2017-12-09 UTC
cdchapma1, gRegorLove, [tantek], eli_oat, wolftune, [manton] and renem joined the channel
[manton], [miklb] and [tantek] joined the channel
# 04:09 [tantek] Why is this only a problem with benwerd and superfeedr?
# 04:11 aaronpk I'm clearly going to have to change how this works
# 04:12 [tantek] Or we should track down what benwerd is doing that is triggering it
# 04:12 [tantek] Not like any of those are on his home page so that's not it
[manton], wagle, cdchapma1, jalcine, jonnybarnes, echarlie, Ruxton, rhiaro, strugee, waynr, Anchakor, elie, micro, rektide, rektide2_, ben_thatmustbeme, treora, catsup, ancarda, DanC, petermolnar, Kaja, deltab, badtuple, XgF, g3funk, shalkydri, jdcauley, webhat, wolftune, renem, jjuran, [tantek], drkokandy, aaronpk, lmorchard, sonicrocketman, bjoern, __number5__, tbbrown, prtksxna, kapowaz, gko, thrrgilag_, gRegorLove, Kongaloosh, jimpick, dietricha_, gko_, Exodist, tantek, tantek_, friedcell, M-mxuribe and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme, crasch[m], JulianFoad[m], strk[m], plindner, M-mxuribe, stardot[m], tokelove[m], M-hotzeplotz, AlanPearce[m], garlox[m], thrrgilag, eli_oat[m], myfreeweb, ballpointcarrot, Salt[m], ballancier[m], TheGillies, wjh, afrogeek[m], grantcodes, doubleloop[m], zoglesby, pniedzielski[m], M-DzzzzzzR, schmarty, khurtwilliams[m], M-podviaznikov, kitblake[m], reed_[m], lucaconti[m], muhh[m], jaduncan[m], deybacsi[m] and jeremycherfas joined the channel
friedcell and raretrack joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
# 12:19 sknebel and how many of the sucessful ones started small?
# 12:19 sknebel Unless they really have massive issues with support costs, I don't get it
# 12:20 sknebel (also, the sucessful ones generally are the ones that have likely the easiest time jumping somewhere else)
# 12:21 Loqi ok, I added "https://theoutline.com/post/2571/no-one-makes-a-living-on-patreon" to the "See Also" section of /Patreon
friedcell joined the channel
# 12:42 jeremycherfas I'm too busy trying to set up an alternative to read everything, so thanks zegnat and sknebel for posting those goodies.
cdchapma1, friedcell and loicm joined the channel
# 13:42 dgold what alternative are you tending towards, jeremycherfas ?
# 13:43 jeremycherfas I think Stripe. The site is WP, and there is what seems like a good plugin. Need to pay for pro, but will be worth it, I think. And hope.
[manton], jackivan88, tantek, [aaronpk] and tantek_ joined the channel; thrrgilag left the channel
cdchapma1 and tbbrown joined the channel
# 15:04 schmarty jeremycherfas: feedback about the audio is appreciated! we have a boundary desk mic, but the room has an extremely loud heater running
friedcell joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
snarfed and friedcell joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
chrisaldrich joined the channel
aaronpk1 and snarfed joined the channel
# 15:59 aaronpk_ just updated the schedule, we'll be starting in a minute
# 16:00 chrisaldrich I've heard aaronpk, schmarty, tantek, and GWG in the background; who else is there that's in chat?
# 16:00 Loqi tbbrown: [kevinmarks] left you a message on 2017-10-20 at 11:09pm UTC: I would be interested, yes - email me kevinmarks@gmail.com
[xavierroy] joined the channel
# 16:08 jimpick chrisaldrich: i'm actually heading to LA today for the peer-to-peer web day event on Sunday
# 16:10 schmarty [manton]: we'll be starting w/ intros and demos, then building blocks.
# 16:10 GWG He has a service called micro.blog
# 16:11 GWG He is really interested in getting people to have their own website
# 16:11 GWG He is hoping to move to micro.blog hosting...alas
# 16:11 GWG He hasn't done a lot on his site in the last few years....
# 16:11 GWG He is now opening it up to demo introductions
# 16:12 gRegorLove manton blogging for 15 years on manton.org, wants to eventually move it to micro.blog
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:12 GWG He's been hosting notes on his own site since 2010 exclusively...on his own site first....No content to Twitter as an origin since '09
friedcell joined the channel
# 16:12 jimpick watching the livestream on youtube ... i love how GWG appears to be predicting what the speaker is about to say :-)
# 16:12 GWG Been posting since pictures, events, RSVP
# 16:12 Loqi gwg has 222 karma in this channel (279 overall)
# 16:13 GWG tantek demonstrates how his RSVP went to the Indieweb 2017 Austin page
# 16:13 GWG Been documenting his 'shame' at not iterating fast enough on the wiki
# 16:13 GWG Something he got working recently was a payment page so people could pay him
# 16:14 GWG wonders if it has been used extensively
# 16:14 GWG tantek.com/request is the reverse option...asking for money
# 16:14 GWG tantek is really interested in hearing about new and interesting ways to use your website instead of other sites
# 16:15 GWG schmarty, aka Marty McGuire on deck
# 16:15 GWG schmarty tries to post everything to his site first
# 16:15 GWG He uses OwnYourSwarm to do checkins. Hosts events, duck faces, etc
# 16:15 GWG schmarty is the host of the This Week in the Indieweb audio edition
# 16:15 GWG Uses a tool he created to post audio via micropub
# 16:16 GWG Working now on making tools to make it easier, as he uses a static site generator
# 16:16 GWG Static sites make dynamic things harder to do
# 16:16 GWG aaronpk/Aaron Parecki aaronpk.com on deck
# 16:17 GWG Posts all sorts of stuff to his website, like tantek. Point of no new content on other sites
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 16:17 GWG Last thing he did was adding icons to the bottom of his site to show other sites he is linked to. Uses an icon font
friedcell joined the channel
# 16:17 GWG He has two Twitter accounts, so there are two Twitter icons
# 16:17 GWG Builds a lot of tools for helping other people
# 16:18 GWG Created Own Your Swarm and Own Your Gram to pull back content from these services to your site over Micropub
# 16:18 GWG Created Quill to post notes and other content
# 16:19 Loqi Jon L. on Future Fossils podcast Tumblr | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn | Wikipedia | Flickr Jon Lebkowsky has been managing technology projects and companies for over 25 years. He has been cofounder and CEO of three companies, and has been CEO of Po...
# 16:19 GWG Got interested due tantek in 2014, didn't get serious except wanting an IWC in Austin
# 16:19 GWG Added outward facing h-card so far. Has quite a few WordPress plugins noted
# 16:20 GWG Needs to configure said plugins, doesn't write code
# 16:22 tantek has a WordPress site, does a lot of WP development
# 16:22 tantek recent multi-day odyssey to have the right Swarm icon
# 16:23 tantek the format for most of his posts are: header, icon, possibly summary, small content at the bottom
# 16:23 tantek this weekend, here to help with anyone that wants to get WordPress setup, also has a list of projects to work on
# 16:24 tantek working on a lot of icons icons icons, theme for the week
# 16:25 schmarty latest thing: at indieweb summit learned to do micropub with jekyll. documented it recently.
# 16:25 GWG At Indieweb Summit, he learned how to do Micropub with Jekyll and documented that
# 16:25 GWG He's hoping to learn about WordPress this weekend.
# 16:25 GWG schmarty: Takes me a moment to flow
# 16:26 GWG Is interested in the infrastructure for online publishing.
# 16:26 GWG should have asked him to speak up there
# 16:26 GWG Next is Chris Grayson, very new to the Internet.
# 16:27 GWG New to Indieweb stuff, heard about micro.blog and used that a bit
# 16:27 GWG Also works on simple WordPress network for Indivisible sites
# 16:28 GWG Offers WordPress help for people who just want to have a website
# 16:28 GWG All the information created were Facebook events...wants to get that out of there
# 16:28 GWG Next is someone who doesn't have a website
# 16:28 GWG predicts he will have one by Sunday night
# 16:29 tantek Randall Deweerd, has deweerd.org but just uses it for email. wants to start building a site there
# 16:30 tantek (Alphaea (sp?)) has a micro.blog, heard about indieweb as a concept, here to learn
# 16:30 GWG Where are the Hello My URL is nametags?
# 16:30 GWG Been trying to post to his website first and syndicate for a few years now.
# 16:30 GWG Typical microblogging type stuff that gets syndicated.
# 16:30 schmarty previously: Althea (not sure about my spelling, apologies) also currently has no website, but has used wordpress. interested in learning more and getting a site going.
# 16:30 tantek (sorry GWG, I totally spaced on the HELLO stickers)
# 16:31 tantek Seneel (sp?) also doesn't have a website, here to learn
# 16:32 GWG aaronpk returns to the podium for a Building Blocks session
# 16:32 GWG Remember, you do not need to know anything to lead a session
# 16:32 GWG Two or three sessions in parallel
# 16:33 GWG Tomorrow...capture all of that energy and release it into our sites
# 16:33 GWG Feel free to interrupt aaronpk anytime
# 16:33 GWG 1. You need a website/domain name
# 16:34 GWG Starting with a domain name is the key
# 16:34 GWG Then you have a place to put stuff
# 16:35 GWG If you llook at a cross section of people's website, they usually have the person's name, sometimes photo, often About/Bio, and then as we get into more social...a list of posts. It could be blog posts, or it could be things like microblog posts, photos, and other crazy stuff and experimental posts.
# 16:35 GWG Bike rides, plane trips, exercise, food, drink...
# 16:35 GWG Another common element are links to where you can find him or anyone in other places
# 16:36 GWG 2. How can you do this yourself? The most important thing is to Just Do It. Make it useful to yourself, and then make it useful to interact with others
# 16:37 GWG 3. The next step is you can use your website to log into things, like our community wiki. If you try, it will ask you for your domain name, and it will give you ways to authenticate through other services. It did this because on his page, there is a little markup(rel=me) that allows a website to interpret what other profiles/services can be used to sign you in.
# 16:38 GWG That is just turning your website into a machine readable source for certain pieces of data
# 16:38 GWG 4. The next popular thing is microblog posts/notes. We are seeing this because Twitter introduced the idea of posting short things without a title.
# 16:38 GWG Here are some examples... aaronparecki.com/notes
# 16:39 GWG The 'fun' part of this is that you can interact with them because of the way it is marked up
# 16:39 GWG People have 'liked' and 'replied' to his posts using Indieweb standards
# 16:40 GWG In this example, he wrote a reply on a micro.blog site, and aaronpk wanted to write back to him, so he used his website, but marked it up so that the other site knew that is was a reply and presented it as a comment
# 16:40 GWG This uses two protocols, webmentions and microformats
friedcell joined the channel
# 16:40 Loqi Webmention is a web standard for mentions and conversations across the web, a powerful building block that is used for a growing federated network of comments, likes, reposts, and other rich interactions across the decentralized social web https://indieweb.org/Webmention
# 16:40 GWG Webmentions allowed his site to notify the other site that there was a mention of it. Microformats allows the other site to interpret the comment.
# 16:41 GWG That's how we are able to make sites with totally different codebases work together
# 16:41 GWG If you are writing your own site, you can add a few things to your HTML. Webmentions are just simple POST Requests
# 16:42 GWG adds webmention.io as a hosted webmention servicve
# 16:42 GWG Webmention.io is a service where you copy two lines into your site header that handles webmentions and has an API to pull them out.
# 16:43 GWG Shows off the webmention.io dashboard
# 16:44 GWG There is another one called webmention.herokuapp.com with the same idea
# 16:44 GWG This one provides not only an API, but adds an HTML embed to render the comments
# 16:45 GWG Shows martymcgui.re's Indieweb podcast as another example
# 16:45 GWG And how all mentions are propogated
# 16:46 GWG Offers an intro to Microformats next
# 16:46 GWG H-Card is a microformat that describes a person, place, or business
# 16:46 GWG notes the flashing blue indicating aaronpk is still at the point of last checkin
# 16:47 GWG His photo is marked up as u-photo to indicate it is a photo for consuming parsers
# 16:48 GWG Shows off minimal hcard by adding h-card to a link.
# 16:50 GWG h-entry is the full post, but has minimal required properties...so inside the content is e-content for the text of the post. dt-published for the time of publish...
# 16:50 GWG So, if you look at the parsed version of the page, he uses a location properties, published property, content, etc
# 16:51 GWG You can see, with a couple of classes, you can add structure to the page
# 16:51 GWG He also added markup for his comments
# 16:52 GWG You can start simple, and add complexity
# 16:52 GWG Checkin property for checkins, photo property for photos, etc
# 16:52 GWG You can start simple, and add complexity
# 16:52 GWG aaronpk has no posting interface for his site.
# 16:53 GWG He uses Micropub based services instead
# 16:53 GWG For example, Quill, a micropub client
# 16:53 tantek (thought I saw a "reply" link on his post but that was on the micro.blog copy of the post)
# 16:54 GWG Quill tries to know how to sign you in, how to get credentials, and where to send posts.
[miklb] joined the channel
# 16:55 GWG Creates a post. Shows Syndication targets, location, etc.
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:56 GWG A few people mentioned OwnYourGram/Swarm. They are also Micropub apps.
# 16:56 Loqi [Aaron Parecki] Hello from IndieWebCamp Austin!
# 16:57 GWG Instead of posting notes, they post checkins/photos posted to those services back to your site.
# 16:57 GWG So, this is PESOS, Post Elsewhere, Syndicate Own Site
# 16:58 GWG OwnYourGram has a page showing people using it
# 16:58 GWG aaronpk demoes OYG to Micro.blog and Known.
# 16:58 GWG notices the drumming of the heating system
# 16:58 GWG wonders if chrisaldrich will ever switch to OYS
# 16:58 tantek GWG let us know if you notice any patterns of prime numbers
wolftune joined the channel
# 17:00 GWG Another example is the micro.blog iOS app.
# 17:00 GWG So, even though it was designed for micro.blog,, it uses Micropub, so aaronpk can use it
# 17:00 GWG wonders when the Android app is coming
# 17:01 GWG There is also a browser extension
# 17:02 GWG There is a question of whether assets are local or remote
# 17:02 GWG That is up to the server, not the client app
# 17:03 GWG However, Micropub supports uploading a photo as part of the specification
# 17:04 tantek aaronpk demonstrates reply to a tweet, but from his own website
# 17:05 tantek and links to it using a Twitter icon on the post itself
# 17:05 GWG One of the reasons that linking to Twitter is useful is that we want to show his reply on Twitter as a comment on our site.
# 17:06 tantek his posts have a series of small icons next to the datetime published that link to copies of his posts in other places
# 17:06 GWG His reply only exists on Twitter. aaronpk doesn't want to do the Twitter API
# 17:07 tantek when people reply to aaronpk's post copies on Twitter, he wants those to show up on the original post on aaronpk's site
# 17:07 GWG It takes Twitter/Facebook/etc responses and turns them into webmentions
# 17:07 GWG So, aaronpk doesn't have to do anything
# 17:07 GWG This is for replies, favorites, retweets
# 17:07 GWG On WordPress, there are plugins for this
# 17:10 GWG aaronpk moves into how to follow people, an underdeveloped part of the ecosystem
# 17:11 GWG This is How to Make Feeds Real Time
# 17:12 GWG When you post something, anyone who subscribes gets notified
# 17:12 GWG What they do is outside of the spec
cdchapma1 joined the channel
# 17:12 GWG We are trying to prove the concept of following people
# 17:13 GWG There is a pretty good start to an Indieweb reader...brainstormed and prototyped this summer. Together.tpxl.io
# 17:14 GWG (Of Course chrisaldrich is on there)
# 17:14 GWG It's kind of neat to follow people from their own websites
# 17:15 GWG There are lots of different views by type
# 17:16 GWG Moves to Monocle.... monocle.p3k.io, the new service that does the following of feeds. It doesn't do a user interface
# 17:17 schmarty tantek: Together is talking to Monocle over microsub, yep.
# 17:17 GWG But, because Monocle is a service, any app can work with it
# 17:17 GWG Since it is linked to his site, he can interact with posts by clicking 'like' buttons etc
# 17:20 schmarty aaronpk shows some of his extra features. his website always knows his location.
# 17:20 tantek use-case for sharing phone battery level: if you send aaronpk a message and he doesn't respond, if you can see his battery level is 0 then that might be why
# 17:20 schmarty also cell phone battery level and charging status, weather and time for current location
wolftune joined the channel
# 17:21 tantek if you try to login, it will ask you to login with your website
aaronpk1 joined the channel
# 17:23 aaronpk1 hi from the web chat
# 17:23 GWG This message is coming from inside the building
# 17:24 tantek for this event we like to take notes on all the sessions
# 17:24 GWG Sessions are documented on Etherpad
[stefp] joined the channel
# 17:24 tantek the way we do that is on a collaborative note-taking tool called Etherpad
# 17:24 tantek we create one for each session in the schedule
# 17:25 gRegorLove If notes already exist in the etherpad for previous sessions, enter a few line breaks at the top and enter the newer notes at the top.
# 17:25 tantek at least someone in each session should take notes in the etherpad for the session
# 17:25 tantek great to have documentation for the sessions so we can learn and make progress as a community instead of just having the discussions be ephemeral
# 17:26 tantek we will try to live stream at least this room
# 17:26 Loqi A photo is a post whose primary content is a photograph or other image, with an optional caption. With multiple photographs it becomes a multi-photo post https://indieweb.org/photo
# 17:26 tantek if you seem people talking about something you don't understand
# 17:28 GWG A breakfast taco is a breakfast item generously provided to Indiewebcamp Austin 2017 attendees
# 17:28 Loqi gwg has 223 karma in this channel (280 overall)
# 17:28 Loqi ok, I added "https://aaronparecki.com/2017/12/08/21/" to the "See Also" section of /Blue_Star
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 17:30 GWG #indieweb is for user level discussions, #indieweb-dev is for protocol and development stuff, #indieweb-wordpress is for WordPress specific questions and avoid GWG annoying everyone..
# 17:30 GWG #indieweb-meta is for talking about events and the community, organizing, etc
# 17:30 GWG #microformats, #bridgy, #known have channels for those topics
# 17:30 GWG #indieweb-chat is the offtopic unlogged discussion
# 17:32 GWG aaronpk covers the code of conduct
# 17:33 Loqi aaronpk has 529 karma in this channel (1501 overall)
wjh joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
# 17:44 Loqi ok, I added "https://theoutline.com/post/2571/no-one-makes-a-living-on-patreon" to the "See Also" section of /Patreon
# 17:57 chrisaldrich Build Idea for tomorrow: An IndieWebCamp session scheduler that captures the barcamp concept and maximizes session attendance based on interest priority
# 18:00 chrisaldrich Trello might actually already have the general functionality for capturing ^^
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 18:02 [chrisaldrich] aaronpk, tantek Make sure someone gets a photo of the session scheduling grid
# 18:14 tantek [chrisaldrich]: got it and now lunching-in so I can upload photos to the wiki
friedcell, jonnybarnes and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
BjornW joined the channel
# 19:18 Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "hashtag for micropub lifecycle" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "hashtag for micropub lifecycle is ____", a sentence describing the term)
chrisaldrich joined the channel
# 19:32 chrisaldrich schmarty, tantek: it would be even better if, instead of the camera, you were sharing schmarty's screen as he did this...
aaronpk1 joined the channel
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[manton] joined the channel
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# 19:48 [asurasunil] Hi everybody!
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# 19:57 [miklb] is there a stream for the WordPress session? I haven’t checked the video links yet today
# 19:59 chrisaldrich GWG, the micropub session doing screensharing into the live video was actually pretty nice for the remote folks. Consider it for WordPress depending on how you proceed
eli_oat joined the channel
tantek and wolftune joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, friedcell, vivus and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# 20:37 gRegorLove schmarty: Did the schedule get pushed back 15, or just the first session started late and was cut short?
# 20:37 schmarty session started late. seems to still be rolling because it started late.
# 20:41 tantek yeah I think we ran over in session one and now everything is 10-15min behind
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# 21:10 tantek gRegorLove can you take notes from what you hear?
# 21:31 Loqi tantek has 229 karma in this channel (406 overall)
cdchapma1, KartikPrabhu and chrisaldrich joined the channel
# 22:03 chrisaldrich audio session: How could we build an audio discovery platform to replace iTunes in a more concerted fashion? IndieNews for audio perhaps?
# 22:05 chrisaldrich audio session: it would be nice if more podcasts supported /listen functionality to indicate the number of listeners vs. comments/replies, etc.
# 22:06 gRegorLove schmarty, tantek: I don't know if benwerd has done much with it recently, but /Wavelist was a curated podcasts playlist
# 22:24 gRegorLove post type session: imo bookmarks seem primarily for the author first, to find the link later, and optionally for others to discover content.
# 22:24 gRegorLove ... likes/favorites seem primarily for the author of the liked content first
# 22:25 gRegorLove ... as a feedback mechanism. likes/favorites serve for discovery too, though
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 22:29 [chrisaldrich] post type session: I view them all as posts with links (thus a linkblog): reads are things I've actually spent the time to read, favorites (things that are personally important to me), likes, bookmarks (things that seem interesting and I want to either read it later or revisit it)
# 22:30 [chrisaldrich] Often on Twitter, I'll use the like to convey to the author of a back and forth conversation that I've "seen" their post.
# 22:33 chrisaldrich GWG, the nice thing about Post Kinds is that one can change the physical definition of Like, favorite, etc. within the plugin. (One needs to manually modify the code at present...)
# 22:42 chrisaldrich I suspect part of GWG's issue is that he's writing Post Kinds which "forces" definitions of post kinds for people.
# 22:43 [chrisaldrich] To solve GWGs proximal issue, perhaps making the human readable part of his interface definable by the user would suffice. Then each person and site could define their own definitions.
# 22:44 gRegorLove [chrisaldrich]++ agreed. Customized plaintext summaries sounds most flexible
# 22:44 Loqi chrisaldrich has 47 karma in this channel (64 overall)
# 22:48 chrisaldrich I often break mine up into statues (things I'm doing) versus links (external sites of interest to me or my readers)
# 22:55 chrisaldrich Tantek: I think the tough part of person tags is they're typically an action taken on a piece of content (PESOS) rather than something that feels native doing on one's own site first (POSSE). They might feel more natural if they're done as PESOS with Micropub?
snarfed joined the channel
# 22:57 Loqi manton has 30 karma in this channel (33 overall)
# 23:00 tantek chrisaldrich, when I'm viewing others photos through an integrated /reader on my own site, then they're one and the same
jjuran and [andrea_arbogast joined the channel
# 23:20 [chrisaldrich] tantek: that's a great point, but I get the feeling that that most of us don't have that interface yet.
# 23:31 sknebel chrisaldrich are you thinking about posting them or viewing them?