sknebelZegnat I'm not sure. at least the entry for IWS seems to have proper mf2 and mf1 (does h2vx even speak mf2?) and it still is missing all time info in the ics
ZegnatI still want to get working on that, but it is a project I want to put some real time aside for and not a few sporadic hours of tinkering. And that time hasn’t come up yet :(
Zegnatjeremycherfas, it seems to pull it from `collection.params.length`, whatever that is. If you want to just have your entire posts in the feed you can simply remove the truncate_html filter in the feed’s twig template.
jeremycherfasCollection.params.length is set by length in the feed yaml, but changing it doesn’t seem to affect things. Yet. Might be another case of localhost overriding user
jeremycherfasI do. But I also know that I am probably not using even 10% of its potential. I think it is intended much more for front-end designers and developers. For blogging, it is overkill, I think.
voxpelliZegnat: had missed the attachment section, funny that they support all such properties for attachments, but doesn't support any properties on any links or any kind of arbitrary links with custom relations
ZegnatProbably because they didn’t see a strict need for that in a content-feed-mind-set. It is invented as an “easier” to implement content feed, they might not see it as a real data serialisation format outside of that.
voxpelliYeah, it's clearly a product of the american podcast community, from the looks of it the german podcast community has not been involved ;) It wa sin the german one we at Flattr used payment relations etc in the feeds
ZegnatWe can probably argue, a lot, about the way they came to “version 1” of the JSON Feed spec. And about who they picked as reviewers. So lets not get into that ;)
voxpelliZegnat: the name sounds odd to me though, I hope the data either is jf2 or the full mf2 JSON representation (as used by eg. Micropub) – then the property should reflect the format rather than what community it is that makes use of the format?
LoqiA podcast is an episodic series of audio and/or video posts that can be subscribed to and downloaded for offline listening/viewing
jeremycherfasMaybve! I’ve started indiewebifying but have not yet tried to see what is happening on episodes. Other posts, not episodes, have mf2, I know.
voxpelliFeels like someone should write something up about how they are doing podcasts with microformats so the "How to" can move beyond being just a brainstorm to become an established practice
Zegnatvoxpelli, re: _indieweb in JSON Feed: it comes pretty close to jf2 in that it does some abstraction (e.g. type matches /post_type and not mf2). I haven’t done a actual comparison between the two yet though
voxpelliZegnat: I very much hope it's not trying to invent yet another mf2 JSON serialization format? jf2 + the full one used by eg. Micropub is very much enough when it comes to JSON representations of mf2 data :/
voxpelliZegnat: from a parser perspective one could kind of wonder what the aim with the mf2 data is as well – how a client that supports h-feed should make use of it. If clients will find it easier to just parse the mf2 data themselves, then it's just redundant
jeremycherfasIt misled me. I looked at the output and believed Imy site was generating mf2. Now, I know I’m not very expert, but this is precisely the sort of things that non-experts find bewildering.
Zegnatvoxpelli, I expect it comes from the same idea as JSON Feed itself: consumers don’t want to parse HTML, so we give them all the data already serialised
ZegnatGood point jeremycherfas! Exactly the kind of point only “not very expert” people will think about probably. Which is an issue we have had on many fronts.
voxpelliZegnat: which would be an argument for making it jf2, but for those interested in mf2 data and who will make use of that data – won't they already be parsing full h-feed's and thus already have a full HTML-parser?
singpolymaYou don't usually need to "upgrade" to mf2. if there are properties that mf2 has that don't have an equivalent microformat, you can mix-and-match. mf2 parsers do the right thing
singpolymajeremycherfas: I use a mix of microformats and mf2 classes on my sites, have never had an issue. can verify if it's working with the various mf2 test parser sites
jeremycherfasAnd — to add to the fun — hentry is used for styling, although the actual styling is commented out. Not by me, in the original from raamdev
ben_thatmustbemeAnd is a bit annoying to have to constantly check if a thing is an object or a string, etc.... That's one of the advantages of jsonfeed, it defines the vocabulary, so it can say, only ever get a single value for X
Zegnatjf2 being used internally is kind of the point to JSON Feed, I think: developers keep coming back to wanting to access data from a JSON serialisation ;)
ben_thatmustbemeI'm going to start playing with having two objects in jf2, a feed object or an item object. And make the feed object more like jsonfeed
ben_thatmustbemeBasically only set minimum requirements, so consumers know certain fields will be there and in a certain format, but other things may be there
miklbI still am from the camp that the plugin should provide as generic a design aesthetic as possible. Just present the relevant info in a clean fashion, leaving styling to theme/user.
LoqiText-first design refers to the practice of designing information so that it is usable/actionable in its most basic plaintext form
GWGI'm just trying to come up with a display specific to music or audio programs instead of the general ones I've been using...displaying a like identically to a bookmark and such designwise.
snarfedi'm collecting all the mf2 classes used on links to other sites (not silos). so far i have: u-in-reply-to u-like-of u-favorite-of u-repost-of u-bookmark-of u-invitee u-quotation-of
Loqi[Baldur Bjarnason] @nolan I disagree with so much of what you've just said ? While I don't doubt that those two perspectives are the argument you're seeing take place in the JS community (which is still only a subset of web dev as a whole) they are both pretty prob...
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