#swentelhmm on indieauth.com, when using the IndieAuth provider, I get to my side, I can authorize (a code is generated), but then I see indieauth.com posting to my authorize endpoint again, shouldn't it call the token endpoint, or am I missing/mixing things here ?
#swentelaaronpk, another interesting thing (I think), unrelated to this, on webmention.io, I see a new site in settings, being 'fed.brid.gy' , but I don't own that one at all
#aaronpkyou have your own webmention endpoint on webmention.io, so somehow your endpoint got a webmention sent with a target URL of fed.brid.gy
#aaronpkthe sites you see there are scoped to your account even if they aren't your own domains
#aaronpkI originally did that so you could use your account on a bunch of different websites without having to first set them up, but this is the kind of weird side effect of that, which i'm not entirely happy with
#[eddie]Thinking about Collections. Obviously Collections are different than feeds, but as far as markup is concerned, I’m thinking h-feed is probably the best way to mark it up so that the individual posts in the collection can still be understood correctly.
#[eddie]So I don’t seem to have found anyone ACTUALLY marking up a collection either just as a lot of top level h-entries or an h-feed, but it seems right… I wonder if I’m missing a fallacy here?
#[grantcodes]Not sure if I picked that up from somewhere that isn't microformats2,
#[eddie]That makes sense. Now that I’m in a dynamic server, I’m thinking through some of the things that weren’t as easy before and designing my general interface. I’ve got my homepage which is it’s own thing, channels, collections and tags. Tags will be for topical, collections will be more event driven (like all the posts from a trip to New York, or a photo gallery) and Channels are essentially segmented feeds
#[eddie]So that makes sense that it would be children of an h-entry. I’ll explore with that a bit. Thanks!
#[grantcodes]Yep, that's how I do mine, and with micropub I create a collection by creating a post with children urls, then my backend pulls them into the collection post
#Loqigrantcodes has 25 karma in this channel over the last year (33 in all channels)
#[grantcodes]Yep exactly. Your site needs to support a bunch of not widely spread features though 😛 Media endpoint, collections and unlisted visibility.
#[eddie]lol interestingly my site supports all of that except collections 😄
#KongalooshI do MD -> HTML for readability. When I eneded making more albums, it became a hassle to do editing so I would end up never actually posting my photos.
#KongalooshUX/post-formatting question! How do people do citations on posts? The natural thing would be to do hyper-links to papers, but hosting papers on your own site which are not your own can sometimes be a no-no. I was thinking about using Bibtex so that I'm similar to a regular latex document and then go MD -> HTML with anchor tags linking citations to a bibliography at the end of an article.
#KongalooshDoes anyon have strong thoughts on this/
#jeremycherfas`I would generally link using the doi http://dx.doi.org/<enter the entire DOI here>he paper; it may be behind a paywall, but anyone who needs to find it will be able to do so.
#jeremycherfasOOps; forgot I had a snippet to expand that. You can see how often I use it.
#jeremycherfasThat's the mf2 you put on it. I thought the question was about the information you offered, rather than how you marked up that information.
#[kevinmarks]I think h-cite having multiple links is reasonable, if you can host a local version as well as the original, great
#[kevinmarks]I remember à citation webmention use case
#[kevinmarks]Hmm, an extension to the verify-me would be to show chained me's
#[jgmac1106]@kongaloosh @zegnat and I went far down the citation microformats rabbit hole with bibtex
#[kevinmarks]Then if xoxo.zone links to github.com/kevinmarks it could show an indirect verification
#[jgmac1106]You can find repost on our site... Left it at gonna hack on the citation maker from a library and add microformats.... The bibtex you get from sites are garbage
#[jgmac1106]Working on paper today happy to play around
#KartikPrabhubut the "-x-" prefix is now not considered to be "nice"
#[jgmac1106][jeremycherfas] I am going to reach out. Wrote a series of how webmentions and syndication links plus h-review could be done for open access formative peer review
#[jgmac1106]Will need it for course template and syllabus maker.
#[jgmac1106]@zegnat and I mapped most APA... Other styles be easy
[Khurt] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]Maybe we just fork this and make a ready to launch journal system as well. https://academicpages.github.io/ gonna have to add a journal for pedagogy of the web to my goals
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#[jgmac1106]wondering if my publications page @kartikPrabhu should be rethought of a collection...Especially if I published each citation as a note...probably go simple and just have a page
#KartikPrabhustart with a page then build from there
#KartikPrabhu"collections" don't really need more markup