[chrisaldrich]Even some of those who are coding adjacent might have problems getting webmention.io working... it is a niche area of users (gen2-3) perhaps, but I could see a potentially bigger group of people using it if it were supported by more senders.
hs0ucy_, gRegorLove, KempfCreative, nickodd, gRegorLove_, __number5__, [gRegorLove], wolftune, kensp, [schmarty], opal, joseph_dickson and rEnr3n joined the channel; Adie left the channel
@cwarzelodd question but: what are your most far fetched utopian ideas for fixing social media platforms? the stuff that’s likely never ever gonna happen (twitter.com/_/status/1278116194621419520)
[tantek], markopasha, KartikPrabhu, kensp, swentel, Boobuigi, dckc, opal and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
petermolnar!tell [chrisaldrich] re webmention email: good idea. I am getting email notifications from webmention.io for incoming webmentions (via zapier), so doable.
[Ana_Rodrigues]Hello, I hope this is the right channel to ask this. I’ve been wanting to start a “quotes” section on my blog to save quotes of various mediums (podcasts, instagrams and books). While I can find how to properly cite books, has anyone found a good explanation of how to cite podcasts and instagram posts without messing up any copyright? Thank you
petermolnar[Ana_Rodrigues]: with whatever you show on your site, play it according to their rules; I'd use the oembed, but kill the <script> from the end of it. Personal archival purposes is another story.
[fluffy]But yeah I’d basically try to okay by the rules of the platform but also keep a personal archive of things and also lean on archive.org where possible. Unfortunately a lot of modern sites aren’t very archive.org-friendly
[Ana_Rodrigues]Ideally, I wanted just text.. similar to me writing down on in a personal journal some quotes that mean something to me. So i am wondering if citing is okay giving that the medium changes: from podcast (audio) and instagram (image) to just plain text.
alxd, KartikPrabhu, Kaja_, danbee718, corenomi1al and KempfCreative joined the channel
[jgmac1106]but I really do want a micropub enabled podcast catcher, where I can say a word clip a snippet and have it publish to my website....that is dreamy
[itsjustk][jgmac1106] I've wanted something kinda similar for a while, whenever i listen to podcasts, its almost always been when ive been doing soemthing else, so ive always wanted to be able to utter a command, and have the timestamp saved somewhere. I've lost count of the amount of times someone has said something/mentioned a product and forgot when they say it, and i can never be bothered to skip back through an entire episode to find it!!
jgmac1106I can almost do it with Google Notes. Firefox voice is coming along mabe we can /Sawyer folks to supporting it in micropub extensions like omnibear
jgmac1106thi is what I envision me driving…hear cool quote..say “take note from 2:46-3:04” and then I leave my reaction via voice which gets published with a link to the snippet
jackylike what's the point of building something else and saying it's a haven from silos if it falls prey to the same effects that made them privy to things like XKEYSCORE et al?
[tantek]In terms of content, I did notice the oddly narrow framing of "decentralized" in that article, as well as IMO mistaken inclusion of anything blockchain (single codebase == not decentralized in practice, power is still centralized in the one codebase)
[tantek]there's this odd developer-centric thing that happens with "decentralization" wherein there's a dominant (false) assumption that decentralization must require new protocols
[tantek]there's a second oddly developer-centric thing that happens with "decentralization" wherein there's a second (also false) assumption that one you've made this new protocol, you've achieved decentralization! (nearly complete neglect of usability, use-cases, user-flows, new user-level challenges in non-centralized systems etc.)