#meta 2018-10-28

2018-10-28 UTC
jjuran, [dougbeal], benwerd, Xeno1, sl007, [sebsel], sebsel, [jgmac1106] and [pfefferle] joined the channel
The #indieweb module for #drupal now contains a Microsub server. Channels and timeline actions are implemented, so readers work already fine! More info about Microsub at https://indieweb.org/Microsub
bradenslen joined the channel
New #beta version released for #drupal8 #module indieweb (8.x-1.0-beta3). More info: https://www.drupal.org/project/indieweb
edited /events/2018-10-27-mozfest (+200) "IndieWeb Related Sessions / Decentralized Web Standards: From ActivityPub to Webmention"
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[tantek] and sebsel joined the channel
swentel++ wow! is that the *second* Microsub server implementation?
swentel has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (28 in all channels)
In other news, spread the word, new last minute session I worked with the MozFest wranglers to create at MozFest on "Decentralized Web Standards: From ActivityPub to Webmention" in room 604
hmm should I post a last minute Indie Event for this session?
Nice! At least add to the wiki
swentel++ for another Microsub server!
swentel has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (29 in all channels)
aaronpk is that the second implementation? that's huge if that's true
time for a test suite?
its the third or fourth, depending on what you count I think
oh, I should hurry if I want to make the top 5 then :o
tonz joined the channel
It's been a while since I've made a test suite haha
I need to do one for IndieAuth too
New #beta version released for #drupal8 #module indieweb (8.x-1.0-beta4). More info: https://www.drupal.org/project/indieweb
[tonz] joined the channel
sknebel if it's the 3rd or 4th, you should be able to point to the list of implementations on /Microsub#Implementations
and "is building" is not the same as built and usable
we should distinguish those
ready to use and live
vs in progress
it is probable
@timmmmyboy I agree. There's also some thoughts on how to grow ... • Aaron Parecki: https://aaronparecki.com/2015/05/16/5/indieweb
↩️ Do like#IndieWeb model of encouraging participation by starting WITH contributors goals rather than an institutional goals. Do wonder if this is easier when donating to open source projects with no governance rather than those with formal… http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/10/28/cmcd_phd-do-likeindieweb-model-of-encouraging-participation
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
!tell tantek picture if you need one for the event page later: https://twitter.com/Downes/status/1056219121086537728
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
As I've been building and delivering the #el30 course I've been documenting the process in very detailed technical posts describing the design and construction - I'm up to seven posts now (and will probably double that by the time I'm done) starting here: https://halfanhour.blogspot.com/2018/09/designing-e-learning-30-in-grsshopper-1.html
oops wrong link
Taking about decentralised Web standards. Some exciting possibilities for interoperability. #mozfest https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Dqmj0xcWsAA4MH2.jpg
Bookmarks as a form of qualitative coding? I am going through and searching #IndieWeb logs as part of my research into affinity spaces. Makes me think my blog could be the tool I use to organuize data for qualitative research, Wish Known had fragmentions… http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2018/10/28/bookmarks-as-a-form-of-qualitative-coding
[jgmac1106] is syndicating bookmarks I guess?
oops....sorry I forgot
Doing research
Loqi needs a self imposed mute button.....but then again I keep using the syndication links in meta...maybe it will be useful to someone in five years.
I was wondering what that was
experimenting if I can own my qualitative coding from my domain.
how to share bookmarks is an interesting question – e.g. I've decided to generally try to not feature bookmarks without commentary, even if it's just a small note providing context
yeah wondering [sknebel] but if I did use twitter interactions as an indicator to audience usefulness my bookmarks often get the highest impagts
but the open ed group is a long time (if nto only one left) social bookmarking sharing community
edited /Microsub (+32) "separate out in-progress servers, rephrase sentences about production servers"
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Example as people and not technology being labeled as generations: https://chat.indieweb.org/2017-06-22/1498164796780000
edited /events/2018-10-27-mozfest (+428) "add explicit session with indie event, add photo"
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[pfefferle] joined the channel
edited /events/2018-10-27-mozfest (+38) "/* Guest Book */ add a few folks that were there"
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[tantek] joined the channel
great last minute session at MozFest! added photo
so we have at least one photo for this week's newsletter
[tantek]: [jgmac1106] left you a message 34 minutes ago: picture if you need one for the event page later: https://twitter.com/Downes/status/1056219121086537728
got it!
sknebel your bookmark questions is somewhere between #indieweb and #dev. I'll try #indieweb and if it gets technical we can take it to #dev
aaronpk I covered a dozen or more spec summaries in ~10 minutes.
was it recorded?
really wish I'd somehow recorded the session
I would have loved to see that
I need to figure out a portable self-session recording kit
yeah that's a tough problem
that doesn't depend on me using my laptop
I mean, do I need to break out my camcorder from the 90s wtf?
I have a lot of thoughts and experience on that
yes, or a gopro, but you also need a good microphone
I still keep my flip camera for this reason..wow those things were great
lol yes
one button, one purpose device
need a tripod too
actually your ipod and a tripod plus a wireless mic could do a good job
I guess hypothetically another iPod touch + tripod could be enough
there are mozfest sessions where I was liveblogging with one hand and trying periscope with the other
and duct tape, always duct tape
it has to be setup and let it go
aaronpk we should figure out a "kit" for this
cheap - with the cheapest ipod touch
multidirectional mics are key as well
it would say its ipod, tripod, mic
multidirectional bluetooth mic paired to the iPod touch
I have a good little wireless mic that I brought to nürnberg
the jabra one at NY is good too if you need to pick up more than one person
so that's the kit. ipod touch, multidirectional bluetooth mic, mini tripod
edited /bookmark (+263) "/* Why */"
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be nice if we had a kit for the Americas and one for Europe that could be shipped out to events ahead of time
we can definitely make that happen
speaking of recording, i'm planning on bringing my Nürnberg video kit to Berlin again so that we don't have to rely on getting video out of the mozilla system
edited /Microsub (+104) "/* Servers */ distinguish proxies"
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edited /events/2018-10-27-mozfest (+372) "/* IndieWeb Related Sessions */ tweets"
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and speaking of your buidlignblocks, I split the video into 3 parts to share it...MY ISP boots me everytime I try to upload to AWS..gonna try three smaller files
cweiske++ for an awesome chat search
cweiske has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (26 in all channels)
FYI 1549 mentions of "+learn -delete -created" in the chat logs
↩️ Quick suggestion take a look at http://indieweb.org (which covers a lot of different publishing software) and the "POSSE" (publish once syndicate elsewhere) model. So the blog is like the hub and social media is like the spokes
[kevinmarks786] joined the channel
↩️ That collective commons?? We call it the web, get a domain, get a website and #BeYourOwnSocialNetwork #IndieWeb #MozFest (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/aVbyR)
the default camera app on iOS can't record from an external mic
swentel joined the channel
edited /bookmark (+10) "/* Why */ reframing my why"
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↩️ If I come off as a patronizing I offer my apologies. The web can never be the collective commons if onboarding is exclusionary. #IndieWeb (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/FpBhK)
the alternative is an external mic that plugs in like the little one I had in Nürnberg. then it can record using the normal camera app
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
got beat up on that one, was responding to a webmention not realizing I was breaking an unspoken rule of Twitter
edited /events/2018-10-31-homebrew-website-club (+2) "/* Virtual European Time */ whops, bad bot. cleanup..."
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so do I turn this thing into a bridgy-like thing? or do I hook it into the wikis webmention.io? (that might be a bit too surprising?)
what's that now?
last 2 edits above :D
no I think hooking into the webmention endpoint makes sense
if someone posts an RSVP and sends a webmention to the wiki it should just work
[Rose] joined the channel
okay, so I need to set up a webhook target and you can set me up a hook in webmention.io?
could also crawl future HWC pages' WMs through the API, but if we have hooks...
yeah I can set up a hook
k, will ping you once I got the other bits ready
[eddie] joined the channel
You folks should build a news stack or template for an #IndieWeb news site. I hate that all the local WordPress themes rely on the facebook comment plugins. Webmentions would be even better. Heck maybe they could do local subdomains for revenue (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1zaHAm)
sl007 joined the channel
That’s pretty awesome sknebel
It's fairly dependent on the wiki pages being "just right", but they generally are
since the tricky bit of all this is "here's a blob of wiki markup. make your changes, don't destroy anything, and give it back"
is it even looking at the fragment to know which section to post the RSVP in?
that's the easiest way I could come up with to find the right one
nice yeah
what tripped me up at first are the commented-out other sections
but some sprinkling of regex should have that fixed...
Re the recording oneself and microphones: I think it may also take some practice on the person being recorded (e.g. yourself). I remember sebsel holding the bluetooth mic in Nürnberg and very cleverly repeating a question that was asked. Haven’t checked the online recording yet, but I imagine that really helps lessen the dependency on multidirectional mics. But personally I wouldn’t think to repeat the question like that before
answering ... needs training
it takes a long time to train people to repeat the question :)
even people who do a lot of public speaking
I guess I just watch too many conference talks on youtube. it was a reflex for me. I didn't actually hold any mic :P
[tonz] joined the channel
Didn’t you? I thought you did. I thought someone did...
Either way, on point with the repeating of the question!
sebsel++ public speaking skills
sebsel has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (23 in all channels)
[frank] joined the channel
[kevinmarks786], petermolnar, [eddie] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
When researching cool web communities like #IndieWeb and #DS106 I have to fight the depression of trying to squeeze all these webby things down into the limitations of text. Also fight urge to just go full digital essay https://jgregorymcverry.com/ds106-as-an-affinity-space/ (http://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/1r1pH0)