#[chrisaldrich]tantek: I was impressed that RSVPing to the FB event actually sent a webmention to my original Known install. Hadn't seen that before. Good Job benatwork and gang!
#aaronpki think if i ever end up doing an indieweb-related startup it's going to be building a wifi-enabled SD card that uploads photos to your micropub endpoint directly, no cloud service involved
#mblaneyI couldn't use an h-entry author from the collection to do that as it makes too many assumptions.
#aaronpk[benatwork]: that sounds like what Singly was supposed to do 😞
#[benatwork]Yes. Trick may be pointing it at companies, not individuals. Imagine if you could PESOS a hashtag to a local drive and then locally process the data, for example.
#aaronpki swear the next big trend after cloud computing is going to be local computing
#[benatwork]The open source thing is likely a red herring
#[benatwork]But local software transcends internet connections
#[benatwork]And as they all enter markets with less stable networks ..
#aaronpkmaybe we'll even see a resurgence of the store-and-forward model of email, back when you had to dial in with your modem to download your email, except with modern social networking interactions
#tantekbenatwork, why do you say the open source thing is likely a red herring?
#mblaneyalso +1 for implied h-entry author from h-feed when no author is given for the entry, and implied author on the h-feed when it's the child of an h-card.
#mblaneythose are obvious relationships so there's no reason not to use them when available.
#mblaneyI'm not saying they have to be there or they must be used, but there's no reason not to use this pattern either.
mlncn_ joined the channel
#gRegorLovetantek: Not sure I'm going to do HWC on 7/27.
tvn, danlyke and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]phillycodehound: IndieWeb for WordPress has evolved a lot in the last 6 months. We'd appreciate your thoughts on the ease of use as you go through the process of indiewebifying your site(s).
j12t and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]Thanks phillycodehound - do you have your own site?
leg, snarfed, gRegorLove, KevinMarks and nitot joined the channel
#aaronpki'm surprised flickr never did anything with alt text for images
#JeenaI now have a indiewebified podcast https://jeena.net/pods marked up with microformats, etc. It will have some mistakes so if you see some please tell me :)
#kbsvoxpelli: out of curiosity, did you pick the github api rather than the git protocol for simplicity? (maybe irrelevant in the big picture since afaict only github provides an easy git -> web-page path anyway)
#voxpellikbs: yeah, to get things started, it's built as a self-contained module so one could swap it out for a git-based one later on
#KevinMarksSo can we get hubpress to add mf2 markup at least?
#KevinMarksHm. Webmention sending should be doable as a commit hook.
#voxpelliKevinMarks: not commit hook, but "page has built" web hook. Problem is to know what's new though, hence the feed-based approaches (added bonus is that one can just rely on already existing pubsubhubbub ping)
#voxpellithe delay between commit and build makes the static site a bit hard to work with :/
#KevinMarksAh. I was thinking github pages, maybe I misunderstood
#voxpelliKevinMarks: most webmentions are made from posts though I'm thinking and mostly there it's of much use to have them automatically pinged. One could always manually trigger a page to be pinged
#sknebelfor pure HTML, parsing the commit for changed files would make sense
#Loqivoxpelli meant to say: KevinMarks: most webmentions are made from posts though I'm thinking and it's mostly there of much use to have them automatically pinged. One could always manually trigger a page to be pinged
#voxpellisknebel: or rather: doing a diff between the new branch head and the last known branch head and looking at the files that has changed inbetween ;)
#voxpelli(and that's why I avoided real git integration in my Micropub endpoint for now :P)
#voxpellisknebel: hopefully not, or else you would get a mild DoS if someone were to add eg. the Linux repo as a subtree ;)
#sknebelwhy would you need that for the micropub-endpoint?
#voxpellisknebel: I wouldn't need diffing exactly, but I would need to handle fetching, pushing etc on a repo that someone could do all kinds of crazy things with (unless I were to do a fresh clone on each and every interaction, and that wouldn't be very performant)
#LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 2pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2016-07-15.html
#KevinMarks1I made a thing to relativise the URLs in a spiderpig archive