#indieweb 2018-02-13

2018-02-13 UTC
snarfed, [kevinmarks], cdchapman, gRegorLove_, ShaneHudson, asimpson, shalkydri, snarfed1, workingwriter, wolftune, renem and [workingwriter] joined the channel
Hi all, I am in the process of indie-fying my #wordpress site (michaelmccallister.com). Some time in the past, it seems I created an h-card. The other day, I was testing the site with the Sempress theme in the WP Customizer. Under each post on the front page, instead of displaying my name, it shows the h-card code: "<span class-p-author h-card'>Michael McCallister</span>" This does not happen with the currently active theme (Twenty Thirteen)
created a new h-card that's sitting in a footer widget, with no change. What's happening?
Can you switch to the WordPress room, I'll help you
[miklb] joined the channel
welcome [workingwriter]
[tantek] joined the channel
1/ Suffering from disorientation and cognitive dissonance around blockchain and Bitcoin. It’s time to stop the craziness.
tantek, wolftune, strugee, asimpson, [xavierroy], [snarfed], sebsel, barpthewire and jihaisse joined the channel
Is s/Bitcoin/xml/ too easy a joke?
[kevinmarks], pindonga and Pierre-O joined the channel
@FourthWorldSys @ranimolla @campbell_brown Great point and post. If we don't quickly build alternatives to this "TriNet" it will be too late. #IndieWeb offers opportunities for people and businesses to take back the web, by shifting where we post and hang out: https://www.godaddy.com/garage/indieweb-facebook-opportunities/
friedcell, doubleloop, skvist, nitot_, [pfefferle], [mrkrndvs], [xavierroy] and [gerwitz] joined the channel
Yes, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be made.
jeremycherfas and [colinwalker] joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
And on a different note, tracing calls through multiple services needs header propogation like this spec: https://w3c.github.io/distributed-tracing/report-trace-context.html #indieweb
[superfeedr] "And on a different note, tracing calls through multiple services needs header propogation like this spec: https://w3c.github.io/distributed-tracing/report-trace-context.html #indieweb" by Kevin Marks on 2018-02-13 http://known.kevinmarks.com/2018/and-on-a-different-note-tracing-calls-through-multiple-services
[kevinmarks], AngeloGladding, [pfefferle], [gerwitz] and leg joined the channel
Is anyone out there collecting “notes” that are specifically clippings or quotes on their indiesite?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Kinda - I usually do big pull quotes for links
And my noterlive stuff is quotes
that’s in line with what I’m cobbling together
“repost” does not seem accurate for this.
(I will be PESOSing from goodreads quotes, clippings.io, and highly.com)
I kinda do that with bookmarks
some of my bookmarks have quotes from the page
(tho my formatting on those is a bit of a mess right now)
I don’t know why I didn’t think to call these bookmarks
maybe because some don’t have source URLs 🤔
[xavierroy] joined the channel
For book quotes, you can peso from Goodreads
jondashkyle, eli_oat, dougbeal|mb1, friedcell and [mifga] joined the channel
So … I’m throwing an event with Hackaday+Ultimaker at New Lab that includes lightning talks (90seconds!), tips and tricks about from everything from digital fabrication to coding to hardware design. As I’m now really passionate about Indieweb, I’d love to invite anyone from the Indieweb community in the NYC area to come participate — and evangelize something awesome that you are doing with your sites or tools towards potentially sparking a
Yeah, yeah… the Navy Yard isn’t in Queens, so not the most convenient for some of the NYC-area indieweb crew, but dm me on slack or email me at m.griffin@ultimaker.com for a 100% off coupon code should you be in the area and wanting to participate!
Brooklyn! (That I would then happily participate in.)
Event is February 28th (and no, I didn’t get the chance to setup invitations and thus explore non-eventbrite tools!):
Hmm. Who’s in/around NYC? GWG?
ancarda, jeremych_, friedcell, nitot, j12t and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
The IndieWeb outside of Facebook is full of opportunities https://tpl.host/0TQD4CW #seo #entrepreneur https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DV7HbJAXUAIOIEt.jpg
[gerwitz] joined the channel
Sorry to keep wondering out loud about my “clippings” but…does anyone have an opinion about whether a found image (e.g. Pinterest pin) is a “bookmark” or a “photo”?
[gerwitz]: maybe bookmark or like
ah, I hadn’t thought of “like”. Now I have a tri-lemma 😉
jeremycherfas and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
“There is something aspirational and athletic about trying to disconnect from the attention economy; it really is a bit like a practice of a religious kind, almost.” https://thesocietypages.org/cyborgology/2018/02/09/the-center-for-humane-technology-doesnt-want-your-attention/ #indieweb
[superfeedr] "“There is something aspirational and athletic about trying to disconnect from the attention economy; it really is a bit like a practice of a religious" by Kevin Marks on 2018-02-13 http://known.kevinmarks.com/2018/there-is-something-aspirational-and-athletic-about-trying-to-disconnect
jeremych_ joined the channel
Facebook on iOS has a new link in the menu called “Protect”. Clicking it takes you to a page that installs absolute literal spyware on your iPhone. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DV5GP9qVwAAvj6l.jpg
[gerwitz], I’d make the entire clipping an h-cite nested in the u-bookmark-of. Then whether there are any other properties (maybe even for photo) within the h-cite doesn’t really matter.
Kinda like a repost
Though that is probably a jargony topic better suited for the dev channel :)
tantek, KapiX, jeremycherfas, KartikPrabhu, friedcell, snarfed, [cleverdevil], barpthewire, jackjamieson, Pierre-O, [miklb], [eddie], wolftune and cdchapman joined the channel
“Their coverage shamed Twitter into deleting a bunch of Twitter accounts, outing all of the public figures who had bought bots. It almost felt like a discussion of who had gotten Botox.” @zephoria https://shift.newco.co/amp/p/47958dcedd3c?__indieweb_impression=true #indieweb
[superfeedr] "“Their coverage shamed Twitter into deleting a bunch of Twitter accounts, outing all of the public figures who had bought bots. It almost felt like" by Kevin Marks on 2018-02-13 http://known.kevinmarks.com/2018/their-coverage-shamed-twitter-into-deleting-a-bunch-of-twitter
kevinmarks, I'm pretty disappointed in danah for that article. she is conflating so many things as if they are the same thing when they are not
and in all cases she knows better
e.g. Friendster's "fakesters" were not fake accounts, but rather real accounts with fake images. cartoon characters and such.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
but worse than that, her conflation of "obvious" bots e.g. @NYTimes vs. bots that *pretend* to be humans (with human icons, seemingly custom written messages) is much much worse
and then she acts surprised after she has performed this artificial conflation "t boggles my mind to think that any regular Twitter user hadn’t seen automated accounts in the past. " really? seriously? come on danah, get real.
I can't help but wonder if the article got badly edited by the silo/publisher she posted it on (newco.co)
friedcell, KartikPrabhu and eli_oat joined the channel
Did someone say NYC?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[[mifga]] So … I’m throwing an event with Hackaday+Ultimaker at New Lab that includes lightning talks (90seconds!), tips and tricks about from everything from digital fabrication to coding to hardware design. As I’m now really passionate about Indieweb, ...
Interesting new Facebook feature. Public Todo listd
eli_oat joined the channel
This is really cool and right in line with things I've been thinking about recently with building my website. Web homesteading! https://indieweb.org/POSSE
Pierre-O, tantek, KartikPrabhu, eli_oat, AngeloGladding, tantek_, cdchapman, snarfed and chrisaldrich joined the channel
What is Memberful?
It looks like we don't have a page for "Memberful" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Memberful is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Memberful is https://memberful.com/, a is a crowd-based, recurring funding/membership site to support and pay content creators.
BrAsS_mOnKeY and snarfed joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Sending WebSub notifications from static sites using Netlify functions" https://matienzo.org/2018/websub-static/
[superfeedr] "Mark Matienzo: Sending WebSub notifications from static sites using Netlify functions" by Mark A. Matienzo on 2018-02-13 https://matienzo.org/2018/websub-static/
snarfed and [eddie] joined the channel
Interesting to see the time difference between the IndieNews post and the superfeedr post above ^^
[KartikPrabhu] !tell [chrisaldrich]: updated fragmentioner. https://github.com/kartikprabhu/fragmentioner Let me know what you think
KartikPrabhu, I think I saw you post, though Loqi fell down on the job.... I'll try to update it in the next day or so.
no worries
I'm playing catch up on some work after being sick all last week.
A List Apart has tentatively accepted an article I wrote on the webmention spec. We're working on edits right now.