#@jensimmonsEveryone in my mentions saying Safari is the worst, it’s the new IE… Can you point to specific bugs & missing support that frustrate you, inhibit you making websites/apps. Bonus points for links to tickets. Specifics we can fix. Vague hate is honestly super counterproductive. (twitter.com/_/status/1491064075987873792)
[tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
#[tw2113_Slack_]better marco polo than marco rubio
#sknebelheh, usual answer for safari: a way to test stuff in it :P
#sknebelyeah, $16 a pop though. (since you need to rent 24h at once, apple doesn't allow providers to rent macOS for shorter) - if you need it often enough other companies also rent macs out
#sknebelsolvable, but just different baseline than everyone else
#aaronpkyeah, i have no idea what it would take for apple to ship a VM but that would definitely be nice
#sknebelplenty tutorials online for how to do it if you dont care about the license. but I also get that apple does not want to encourage that in any way
#samwilsonI'm adding GPS tracking to my website, and it's super exciting seeing the map :-) So many little dots!
#samwilsonDoes it just send the GPS data and then not log it locally? Or does it look at the response it gets from the server? I like Overland's system of requiring confirmation
#GWGsamwilson: It does either local logging or sending to a custom url or both. I even got him to put in batching
#@VlozadaDev↩️ usando #webmention entre otras cosas de la #idieweb, portafolio y otros proyectos en mente. Antes hacer todo esto tenia su merito y conseguías trabajo fácilmente en el Área IT, pero las cosas han cambiando, y todo esto que te cuento no es suficiente para postular a un empleo (twitter.com/_/status/1491502058301796363)
#capjamesg[d]sknebel Around half of my web apps are now on a new server.
#capjamesg[d]I found a great tool called elasticdump that makes it easy to export content from elasticsearch, too.
#capjamesg[d]I am storing 10-15 GB of data for IndieWeb Search right now.
#[schmarty]1heh. finally got a use-case for rollin' my own HLS video and remembered some discussion in the indieweb chat between aaronpk, fluffy, and more.
#Loqiaaronpk has 26 karma in this channel over the last year (126 in all channels)
#sknebelhm... now if the wiki could show webmentions on chat lines, future-schmarty could find that reference by seeing the log for today linked from there :D
gire2, tetov-irc, barnaby and [fluffy] joined the channel
#barnabyevening! I’m taking a look at getting CI working again for php-mf2, but I don’t seem to have sufficient access to the repo — I can’t add new workflows, or see the settings page. any ideas why? can someone make me an owner or whatever is necessary?
#barnabyokay, I still can’t see settings (which I’d like to use for getting online documentation and code coverage set up) but I do have access to workflows now, which is a good start
#aaronpktry now, i just added you specifically to that one instead of just to the team