[jgmac1106][tantek] there are some social feed themes for WP, none great, but the ones I have found all use some form of Buddypress. Not sure why but I have always hated the process of having to configure Buddypress, especially when you end up with 100+ users, I end up needing 4 dozen plug most of which aren't compatible with each other.
LoqiPersona was an email-based authentication service from Mozilla that was supported by IndieAuth for rel-me links to email addresses; it was shut down November 30, 2016 https://indieweb.org/Persona
LoqiXFN (XHTML Friends Network) is the network of visible links across blogs that claim various XFN relationships with/to each other https://indieweb.org/XFN
petermolnar[joewillmott]: there is a lag in communication on irc channels like this; many of us stay connected all the time, but only read it a few times during the day. Also keep in mind: time zones ;)
[joewillmott]i dont even know what this place is tbh... an old coursemate told me to "POSSE UP" so i read a bit about posse, then clicked around and ended up here 🙃
[kevinmarks]strk: the point of the commenter having to provide the vouch url is to put a bit more burden on them than the host, as they're the one hoping to get a comment displayed
petermolnarone of the main problems that has been addressed lately was to make it simpler to post to your own site; I'd recommend looking into https://indieweb.org/Micropub
[joewillmott]heh, the schedule is disgustingly crammed atm with people wanting projects ready for winter, but im sure once spring is in full-swing there will be a bit of breathing room where i can drag my website out of 1997
skippythis community is one way to approach decentralized networked communication, with an eye toward owning one's data. it's still a work-in-progress in many ways, and not for everyone yet.
[joewillmott]being a dev at a few agencies meant getting increasingly frustrated at decisions made by the UX teams, but being a dev meant i couldn't get heard... so i dropped the dev life for UX and life is sweeeeet
[joewillmott]that's what i gathered, Skippy. that's the kind of future i wouldn't know where to help or breakthrough, but the idea behind it will create a future i very much want to embrace
[joewillmott]Right well I'm at work and I cannot possibly keep reading the indieweb website without somebody saying "you dont look like youre working!" so i shall revert to lurk mode
@kevinmarks↩️ the pattern we have in http://chat.indieweb.org is a good one - there's a bot that looks for "what is ___?" and if there's a wiki page for that, it shows the summary and link. If there isn't a wiki page it asks the channel for a summary and remembers it. (twitter.com/_/status/981516257852907521)
skippyi had a fascinating conversation with my step-daughter last night about the ease of networked communication today. We live in Ohio, she's going to university in Toronto, Canada in the fall. She's already found a bunch of other incomign freshmen and has started developing friends.
strkI don't have time to read that now (and it's clear it wasn't "easy" to publish that either) but will send it to some reading device for later, thanks !:)
@JohnONolanAfter 4 years of running a (11,000 member) public Slack community for @TryGhost — today we’ve decided to shut the whole thing down for good. I’ve got a few interesting observations to share from the experience, and what we’re moving to now instead. And so beginneth the thread: (twitter.com/_/status/980872508395188224)
@jgmac1106↩️ until your kids wants to share a video or stream from their video game system in a live broadcast.
Until we get there #indieweb will still be a niche of nerds. Just glad we keep getting more nerds (twitter.com/_/status/981559181986729991)
@ethanwhite8 yo: We're learning to make websites at school. Me: Awesome, are you using Google Sites or something. 8 yo opens a text editor and types in 6 valid lines of html. Me: ... 8 yo: Dad, why are you crying? (twitter.com/_/status/980943539721863169)
[jgmac1106][joewillmott] not sure I agree. What I think happened was nerd as an insult was left in the nineties when all the nerds became the bosses in 00s. Now worn more with badge of honor rather than insult. I didn't go into CompSci because I feared the social backlash after getting made fun of doing a demo of a basic program I wrote in 6th grade (and I hated PASCAL and that is all middle school taught after an annoying how to use Office class)
[jgmac1106][joewillmott] just thinking what would it take to get folks who are so dependent on easy an UX to share massive media files through networks that do codec wizardry.
[joewillmott]Nah jgmac I think nerds don't exist, not because it became "cool" - but because young people are the people that see others as nerds. When you're older you don't think "what a nerd!" you think "what a clever bugger" - but young people, kids even, are learning the kind of stuff that would've made an adult a "nerd" in their eyes back in the old days...
[jgmac1106]...off to class...where ten weeks in I still can only get 60% to correctly share a link to a wordpress blogpost. Most just copy the link to their WP editor
[jgmac1106]@joewillmot I have done ton of videos , gif casts, and written tutorials just to teach whah it a url and how do I share one. Something about the new WP editor makes it hard for them to find the link when they hit publish. I also blame Apple for deprecating the URL in Safari..Many of my students hurt by the power of default
[jgmac1106]COPPA compliance is really hard and most companies will just stay away from anyone under 13 years old....Waiting to see the 16+ impact of GDPR on edtech Always a problem when we were building learning tools at Mozilla since email is sign on du jour
[jgmac1106]I am so excited for Firefox Reality, been telling anyone who would listen (and those who don't want to) that lowcost WebVR will be the better play since I tried it on Nightly a few years back. Even I can use A-Frame to make stuff.
[jgmac1106]Every single incoming class at our UNI gets a a private facebook group. They then share there snaps and instagram accounts to connect away from the sanctioned group, but that FB is showing to be a huge part of retention funnel
[jgmac1106]I like the devtools in Safari but too much just doesn't work, like every plus once latest FF dropped it was no question. All the speed and all the privacy. I am in
ben_thatmustbeme, j12t and klandwehr joined the channel
[jgmac1106][tantek] was thinking we should get an #indieweb project going for upcoming Mozilla Global Sprints. Maybe an online homebrewclub for people new but try to find a "good first bug" project to attract devs to indieweb spirit
chrisaldrichstrk: The @ethanwhite comment above was an unfurled link from twitter courtesy of Loqi based on tantek's link in the line just above it. EthanWhite isn't someone actually here in the chat.
Loqitranslations are alternative versions of posts that have been translated (rewritten with the intent of maintaining meaning) into another language https://indieweb.org/translations
chrisaldrichI've got some passable Spanish, French, and even Latin, but I'm better at writing/reading and not so good at conversation. Over the past year I'm doing more in Japanese using immersive methods....
jalcineKartikPrabhu: the languages I'd go for are 'native' to me heritage wise; it's more for studying to be honest. And it's a pretty tonal language - how it's written reflects pronouncation
chrisaldrichPrimarily I'm interested in pointing people to better resources for indieweb when their native languages are French, Spanish, Japanese, etc.
[sdepolo][aaronpk] would you be interested in writing something about your new indieweb reader for the GoDaddy blog? We have a post due on Monday 4/9, any chance you’d be able to write something by then? I enjoyed your post on building it: https://aaronparecki.com/2018/03/12/17/building-an-indieweb-reader and the post for our audience would need to be an intro to what an indieweb reader is and why people would care with a link to your post for the detail
[joewillmott]The agency I work at requires all employees to write blog posts for the company website, which is fine. I've got blog post ideas flowing out of my head all day long. I write down the ideas, but I want them to be MINE. As such, I only write the worst ones up on the company blog, saving the good ones for if the day ever comes when I write up my own stuff. The problem is, because I write the rubbish ones, my peers/boss are starting to think I don
[joewillmott]Don't get me wrong here; I *know* this isn't the actual reason behind indieweb, but it's semi-sort-of-related and something that's been bugging me the last few months...:
[joewillmott]I'd be fine to write up some of the better posts, if I still OWNED them... like I could re-publish them on my own blog in the future (when I eventually move on from this job). Does anyone know if that'd be legally classed as theft, or is it okay? I fully understand it's a bit of a dick move, but being a dick is just part of getting shit done. It's the legal aspect that worries me.
LoqiIndieweb for Journalism is the application of Indieweb principles to one's personal site with a particular emphasis on use cases for journalists, photographers, editors, related bloggers and platforms which are publishing their work https://indieweb.org/Indieweb_for_Journalism
tantekyou may also consider negotiating for 1) publishing on your own site either immediately after (PESOS), or perhaps after some embargo period (3-6 mo?) after each post published date, and 2) have copyright in the content fully revert to you if they choose to unpublish your posts (permalinks) for any reason or in anyway (say like site-death.
[chrisaldrich]You might also ask them to publish your material (and others in the company) with a particular license which could then give you and others the ability to do these things.
aaronpkif the site goes down (literally if they stop "using" the content), then I notify them, and if they don't do anything for 12 months then the exclusivity clause is revoked and I am able to publish it elsewhere myself
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "exclusivity" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "exclusivity is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tantekdo you have general permission to do so, or is it one of those they don't care enough to bother? or do you have encouragement/support to broaden the "reach" of your work blog posts however you want?
[joewillmott]I'm pretty sure they wouldn't care if I did it now... but one day I intend to be competition++ so I should probably get it written somewhere in my contract that they only get exclusivity for X time or something
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "publishing rights" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "publishing rights is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tantekchrisaldrich - want to start with the "exclusivity" dfn? that seems like a good very specific (potential harm) to document, applicable to journalism and academia publishing
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "exclusivity" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "exclusivity is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "work for hire" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "work for hire is ____", a sentence describing the term)
LoqiTrends is a feature on social media silos that shows the some of the most popular hashtags (AKA Trending hashtags), links, news articles, words, or phrases that are being used or cited in posts, and have been criticized on Facebook & Twitter for being manipulated by bots and/or showing conspiracy theories at the top https://indieweb.org/trending
LoqiHTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the language used to create web pages, thus one of the building blocks of the IndieWeb https://indieweb.org/HTML
[sdepolo]yes [aaronpk] you are welcome to post the content on your own site too. We ask that you wait a few days first and mention that it appeared first on the GoDaddy Garage blog and include a connonical tag
tantekembargo in the context of the indieweb likely refers to the publishing practice of requiring [[exclusive]] rights to publish an article by an author on a publisher’s website, some amount of time (typicaly days, sometimes months) before the author publishes it on their own personal site.
tantekembargo is in the context of the indieweb, the publishing practice of requiring [[exclusive]] rights to publish an article by an author on a publisher’s website, some amount of time (typicaly days, sometimes months) before the author publishes it on their own personal site.
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "indieweb for business" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "indieweb for business is ____", a sentence describing the term)
tantek[kevinmarks] or perhaps make them a profile on one domain, with an offer to upgrade them to their own domain for $x / year, minimum n (5?) years prepaid.
[jgmac1106][tantek] I am running a series of classes with our Chamber of Commerce to try to get local businesses off of facebook and onto their own websites where they syndicate links....trying to the same with my sons Cub Scout troop. Having better luck with the small businesses.
[jgmac1106]I get a few side gigs out of it. In terms of charging (I know its low) but moving to monthly fees versus a flat fee for a website. I get MRR but the real goal is to get everyone to do it themselves
[jgmac1106]A couple people launched a weekly for profit paper since we haven't had one in decades. Going to try and see if I can get them to spin up a forum or something. facebook is the only way to get any local updates...Not having as much luck on this...and of course I will blog about it....Funny thing is facebook was a major for funnel for identifying folks who want to be off facebook. I deactivated again
[jgmac1106]Websites for creatives easier to introduce indieweb, share what you make or build everywhere, when working retail just learning how to do inventory, tax, etc so much work. Guess the question would be what would an indieweb backend for retail look like? Would there even be a point? I also have a FT job, and run a company with four employees so client work time hard to squeeze in. Helps I can think about as giving back to town
[jgmac1106]but I am a hypocrite my own business isn't as open (our blogs are all indieweb powered) as I want but that's more about not being the controlling partner.
snarfedi think most traditional ecommerce and other online business techniques apply. you don't need indieweb-specific tools per se. a domain, decent data portability, and ideally mf2 + wms etc are really all it takes.