#indieweb 2018-06-28

2018-06-28 UTC
in theory the server would start, take a frontpage URL, and return a nice URL to see what is happening
↩️ AJ's up and ported over the standards of IndieWeb to a friendly page (soon to be available on the main site). ANDD he made some improvements to lazymention, a service for static sites to send out WebMentions (trust me - this is a blessing of a service) #iws2018 #indieweb
([wiobyrne] theoretically I will go through all these logs on the wiki and add the links where neccessary_
The URL is accessible, shows it is in progress,and shows the number of pending webmentions
Eventually the page will say it has completed the task
[chrisaldrich], glad you get some use out of me writing :D
Nex tup ...?
↩️ @t @schmarty @reading @glitch There's new UX for handling job information too! #iws2018 #indieweb
Was at the filtering/algo session yesterday
Thought he knew how to do it, so built a prototype
Lots of content on the IndieWeb, but hard to filter and rank it, unlike silos
Bunch of posts that can be sorted by scores
Can drag “people” around in the scoring
Anything with a URL can be filtered and sorted
Can grab posts from all over
Lowering Caleb’s score
marclaporte joined the channel
All the scores you set are available at a URL
(This is Michael Toomin [sp?])
Scores can be pulled from all over the place, because published scores at a URL can be imported by anyone
jackjamieson joined the channel
Maybe someone makes a function that filters cat photos, then you could pull that in
Or filter out people with political biases. Ot see the oposite of what you normally see.
For discovery: people can make groups
Groups can be rated, e.g. rate up the indieweb group to surface everything indieweb people are writing
Thanks a ton Zegnat++
next up jackjamieson
Got “one very small job” done
A valued service!!!
Recently started adding read posts, but wanted to keep them separate
Filtered them out on his theme, and added a reading page separately
Started working on a microsub-server-as-a-wordpress-plugin
Started with the micropub plugin, and find&replaced micropub for microsub
Mixed results. But surprisingly good.
Can now login to Monocle, and it will give an error message
But it isn’t the first error, he has been through a few!
↩️ We got Jack // http://jackjamieson.net/ up with a new "read" post on his site by way of IndieBookClub // http://indiebookclub.biz #iws2018 #indieweb
Thanks to unicyclic for advice
Got his website fully migrated (he showed half migration during intro)
IndieAuth suddenly started working, because Authorization headers are no longer being stripped
Did a read post, and a checkin
Proud member of two web rings!
As a finale: ...
Taking his site offline
Now schmarty feels like he needs to end his demo by taking his website down
Worked on a little project
(and forgot to open with his name and URL ;))
New project on [[Glitch]]
He wants to question the fact that we rely on domain names
Lots of problems, DNS, domain names, don’t always align
"I dunno, this DNS thing sounds like a fad to me" - {{martymcguire}}
The problem is clearly visible because they mess with the webring . ws domain name
j12t joined the channel
Can add himself automatically to the indieweb ring
webring uses hashemoji to create a unique emoji for everyone
next and back links are real, not random at all (even though he gets different pages every time)
↩️ Marty // @schmarty is up and thinks DNS is a thing of the PAST! Also is on the IndieWeb WEB RING! #iws2018 #indieweb
Lots of laughing, but I don’t know what that was about, sadly. Something about schmarty smashing his laptop? :P
nah close
it's moreso about web rings
but like it not being "random"
[dougbeal] joined the channel
Thanks [dougbeal], that will save me from looking for links
Next up ... someone who wanted webmention on Dat.
Copying a URL from webmention.rocks
agh no reacji on IRC
(showed up for me. all depends on irc client)
Demos how beaker works with writing things
Post showed up on webmention.rocks
Created the dat content into the archive he selected through beaker
(This is Irakli [sp], missed the URL)
Had to write a mirroring tool because none of the tools support Dat
Has a glitch proxy that makes it available to the HTTP webmention endpoint
↩️ @t @schmarty @reading @glitch We got a demo of sending WebMentions over the DAT protocol. So it's ... DATMENTION lol #iws2018 #indieweb
Would like us to update tools to talk other protocols
(I would like to point out that the tools do not even do HTTP2. So good luck getting on Dat.)
Next up ..?
Worked on basic building blocks
Was updating his blog with vim and rsync
Ryan Johnson, iambismark.net
Can now use Quill to post
Shows off multi-party uploads through micropub.rocks
jackjamieson joined the channel
excited about the progress he made
(although multi-party sounds good too!_
↩️ @t @schmarty @reading @glitch We got a live demo of someone getting MicroPub via Quill to send posts on their site! #iws2018 #indieweb
http://🕸💍.ws is the link to my project above btw
up next: Lovi
went from zero to IndieWeb
36 hours ago had no website
Webmention did not work quiet out of the box.
(I am assuming WordPress?)
err I think so
From having seen Lovi in the Blue Room today ;)
yes I believe so
[schmarty] joined the channel
Generated some content this morning
↩️ We got a talk-through from Lovi of how a Gen 4 got themselves to make a Indie RSVP for this year's summit! All done with BeaverBuilder! #iws2018 #indieweb
Today got the homepage. able to use ... beaverbuilder?
Aah, jalcine knows whats up :D
Thanks guys, I had no sound here
lovi has 1 karma
going to investigate - I think aaronpk is on it
Next up. The man himself. The great. GWG
lovi has 2 karma
Oh, no, sound now
yay GWG
I meant that Lovi wasn’t at the mic ;)
does a happy dance!
Yeah, she had to turn off her laptop so was stepping away to view the projection
Ah okay
Zegnat: is that better?
Has talked about Vouch yesterday at the session
I think aaron did something lol
And has been building a plugin for Vouches
Shows a “gRegorLove webmention”
iambismark joined the channel
(Wow, sound suddenly went from one ear to both. And back to one ear. Haha.)
Not really doing much with the Vouch
gRegorLove lost his opportunity to be whitelisted lol
eli_oat joined the channel
Also added a new button: he can not only approve a person, but also use “approve & whitelist” to immediately whitelist the sender for the future
aaronpk_ joined the channel
“Coming soon to a WordPress near you”
oh you just meant that she wasn't at the mic, darn! I screwed up the recording by fiddling with it!
Shouldn’t be too messed up, I was still able to scribe most of GWG’s
Oh I thought it was like completely out :( :(
There is some weird static sometimes ... phones being to close maybe? Nothing you can do about that though
Nate Angell
↩️ And now David // https://david.shanske.com/ is speaking on Vouch, the tooling mentioned from the other day to help with moderation of your WebMentions! He got whitelists working for Wordpress + Vouch. #iws2018 #indieweb
Worked on his WordPress setup
Got rid of [[Disqus]]
Has successfully received his first webmention from chrisaldrich
I had whitelists
I added a whitelist button
aaronpk, goes up to demo, so he isn’t the last person to demo
↩️ @t @schmarty @reading @glitch Nate Angell is showing how he's received his first WebMention from Chris Aldrich! #iws2018 #indieweb
spent a lot of time helping other people on projects
did got a couple of things done
people were filing bugs against his projects all day
xolotol has 1 karma
fixed an issue in indielogin where a questionmark was in the wrong spot
regex++ :P
regex has 1 karma in this channel (2 overall)
↩️ Aaron // @aaronpk is demoing / talking about https://indielogin.com And the power of `?:`! #iws2018 #indieweb
webmention.rocks has CORS headers now
So you can test from browsers
Also launched strugee’s HTML on spec.indieweb.org
Just set the DNS record, so it may not even work right now
For the demo, he is bypassing DNS completely
↩️ @t @schmarty @reading @glitch @aaronpk Also Aaron just pushed up http://spec.indideweb.org (but it's not up yet) #iws2018 #indieweb
What he was really excited about are the new IndieAuth servers: Micro.blog and Unicyclic
unicyclic = Dobrado
Also joined the webring
His user ID is the trademark symbol
↩️ We also got two new IndieAuth servers! https://indieauth.net and Dobrado as well as Known!!! #iws2018 #indieweb
At the very bottom of his website, there is the spiderweb-ring emojis webring
Michelle JL made a plain website
Was playing with gatsby, SSG
Wanted to make an indieweb starting
Right now has the h-card up
Pretty how-to that quickly shows what things can be changed to modify h-cards
Will continue to iterate on post types
Super fun seeing what progress was made during #indiewebsummit on the live demos session right now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10UqoQ9kzdQ.
↩️ Next steps for my #IndieWeb goals: 1. setting up a simplified WordPress post template for quick easy text-only posts 2. finding and configuring the tools I heard about to create new WordPress posts from Instagram posts.
(Was there a URL for that thing? gRegorLove? schmarty?)
jgmac1106, markoong and jackjamieson joined the channel
(Also, I need to file a bug, I can’t seem to login to 🕸💍.ws?!?!?!)
lol nice URL
Added IndieAuth login via Good Reads
↩️ @t @schmarty @reading @glitch @aaronpk Tom Brown set up Goodreads <-> IndieAuth login support! #iws2018 #indieweb
looks like demos are complete!
Right on time. “Fantastic job everybody”
Thanks aaronpk for organising!!!
↩️ @t @schmarty @reading @glitch @aaronpk Anddddddddddddd that's it! #iws2018 #indieweb
VoiceBox NorthWest. This side of the river. For IWC.
↩️ Thanks for tuning in and/or coming! I'll have a condensed re-cap post soon with alllll of the links, toot/tweet threads and what not. Thanks for joining. #iws2018 #indieweb
#indieweb-meta will be monitored, if anyone has questions for things around PDX, check in with people there
Tomorrow evening there will be a talk at puppet (Portland future leaders in tech)
Who of us was going to speak there? Was that Michelle JL?
Good bye peeps!!!
heard tantek shout a thank you in the background
I will now go and archive this chatlog to the wiki. Then try and get onto 🕸💍.ws. Then it is time for the European to go to bed :)
[michellejl] and tbbrown joined the channel
Thanks again Zegnat!!!
Been my pleasure :D
I will soon start a crowdfunding for a nice clickykeyboard so I can start to type faster ;)
[eddie] and eli_oat joined the channel
Another year, another (successful!) #IndieWebSummit! A lot of people just demoed the cool things they worked on today, and all of that is ALREADY available on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10UqoQ9kzdQ&t=30m25s Video links for everything else can be found on the schedule: https://indieweb.org/2018/Schedule
One of my tasks today during #IWS18 was to deploy a site for Indigenous’ upcoming release! Check it out here, complete with a help page that I can link to from within the app itself. #IndieWeb https://eddiehinkle.com/tag/iws18/
eli_oat joined the channel
My demo works now!
One of my tasks today during #IWS18 was to deploy a site for Indigenous’ upcoming release! Check it out here, complete with a help page that I can link to from within the app itself. #IndieWeb https://indigenous.abode.pub/ios/
tbbrown joined the channel
Hello Pink Lily fans - we are updating our website - please forgive ❤️ you can reach it here http://pinklilypress.indieweb.com for the time being ..... http://pinklilypress.indieweb.com/
snarfed and eli_oat joined the channel
Big thanks to @aaronpk @ChrisAldrich @jgmac1106 for getting me to #IndieWebSummit and what the whole community did to make it an awesome gathering! Special thanks to @dshanske for helping me #indieweb http://xolotl.org
I had fun at IndieWeb Summit in Portland (my 3rd time). The demos were great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10UqoQ9kzdQ&t=30m25s
Thanks everyone!!!
wolftune joined the channel
renem, KartikPrabhu and [jgarber] joined the channel
Hat’s off to [cleverdevil] for building the thing I intended to build _using the exact same name_ I had for the thing: https://github.com/cleverdevil/indiepaper
I even registered the domain! 😂
[cleverdevil] indiepaper: A "read later" service for the IndieWeb using Micropub
…_and_ using Postlight Labs’ Mercury to do the parsing.
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
Haha awesome! Pull requests welcome :D
[cleverdevil] I’ll give it a more thorough look tomorrow morning!
[nate658] and renem_ joined the channel
Life goals: finally made it to karaoke with @macgenie, @verso, and some of the #IndieWeb crew. Life is good.
in case anyone's still out for a beer after karaoke, let me know. had to leave after demo time, but would meet up again soon-ish
ajft joined the channel
TIL VoiceBox's interface probably has a cross site scripting vulnerability #iws18 #indieweb https://pump.strugee.net/alex/note/amjLta_sSV-wlwBFhdn6yw
tbbrown joined the channel
Coming away from #IndieWebSummit, I've been thinking about what helps newcomers care about taking control of their digital lives. The 1st clear answer is: there is not just one answer. 2nd: I'm still thinking a domain of one's own #DoOO gives people "skin in the game". WDYT?
I had a great time at @IndieWebSummit! Thanks to everyone who worked hard to make it happen. I also just joined https://xn--sr8hvo.ws. Check out my Webring neighbours in my website's sidebar ... https://jackjamieson.net/472-2/
excuse me for butting in, "xn--sr8hvo.ws. uses an invalid security certificate."
ajft1, jgmac1106 and tonz joined the channel
So glad @schmarty and the crew brought back webrings powered by the #indieweb. Even happier my random user idea is = Also on: INTERTEXTrEVOLUTION Greg McVerry
fixed my 😈 it didn’t go from indigenous to my blog, but still a kickass user id
Dear #CoreAudio crew, the gauntlet has been thrown down. We need to up our game now that I know what the #IndieWeb crew is capable of.
Q for #indieweb - asked on IRC earlier, but still hunting - you know how you send a webmention to http://news.indieweb.org to post there? Are there any other sites that do this for other topics like 'arduino' or 'boardgames'?
[snarfed] joined the channel
ajft: fwiw recent chrome on Android says https://xn--sr8hvo.ws 's cert is fine
amusingly it assigned me hash emoji 🤔
firefox 61 on osx, complained until I added an exception
:( i can't sign in, get "Error getting auth url" back, although I suspect there's a greater chance the error is on my website end
maybe Unicode URL certs are iffy
raucao: they're still at karaoke!
amdt and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[snarfed] we need to make a wiki page for folks to list their IndieWebRing user ID like we do with IRC people.
ajft joined the channel
what is indiewebring?
It looks like we don't have a page for "indiewebring" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "indiewebring is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[jgmac1106]: ^
maybe start by stubbing that
marclaporte and barpthewire joined the channel
So wanna be a little snarky in the stub in webring style
Also need guidance on style guide from community. Is it #IndieWebRing or simply 🕸
[jgmac1106]: I would suggest use the words and then redirect the emoji to it
nitot joined the channel
indiewebring is the great rebirth of of webrings powered by #IndieWeb technology that made 2018 the year of the webring and not the year of the MicroSub reader. Webrings allow ringmasters to create a network of blogs around a shared goal where readers can choose the next, previous, and random blog in the ring.
[jgmac1106]: a bit too late
what is indiewebring
It looks like we don't have a page for "indiewebring" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "indiewebring is ____", a sentence describing the term)
try again
indiewebring is the great rebirth of of webrings powered by #IndieWeb technology that made 2018 the year of the webring and not the year of the MicroSub reader. Webrings allow ringmasters to create a network of blogs around a shared goal where readers can choose the next, previous, and random blog in the ring.
[jgmac1106]: while you are at it, would be nice to add a link to the session notes from IWS
So my spelling mistakes and now going wheels up from #pdx will give stub proper treatment when I land (meaning background images, inline styling, and gifs everywhere.
well I'm a bit late but I just want to say
Zegnat++ for a) being the hero we need but not the one we deserve and b) for capturing "I can't use cords" lmaooo
zegnat has 107 karma in this channel (251 overall)
what is webring
A webring is a collection of websites linked together in a circular structure https://indieweb.org/webring
we have that too
[jgmac1106]: http://quotes.burntelectrons.org/5996 some inspiration for you
Didn't realize we had the stub already,but seriously it is so cool to have an #IndieWeb solution to free webrings from acquisition
haha ikr
also the page linked to from that quote is making me wonder deep questions
such as, for example, I wonder if it would be possible to make a <blink> polyfill entirely in CSS?
cweiske, jihaisse, muhh[m], jaduncan[m], damian11215[m], schmarty, M-mxuribe, moredhel_[m], wjh1, camb[m] and tonz joined the channel
Is there a setting to display post kind info within a feed / feed reader? (https://collect.readwriterespond.com/post-kind-in-the-feed/) #IndieWeb
iasai, loicm and anotheryou joined the channel
new attempt at setting up a indieweb site
pindonga and iasai joined the channel
What a wonderful few days of indieweb fun. So grateful to be able to interact with you all.
fwiw I would like to drop the “master” name from indieweb webring stewardship, gardening, management, etc. so far “ringbearer” hits me the best
leg1, catsup and [jemostrom] joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb!
[mrkrndvs], leg1 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Morning @zegnat
You were absolutely amazing during summit. Thanks for all the wiki gardening and remote help
No problem! I had an amazing event, even if not in the building
Next year goals: second monitor and better keyboard 😉
Nope. Next year's goal is on site for you
Though me thinks having a designated remote leader like you was amazing
What I did now cannot be gotten done on site. Too much socialising going on.
rise and shine!
It will just make the notes faster, more true to real time, but the magically updated schedule grid would be harder to facilitate
Good morning GWG!
Did you enjoy the Summit?
For sure! And thank you for the hangouts setup in the blue Room! Hung out there most of yesterday
Was also impressed you finished some preliminary vouch work already!
gwg has 240 karma in this channel (374 overall)
@zegnat you were an awesome model for blue room participants. We took three people from web zero to web hero yesterday
.... Nobody was at web zero but I can't resist a rhyme, but three new blogs now connected to IndieWeb
I am glad that the setup worked
Kinda by accident blue room was for supporting people in onboarding
At my first IWC I walked someone through setting up the GitHub client and atom code editor so they could play with HTML. Onboarding is a great part of the events!
I am sad I seem to have missed out one of the discussions about my h-card and gender page by going to the kitchen... Someone will have to catch me up on it at some point. 😉
We used it as a positive example of the quantified self and as example of properties embedded into hcard
About to go wheels up to Hartford, what a great #IndieWebSummit excited for upcoming HWC. Going to make it to Baltimore soon. Busy planning for #IndieWebCamp NYC. Stay tuned. Also on: INTERTEXTrEVOLUTION Greg McVerry
markoong joined the channel
↩️ @shaddack No idea ;-) Perhaps @jeena knows. He likes #indieweb and stuff.
jgmac1106 joined the channel
Soft publishing https://jacky.wtf/weblog/indieweb-summit-2018/ - a recap of the events, tools and projects announced and hacked on for the #IndieWeb at #iws2018
@mrkndvs read your itches. Are you using Indigenous yet?
jgmac1106 and [ryan339] joined the channel
eli_oat joined the channel
hs0ucy, wolftune, friedcell, marclaporte, eli_oat, [jgmac1106], marclaporte1, iasai, [jgarber] and loicm joined the channel
strugee: I just added a CSS snippet for blink-tag-emulation to a page. I blame you.
botka, [pfefferle], marclaporte and [wiobyrne] joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb.
Thank you for all of the inspiration over the last couple of days from the Summit.
snarfed, marclaporte, JHSheridan, hs0ucy, marclaporte1 and [tantek] joined the channel
It was pretty cool. <hint> Take inspiration and launch HWC-Charleston</hint>
I would definitely hold an IndieWeb Charleston.
And the relaunch of webrings makes the kiddie network we were discussing closer
Start with an HWC, you basically already do them, but if you want to go all in and try to organize an IWC it would be awesome
I would try to fly down and make it
gRegor-mobile joined the channel
There are some startup groups and WordPress communities that meet down here. After the coding clubs dried up, there's been less of a focus.
Sounds like a perfect opportunity. Been doing the vHWC during summer but once semester starts they will be on the ground. May have a cool IWC announcement very soon..... Teaser
I currently lead a group of students through website/portfolio development each summer. I'll soon be the only "tech person" in my dept. I've been thinking about identifying a spot in the week to hold "open office hours" and offering a HWC downtown.
strugee joined the channel
That would be awesome. Ping me in our co-op channel and fill me in on the department
[anomalily] joined the channel
Hey all! I found a blue hydroflask water bottle at the IW summit venue last night. Speak now or forever hold your peace
If you put Pinot Noir in it does it become a vinoflask?
...and temporarily be thirsty.
tbbrown and [jgarber] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "I Went to The IndieWeb Summit 2018! Getting to put name to face and ask immediate questions about tooling is invaluable. I attended my first IndieWeb Summit in Portland this ..." https://jacky.wtf/weblog/indieweb-summit-2018/
[kim_landwehr] joined the channel
What are syndication targets?
It looks like we don't have a page for "syndication targets" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "syndication targets is ____", a sentence describing the term)
syndication targets are (in the context of [[Micropub]] places you want a post to be [[syndicated]] to.
Is that enough of an answer, [kim_landwehr]? Or did you have a specific question?
vivus and snarfed joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "I attended IndieWeb Summit 2018" http://fogknife.com/2018-06-28-i-attended-indieweb-summit-2018.html
eli_oat and hs0ucy joined the channel
Wrote up my notes, thoughts, and personal homework assignments from the IndieWeb Summit. http://fogknife.com/2018-06-28-i-attended-indieweb-summit-2018.html
sebsel joined the channel
finally got 2018.indieweb.org rsvp section to accept my author/h-card. zomg.
starts to look at the other half-there rsvps.
aj jordon has no photo because the webpage has no photo. so thats fine.
ryan johnson has a .svg photo so i guess thats understandable to have a placeholder
The 8th annual @IndieWebSummit wrapped up yesterday and simply put, I was blown away by the sessions everyone organized and especially by the incredible things everyone made & demonstrated. Notes & videos: https://indieweb.org/2018/Schedule#Tuesday Photos coming ... http://tantek.com/t4vA1
bkero needs an author section
When I go into quill I keep getting the message “no syndication targets were found on your site. I don’t know what I need to do to fix this (or if I even need to)
Quill asks your Micropub endpoint for possible targets, and you probably do not have any.
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
This way it could show you options for “copy to Twitter” etc, if your server supports it
chrisaldrich joined the channel
Good morning indieweb
[manton] joined the channel
@jmac Nice write-up about IndieWeb Summit! I wanted to comment on your question about Micro.blog being "yet another" silo. The point is to get people to post short posts to their own domain name. Aren't you currently posting those to Twitter instead? So moving from Twitter to anything else that's IndieWeb-friendly is a big step forward, in my opinion.
[tantek] joined the channel
Good morning all
[manton] Reminding you about the thing
anomalily's rsvp has an author name and url but the rsvp section doesnt show it. not sure why.
Almost everyone I have ever come into contact comes to their own domain from a shared platform. Most folks here are probably no different, live journal, geocities, MySpace, for me my first blogging platform was just my schools website and updating individual files. Then blogger
donpdonp: anomalily's post when she RSVP'd didn't have the author info, but it looks like there was some progress yesterday on getting that sorted out. except now the post lost the in-reply-to
I think stuff like micro.blog is essential to the ecosystem. Its about does it have ethical values that align to IndieWeb for me, allowing syndication, portability, etc
donpdonp: my RSVP didn’t get accepted at all
Though that was just me being an edge case again
Zegnat: two edge cases, wasn't it?
manton++ for that ^^ huge semantic difference
manton has 49 karma in this channel (54 overall)
If it got accepted in the first place, then we would have known if the authorship was a problem or not, sknebel. Only 1 edge case kept it from being accepted. But I am fine with that.
[jgmac1106]: micro.blog is kind of confusing in that way at first, because it's doing two separate things.
on one hand it's a blog hosting platform, where you can either use a custom domain or they can provide a micro.blog subdomain
on the other hand, it's a social network that lets you read content from other micro.blog users aggregated together
And wordpress.com tries to do the same thing, and it confuses my students as well
Yep. This is really something we need to do a better job of explaining. Both to people already familiar with the IndieWeb but also to new people who are just starting to blog.
I think it is pretty cool to see a paid community model succeed.
I love that I get to syndicate to micro.blog as well because...RSS
I wouldn't mind POSSE to micro.blog
/ feed and you are done @gwg
I like a checkbox, but I could simulate that
aaronpk: anomalily.net:255 <article class="hentry
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
Also just to make sure everyone is clear [jgmac1106] and jmac are two completely separate people
Zegnat: whats your rsvp url
I will, once again, be switching my sleeping schedule from CEST to PDT to remotely attend the IndieWeb Summit. Will I see you there?
GWG: you already can do that! Make a wordpress category, then add that category's RSS feed to micro.blog
[manton]: Oh, I didn't mean to imply that micro.blog is yet another silo! I'll see if I can reword that
I know, but I never use categories
Zegnat: rsvp: "remote yes"
I meant more that I'm not interested in using it that way (which I know that a lot of people are specifically into it as a not-twitter)
Zegnat: i think it has to be just "yes"
Except, I RSVPd like that last year too
And there is a discussion about speccing "remote" as a thing
It's not a problem I expect to need solved
So I use it, so there is actually something in use to spec
Zegnat: 2018.indeweb.org webmention.php:81:if(strtolower($source['rsvp']) == 'yes') {
donpdonp: we know
i'm gonna have to add a "remote attendee" section to the page aren't I
i thought zegnat was trying to figure out why his rsvp was not accepted
aaronpk: yes
aaronpk: did you see the typo i posted ^
donpdonp: that's not a typo, that's wordpress adding microformats1 :)
it's... complicated
@jmac No need to re-word it. I don't think what you said is wrong, just that if you're using Twitter instead of your own domain name for short posts, then Micro.blog is (I think) much better. I don't think about it as moving to a silo (although there are silo-like things about it, especially with replies) but encouraging people to move to their own domain name.
I appreciate the suggestion for a next step!
so in both cases, zegnat and anomalilly, the cause is known, just unaddressable.
lets the wild goose go free
donpdonp, if you are interested in the RSVP discussion: https://indieweb.org/rsvp#Remote_Participation
Zegnat: im not :). i misunderstood 'my RSVP didn’t get accepted at all' as a problem to investigate instead of 'im using an implemented feature' :)
[michellejl] joined the channel
@jmac speaks to governance model as well it was a great session you did.
if the remote streams were their own event, rsvp'ing to that with yes seems reasonable.
[jgmac1106]: I'm not sure what session you mean - are you confusing me with [jgmac1106]?
(Actually I should update my entry to note that [jgmac1106] and I agreed that our usernames are not at all mutually confusing and everyone else is wrong about this)
Yep. Had a long conversation with Ben about it.
I came home and tree fell and caused house fire down street. No internet, so can't really engage well
GWG has already built himself a better solution, with post kinds he can add the individual feed kinds to syndicate to micro.blog. Thus kind/note/feed/ for example will syndicate all of his notes. Syndicating via categories or tags if others use them is certainly another way to do it.
marclaporte joined the channel
[nate658] I saw a note in the #chat channel and not sure you got an answer. If you'd like a wiki template so you show up in the IRC chat with your avatar, you can copy/paste mine and change the relevant parts: https://indieweb.org/Template:chrisaldrich
[nate658] joined the channel
Thank you [chrisaldrich]!
aaronpk: these 4 lines of php have been very handy in using a checkout of xray. it might make a good addition to the repo. https://gist.github.com/donpdonp/e0b9e36b811f95c6607008dde9d00caa
good call, I usually have an example usage file or put that kind of thing in the readme
[wiobyrne] joined the channel
Thanks as well [chrisaldrich] I was also looking at my profile page, and adding an image/avatar.
feel free to send a PR with that!
I realized that I didn't' list myself on the IRC People page.
jmac, I may have used the phrase "built another silo" at the Summit myself in reference to gRegorLove's micropub client, but it was said with a lot of love and a gallon of snark. 😉
loicm joined the channel
So nice to be able to look back through #indiewebsummit posts in my own reader that's been collecting them over the last few days!
snarfed joined the channel
!tell jalcine Did you mean to have the word "not" in your first paragraph in relation to updating your website or did autocorrect change it from "absolutely"? ;)
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jaredcwhite and Lauven joined the channel
Thanks so much to everyone who participated in #IndieWebSummit this year, both in person and remotely! It was really inspiring to see so many people who care about owning their online presence together! #indieweb
Chris Aldrich is it really a silo if it doesn’t store any information?
eli_oat joined the channel
↩️ ...and a huge thanks to all our sponsors who made it possible to put on this amazing event! #indieweb @oktadev @namedotcom @godaddy @stumpsyn @stumpsyn @bridgy
the indiebookclub micropub client does store information, it creates a feed of your read posts for you, [tantek]
teacup, micro.blog, and indiebookclub.biz are storing information though, in the eventuality that people may go more indie at a later date and want to export it to their own site (or another host/site).
Perhaps worth documenting....
What is IndieSilo?
It looks like we don't have a page for "IndieSilo" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "IndieSilo is ____", a sentence describing the term)
aaronpk and Mozilla ;)
An IndieSilo is a website (typically a web based [[micropub]] client) that stores data on behalf of people who may not have their own website yet, but who may want to be able to store it now and import it to their site at a later date.
snarfed, marclaporte, [jgarber] and tantek__ joined the channel
↩️ ...and a huge thanks to all our sponsors who made it possible to put on this amazing event! #indieweb @oktadev @namedotcom @godaddy @stumpsyn @mozilla @bridgy
marclaporte, [jgmac1106], [wiobyrne] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Does anyone have ideas about an open source version of Google Docs (or fully functioning etherpad) solution that I could use for writing/editing/revising? I've mentioned in the past my desire to fully put my writing process online, and "own" it all. For now, most/all writing begins/ends in a Google Doc. If possible...I'd like to change that, but I need better options.
[wiobyrne]: wordpress?
do micropub editors support "drafts"?
what is draft?
A draft in the context of the indieweb refers to a draft post, a post that an author has partially written, or otherwise does not consider finished https://indieweb.org/draft
quill doe
so [wiobyrne] you can look into the Quill editor
what is quill?
Quill is a simple app for posting text notes to your website using Micropub https://indieweb.org/Quill
Thanks snarfed. My typical writing process for a "traditional pub" involves heavy use of Google Docs. I can invite colleagues to write, I can share it out with others to allow them to easily leave feedback. My issue is that I'm all on the Google silo.
[wiobyrne]: yes! all doable with wordpress too. collaboration, revision tracking, shared private drafts, etc
(quill is more for one shot posting, probably not what you want)
Hmmm...so you think I could start up a collaborative post, share with a colleague, send it out for review openly online...and export when needed later?
snarfed: but quill does drafts. No collaborative writing though I guess
Mind blown. I need to investigate more.
dougbeal|iOS joined the channel
KartikPrabhu: can quill load an existing draft?
marclaporte1 joined the channel
snarfed: I think so using "edit" micropub
aaronpk: ^^
[wiobyrne]: afaik wordpress doesn't do realtime collab like gdocs, which is maybe the key difference. maybe gutenberg (new editor) does? probably not though
As an example, I was thinking of a tool like Draft (https://draftin.com/) or perhaps a common writing spot in GitHub.
sounds like you want a real writing tool though, not github
When I was doing stuff with Mozilla they tried to usher us into GitHub or EtherPad for writing & collaborating.
snarfed yeap.
aalmazan joined the channel
editorially was nice but it shutdown :(
what is editorially?
It looks like we don't have a page for "editorially" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "editorially is ____", a sentence describing the term)
As an example, I'm writing a book on open pedagogy with [jgmac1106] and we have a Google Drive folder with tons of gDocs for chapters. We'll use versions with this. Ultimately, it'll get sent to the publisher and we can send out "books" using a number of tools. But, I'm wondering if there is a better way to write than Google Docs right now.
better, maybe. better *and* open source, doubtful.
Draft.in might be a good option. I need to spend more time looking at where/how it syncs and is saved.
I was also thinking about some markdown editors that can sync across spaces. But, then I'm (possibly) eliminating the ability to collaborate and share...which is important for my workflow.
wolftune joined the channel
strugee: you'll need to archive a page at https://wiki.zegnat.net/cache/ it blinks the ellipsis when archiving on the busy page
ok this from draft is pretty great: http://docs.withdraft.com/#hemingway-mode
Zegnat: niceeee
ooo it also has a REST API
Absolutely. I think Draft is almost there. The versioning and "real time" edits are a bit different, and not as intuitive as gDocs. But, perhaps it'll make you focus on your writing as opposed to where people's cursors are flying.
Really simple to toggle visibility with key frames. Not sure I feel good about it though, strugee 😉
Zegnat: just own it 👍👍
You can sync to different cloud services and publish anywhere. Draft uses webhooks - https://draftin.com/documents/69898?token=5fjKKlZ0-AeBzqj_RAftAGdzRzl9VBfBHj5wpSWm_gU
I'm proud of you
jaredcwhite, eli_oat and marclaporte joined the channel
As a Twitter archive (I looked at example) it is amazing. How did you finish and act as the wiki governor all summit!
zegnat has 108 karma in this channel (253 overall)
My web archiver you mean, jgmac1106? Yes it did pretty well with Twitter!
I worked on it mostly on Monday and Wednesday. Tuesday was wiki and summit only
@zegnat going play once I get internet back
Break it and let me know when it breaks 😉
bleb joined the channel
And eventually it will have micropub? Is it going to archive.org? Don't want to tax it if you are piggybacking on any free tier of storage
eli_oat joined the channel
I am paying for the storage. It is not going to archive.org, though I am considering pinging the internet archive from the tool. To have another backup
Archiver is running on my VPS. Should be able to take a few more backups.
dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
I will also prune it at some point, not guaranteeing any permanence for the moment! Though you can just save the archived pages to your disk if you want to keep them.
What is aperture
Aperture is an open source Microsub server developed by Aaron Parecki https://indieweb.org/Aperture
snarfed joined the channel
[wiobyrne] [nate658] showed [chrisaldrich] and I some cool options. But its just you and I editing, books going in the Public Domain or CC-BY_SA have to check with publisher. Part of the reason we chose gDocs was being accessible. It ain't Open to our audience if it is only on GitHub
but it won't be just
pdf has -1 karma in this channel (-6 overall)
The Zotero Pub plugin, looked cool but an Open Pedagogy booked published on indieweb.org and then syndicated to our blogs the to print might be a neat story in itself. Will have to ask and it means writing in wiki markup but that is easy, would mean a Public Domain license 100%. Need to read the publishers terms, but I think it is fine. I'll ask around. I have an empty mediawiki install just laying around somewhere as well
....ohhh crap my wikispaces
marclaporte joined the channel
[jgmac1106]: you can make a google doc publicly viewable
please let the deadline be July
oh nm i misunderstood accessible
marclaporte1 joined the channel
Anybody can Etherpad:
july 31st on wikispaces [wiobyrne] you probably have some we need to move
[tantek] and endi joined the channel
My next Indieweb project is to better display my "traditional" pubs on my website. Mostly all PDFs, but I'd like to see an interface on my site that links to pages with the PDF, the Google Doc (writing space), data (images, video, text, etc.), and possibly text from reviewer comments. All of this would also display mentions from online.
marclaporte1 joined the channel
The first step, for me, is revisiting the writing piece/tools. I was digging Hackpad before Dropbox bought them. Etherpad may be too clunky for this. May stick to Google Docs for now.
[dropbox] hackpad: Hackpad is a web-based realtime wiki.
marclaporte joined the channel
For the publishing of these pubs, I've been exploring Scalar, but don't know if it's overkill - https://scalar.me/anvc/scalar/
j12t, marclaporte, j12t_ and [nate658] joined the channel
[wiobyrne] I think it’s hard to beat gdocs for collaborative draft editing, but for online book publication in WordPress, I’d recommend https://pressbooks.org
Welcome to the home of the Pressbooks Open Source project. Pressbooks is a book content management system that exports in multiple formats: ebooks, webbooks, print-ready PDF, and various XML flavours. The system is built on top of WordPress Multisite...
eli_oat and tantek__ joined the channel
[grantcodes], tantek and marclaporte joined the channel
jgmac1106: I logged into wordpress, what do I do now for your webring?
Thanks [nate658] and @KartikPrabhu
[wiobyrne]: to be clear, to me Pollen looks like a really fancy way of writing HTML, so it is up to your tastes
I manually added you, talking to the developer now, gonna show him indiewebring and indieweb in general
The reason I was asking about GitHub earlier is I like how GitBooks were used in the World After Capital book - https://legacy.gitbook.com/book/worldaftercapital/worldaftercapital/details
I may just ask if he is open to contributions and copy what [schmarty] does
But, at this point we need to keep it simple and get the book finished. 🙂
yes content is king
Will most likely continue to use Google Docs, share from our sites, and give opportunities to use PressBooks or other tools to make their own texts.
schmarty: pretty up the webring navigator on my site, and added an anchor to show it off: https://dougbeal.com/#webrings
[wiobyrne]: yes, "don't make perfect the enemy of the good" use whatever helps you finish the task
I'd really like to write HTML instead of LaTeX but oh well!
gRegorLove joined the channel
Absolutely. Get it done first. 🙂
leg1 joined the channel
Back in San Diego after another great #IndieWebSummit. Reflecting on some personal goals for the next year and ideas to expand the indieweb community.
marclaporte1 joined the channel
↩️ Hey, thanks for the response. I'd like to bookmark a site, then read/annotate later in browser using @hypothes_is. Then share as bookmark post on my #indieweb site with interesting pull quotes from piece for future reference. I'd like to "properly" display these from annotations.
dougbeal: looks nice!!
marclaporte, marclaporte1 and [tantek] joined the channel
Schmarty, aaronpk says if we go to ground kontrol later then he can join us. Like 7pm? Dinner beforehand?
Oops I meant to post that in meta
[dougbeal] joined the channel
↩️ @drewtoothpaste http://Indieweb.org #indieweb there are tools... We can rebuild it
KapiX, jjuran, snarfed, marclaporte, [aaronpk], leg1, [mrkrndvs], painted, [jgmac1106], ajft, mblaney_ and wolftune joined the channel; painted left the channel