2016-07-15 UTC
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 00:20 [chrisaldrich] tantek: I was impressed that RSVPing to the FB event actually sent a webmention to my original Known install. Hadn't seen that before. Good Job benatwork and gang!
gRegorLove, tantek and mblaney joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
# 01:02 aaronpk i think if i ever end up doing an indieweb-related startup it's going to be building a wifi-enabled SD card that uploads photos to your micropub endpoint directly, no cloud service involved
# 01:02 aaronpk cause nothing ever went wrong with doing a hardware startup
# 01:02 aaronpk i'll put it on kickstarter that way it's guaranteed to ship 2 years late
# 01:03 mblaney from a UI perspective I like seeing h-feed authors in my reader.
# 01:04 mblaney I use the h-card photo next to the title when grouping posts
[benatwork] joined the channel
# 01:04 [benatwork] I’d like to see a PESOS box. Stick it on your router, have it suck in all your social media postings, photos etc to a built-in hard drive.
# 01:04 [benatwork] #justsaying
# 01:04 mblaney I couldn't use an h-entry author from the collection to do that as it makes too many assumptions.
# 01:05 aaronpk [benatwork]: that sounds like what Singly was supposed to do 😞
# 01:06 [benatwork] Yes. Trick may be pointing it at companies, not individuals. Imagine if you could PESOS a hashtag to a local drive and then locally process the data, for example.
# 01:07 aaronpk i swear the next big trend after cloud computing is going to be local computing
# 01:07 [benatwork] Yeah, the pendulum will swing back
# 01:07 aaronpk look how much more power we can get when we actually distribute everything to the edges
# 01:07 [benatwork] A device in everyone’s pocket, running open source software
# 01:07 aaronpk my phone is already more powerful than "cloud" servers 10 years ago were
# 01:07 [benatwork] Yep. And Apple is driving this hard
# 01:08 [benatwork] The open source thing is likely a red herring
# 01:08 [benatwork] But local software transcends internet connections
# 01:08 [benatwork] And as they all enter markets with less stable networks ..
# 01:11 aaronpk maybe we'll even see a resurgence of the store-and-forward model of email, back when you had to dial in with your modem to download your email, except with modern social networking interactions
# 01:11 tantek benatwork, why do you say the open source thing is likely a red herring?
# 01:23 mblaney also +1 for implied h-entry author from h-feed when no author is given for the entry, and implied author on the h-feed when it's the child of an h-card.
# 01:23 mblaney those are obvious relationships so there's no reason not to use them when available.
# 01:24 mblaney I'm not saying they have to be there or they must be used, but there's no reason not to use this pattern either.
mlncn_ joined the channel
comzeradd joined the channel
# 01:48 tantek gRegorLove: no problem - perhaps note Bellingham is skipping that week?
# 01:58 neilpdx i can't join #indiewebcamp
nitot joined the channel
# 02:31 tantek drat I forgot to take a photo at HWC SF this week
# 02:31 tantek Brighton, Portland any photos? (adactio, aaronpk)
# 02:32 tantek and I thought we had more locations for the 27th
# 02:39 tantek yep the photosrcalt template is much easier to use than either wiki or HTML markup directly
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 02:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:40 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
emmak, KevinMarks_, kbs, leg, wolftune, nitot and KevinMarks joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 04:56 tantek has that happened in an actual CMS upgrade? or just services?
# 05:00 tantek aaronpk++ for at least trying to help resolve OAuth issues
# 05:00 Loqi aaronpk has 1066 karma (9 in this channel)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
friedcell, nitot, KevinMarks_, wolftune, AndChat|566325, Pierre-O, Gold, cweiske, KevinMarks and j12t joined the channel
nitot, tantek and j12t joined the channel
Pierre-O, lhynes, nitot, adactio and loicm_ joined the channel
friedcell, nitot and mlncn_ joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 11:30 jonnybarnes just pushed a new update to my site to make syndication targets more verbose
# 11:31 jonnybarnes i.e. my micropub client will display the `name` given by the syndication target
cjk101010, Garbee, nitot, cyberjar09, M-Kodo, rrix, tantek and wolftune joined the channel
friedcell, mlncn, danlyke, Kopfstein, kbs, KevinMarks, shiflett, singpolyma, nitot, j12t, Erkan_Yilmaz, M-rongladney, kegan[m], M-RyanRix, M-hotzeplotz and [phillycodehound joined the channel
# 14:39 [phillycodehound Hi all. I'm a HUGE fan of kevinmarks and have been intrigued with the indieweb since I heard Kevin talking about on TWIT
KevinMarks, kbs and PhillyCodeHound joined the channel
tvn, danlyke and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 14:59 [chrisaldrich] phillycodehound: IndieWeb for WordPress has evolved a lot in the last 6 months. We'd appreciate your thoughts on the ease of use as you go through the process of indiewebifying your site(s).
j12t and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
leg, snarfed, gRegorLove, KevinMarks and nitot joined the channel
# 15:46 aaronpk i'm surprised flickr never did anything with alt text for images
j12t, KevinMarks_ and Jeena joined the channel
# 16:21 Jeena I now have a indiewebified podcast https://jeena.net/pods marked up with microformats, etc. It will have some mistakes so if you see some please tell me :)
# 16:23 aaronpk Jeena: would you consider `u-audio` on the <audio> tag?
# 16:23 aaronpk Monocle isn't online anymore, but when it was, it looked for an `audio` property and presented an audio player inline
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:30 Jeena ah sure, I was looking for something in the microformats wiki
# 16:33 aaronpk I think audio is there? if not, it wasn't a far leap from "photo" and "video" to "audio"
[benatwork] joined the channel
Salt and squeakytoy joined the channel
kbs and loicm_ joined the channel
goodoo, nitot, KevinMarks, wolftune, begriffs and Garbee joined the channel
Gold and nitot joined the channel
# 18:35 voxpelli sknebel: we're not that far away from having something similar based on indieweb tech ;)
# 18:43 voxpelli sknebel: yes – and miklb is working on a boilerplate indieweb theme as well
# 18:45 miklb I actually plan on working on the micropub additions for that tonight!
# 18:49 voxpelli I'm looking at making it more configurable right now as well :)
# 18:51 miklb there is prose.io which allows you write your markdown in the browser and publish to your gh-pages. I've not used it though
wolftune joined the channel
# 18:55 kbs voxpelli: out of curiosity, did you pick the github api rather than the git protocol for simplicity? (maybe irrelevant in the big picture since afaict only github provides an easy git -> web-page path anyway)
# 18:57 voxpelli kbs: yeah, to get things started, it's built as a self-contained module so one could swap it out for a git-based one later on
cweiske joined the channel
# 18:57 voxpelli felt better to focus the effort on the micropub part than on the git one :)
# 18:57 sknebel kbs: gitlab has pages as well, and there is a service for bitbucket as well
# 18:58 kbs sknebel: ah, didn't know that - thanks for the pointers
# 18:59 voxpelli one can also trigger a build on the commits to the repo and have the result of that build be pushed anywhere
# 18:59 voxpelli I believe miklb is building his jekyll himself rather than having GitHub do it for him
# 19:00 miklb I use TravisCI with mine and push to my own VPS
# 19:00 miklb so my site is on GitHub but Travis does a build/deploy on each new commit
# 19:02 kbs no end of creative ways to do this, I'm coming to realize :)
friedcell joined the channel
# 19:03 miklb the main advantage to using the branch/CI/deploy is it allows you to run any plugin you want for jekyll
# 19:04 miklb you can actually deploy the compiled HTML back to GitHub
# 19:05 sknebel yeah, GitLab has examples for many site generators, because they have their own CI offering integrated and use that
# 19:05 voxpelli and I'm doing it directly on GitHub to ensure that everything works without any extra plugins :)
# 19:06 miklb and the theme I built doesn't require any plugins
# 19:07 miklb missing piece right now is sending webmentions, but we are zeroing in on solving that I think :-)
# 19:07 voxpelli progressively enhanced static site generation – you heard it here first! :)
wolftune joined the channel
# 19:13 miklb cweiske I did. I could see building a front end for something like that
# 19:14 Loqi voxpelli has 83 karma (4 in this channel)
# 19:25 voxpelli KevinMarks: not commit hook, but "page has built" web hook. Problem is to know what's new though, hence the feed-based approaches (added bonus is that one can just rely on already existing pubsubhubbub ping)
# 19:25 voxpelli the delay between commit and build makes the static site a bit hard to work with :/
# 19:29 miklb there can be. I think that's why the page-build-event hook
# 19:30 miklb for my self hosted jekyll, I have to wait to run my rake task until after build and deploy so the URL is live
# 19:33 sknebel KevinMarks: I think it is for "rebuild of the entire website", not "individual page finished building"
# 19:35 KevinMarks So you would hook the commit to know which pages changed, then wait for page build to run the webmention sending?
# 19:38 voxpelli KevinMarks: I think I would just fetch the main feed and look for any posts that has been changed in there
# 19:38 voxpelli would solve enough cases, the rest could be handled manually if needed
# 19:39 KevinMarks Well, that assumes you have a feed. This is the page/post distinction
# 19:40 miklb might need to distinguish between jekyll sites on gh-pages and like plain HTML hosted on GitHub
# 19:40 KevinMarks WordPress has that too - some things are posts and in a a time stamped feed, some our pages
# 19:40 Loqi KevinMarks meant to say: WordPress has that too - some things are posts and in a a time stamped feed, some are pages
# 19:41 miklb I misunderstood what KevinMarks meant about "assumes you have a feed"
# 19:41 voxpelli KevinMarks: most webmentions are made from posts though I'm thinking and mostly there it's of much use to have them automatically pinged. One could always manually trigger a page to be pinged
# 19:42 sknebel for pure HTML, parsing the commit for changed files would make sense
# 19:42 Loqi voxpelli meant to say: KevinMarks: most webmentions are made from posts though I'm thinking and it's mostly there of much use to have them automatically pinged. One could always manually trigger a page to be pinged
# 19:43 voxpelli sknebel: or rather: doing a diff between the new branch head and the last known branch head and looking at the files that has changed inbetween ;)
# 19:44 voxpelli (and that's why I avoided real git integration in my Micropub endpoint for now :P)
# 19:44 sknebel voxpelli: right, github probably doesn't trigger commit-by-commit
# 19:44 voxpelli sknebel: hopefully not, or else you would get a mild DoS if someone were to add eg. the Linux repo as a subtree ;)
# 19:44 sknebel why would you need that for the micropub-endpoint?
# 19:46 voxpelli sknebel: I wouldn't need diffing exactly, but I would need to handle fetching, pushing etc on a repo that someone could do all kinds of crazy things with (unless I were to do a fresh clone on each and every interaction, and that wouldn't be very performant)
shiflett joined the channel
# 19:47 cweiske "git fetch && git reset --hard origin/master" is enough for the crazy things you can do with git repos
# 19:48 cweiske be it local stale files or force pushes that changed all history
wolftune joined the channel
nitot, mlncn, wolftune and KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 20:20 KevinMarks1 I'm thinking that I could make a hook receiver in mention-tech to send wm's, and archive the pages to internet archive etc.
# 20:25 aaronpk whoa, archive.org passes back the headers of the original page when you request to archive it
# 20:26 aaronpk ah that's what I was looking for, it does pass back a header of the archive.org URL that it creates
wagle joined the channel
# 20:29 KevinMarks1 does it return the rewritten page?
# 20:30 KevinMarks1 I made a thing to relativise the URLs in a spiderpig archive
# 20:34 KevinMarks1 Do I have to ping the https version of news.indieweb now?
# 20:35 snarfed KevinMarks: yeah, and s/indiewebcamp.com/indieweb.org/
# 20:35 KevinMarks1 so my webmention failed. got it
# 20:38 KevinMarks1 there we go
rrix joined the channel
# 20:53 aaronpk man the Quill editor with media endpoint support is so great
# 21:05 KevinMarks1 oh, I heard a good p3k name if you make an image cache: calotype
wagle joined the channel
sonicrocketman, amaryl-liz, gavinc and nitot joined the channel
# 22:10 KevinMarks1 (does that work for other people?, I only tested on chrome)
# 22:11 KevinMarks1 hm, oldest first is a bit odd on the homepage
# 22:17 sknebel oh, wait, they are loaded directly from twitter, that's my scriptblocker then
amaryl-liz joined the channel
# 22:17 KevinMarks1 I put the webkit-flex prefixes in, though I think safari doesn't need those any more
# 22:18 KevinMarks1 voxpelli++ for sort=desc already being there
# 22:18 Loqi voxpelli has 84 karma (5 in this channel)
# 22:22 KevinMarks1 I'm sure designers will not like the grid violation on the homepage
snarfed and [shaners] joined the channel
KevinMarks, mattl, tantek, KevinMarks_, snarfed1, wolftune, snarfed, Lancey, nitot and uranther joined the channel