#gRegorLLM << "I’m intrigued and bored at the same time: I find it quickly becomes quite tedious. I have a sort of inner dissatisfaction when I play with it, a little like the feeling I get from eating a lot of confectionery when I’m hungry. I suspect this is because the joy of art isn’t only the pleasure of an end result but also the experience of going through the process of having made it." [https://www.bostonreview.net/forum_res
#gRegorponse/ais-walking-dog/ AI’s Walking Dog] by Brian Eno
#Loqiok, I added ""I’m intrigued and bored at the same time: I find it quickly becomes quite tedious. I have a sort of inner dissatisfaction when I play with it, a little like the feeling I get from eating a lot of confectionery when I’m hungry. I suspect this is because the joy of art isn’t only the pleasure of an end result but also the experience of going through the process of having made it." [https://www.bostonreview.net/forum_res" to the "See Also" section of /large_language_modelhttps://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=99102&oldid=97921
#Loqi🎁 Welcome to the IndieWeb Gift Calendar! The 2024 IndieWeb Gift Calendar is the 8th annual group effort to gift (ship) one or more IndieWeb-related thing(s) each day of December that others can use to improve their IndieWeb experience https://indieweb.org/gift_calendar
#Loqi💬 Join #indieweb discussions via Discord, Slack, web chat, or IRC, (they are all bridged!) with focused channels for developers, WordPress, and meta topics! https://indieweb.org/chat.indieweb.org
#gRegorOh, there we go. I think it's the temp file stuff in dev
#KupietzOh, OK, I think this is what you guys were discussing earlier… I had an exchange on #Dev in Slack that isn’t showing up in the Web chat. It was when I mentioned the HTML validator and James G replied that today’s HWC meeting was going to be a year and wrapup. Still seeing it in Slack, not seeing it all in the web interface.
#gRegorThere was a hiccup with chat logs from sometime last night until this mornign, so chat.indieweb.org has gaps.
#gRegorBut the messages should have gone to IRC and Discord at the time, so people would have seen them at the time
#[tantek]2This is a beautiful post from 2024-12-16 that I'm going to add as a gift on the calendar because it is absolutely encouraging of blogging more: https://dominikhofer.me/joy-of-writing-online
#Loqiwhy post is a question that can help you post things more intentionally, perhaps less or more often, and provide motivation to post on your own site instead of social media silos or in addition for more distribution per the POSSE method https://indieweb.org/why_blog