tantek.comedited /Falcon (-165) "/* Working On */ note the things that snarfed has been asking me to build / make work / show, HTTPS support was done back in 2019-03!!" (view diff)
@manton2↩️ No problem, I just wanted to get a little more information about how we can improve it. For belonging to an "ecosystem", it's best to think of blogs on http://Micro.blog as part of the larger IndieWeb. (It's actually free to use, but paid if you want us to host your blog.) (twitter.com/_/status/1139012164210089984)
[eddie][manton] from reading that thread, the discover feed is available to access. I wonder if there could be some type of “conversation discovery feed” that shows not JUST the initial post but the conversations in response to the initial post, showing people that don’t have a Micro.blog account the type of community conversations that go on “on the other side of the login”
@jgmac1106↩️ I wasn't referring to autograding (though argue if you can fool a machine grader with nonsense youvare by definition a phenomenal writer who grasp sublety of prose) but online learning will hace more and more non human actors. Stop by #IndieWeb chat and see how Loqi works. (twitter.com/_/status/1139113793693388800)
[kevinmarks786], [calumryan], jeremych_ and jgmac1106 joined the channel
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Discord" yet. Would you like to create it?_1 (Or just say "Discord is ____", a sentence describing the term)
jgmac1106Swedneck_ everything on the channels is Public Domain, if you want to Bridge I would say go for it, if Discord’s ToS and data collection policies do not claim any copyright or exclusive license to use any of the work
jgmac1106I mean it’s Public Domain they can use it if they wanted to…it would be the assigning a license, i have never used Discord or read it’s ToS or Privacy policy
[manton][eddie] Yeah, we've gone back and forth on that... We used to show replies in Discover, which I liked, but sometimes they would be out of context and not useful. Need to think through it a little more.
[manton][tantek] I don't think I ever met Kevin at SXSW. I replied a few times on Twitter because I was having trouble understanding exactly what needed to be better in Micro.blog. (I think it's a combination of not being able to see more example posts before signing up, and confusion about how it's built on blogs.)
aaronpkSwedneck_: regarding bridging the chat, my only request is that discord users bridged back here appear as individual IRC users rather than speaking through a bot user
LoqiHomebrew Website Club is a bi-weekly meetup of people passionate about or interested in creating, improving, building, designing their own website, in the same structure as the classic Homebrew Computer Club meetings https://indieweb.org/hwc
LoqiThe Organizers Summit is a half-day of activities and sessions before IndieWeb Summit 2019, for Organizers, everyone who has co-organized a recent IndieWebCamp or series of Homebrew Website Club meetups https://indieweb.org/2019/Organizers
swedneck[m]discord works slightly differently to IRC, you join guilds rather than channels, and those guilds then have channels that you automatically join
swedneck[m]discord just straight up does not have built-in discoverability for anything that isn't an official game chat, people just find invites via other media
[tantek]let's definitely keep -chat unlogged please and if that means we can't bridge to a network which does automatic logging then I guess that's ok? maybe it's time to have a ok-to-be logged -offtopic channel
@sirmliveseyMoving platforms, then moving platforms, then moving... Platforms, herein lies the problem.
Nearly all of us have in our pocket a device capable of running a server to syndicate our updates with foundation technology of the modern Web, RSS, plus indieweb technology. (twitter.com/_/status/1139194255497469952)
@Weegee↩️ Self-hosting is beyond the technical expertise of the average person. So unless you define the "IndieWeb" as coders and software engineers "free to use if you can host it" is like saying "a car is free to drive if you can repair its suspension system" (twitter.com/_/status/1139202517114294272)
@Weegee↩️ At least then the "IndieWeb" as you are defining it is not a bunch of people talking to themselves. Which, if we are going back to the early days of blogging was never the idea. (twitter.com/_/status/1139203339948658688)
@jdp23↩️ Yep, me too - Wordpress for the win! I also tend to use Medium for reach (POSSEing, as the #indieweb folks say), but it might well be time to get away from that. (twitter.com/_/status/1139211934312488960)
tantek.comedited /Planning (+303) "/* Berlin2 */ new BTconf dates! update date descriptions, note 9..10 more preferred for me now, and can't make weekend after but adding it in case it gets others's attention/preference" (view diff)
tantek.comedited /Planning (+238) "/* 2020 */ note adjecent events for 2020 Summit, start with picking *a* date as a possibility to see if it works for folks" (view diff)
LoqiSecure Scuttlebutt is a P2P system to sync message feeds, used to build (among others) social applications that work in off-grid/sneakernet scenarios https://indieweb.org/SSB
LoqigRegorLove: [jgmac1106] left you a message 1 day, 11 hours ago: here is someone else who might be interested in organizing IndieWeb Meet Ups or an IWC San Diego from UC-San Diego http://www.erinroseglass.com/
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "discord" yet. Would you like to create it?_2 (Or just say "discord is ____", a sentence describing the term)
aaronpk[jgmac1106]: that's the opposite of what I would think would be useful. Our current travel assistance fund explicitly already says it can be used for childcare. I dont see the point of splitting the funds people are contributing to
@hollyWomen, and especially #WomenInTech -- what do you want to see from events and festivals (eg free tampons in toilets, code of conduct etc)? Writing an article, may quote you! (twitter.com/_/status/1139212302086037504)
[tantek]Sknebel if we recorded them in Mozilla’s internal system then it’s likely I never got around to exporting them because it’s quite a pain to do so :/
[jgmac1106]and I have personally been called out for jumping into a conversation where I wasn't welcome from getting there from a syndicated link and not reading entire thread...I never even visited Twitter for context.
[tantek]Also twitter takes a few moments to load the context. Often you only see one reply context upon first viewing a tweet page, then it used JS to retrieve the whole preceding thread
aaronpkwhen I see a tweet that mentions indieweb, I might feel compelled to reply to specifically that tweet, even if the original tweet up in the chain is about something else. It's hard to train yourself out of that
chrisaldrichoften I'll bookmark those (especially from those I don't know directly) and come back several days later and only respond if no one in their immediate network has followed up. (presuming they asked a question or seemed to need some help/advice)
chrisaldrichOften there's also an issue of the branching of threads, so it's important to traverse the entire tree and all the individual threads as their question may have been addressed on tweet 3 when you came in on tweet 7 and otherwise don't see it in the Twitter UI.