Loqitweetstorm is a series of tweets, each replying to the previous, often each numbered so the sequence is clear, as a method of expressing a longer series of related thoughts as a single thread on Twitter https://indieweb.org/ThreadReader
Loqihome screen is the top level UI of a smart mobile device that displays default applications and is usually customized by users to show a preferred arrangement of their favorite apps and bookmarks, with lower priority items being placed on additional "screens", that are accessed by swiping to the left https://indieweb.org/home_screen
[cleverdevil](I continue to be absolutely busy beyond belief and have little energy on the weekends to spare above and beyond spending time with the kids)
ZegnatFeels like a real after party, when people have been closing out the party just a couple hours before other people come into the chat saying good morning :D
jeremycherfasMorning all. I was too busy all weekend to do much more than joyscroll Slack and listen to the first keynote, but it seems like IWC East 2020 was a huge success. Looking forward to catching up with the videos. Kudos in absentia to all.
[jgmac1106]it depends and I shouldn't throw shade on markdown it is more how a variety of cms handle html sanitization and then how poorly rss readers may display the results
Loqi[Greg McVerry] A Hungarian friend asked why poems follow no pattern.
And everything reads like its from Saturn
This to my friend I must confess
Yes my verse is quite a mess
but truth and stanzas belong burnt in a fat urn
[jgmac1106]use <pre> for poetry a lot. The reason I write poems as notes is mainly because Known uses TinyMCE and it has a serious addiction to the p tag
[snarfed]this got lost in all the excitement in #indieweb-dev yesterday, but https://dissertation.jackjamieson.net/ is a staggeringly deep academic analysis of the IndieWeb in a bunch of ways. 415 pages! really impressive work.
nolithI was thinking about writing an indieweb introductory article in italian, my native language. Is there anyone in this group that has a blog written in italian.
nolithjeremycherfas: I was thinking about writing an article about indieweb, but there are so many in english that maybe I'll do a better job writing it in italian hoping to get some traction there. I don't expect any result, but once it's online it will stay there for future readers.
[jgmac1106]nolith ClassicPress and WordPress have very active Italian communities. Translating wiki articles is also a huge service and they do get read a lot/
petermolnarjust take care to keep translated things in the loop - indieweb.org has Korean translations, and, sadly, we don't seem to be in touch with them in any form
[chrisaldrich], reed, toupain, neceve, jamietanna and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Loqino-www is a movement to deprecate use of "www." at the start of URLs as being redundant, unnecessary, and a waste of resources https://indieweb.org/no-www