#wordpress 2018-08-18
2018-08-18 UTC
rigel5, [grantcodes], Sheraf, tantek, j12t, GorillaWarfare15, mist23, slackjeff, Jguy, Xenthys26, tantek__, Deusdeorum9, Vlad, MetBril, ben_zen13, Evidlo7, meme1, tafthartharath, Xenthys11, [kevinmarks], Guest89349, hggdh7, jgmac1106_, Yes_ma`am, [metbril], ori29 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] [acegiak] the new plugin uses rel="alternative" and kind of skips the theme itself

jgmac1106 and acegiak joined the channel
Alina-malina15 joined the channel
jimby25, [kevinmarks], Janusz26, Guest56779, rs-afk, jgmac1106, [eddie], [jgmac1106], robotroll and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] keep bumping into plugins and theme features that share urls from http and not https

[jgmac1106] not your theme but look at the url the podcasting app generates http://jgregorymcverry.com/series/2toponder/

[jgmac1106] happens to me sometimes on file uploads, will try to document

[chrisaldrich] I've seen a few spurious errors, but have noticed it seems like more micropub clients seem to work now... I need to file some of the things I've run across as errors. Hopefully will have some time this morening to continue on...

[chrisaldrich] I've been running on a test server. I think I'll put it on my production site today.

[chrisaldrich] [jgmac1106] the manual endpoint from your question earlier is here: http://ceouimet.com/wp-json/webmention/1.0/endpoint

[chrisaldrich] iirc some of [jackjamieson]'s early work with Yarns was built on acegiak's work on WisperFollow. It's so exciting to see how far things have come in such a relatively short amount of time

[chrisaldrich] I know there were some issues in which JetPack was completely taking over the rendering of the comments section output that were causing problems with that manual webmention form field, but I think they fixed it 6+ months ago.

HarryS18 joined the channel
[stefp] joined the channel
[stefp] Still trying to work out why the Indieauth plugin won’t work for me
[stefp] there are no errors in the debug log but an error appears in the cPanel log when I try to use it
[stefp] they all look like this…
ForexTrader joined the channel
[stefp] 2018-08-18 14:44:25.707496 [INFO] [] File not found [/home/stephenp/public_html/403.shtml]
[stefp] Krystal Hosting in the UK
[stefp] I asked them if any changes had been made but they said no
[stefp] the plugin worked perfectly and then stopped
[stefp] the last one I can use is 2.1.1
[stefp] it works with github etc
[stefp] just wont work with my own site
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[stefp] doesn’t this older version use the rel=me links to authorise?
[stefp] 2.1.1 still has a setting for Indieauth.com
[stefp] It’s the built in endpoint that won’t work
[stefp] I see
[stefp] It’s strange that the built in endpoint worked and then just stopped
suim4 joined the channel
[stefp] sounds like a good idea
[stefp] I’ll keep using indieauth.com in the meantime
[stefp] I only get a 403 forbidden error
[stefp] no other details
idn18 joined the channel
[stefp] I have have a second Wordpress site I’m trying on a new dedicated WP hosting setup with Krystal
[stefp] I just tested the plugin there and it’s working
[stefp] it’s a brand new installation with only Micropub and Indieauth installed
[stefp] sorry I logged into Quil
[stefp] Quill
[stefp] aaronpk I can on the second site
[stefp] the error doesn’t appear in Quill
[stefp] it’s a server error page
[stefp] must be something in my current installation
[stefp] I get to the authorize/scope page. Clicking Authorize leads to the error
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[stefp] I have Sucuri Security. No caching.
[stefp] try turning that off though
jgmac1106 joined the channel
[stefp] It’s a new dedicated WP hosting service whatever that means
[stefp] From the same provider
[stefp] I’m just testing it
[stefp] That’s right
[stefp] I’m going to investigate the details of the test server. See what’s different.
[stefp] If anything
[stefp] It’s a brand new service and still in beta.
[stefp] No prices yet
[stefp] I could try importing the main site and see what happens
[stefp] Yeah I just meant as a test but I should just wait
ArsenArsen12 joined the channel
[stefp] I’ll try that.
[stefp] Thanks for taking the time to try and fix this.
[pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] Aaronpk have you seen my questions?

[pfefferle] Micropub?

[pfefferle] Webmentions are still some open things, that you wanted to fix or am I wrong?

Skunky23 joined the channel
[pfefferle] Ok, I will have a look... might take some time, because I am at a wedding atm.

[pfefferle] Some time means tomorrow ;)

joepie9126, jgmac1106 and jwhisnant14 joined the channel
jgmac1106, [kevinmarks] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] GWG always online!

elkalamar5, hsiktas18, deltab6, F4RR3LL, AlwaysHigh28, ms782121, limbo, MikeoftheEast, manish20, raynold, [kevinmarks], hggdh14, weaksauce15 and [pfefferle] joined the channel
[pfefferle] aaronpk I have some questions regarding your ActivityPub implementation: Is your Outbox functional? if so, how can I request your posts? ...

[pfefferle] What feed is mastodon using? And how is the discovery working?

iamtakingiteasy joined the channel