#social 2017-09-17
2017-09-17 UTC
jankusanagi_, xmpp-social and howl joined the channel
xmpp-social [Takyoji] cwebber: under section 7.11 of the ActivityPub spec, I'm assuming "increment the object's count of likes" was intended to be "increment the object's count of shares" for the Announce activity; or is the current text intentional?
xmpp-social [Takyoji] Also, for section 7.1.3, I assume 'from' is mistakenly in the sentence 'When an object is being delivered from to the originating actor's followers, (...)"
Gargron cwebber: pleroma implemented custom emoji in ostatus https://gitgud.io/lambadalambda/pleroma/compare/03952a27600b0947c415a72655262eaa37804d23...7c82b8219734102ff24d9dc24226c08351e608cc i'm assuming we could do something similiar, for example with
{ content: 'Test :foo:', tag: [{ type: 'Emoji', name: ':foo:', href: 'http://example.com/foo.png'}] }
Gargron do you think that's reasonable? probably would be a legit json-ld extension
erincandescent Gargron: For emoji i'd be very tempted to just do <img src="foo.png" alt=":foo:"> or maybe <img src="foo.png" data-emoji="foo">
erincandescent This has the nice benefit of clean fallback for unaware implementations too
Gargron no, i dislike that because i will not render <img> tags inline, they'll get sanitized out. mastodon doesn't do hotlinking
erincandescent Well, OK, but you can detect that they're an "emoji img" (using the data-emoji thing) and handle them however you want?
erincandescent And your sanitizer should replace the image with its alt text for fallback anyway
Gargron transforming html is not a pleasant activity
Gargron i'd rather have structured data
Gargron from which to generate final html
erincandescent I mean, you can do whatever you want, but the content field is html
Gargron so it is, and you may put <img> tags there, but i won't show them. we're talking about custom emoji which implies a certain level of additional business logic required, therefore i would prefer a json-ld extension and metadata
erincandescent To me at least, emoji are content and belong in the content :/
saranix I have to agree with erincandescent
saranix really, your parser should just grab the 😅 and if you want to ascribe some sort of semantics to that, do it yourself
Gargron but whatever
puckipedia I agree with erincandescent here, for one important reason: the ":foo:" syntax is not actually standardised anywhere
puckipedia and alternatively, you don't embed standardised emoji as :foo: either. those are the unicode characters
puckipedia and I agree that image fallback is better than text fallback
erincandescent Gargron: But there is text fall back - its' the alt text!
Gargron the prior art here is not unicode emoji, but twitch and discord emotes. when they don't work (e.g. you're not a sub to the right channel) they appear as plaintext/shortcodes
erincandescent I don't know about Discord, but for Twitch that's because Twitch chat is plain text
erincandescent AS2 is not plain text
puckipedia discord is basically plain text also
Gargron yes
Gargron mastodon is basically plain text also tho
Gargron you can't imagine how frustrating we make app dev's lives by forcing them to handle <a> tags for usernames/hashtags in our posts
erincandescent But ActivityPub is not. E.g. you'll get lots of HTML coming across when pump.io joins up
erincandescent (...I once embedded a YouTube video in a pump.io post!)
puckipedia Gargron: "mediaType": "text/plain" :P
Gargron yeah i might eventually switch to that or maybe "source" property, i keep using text/html because ostatus forced us to
puckipedia yep
puckipedia OStatus content has a type attribute
Gargron yeah sure but gnu social used text/html
erincandescent Gargron: I can't say the HTML ever caused me any issue a s a client dev
erincandescent I just passed it to WebKit for rendering
puckipedia Gargron: no reason not to use type="text" between Mastodons
erincandescent mediaType doesn't apply to objects
Gargron mastodons early design decisions were dictated by gnu socials status quo
erincandescent oh wait it does
Gargron anyway
Gargron even if you pass it to webkit, you have to hook up the links in the rendered html to whatever opens profiles in your app
Gargron you have to use the attached mention metadata to match href attribute to the url attribute
Gargron its not pretty
erincandescent They tended to go out to a web browser becasue there was no attached metadata, sadly
Gargron yeah, see, that's not good ux
erincandescent Though usernames embedded in posts were pretty rare on pump.io
puckipedia also don't mentions in Mastodon drop the "@[hostname]" part anyways
Gargron if you got the posts as plaintext with a standard syntax for mentions, you could just render your elements properly from the start
erincandescent But I don't want to post in plaintext :p
Gargron puckipedia: yeah, both gs and mastodon do this for the visible part of the link
puckipedia Gargron: that assumes everyone will use @[nickname]@[domain] anyways
Gargron well, the good thing about html is that you *could* use a different mention format, and as long as the href matches, it would work
puckipedia erincandescent: text/x-org :P
erincandescent gotta work out that href is a mention though
erincandescent puckipedia: eww
erincandescent puckipedia: also can't embed youtube videos in that :P
puckipedia it's an example in the spec! :P
Gargron as i said, its not a pretty task!
puckipedia erincandescent: the mentioning processing is simple in my case - just try to retrieve it as an AS2 object lol
Gargron mastodon uses microformats rel attributes to give the <a>s some meaning
puckipedia (client-side, that is)
Gargron but because gs and other things like hubzilla dont do that, its not reliable
erincandescent Gargron: yeah, that makes sense
Gargron another thing: we do the link preview card for toots, right? we look at the first link. because mentions and hashtags are links just like normal links, this leads to useless results. the rel tag helps us, but again, only mastodon instances attach it
Gargron tldr html has some pros but also lots of cons
erincandescent Gargron: So when I was working on Impeller, I did the link preview generation clientside before posting the thing if somebody shared a URL to the app
erincandescent This is actually how the youtube embedding happened, iirc I scraped the twitter:embed meta tag or something like that
Gargron that is no problem on the origin instance of the toot
Gargron but link previews dont federate
puckipedia "All Objects in [ActivityStreams] should have unique global identifiers." oh no; Link objects; aaaa
erincandescent puckipedia: Links are not Objects
puckipedia erincandescent: I know
Gargron theyre all objects brent
puckipedia anyways help Link objects vs just a url as string
Gargron anyway i guess all i really need for my plan is an Emoji link type
Gargron http://joinmastodon.org/ns/emojo
Gargron is there a json-ld context generator somewhere?
erincandescent Gargron: hmm?
Gargron i am again not sure how that document is supposed to look
Gargron i just wanna define a single type vocabulary
{"@context":{"mastodon": "https://joinmastodon.org/ns#", "Emoji": "mastodon:Emoji"}}
puckipedia I guess
erincandescent Or you could just do <"type": "http://joinmastodon.org/ns#emoji"> in the AS2
erincandescent Though yes capitalization, types should be capitalized
Gargron you suggest i use fragment URI for the emoji context? i was thinking it's best be a stand-alone extension
puckipedia the context I made just kinda equals "Emoji" to "https://joinmastodon.org/ns#Emoji"
erincandescent I guess if you were doing a standalone NS then it'd be something like "http://joinmastodon.org/ns/emoji#Emoji"
{"@context": { "Emoji": "http://joinmastodon.org/ns/emoji#Emoji"}, "type": "Emoji"}
Gargron ok thanks
erincandescent JSON-LD has Too Many Features
puckipedia erincandescent: hm, if I were to store the activitystreams objects as triples, I have to generate blank node IDs for stuff like Link objects, and then transparently remove the IDs again :<
erincandescent puckipedia: yup
puckipedia even worse
puckipedia if I do that it's really expensive to compare "ID to Link object" versus "just a URL"
erincandescent Eh, isBNode(n) => n.startsWith("_:")
erincandescent Or if you're storing as a URI, uri.scheme === "_"
puckipedia but now, what if someone *does* give a Link an ID lol
erincandescent you've already gotta cope with that :(
erincandescent AS2 is too flexible
erincandescent *flashback to ancient postings complaining about this*
puckipedia lol yeah
puckipedia if only JSON-LD had a way to define structure, except for types and properties
erincandescent Way Back When I tried to get every property to be *either* Link or Object, but failed :(
puckipedia :(
erincandescent joined the channel
cwebber Takyoji: you're right re: 7.11 likes vs shares, please file an issue!
cwebber Takyoji: likewise with the typo in 7.1.3
cwebber Gargron: I think this would be a good topic for the SocialCG call
cwebber Gargron: I wonder if rdfa markup or similar wouldn't be a good way to make it machine readable *and* embedded in the content
cwebber but I don't totally understand what pleroma is doing (and don't have a large a mount of time to read through all that right now)... I'd love an explaination for tl;dr the source code
cwebber oh, you're saying you aren't really using html?
cwebber catching up slowly in convo and commenting in read-time ;P
cwebber erincandescent: oh cool I didn't realize you wrote Impeller, nice
cwebber ah, hm
JanKusanagi joined the channel
xmpp-social [Takyoji] Idle unrelated thought: I wonder if it'd be a bad idea to use a signed int as the DB primary key for actors. Positive int if local, negative if remote. Probably nothing to be gained though.
melody i'm just catching up too and i strongly prefer :blah: as a fallback for custom emoji, in a lot of, for instance, slack communities the words you use to insert the emoji are as important if not more important than the actual image, and the XMPP and IRC bridges, as well as the "disable emoji" setting all fall back to that, html isn't the best vehicle
xmpp-social [Takyoji] cwebber: I assume it'd be best to probably hold off creating an issue over a single grammatical error until I probably have a few other minor corrections with it, or?
puckipedia melody: though, those fall back to *text*
puckipedia and disable emoji would be equal to just disabling images, which fall back to alt text, which falls back to :blah:
puckipedia another point, why would you need to 'fall back' to a text variant of emoji
melody disabling emoji and disabling images are not the same thing, and i think falling back to text is preferable
puckipedia still. you can't really disable "emoji" normally, just custom emoji
puckipedia why even make the difference
melody you can if you transform unicode in the emoji range to their :text: representation and handle the image replacement elsewhere, which has been necessary for compatibility reasons historically and is necessary for consistency if you want more consistency across devices in the representations
melody im gonna keep using slack as an example, but because slack allows aliasing multiple :blah: tags to the same image, there has also been a tendency for communities to overload the :blah: with meaning, so you might have an emoji that is say a picture of a trash can but you can make it show up by typing either :bad_day: or :trash_can:
melody the text matters more than the picture
puckipedia so why even have the picture at that point
puckipedia also alt text exists
puckipedia and another thing. the default mediaType is text/html, not text/html+customEmojiWithColonTags
puckipedia I do not want to go parse HTML just so I can parse the proper colon tags out of it
melody and i don't want to parse html just so that i can figure out which <img> tags are actually supposed to be emoji and do something appropriate with them
puckipedia why would you need to? they will show up as proper emoji alreayd
melody i need to if i want a user to be able to disable emoji, or custom emoji, without disabling all images
melody and that's not really an absurd use case, there are people for whom images inlined directly into text content are distracting but who are fine with seeing image posts and images in the UI, or who need a larger font size and the <img> tags won't grow the image to the full line height and they'll be ugly, the text fallback might be the most pleasant user experience
melody i really do think that treating custom emoji the way we treat hashtags or mentions is probably the best case scenario, you define the tag `:my_emoji:` you provide a link to the image and its up to implementations to generate the HTML to link or embed the image if they want to support them, all as more structured data
puckipedia melody: actually. hashtags and mentions *are* already <a> tags in the content
puckipedia so by that logic, this would be an embedded <img> as well
melody then i misunderstood something in my reading
melody or we're talking about different things
puckipedia melody: curl https://icosahedron.website/@colon_three/3909593.json | jq .
melody what is this for? if they're just links https://www.w3.org/TR/activitystreams-vocabulary/#dfn-mention
puckipedia those are metadata
puckipedia but I mean the actual "content", the actual html of the message
puckipedia "content": "<p><span class=\"h-card\"><a href=\"https://mastodon.social/@Gargron\" class=\"u-url mention\">@<span>Gargron</span></a></span> does this mean youtube videos now? :o</p>",
puckipedia but yes, I do think having a Emoji in the tags is good too
melody i guess i made a bad assumption that the metadata would be used to generate the HTML for mentions & hashtags and not that the already-generated HTML would be being passed around
melody but i guess having the structured metadata means i could -- in principle -- strip the HTML and regenerate it using the metadata if i want to / need to for some reason
puckipedia yes
puckipedia alternatively, Mastodon might be providing the plain text content as well later on
puckipedia I prefer to *not* do any post-processing, which is why I prefer embedding the img in the content. because, I don't trust other servers to parse my custom emoji properly :P
melody yeah i think i was misunderstanding the conversation, i'm still new ?
puckipedia no problem :P
melody looking at https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/CR-activitypub-20170509/#source-property what does "In general, clients do the conversion from source to content, not the other way around." mean, i'm not sure what "the other way around" is trying to imply
puckipedia melody: imagine that source is in markdown, and content is in html
puckipedia you basically always go from markdown to html, but why would you ever go from html to markdown
melody is client being used very broadly there? like i'm not sure if this is implying something about client-server interaction and where the responsibility for doing that conversion is
puckipedia it might apply to the previous sentence "to support future editing by clients"
puckipedia anyways if you don't do the client->server part, you can just do whatever you want, I guess
melody Yeah, I'm just trying to figure out what the obligation is.
puckipedia if you are writing the client->server api, just keep the content/source as is, I guess
puckipedia and if you build a client, allow the user to edit source if possible? though that isn't defined
erincandescent Yeah, source is so that a client which doesn't edit with HTML can store its' source on the server. It's not really useful for server<->server interactions or recieving someone else's post
puckipedia true
melody I'm just thinking like, if I wanted a very simple client, I might not want to dereference all of my mentions/hashtags on the client side, so the source might have a mention and a tag in it, but I can't render the final HTML for the content yet
melody I'm trying to determine if that's an allowed thing
puckipedia assuming you control the server as well, you could assume that
erincandescent Anyhow, I still quite like the idea of '<img src="https://example.com/emoji/foo.png" alt=":foo:" class="emoji">'
melody the server has a lot more information at its disposal to handle that sort of parsing & processing
puckipedia erincandescent: same
erincandescent You migth be talking to somebody else's simple server which doesn't do that though
melody sure
melody is the server allowed to do that kind of processing though? or is a complex client just a necessity?
erincandescent The server would be allowed to do a lot but not required
erincandescent And it's very difficult to do it on incoming objects (especially if we envisage a future world where objects are signed by senders)
erincandescent "Suspended Exceed Turbo X Session" oh no I left an xterm open
erincandescent oops wrong window
melody i guess for some context, i'm still trying to scope out whether activitypub is going to work for my needs, i haven't started writing my implementation yet & my interest in federation and the fediverse ends when it gets in the way of my other design goals which are primarily around communication based on informed consent & abuse prevention, ill happily set up a walled garden if need be, but im hoping not to need to
melody so interoperability with other implementations is mostly a tertiary concern, i'm just trying to get a feel for in practice what the obligations/responsibilities are and how much flexibility there is around which components _can_ do what, leaving whether they should or whether other implementations will like it for the "maybe think about later" pile
puckipedia ah. so you only want to use ActivityPub for federation?
melody opposite -- i want to know if activitypub will be suitable for an internal implementation of what i need working with my client/my server with federation as a secondary or tertiary concern, but it would be nice to be able to interoperate
melody i started by trying to work out what i would need to do to ostatus to make it work and the answer was "break it very badly"
melody then i found out about activitypub and now i'm here
puckipedia yeah, OStatus is a mess
melody so basically -- if activitpub is flexible enough for what i need to do, even if i never do federation and none of my stuff works with anyone else's stuff because i have too many custom extensions and my junk's all weird, i'm okay with that on a personal level, i'm interested in not starting from zero on designing the client-to-server and server-to-server communication (if i decide to do the latter)
melody i would *like* to play nice with everyone if possible i'm just not sure the degree to which that will be plausible yet, i'm still wrapping my head around everything
melody i definitely see the logic now behind clients rendering the HTML to the content, i'm not sure whether i can trust other clients to do that, there are so many a11y and i18n implications -- will need to think about this more and go back to my feature list and start mentally remapping the concepts to activitypub
lambda joined the channel
lambda hello
lambda i'm implementing http signatures
lambda but I just can't get the signature examples in the spec (https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-cavage-http-signatures-06) to match
lambda has anyone here tested them out?
Gargron i wanna once and for all clear up that "custom emoji" is not at all the same thing as "unicode emoji", i keep hearing things like "custom emoji should be encoded as unused unicode codepoints or combinations". custom emoji is not "smiling face", custom emoji is, for example, "Keepo", a face of a person named Kappa but with ears of a dota hero named Meepo. you can't encode that as general unicode and the text is meaningful by itself
Gargron and again, i dont wanna stick <img> tags into our status text output in the APIs and i fear all of the bikeshedding which is likely to appear in the PR i've opened
erincandescent OK, but I suspect everyone else's impls is probably going to display your "meepo" emoji as :meepo: or similar...
Gargron and that's fine imo
lambda yeah i think so too
cwebber Takyoji: up to you, I think it's ok to file multiple issues... if they're small they're easy to close! :)
saranix lambda: yeah someone else had the same problem, we tested them and both came up with the same result that was different from the spec. Never field an issue (don't know how, and/or it's on github don't remember)
lambda saranix: thanks
lambda it's the salmon spec all over again
cwebber hey lambda
cwebber lambda: I just did that and bumped into the same thing
cwebber I talked to the spec author
cwebber there's an open issue
cwebber the examples don't work in there because some fields were changed
cwebber so it's not you
cwebber lambda: but maybe we should see if *our* implementations match
cwebber lambda: (ie, the examples in the spec are broken and its a known issue)
cwebber lambda: https://github.com/w3c-dvcg/http-signatures/issues/21
lambda ONE JOB
lambda oh well
cwebber lambda: you just did the signatures with the spec's private key right?
cwebber could you paste me the output?
cwebber let me see if it validates here
lambda the first one for default is
lambda jKyvPcxB4JbmYY4mByyBY7cZfNl4OW9HpFQlG7N4YcJPteKTu4MWCLyk+gIr0wDgqtLWf9NLpMAM imdfsH7FSWGfbMFSrsVTHNTk0rK3usrfFnti1dxsM4jl0kYJCKTGI/UWkqiaxwNiKqGcdlEDrTcU hhsFsOIo8VhddmZTZ8w=
cwebber lambda: ok hold on, I'm pulling up my test-file for this
lambda i got that with ruby, erlang and the openssl binary
cwebber lambda: sounds like it's probably right :)
cwebber lambda: but let me chech here
lambda when signing the string "date: Thu, 05 Jan 2014 21:31:40 GMT" with the private key in that spec
cwebber lambda: YES
cwebber it passes!
cwebber wow what a RELIEF
lambda nice
cwebber a couple nights ago I had gotten all the way through the implementation
cwebber and then I hit the test failures
cwebber and pretty much collapsed lol
lambda hehe
cwebber but then I found out the spec was wrong
lambda just great...
lambda oh well, that's what irc is for
cwebber lambda: let me try signing the other examples and see if you get the same result
cwebber specifically 3.1.2
cwebber since that has multiple fields
cwebber oops
cwebber not 3.1.2 :P
lambda C2?
cwebber yes
cwebber QpRXM41ULQLVLwOfhZn72EKVloAsBCZ4uQ84KZmpfDDQkOfOuSfAMmrd6GLsPoRiZT0dgZdA9BSSnacYiVREdsEAJ9cftHFDskxaCcqrDBinKD+va9FNZVj1koBm8BzTrOuSFJK+HVO16Du846akXIA7hYK9xa5kAqodEZEB2e4=
cwebber is what I get here
lambda what's the string you sign?
cwebber "(request-target): post /foo\nhost: example.com\ndate: Thu, 05 Jan 2014 21:31:40 GMT"
cwebber the spec says to do \n rather than \r\n I think for the normalized string
lambda yes, i get the same for that string
cwebber lambda: awesome.
cwebber lambda: I'm going to submit a PR for the spec then.
cwebber lambda: thanks for testing, and glad I caught your post in the backscroll :)
lambda but you're missing the param=value&pet=dog in your string
cwebber wait am I
cwebber shit
cwebber lol
cwebber oops you're right
lambda with it, the value i get is HUxc9BS3P/kPhSmJo+0pQ4IsCo007vkv6bUm4Qehrx+B1Eo4Mq5/6KylET72ZpMUS80XvjlOPjKz xfeTQj4DiKbAzwJAb4HX3qX6obQTa00/qPDXlMepD2JtTw33yNnm/0xV7fQuvILN/ys+378Ysi08 2+4xBQFwvhNvSoVsGv4=
lambda but yeah, i guess it's actually rather straightforward
lambda i was just thrown off by the wrong examples in the spec and stopped trusting my code :)
cwebber lambda: great
cwebber I get the same
cwebber lambda: thanks for catching my error on the query parameters too
cwebber cool!
cwebber the only problem I have in my implementation right now then is that I need to call out from guile to python to parse the PEM stuff because I don't have time to get all that parsing working within test suite deadlines D:
cwebber but that's not the fault of http signatures as much as it is ASN.1 and DER and all that
cwebber btw I complained a bunch in here that "Rivest's canonical-sexps are so much better for encoding these things" so I decided to do an implementation last night to prove myself right
cwebber got a working implementation in 3 hours :P
cwebber stupid PEM/DER/ASN.1