GWGtantek: The plugin is roughly 8 months old. The author has released 8 plugins in the last year without much interest, but I like his About page.
tantekthis is a great trick to keep the previous version of a site / templates etc. running just for easy a/b comparison - an extra "/" at the end of the URL (so the URL ends with "//") for the older version!
chrisaldrichtantek: the Post Archival ( plugin you mentioned earlier isn't too bad. They recently pushed an update (at my nudging) to archive not only the user's post, but the contents of links within the body.
chrisaldrichTantek, I suspect that he built in a small delay on the one for near term updates/typos. Not quite sure why he added the 12 hour wait on the other, but it's tweakable in the code if necessary.
gRegorLovechrisaldrich: since you archive your own posts, do you link to the archive with a syndicate-to or similar? I know it's not exactly a syndication.
chrisaldrichI had thought about that gRegorLove... it's on my list somewhere, but it's a bit further down. Syndicating to probably doesn't get me a lot of traffic the way Facebook or Twitter might.
aquarius_yo, gang. Brief question. I'm thinking of putting together a "say you're attending" page for HBC Birmingham -- something like meetup's rsvp thing. But, indieweb, obviously. So, some sort of "send a webmention" thing. Is there prior art here, before I go off and invent a way to do it? :)
LoqiAn RSVP is a reply to an event post that says whether the sender is or is not attending, might attend, or is just interested in the event
hongpongi cleaned up a drupal 8 module that could be used to do webmentions awaiting some attention: (linkback would be successor to D7 vinculum, and be modular re pingbacks, webmentions). mostly was done by aleix who is looking it over again today
Zegnatsebsel is at a different meet-up, petermolnar isn't in the country, so there were no organisers today. Both sebsel and I will be back at HWC the Netherlands in 2 weeks. I am guessing we will be in Utrecht again, where we were 2 weeks ago as well.
Loqi[indieweb] "Anyone know if you can modify WordPress’ “PressThis” bookmarklet to set the post format automatically? #indieweb" by Scott Kingery on 2017-01-25
hongpongthank you Zegnat . once we have a commit on the real project i will add it back to indieweb. i already set notices on the vinculum issues, that we are moving to more easily understood "linkback" community contrib module for Drupal 8. with luck, traction on global sprint day
Loqiadactio: aaronpk left you a message on 2016-12-22 at 4:19pm UTC: looks like you have a stray "p-name" class on your comment template. if you remove the p-name from the line that links to the permalink, and move it to the e-content element instead, the inline previews like will look better!
Loqigranary is a library and REST API that frees you from social network API chaff and and exposes the sweet social data foodstuff inside as HTML and JSON with microformats2, ActivityStreams, Atom, XML, and more
adactioSorry, I should've been more specific: I'm looking for a hosted service. (the only one linked to from the microformats wiki is an old Yahoo Pipes thing)
cdevroeGood afternoon everyone. I was wondering if anyone had a moment to spare to explain how to use I’ve tried three times and I cannot figure out how to use the site/service at all. And I read the FAQ. Am I missing anything?
cdevroeHello T! Long time. Well, I was envious of David Mead’s set up (and Jeremy’s) and I wrote about it here: — In that I list a few things that I cannot do currently that I would like to. Most noteably, post to Facebook directly from my site and show likes/retweets on my site. Rather than continue to build upon the simple WordPress plugin I have now, that posts to Twitter, Mead
cdevroesuggested so I looked into it. And I’m sort of baffled by it. It doesn’t seem to do anything and I feel like I don’t know what I’m looking at.
chrisaldrichcdevroe: GWG has a nice WordPress plugin called Bridgy Publish that should automatically handle the WP to Bridgy portion for publishing to several services like Twitter, etc.
gRegorLoveBackfeed is probably the easiest to set up. Authenticate to Bridgy with your Twitter and it will monitor replies to tweets (which include a link to your site) and it builds a microformat version of the reply and sends a webmention to your original.
cdevroe@chrisaldrich Thanks! This seems to be one of, if not the, missing piece! I was looking on the site for how worked with my site, and I didn’t see anything. But it makes sense there would be a plugin.
tantekcdevro, by "likes, retweets, replies showing up on my site" do you mean in response to your posts? or do you mean posting those yourself on your site?
chrisaldrichThough Bridgy Publish gives you simple checkboxes, it can also be illustrative to read through the about page on bridgy to see what's happening directly. Sometimes handcoding the html can be very instructive for how a lot of indieweb works.
gRegorLovecdevroe: That list of interactions on your Bridgy page, in the right column it will indicate if it sent a webmention to you or if no link was found
chrisaldrichtantek: I'm doing a small one at the house with a friend tonight because of some location conflicts, but sadly nothing "official" until next month.
tanteksince it is likely someone (like you) showing up will already have WordPress, and just want WordPress-specific instructions in one place for "adding Bridgy" like you asked
gRegorLoveIf the tweet they're replying to has your original post link, it sends the webmention to that. Otherwise, Bridgy does some /posse-post-discovery and uses the syndicate-to links it finds on your original feed.
chrisaldrichcdevroe: when you first set it up, you can hit the little refresh icon for old ones to send them and that should work, but I think you can only go back so far....
chrisaldrichcdevroe: In case you haven't found it, will give you a field in WP to store the URLs for where you've shared your content to twitter, et al and it will automatically mark them up with the u-syndication portion for bridgy to parse. If I remember correctly, that plugin will also auto-import the URLs for syndicated copies when you use the Bridgy Publish plugin so you don't need to do it manually.
chrisaldrichUsually within less than a minute it'll propogate. If I remember, the bridgy publish plugin runs a chron-job about 10 seconds after you publish.
chrisaldrichYou might also want to put your URL into the box on your bridgy twitter page and hit "preview" to test/make sure your theme will display the proper output.
cdevroeI’ve been programming for 20 years and I have a hard time wrapping my head around all of these separate pieces. It is no wonder I can’t get my friends to join me in the indieweb! :-) I hope I can help even a little.
chrisaldrichGWG will be on in a few hours and perhaps he can help you trouble shoot (and improve the documentation); it's been a while since I've used Bridgy Publish since I use Social Network Autoposter for most of my syndication process
cdevroeI appreciate everyone’s help, I really do. But I feel like I have to go back to the drawing board here and not waste everyone else’s time. I’m sure I’ll get it.
miklbcdevroe I just recently switched to indie WP from indie Jekyll, and feel what you are saying. I'd be glad to share any insight I can on the switch.
chrisaldrichcdevroe: I just installed and tested Bridgy Publish myself: and it seems to be working. I suspect that you may be missing some precursor piece (or setting) in the bigger Indieweb plugin. Is your site sending webmentions properly?
gRegorLoveHmm, actually, looks like I sent the webmention twice (second on update of my post). The first went through OK, response 200. Second one responed 409.
chrisaldrichcdevroe, somewhere (on the wiki) I think there's a snippet of code you can dump into function.php to automatically accept all incoming webmentions (primarily as they haven't been a heavy instance of spam thus far). Akismet has been working on improving the acceptance/rejection of them in their spam filter.
LoqiSemantic Linkbacks is a WordPress plugin that upgrades the presentation of linkback notifications (like Trackback, Pingback, or Webmention*) from the ugly default pingback presentation of "[…] random text excerpt […]" to a much more meaningful and user-friendly display as comments, reposts, likes, and favorites, detected using microformats2 markup from the source of the linkback
cdevroe@chrisaldrich Honestly, I do not mind them going into SPAM at all. I moderate them all anyway. I would never want to open it up as I get _a lot_ of Trackback spam
chrisaldrichThere's still some subtle work in WP webmentions for the comment to show up properly, and I think some of it depends on how they're sent. I occasionally have to change some metadata in my database directly to get webmentions to show as a native reply instead of the "mentioned on".
cdevroeSo the Bridgy service is picking up my mentions and it attempting to send a webmention to my blog but my blog isn’t picking it up. And we don’t know why.
gRegorLoveI don't know the WP Webmention plugin. Sounds like it's having an error storing it (if it doesn't show up in spam or anywhere else), or maybe rejecting it for some reason.
gRegorLove!tell GWG Does the WordPress Webmention plugin do any logging for received wm? cdevroe is having issues with Bridgy wm not showing up anywhere, even in spam.
gRegorLoveWell, in the long-term: probably. Semantic Linkbacks gives much better display of webmention comments. Like my comment would actually show up, not just a link to it.
gRegorLoveIn the short term, I'd say no. It's only presentationl stuff; probably easier to make sure Bridgy and webmentions are playing nicely with the current plugins.
cdevroe@tantek It likely does.. A few months back I gave this whole dance a spin and installed everything. Not a thing worked so I deactivated them all.
voxpelliI simply build and send pings to my WebSub hub – so I ping a bit more than needed – but thinking it's up to the client at the other end to deal with it
cdevroe@snarfed Yes, please don’t take any of my comments as negative criticism. My main frustration, so far, has been two main things: Not knowing what to do after connecting Twitter/Facebook to Bridgy. And, that Bridgy nor the Bridgy plugin erred (or warned) when something didn’t work.
snarfedtotally understood! my high level impression is that looking at , bridgy's product/UX may be ready for gen 1 and 2, but probably not 3 and 4 yet.
cdevroeI connect my FB account to Bridgy and the site says “refresh in 1 minute”… I do that and it shows me a bunch of things it has found on my site with no instruction on what to do next. I would think the next thing woudl be “Connect your blog” and you’d either grab the appropriate WP plugins or start writing code if your blog is homegrown
LoqiGWG: gRegorLove left you a message 37 minutes ago: Does the WordPress Webmention plugin do any logging for received wm? cdevroe is having issues with Bridgy wm not showing up anywhere, even in spam.
Loqi[cdevroe] @tantek It likely does.. A few months back I gave this whole dance a spin and installed everything. Not a thing worked so I deactivated them all....
[cleverdevil]As a followup to our contribution to manton's Kickstarter campaign, we're planning on working on making a streamlined, pre-configured Indie microblog with WordPress at DreamHost.
[cleverdevil]aaronpk it remains to be seen, but the idea would be that people could create Indie microblog that is hosted at DreamHost and is "compatible" with and other Indie microblogs.
tantekcdevroe: RSS doesn't really work with anything IndieWeb except for 2003 era functionality, because RSS never defined how to post a like, reply, repost, etc.
tantekin 2014, snarfed and others help setup Dan Gillmore's WordPress blog with amazing indieweb functionality, both POSSE and backfeed, fully functional, he loved it
cdevroeI thought was more an RSS reader that gave you the ability to reply using your own WordPress install. I didn’t realize Manton was going to put all of the indieweb protocols in it as well. That’s great. (Shows what I know, being that I backed it)
chrisaldrichcleverdevil: We've been having Homebrew Website Club meet ups for Indieweb on the East side of LA for a while, would you/DreamHost have space to host in-person meetups at your LA offices in the future?
[manton]cdevroe Might take a little while to get everything IndieWeb in there, but that's the eventual goal. I'm committed to Micropub and microformats, and still exploring how best to support Webmention. (Might be partial support with more later.)
[cleverdevil]I used to connect here via IRC, but I'm on so many Slacks now that it just made sense to consolidate everything that way :stuck_out_tongue:
chrisaldrichthinks it's time to do another semi-annual updating of the WordPress wiki pages. Perhaps getting slimming down /getting_started_on_WordPress to the minimum set for basic functionality would be the best place to start and then push the rest into additional pages.
[manton]cdevroe Replies are kind of the weakest area right now, more centralized. I'm trying to do a couple things at once (including the Safe Replies feature which matters a lot to me) so that part is evolving more slowly. I'm a fan of Webmention though and think that's the goal. First step to me is getting more people their own microblog so that the infrastructure for cross-site replies is even possible.
LoqiJetpack is a WordPress plugin that adds many site management tools including visitor stats, security services, performance improvements, and syndication options