction that would fail if it happened through webmention+vouch model
#tantekKartikPrabhu: that thing I said before about using POSSE copy to POSSE copy threading to bootstrap
#tantekjust as we have use POSSE/Bridgy to bootstrap interactions with people stuck on silos
#tantekwe can use silo's own weaker mention policies to bootstrap into our indieweb 2nd degree
#KartikPrabhutantek: no. assume that this was not happening on Twitter but on indiewebsites.
#tantekKartikPrabhu: yes that's my point. assume that it's happening on indieweb sites
#tantekKartikPrabhu, your indieweb post webmention to his webmention post *fails* because he doesn't know you, HOWEVER
#KartikPrabhuso what's the point? if my mention goes through Twitter anyway
#tantekyour indieweb post's POSSE tweet copy @-mentions his Twitter profile, through which he he does original post discovery on your post and then can add it that way.
#KartikPrabhuI'll just go an interact with him on Twitter then.
#tantekthe point is that Twitter becomes just an ephemeral step in indieweb to indieweb mention recognition
#gRegor`tantek: Someone sets up a withknown.com site and we have no interactions or mutual friends. Seems it could become pretty common.
#tantekgRegor`: I am going to predict that the first widescale webmention spammer we are going to see will be from a withknown site.
#KartikPrabhuthis is all fine and good, if you already are in the same extended circle
#gRegor`KartikPrabhu: By "POSSE fallback" I mean since B won't get your webmention, they will see your POSSE copy mention instead. I'm not sure I'm full understanding this vouching conversation though, so just asking questions.
#KartikPrabhugRegor`: but they don't know me on twitter either but they accept Twitter copy.... this seems weird
#tantekKartikPrabhu: another way of putting this is that vouch URL discovery (finding vouch URLs between you and some other person) will be a source of a lot of innovation, search, crawling, indexing, caching etc.
#tantekthat's fine, we aim for higher quality on the indieweb
#tantekif spammers resort to only using silos, then we've won
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#gRegor`So if my understanding so far is correct, in that situation, how do A and B get to a point where the webmention can be sent and vouched? Will B have to manually add A to his approved senders / nickname cache / whatever first?
#tantekgRegor`: that's part of the beauty of it - that's up to B to decide, thus making it opaque to spammers, thus making any generic/global approach not scale, thus making it uneconomical to spam.
#gRegor`tantek: Out of curiosity, is a lot of your webmention.io junk from people mis-typing a twitter name? I know @justin gets a lot of mis-addressed tweets like "@justin bieber" heh
#gRegor`Heh, yeah. Not sure most withknown.com users know what webmention is, or that they can comment on other non-known, non-silo sites. E.g. this thread with my firend Scott https://twitter.com/gRegorLove/status/512650030184804352
#barnabywalterswrt blocking, I’m a little stumped as to how to implement it effectively in shrewdness
#gRegor`I have some Ello invites, by the way, if anyone would like to check it out.
#KartikPrabhugRegor`: yup. so if webmention is rejected people will ask here is not right
#gRegor`(Scott's reply to my note up there was "really?")
#barnabywaltershiding anything matching a domain or domain+path is easy enough, but what about other cases like POSSE copies and reposts on other sites
#barnabywaltersor, for example, people quoting blocked people’s content without linking to it in e.g. u-in-reply-to
#barnabywaltersif I block troll.com, should a post from one of my friends which links to troll.com be shown?