#Loqi[Calum Ryan] June 28, 2017
Homebrew Website Club London Year 1
For the past twelve months I’ve been organising a meetup in London for people i...
j_juran joined the channel
#tantekEvan Sirchuk found us accidentaly, he wanted something like indieweb so he searched to see if the name was taken - and read the first few hearders on the website was like holy s*** this is like exactly what I want to do
#tantek... for him what was confusing was, how do I start? What service is this providing?
#tantek... Am I supposed to upload HTML? Is this like WordPress? Alternative to Blogspot?
#tantek... Went on the wiki and trying to figure it out and it was more conceptual stuff
#tantek... There were some sections on things like being pluralistic - so maybe they do HTML?
#tantekaaronpk definitely read above where I logged what he was saying about the home page - he gave his first impression since he just found about indieweb TODAY!
#ZegnatGood morning sknebel! Any new project ideas coming out of last night’s HWC?
#JeenaZegnat, I don't need to be a organizer for the virtual one, but does someone else have the possibility to create events on their website so we can create a event where to rsvp?
#ZegnatI can, but my website doesn’t show the RSVPs, they would be going to me privately
#cweiskedoes webmention.io support RSVP overviews?
#sknebelZegnat: only that I want to re-investigate indieactions for login purposes. I remember someone demoing something sometime, but not sure who/what/when
#Loqi[Calum Ryan] June 28, 2017
Homebrew Website Club London Year 1
For the past twelve months I’ve been organising a meetup in London for people i...
j_juran joined the channel
#petermolnaryesterday, during the VirtHWC we talked about a probably important approach, especially for gen 3 and gen 4, which we haven't yet included: number of followers. Is anyone "backfeeding" those numbers from silos to display on their site already?
#cweiskeI don't backfeed, but I have extended my websub hub to deliver this data point
#petermolnarwe also concluded that with a special mf2 markup and webmentions, we could let sites know we're following them and for those who don't support this extra, it will be a simple webmention to their main domain
#Zegnat“that's not been done before” - probably false petermolnar, I know atleast one Twitch content creator that lists number of Twitter followers, Twitch subscribers, and Patreon sponsors on 1 page
#cweiskeand websub only has callbacks, no more info:
#cweiskesensitivity will be seen different in different parts of the world
#cweiskeso my conclusion is that having a public list of subscriber domains is not a good idea
#sknebelI'm also not convinced following and "open" announcement of following have to be connected. what's wrong with follow posts for the latter? (which a reader could offer to automatically generate/update)
#petermolnartrue, but why is this different from a facebook/twitter/tumblr followers?
#cweiskepetermolnar, the indieweb respects your privacy more than silos
#petermolnarcweiske this should be up to the site owner to decide
#petermolnarthat's a different question; there was a small entry, which I can't find, where was one of the main points was "forget stats, ditch stats, they lie and you shouldn't care"
#[eddie]sebsel: How is it not a task? I planned to watch a video, and then I watched the video? Basically I define a task as any h-entry with my made up “task-status” property. So a note can be a task, a watch post can be a task and a listen post can be a task
#sebselI talked to aaronpk about that when he was in Amsterdam. I would also rather not have private messages in my folder structure, because I don't want to bump the daily ID too much
#sebselbut on the other hand, that might not matter so much.
#sebselI can see a benefit of having private messages in the same folder: you can easily see one day. I have to index them anyway if I want to present them.
#KartikPrabhu instead of just going by h-entry or not, maybe implement some sort of post-type-discovery to decide which post goes where?
j_juran joined the channel
#sebselbut like tantek just did: he added a h-event not to the day he created it, but to the day the event was at.
KevinMarks joined the channel
#sebselfor a task, I would like that to be on the day I completed it, but I don't know that when I add it :P
#[eddie]Yeah that’s tricky. Currently I am doing the easy way out of publishing two posts: the “planning” post and the “finished” post instead of trying to update the planning post to being complete
sl007 joined the channel
#[eddie]But it gets messy so I haven’t really used it for much
#[eddie]Not super sustainable. Just enough for experimentation
#Anchakoryou guys sound like digging a hole in the ground with a hammer :)
#[eddie]One of the big things for me is that my todos often time are linked to web-based things (not all the times), so I like h-entry because I can tag it with a video link or audio link.
#sl007aaronpk et al. I was invited to journalism http://campfirefestival.org where 5000 people will meet. There is a 9 sq.m. tent whre I could create "indieweb awareness". Tell me if anybody is in the area 6th Sept., Dortmund and ideas …
#[eddie]So I’m thinking through Events, RSVPs and Checkins. These are all kind of interconnected. I’m thinking primarily about Checking in to an event. Using Homebrew Website Club as the example. schmarty created a Homebrew Website Club event. I RSVP’d to the Event. They have a connection.
#[eddie]Now as I began thinking about linking my Checkin to the event, my first thought was I wanted to link to my RSVP (In this way I could Webmention my own RSVP and get the two pages linked).
#[eddie]My thought was to experiment with a “u-attended” that would link to the event, except that puts me in the place where my checkin is linked to the original event (which is good) but it’s not necessarily linked back to my RSVP, which is kind of what I want
#[eddie]Although maybe I just link to the RSVP from the body of my note and send a “mention”
#[kevinmarks]@anchakor existing RDF vocabularies aren't necessarily a good starting point, as they tend to be over complicated. Better to look at what existing websites actually display and let you enter.
hs0ucy, snarfed, gRegorLove, [anomalily], j_juran and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
#schmartyeddie: here's a dumb idea: an "attended" post that links to the event in question as a mention and is in-reply-to the RSVP. Or perhaps mentions the RSVP linked to text like "as planned"
#schmartyOr <a href="http://yourrsvp" class="u-foretold-by">in accordance with prophecy</a>
#[eddie]Currently on there is Things 3 documentation, a screenshot of Wunderlist and a couple stubs I plan on researching later for OmniFocus, 2Do and Github Issues
#[eddie]schmarty: Nope. I’ve been having aggregation issues with Jekyll not to mention it keeps up-ing my rebuild time. So I’m trying not to do any new aggregations until I get onto Angular Universal.
#tanteksnarfed: what's the point of an emoji for indieweb?
#snarfedtantek: good question. maybe none. just having fun.
#[eddie]schmarty: Definitely. I’ve been experimenting with tasks on the site, but definitely not in an “all in” way until my experiments lend toward something that seems sustainable. I started in that direction of just wanting to list things I wanted to read, watch or listen to
#schmartyi am also curious how many folks are interested in publishing (some of) their TODO items in a publicly parseable way. i treat my TODOs as not-for-public-consumption most of the time.
#[eddie]So basically my current “task” basically came from wanting to make a note that behaved similarly to my media posts
#[eddie]But it is definitely missing a lot, hence I haven’t done much with it in the last month
#sketchessIn my browser it is not working, hmmmm. (firefox)
#schmartysorry for thinking aloud. i've been doing a lot of introspection after hearing from aaronpk and [anomalily] during IWS about their QS practices.
#[eddie]I’ll have to listen to that, I bet it’s useful in this regard
#Zegnatschmarty: unsure whether I would make my entire todo list public, but I would be very interested in storing them in parsable HTML for my own consumption
#Zegnathas added phobias to his h-card and will now refer to it whenever invited to pet cats and dogs
#tantekfor indieweb related todos we have our Itches lists on our User pages
#LoqiItches, in the context of the indieweb, are individuals's personal sources of annoyances using the web or in particular their own website, that they use to itemize and prioritize what to create, design, build, and improve on their own website, often by first listing such "itches" on a section in their User: https://indieweb.org/itch
#tantekthose last two are mentions of an article that itself has indieweb in it, and it appears superfeedr is indexing the entire article that is mentioned because the comment permalink is a fragment
#tantekaaronpk, what do you think of not showing superfeedr notifications of a URL that ends in an explicit fragement # ? or at least ends with a #comment fragment?
#aaronpkconsiders adding a simple blacklist of #comment-xxxxx to Loqi's superfeedr hook