#meta 2019-02-21

2019-02-21 UTC
Eddie +1 alternating time zones... Be happy to start at 20:30 est so tail end could be caught by left coasters
[jgmac1106]: Me too
[tantek] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
dougbeal|mb1, [cleverdevil] and dmcweeney joined the channel
So we are starting virtual HWC 9:30 not 8:30?
I don't know. Someone tell me.
I think 9:30 because I joined the chat and no one was there and I only saw me!
dmcweeney: Okay.
yes, that convo was for future, we had already published the event
nothing stopping you two hopping in Jitsi now, gwg can teach you spin up an hcard and drop it into a widget
(you could do this already , a side bar widget, choose custom html widget type, and then cut and paste in the h-card template, put in your deets, done
putting kids to be, ill be on time for vHWC
Alright-I’m going to take a shower and then I’ll be on time for 9:30 vHWC!
edited /events/2019-02-20-homebrew-website-club (+69) "/* Virtual Americas */ Chris Aldrich"
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I need to look at my redirects. Something broke. It worked flawlessly for awhile...Trying to read Apache documentation on how to use regex hurt my head. In the end took #IndieWeb dev chat intervention. Need to bump this way high on priority list. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/9T8Zj)
j12t joined the channel
j12t and me here at HWC SF
Sorry to miss you!
It almost worked out great
How come I only see myself on the screen?
↩️ I still have some styling to do but simply using the RSS feed worked great. Thx @inoreader for helping to keep the world a little more #IndieWeb and helping me thank those who #BuildTheCommons (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/fh89n)
joinign now Drew
Got stuck in an emergency rabbit hole
[eddie] has an infant, time is relative
[eddie] joined the channel
Yep logging in now 🙂
[asuh] joined the channel
How do you log in?
Oh into my computer 🙂
The chat screen you just load
Hey everyone if you want to join us for vHWC #IndieWeb Americas virtual meet up it is starting right now: https://meet.eddie.wtf/hwc (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/18aTbN)
chrisaldrich joined the channel
Hmmm that’s an odd error
dmcsweeney did https://meet.eddie.wtf/hwc give you an error in the bottom left corner?
ahhh it was a safari error
Teaching https://drewmcweeney.com how to install add his personal information to his website so he can sign in to the #IndieWeb wiki with his own domain. Want to know how? Just ask. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/EOmfq)
Nice! I replaced the Jitsi.org logo with the IWC logo https://slack-files.com/T03QR2B2T-FGCKM2L82-c90b104e20
edited /User:Dougbeal.com (+32) "/* working */"
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edited /chat-names (+123) "/* Nicknames */"
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drewmcweeney has 1 karma over the last year
Drew now you can go to Indieweb.org/Events
and then add your self as an organizer
who is drewmcweeney
edited /Falcon (+1957) "/* Working On */ Migrate to new web host top priority"
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created /migrate (+23) "r"
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something broke with the indieweb site theme and/or CSS
there's overlapping text on the home page on mobile (iOS or Android)
created /upload (+28) "make an easy shortcut"
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The header/logo when logged in?
aaronpk, yes or when not logged in
this used to work
what changed when?
Nothing with the theme has changed in... a long time
I could be wrong, check the edit history of the main page cause the css overrides are there
This can't possibly be broken for since we switched the theme in 2016 can it?
pretty sure we checked mobile
[davidmead] joined the channel
aaronpk looks like you moved the CSS to a Main_Page.css template
[dougbeal] joined the channel
Contemplating a detour to Killeen for army surplus store shopping on the way down to #IndieWebCamp Austin.
created /User:Drewmcweeney.com (+5853) "Created page with "---- Greg is an educator who believes that we need to teach technology as a literacy issue. He prepares teachers to read, write, and participate on the web. <div class="p-summ...""
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ok I'm just going to start tweaking the home page until this is fixed
why is the nav UL using position absolute?!?
no wonder text is overlapping
ugh looks like this is from default media wiki styling - load.php?
or default from the theme
wow this is a mess of inefficient markup (too much markup), then CSS hacked up to undo (but awkwardly, using the wrong methods) a bunch of default styling from that inefficient markup
edited /events/2019-02-20-homebrew-website-club (+135) "/* Photos */ add Virtual Americas"
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edited /events/2019-02-20-homebrew-website-club (+0) "/* Photos */ fix photo for Virtual Americas"
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to-do << fix the [[Main_Page|home page]] markup/styling in [[Template:Main_Page.css]] to be properly responsive for mobile widths so as to NOT overlap text (e.g. Discuss Events currently overlap the logo in mobile browsers, or narrow window on desktop), and to *not* use "position:absolute" on the nav UL as a horrible hack to "pull it up" to the top of the page.
ok, I added "fix the [[Main_Page|home page]] markup/styling in [[Template:Main_Page.css]] to be properly responsive for mobile widths so as to NOT overlap text (e.g. Discuss Events currently overlap the logo in mobile browsers, or narrow window on desktop), and to *not* use "position:absolute" on the nav UL as a horrible hack to "pull it up" to the top of the page." to the "See Also" section of /to-do https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=57034&oldid=56910
[jgmac1106] and j12t joined the channel
edited /follow (+246) "/* Chris Aldrich */ followers page"
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[schmarty] and chrisaldrich joined the channel
A Followers Page on My Personal Website using Webmention #IndieWeb #WordPress https://boffosocko.com/2019/02/20/creating-a-followers-page/
j12t and [tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] was it you that had a connection in SD for a possible IWC?
[eddie] joined the channel
edited /Virtual_HWC (+339) "Add Jitsi Meet self-Hosted notes"
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I’m pretty excited that the Self-Hosted Jitsi test seemed MUCH better and reliable than the Hosted Service. And of course with an Amazon EC2 instance we can scale it up and down as much as we need
Plus we can customize it. I need to test, but I’m pretty sure the Etherpad integration can point to our existing Etherpad instance, so if you visit meetserver.tld/session_hashtag the Etherpad displayed from the server will be etherpad.indieweb.org/session_hashtag
Which would be amazing for Remote IWC or IWC Online
Plus I was able to easily update the watermark from the Jitsi logo to the IWC logo
edited /Inrupt (+62) "some grammar fixes, dates, clean-up, better linking, reduce/limit extrapolation from tweet, link W3C, ActivityPub, DAT"
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[kevinmarks] joined the channel
Karlsruhe++ !
Karlsruhe has 1 karma over the last year
Gestern traf sich wieder der Karlsruher Homebrew Website Club. Hinter dem folgenden Link sind unter anderem die kommenden Termine versteckt: https://depone.net/2019/02/21/homebrew-website-club/ #HWC
[xavierroy] and swentel joined the channel
eddie has 16 karma in this channel over the last year (82 in all channels)
jeremych_, swentie, swentel, [Vincent] and ajf joined the channel
Made it pretty far on designing #IndieWeb guestbook using @glitch https://indieweb-guestbook.glitch.me set it up as an h-feed and made every update a note so I can subscribe in my reader. Need to figure out how to call my stylesheet in js, that is… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/21/made-it-pretty-far-on-designing
bradenslen joined the channel
↩️ Of course, if anyone wants to fix it for me today what I need to learn tomorrow, will be greatly appreciated, here is the link to edit: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/join/b76e59a2-de84-4ffe-a2f9-e4bff5216973 #IndieWeb (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1TjAVh)
Now I’ve found a groove on Twitter I’m comfortable with, I think it’s ok for me to slightly expand my following circles to include a couple of extra topics I’m interested in. First up is the #IndieWeb Also on: *
eduardm, [grantcodes], [Vincent], [tonz] and [davidmead] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] I just realized the vast majority of the views are on the indieweb directory project, like *a lot* don't know if it got featured or something?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
People been asking how to find #OpenSource projects for all levels. Here is an #IndieWeb podcast template we have been working on our @glitch team (and my son, https://dogzone.jgregorymcverry.com...use what you make and all) Want to up your CSS Grid skills? Get… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/21/people-been-asking-how-to-find-opensource
[eddie] joined the channel
!tell aaronpk The self-hosted version of Jitsi Meet seemed to work pretty good last night. I don't think we'd want to use my domain for IWC (I have an eddie.wtf domain that I use essentially as a cloud .dev). If you want Jitsi Meet on an AWS instance on your account, I can help with that. If you want to just use mine, we can point a more indieweb-friendly domain to my servers ip. Up to you
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
jackjamieson joined the channel
[eddie]: cool!
can we get a Loqi command or an IndieAuth protected button somewhere to smash to launch/shutdown the instance? :D
That's a good idea. There are a couple of things we could do long-term. Loqi, IndieAuth button or have something to watch the h-feed of events and if events have a specific tag or u-url that could trigger a launch/shutdown
The button is probably the easiest
Unless Loqi ended up being easy for aaronpk
Implementing decentralised authentication to power a button that launches an AWS setup - easiest solution, because IndieWeb makes it easy!
button sounds best. limited access list, maybe make it so everyone with access can add new people, that seems like a good balance
Glad it worked well for you [eddie]
Zegnat sknebel That's true, chat-names is probably even too broad. Like you said, having the ability to have a limited set of people but where all of them can add other people is probably a good idea
I'll have to look into the AWS API because that's the most challenging part! lol But I'm pretty sure they make a library that should make that easy
jeremycherfas Thanks! :)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Yeah [grantcodes] because most are internal as they were in Glitch already...
[grantcodes] joined the channel
Yeah, but it is a lot of views compared to all the other projects, so I wonder if it got featured on the homepage or something, and how to get that to happen for the other projects 😛
I also added (some very nicely coloured) collections to the team page: https://glitch.com/@indieweb
tomasparks joined the channel
could do the two-person switch like !rt
aaronpk: [eddie] left you a message 1 hour, 39 minutes ago: The self-hosted version of Jitsi Meet seemed to work pretty good last night. I don't think we'd want to use my domain for IWC (I have an eddie.wtf domain that I use essentially as a cloud .dev). If you want Jitsi Meet on an AWS instance on your account, I can help with that. If you want to just use mine, we can point a more indieweb-friendly domain to my servers ip. Up to you
that feels more annoying for that to me
for turning off a server? i feel like that extra confirmation is a good thing in that case
for having to wait for someone else to allow me to turn it on when I'm starting an event
every event should have a co-organizer anyway so that doesn't really seem too much of a burden ;-)
i don't really want to create a whole thing to manage access to a button. the easiest way i can think of to make that kind of thing work would be to create a special team in the github org and use github login to access it
that way we don't have to make our own permissions system and management UI
well, vHWCs typcially don't, and I see organizers as busy enough doing things in person
(login and access control is also exactly what okta does so i could also probably rig something up with that instead too)
i.e. is it that much more than e.g. Loqi's "add spam string" web site?
I guess that didn't have an ACL
yeah that was just indieauth login
technically it's pretty simple to create a page like that to manage an ACL, but it's a slippery slope to start creating multiple separate access control management UIs that are unrelated, it just turns into a mess later and lots of tech debt
which is exactly why companies like okta have a business model
tie into the auth at indieweb.org, and maintain the list as a github repo, so no UI?
I get your point
hence my suggestion of using github since we already use it for other things and a lot of us have access to it, and we can do fine grained controls like that
edited /Flickr (+375) "/* How to export your data */ Chris Hardie WordPress import tool"
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[eddie] joined the channel
That makes sense to me
Thanks! We need one more person to confirm the retweet!
[eddie]: I'd love to set up an AWS server on my account so we don't have to may for it. How much effort is it? Is it just one EC2? I could spin it up and give you shell access if you wanted to install the stuff
aaronpk Yeah, I had just spun up a single EC2 using the t3.small instance type (t3 for the bandwidth speed)
If you provide shell access, I can definitely get it all set up and installed on that one.
[schmarty] joined the channel
EC2 supports a first-run startup script of some kind, right?
schmarty yes
[eddie]: are your ssh keys on GitHub current?
I guess aaronpk has enough monthly credits that the instance doesn't have to be completely destroyed, just stopped
Yeah they're pennies when stopped
Yes, my github keys are current
Hey @mhawksey did you see the progress I made creating an #IndieWeb template for @blogger https://drmacsspot.blogspot.com? (theme: https://gist.github.com/jgmac1106/1bea040bd2d2f65151b43bff14c6c205) I bet someone with your skills could add rest of the IndieWeb Building Blocks (or as many as possible)… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/21/hey-mhawksey-did-you-see-the-progress
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
More than happy to donate AWS space as well.
[eddie]: oops i don't see any keys for you! https://github.com/eddiehinkle.keys
send me an SSH key you want to use
oh that's not you
oh I'm edwardhinkle
why do i keep doing that
lol it's understandable. I'm eddiehinkle everywhere, it's logical
ooohhh edward
schmarty may also be working on a small travel grant, the femhack project wasn't fully funded and looked more and more like "for this to go well have Greg do it all project" so I canceled the adjacent event
reappropriating 1500 in travel, 750 spoken for
asking the #socialjustice committee to allow me to use it to cover cost for underrepresented guest
sorry to hear about femhack event cancelation
I am more relieved, it was a compressed time frame and looked like I would have to to the leg work. I want to make it an independent study project on open source project management anyways
.@ChrisHardie has built an awesome little tool for exporting your Flickr photos and importing them into a #WordPress website. #IndieWeb #ownyourdata https://boffosocko.com/2019/02/20/moving-photos-from-flickr-to-wordpress-chris-hardie/
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
created /Prismo (+542) "Created page with "{{stub}} '''<dfn>[https://gitlab.com/mbajur/prismo Prismo]</dfn>''' is an in development, open source, link sharing tool. It supports partial [[ActivityPub]] federation and [...""
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[grantcodes], [tantek], [pfefferle] and blair1 joined the channel
edited /directory (+49) "[schmarty] added "http://markvigeant.directory/" to "See Also""
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eli_oat1, [jgmac1106] and j12t joined the channel
↩️ It only takes one. Everipedia has nice branding. That’s a huge start (among many other virtues I’m sure). Indieweb’s design turned me away from the get go
↩️ @_chris_leon Thank you as always for such a quality selection of varied music from all across the Indieweb! #musichouruk
[kevinmarks] and [eddie] joined the channel
Lol sometimes I forget I am tweeting when I reply in monocle
That totally happens to me too!
socialreaders has 1 karma over the last year
"with social readers and POSSE, i don't know where my content comes from or where the responses go!"
lol for real!
[tantek] joined the channel
twopersonswitch has 1 karma over the last year
turnyourkeysir has 1 karma over the last year
[zak], [cleverdevil], [kevinmarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
https://evdemon.org/ Hey just saw your conversation with https://aaronparecki and saw you are attending @IndieWebCamp Online! Sweet, we will have to get the session planning documents out (well they are there but we haven't broadcasted them yet cc/ … https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/21/-hey-just-saw-your-conversation-with
Hmmm tricky Jitsi Meet! By default they use a random string for the Etherpad string. I don’t know why they don’t just use the room name from Jitsi. I’ve got a self install of Jitsi using the IndieWeb Etherpad
Now I just have to tweak it to use the same string as the room name
edited /2019/Austin (-8) "additional event tracking, FB event"
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eddie what if we just set up a bunch of url shortners customized to etherpad name?
i guess you could just link to the pad aname with the random string...I hope you figure it out be cool
edited /2019/Austin (-23) "Updated schedule."
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Yeah it should be pretty easy. I just have to figure out where they are deciding it
manton, are there plans for a Friday night meetup?
Who will be in town Friday night?
Not me :-(
I land at like 11pm if all goes well
↩️ @jgmac1106 Thanks for the link- I'll definitely check it out. I'd love to assist with anything for IndieWeb Camp Online.